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Collicoid War game needs some serious nerf!

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The first turret battle is next to impossible! You get 2-3 range insect pop up and you are guarantee to take some seriously damage.


Either make the encounter with 3 turrets or allow some sort of health regen on turret.

Edited by Semihages
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I thought it was brutal too, until I ran it with a group who had an alternate strat that worked like a beauty.


Instead of every man facing outward, run with 3 turrets, have the healer inside of the circle, NOT in a turret, and have all the turrets face inward firing across the group.


Facing inward is important, as apparently it's the only way to have the healer LoS you.

Edited by Joryssk
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I thought it was brutal too, until I ran it with a group who had an alternate strat that worked like a beauty.


Instead of every man facing outward, run with 3 turrets, have the healer inside of the circle, NOT in a turret, and have all the turrets face inward firing across the group.


Facing inward is important, as apparently it's the only way to have the healer LoS you.


my group did the exact same thing

couldnt do it othervise

but still i think that fp sucks big time

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It's interesting, especially the later "puzzle" involving the force field switches. I kind of liked the change in pace and design; we all did in my group. I hope they create more 'outside the box' encounters.


Now that Traken-4 Legacy on Balmorra can kiss my grits.

Edited by Joryssk
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As long one person in the group lives when all the colicoids have spawned (but not killed), you will live. Focus your fire on the ranged colicoids first (they are white) or they will shoot you down quick.


We tried this at 39 but didn't work out so out but at 42 we one shot it.


Here is a little guide I wrote a while back.



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We just all 4 got on the guns, and once health started to fall the healer would announce he was jumping off, and the two nearest to him would pick up his area for firing.


Healer would run to the middle and start healing the group until everything was dead. Just ran it a few nights ago like this, and we cleared both sets with no deaths.

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I have healed during Colicoid War Games. Initially we tried having all four of us in the turrets and it failed miserably. After switching to three turrets with me healing I have not once failed the first portion of CWG. It makes it a lot easier to accomplish, especially if you are dropping static barriers on each player as soon as the debuff goes away.

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