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Yes, we play in pvp serv., but beating infant can not bring some honor and value, only perverted feeling to own importance and shame(in my eyes anyway). I love pvp and nothing have not against gank and knife in back, but vs more less same opponent, that have a chance bit u in answer.



Excuse me if in letter to be kept the mistakes, coze english not my native languige.

Edited by Uruglot
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An old article, but still can be used now days.

Making Our Own World PvP

You have a brand new lightsaber and you really want to drive home the news to the opposite faction players. Seeing them in an occasional warzone isn’t enough, you want those PvEers to know too. Reputation is important right?


Or maybe your on the other side of the coin. There is a brand new lightsaber repeatedly striking at your head. Don’t these guys have something better to do than stop me from doing my dailies? Actually no we don’t. Queue times are long and Ilum is abandon. It’s up to us to make our own world PvP. Why to gank, where to gank, and how to not get ganked.


Find out how after the break!

To gank or not to gank. That is a silly question. If you live on an RP server then this is not an issue and if you live on a PvP server then this is what you signed up for. No more complaining that they are higher level than you, or have better gear, or that you are outnumbered. And also no more walking past enemies like you don’t see them. If you live on a PvP server then learn to love every side of the coin.




Every player has both a right and an obligation to gank. Attacking enemy players adds to the flavor of the game and is intended. Even lowbies are ethical targets.


But that’s mean! And unfair! We’re just trying to quest!


Neither mean nor unfair. No sir, world PvP is both ethical and just. That’s simply the nature of the game. Poor game design that rewards larger groups (Ilum) is a separate issue. But when you are roaming around with a buddy and 4 enemies destroy the two of you there is nothing mean or unfair about that.


And what about your precious questing? That’s why I gank. See, by slowing your progress I am actually buffing myself a small amount. I can’t possibly farm gear any faster since I am already waiting for my warzone queue to pop, but by preventing you from succeeding, my success becomes even greater. Gear and progress, both in SWTOR and real life, is a matter of relativity. It’s in your best interests to slow everyone else down.* (I do not recommend ganking in real life).


Flavor and Lowbies

It also adds to the flavor of the game. We have a duty, especially on PvP servers, to keep up animosity between the sides. It just doesn’t feel right for a Jedi and Sith to ride their speeders right past each other while searching for the exact same loot. We owe Star Wars a little bit more role playing than that. At least the first time you encounter an enemy follow the age old rule: “If it’s red, it’s dead.”


What about lowbies? Those helpless little goofballs are always pleading for their lives. Killing them is a controversial subject, but still, follow the rule. It’s your duty to the Star Wars universe to attack them on sight. You are keeping the flavor of the game alive in the animosity between the sides and thus ganking is not entirely rude.


Getting ganked might make us angry, but in hindsight, it really adds to the sense of danger that we want our PvP servers to have. We should thank our gankers for helping us live out our dreams in a dangerous environment. Give gankers respect both because they deserve it and it is the easiest way not to get ganked.




How to not be the Ganked


Attack first.Stay aware. Don’t get caught off guard. Make sure your buffs are up and your best PvP companion is out. See an enemy? Not even sure what class they are yet? Attack!


Upon sighting an unbeatable player, either higher level gear or skill, either hide from them or confidently greet them. An act of confidence or equality often dissuades them from attacking. Complimenting a would be attacker with a gesture is often the best way to pacify them. Also don’t overlook simply speaking to them, even in the heat of battle. Nothing reminds your would be attacker of your humanity more than addressing them in a common language.


If they best you in a competition of skill, return /bow and ask them to talk tactics. A good PvPer will almost never turn down an opportunity to discuss tactics if they feel they have something to learn and are more likely to respect a person of similar nature.


If they continue to kill you, any more than 3 times and it becomes camping. Camping is not cool. It is an attempt to grief other players and does not add to the flavor of the game. When was the last time someone brutally defeated one of your favorite heroes time after time after time? You will either have to escape, log your main, or bring friends.



Where to do the Ganking


Any low level base is a great place to gank. A level 50 can often get in, kill, and get out, before the elite guards take you down. The main problem here is that server size might be too low to find many lowbies.


Instead, I suggest the Black Hole dailies area. I had to ask my PvE friends how to get to this place, but once I got there the ganking was great. People are often in groups doing the quests together making it a great place to test out your 2v2 team comp. I usually roll solo and I’m not sure if dying 1v2 adds to my rep or hurts it. Here’s a map of the Black Hole Zone with the best gank spot marked in pink-red. The zones near the enemy quest hub marked with the light color ovals are insta-kill zones. Stay away or explode.


Since we don’t have our Ranked Warzones yet, and the queue times are not so good, do the game a favor and go ganking. Ilum is broken and abandon so it’s up to us to generate our own world pvp. Not only do you benefit by slowing your enemies progress, but Bioware also gets more time to develop content.

Source: http://www.forcejunkies.com/2012/05/07/making-our-own-world-pvp/

Edited by GNWP
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I made myself a new character on Thursday, which is now 37, the only W PvP ive seen is 4+ from a certain guild run around specially near "end planetary quest areas" and unleash a living hell forcing me cry in a corner and make me go on my Sent and Sweep some pugs to make me feel good again.


To "Social" guilds: Stop ganking "Pilgrims Retreat" on Voss. Its sad to see sorcs instakill them and aoe the hell out of the place to force them in combat again.


I have no idea how many times ive had someones companion chase me around while in "res stealth" with less than 10% hp


Im not going to tell who it is / nor post a picture as its a "call out" and I dont need more infractions at the moment

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I made myself a new character on Thursday, which is now 37, the only W PvP ive seen is 4+ from a certain guild run around specially near "end planetary quest areas" and unleash a living hell forcing me cry in a corner and make me go on my Sent and Sweep some pugs to make me feel good again.


To "Social" guilds: Stop ganking "Pilgrims Retreat" on Voss. Its sad to see sorcs instakill them and aoe the hell out of the place to force them in combat again.


I have no idea how many times ive had someones companion chase me around while in "res stealth" with less than 10% hp


Im not going to tell who it is / nor post a picture as its a "call out" and I dont need more infractions at the moment


That's why you have level 50's on both sides :D

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