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((Sith Warrior and false emporer spoilers question))


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How come it's so widely accepted that Malgus died? About 90 percent of the people in the Star Wars universe who fall down a dark hole come out alive and come back with some sort of robotic enchancement (Luke, Maul, The *** who traps you in the SW storyline after you throw him down an incinerator.))


The "Unkillable" rival sith warriors have took a good fall, a second beating and repeated slashes to his unconcious and/or dead body to keep dead.


Are we just upholding the Star Wars tradition of Bad*** characters getting killed in humiliating ways? Or can we safely say this will be another Boba Fett/Revan/Grevious thing with time and enough complaining??

Edited by Sideblaze
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