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Huge Saber Mistake


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OK this is hugely embarrassing and I need some help. After getting my double bladed saber, I decided to remove the mods/enhancements from the single saber I got on Korriban to put them in my double saber. Then when I was finished I decided to reverse engineer the single saber. Well I have no idea what happened but it seems to have destroyed by double saber instead and I still have the single saber. Any idea how this happened?


More importantly, I need a new double saber. I'm level 12 on Dromound Kass and the only double saber I've found for sale is at the commendations vendor and is too high a level for me to use at the moment.


Please give me suggestions on how to replace my weapon!



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Heh, I know how you feel man. I reverse-engineered mine, thinking it was the old Lightsaber, but turns out, I swapped it out by accident, and did it to my double-bladed lightsaber. Now I'm running around with an uncustomizable one, and all these nice upgrades to put on it, without the ability to do so. I could also use the location of a new customizable one, if anyone knows- preferrably solo. PvP might do, but considering I'm level 12, doubt I'd do well.
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