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Rakata sw lightsabres

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Why is the rakata lightsaber worse then the columi one? It drops from ev hard mode where the other one drops from normal it makes no sense.


Link the sabers please. Are you sure you are looking at the correct one for your specific class?

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They were datamined corrently on databases like torhead


Rakata : http://www.torhead.com/item/1bMplWI


Columi : http://www.torhead.com/item/2qpQY3a


Having a rating of 140 and the highest damage in the game, the thing is...it seems like they implemented it wrong giving the Rakata weapons a (51) hilt and (51) mods while the Columi currently have (56) mods


The Rakata weapons should have (58) mods like the Rakata armor, the crystal however was implemented correctly (56) +41 critical


So unless they fix it, the best sabers in the game are the Columi with a rating of 136 and unless you get the Rakata sabers and change the Black-Red/Blue crystal to give them to the Columi sabers the +33 magenta crystals are the best craftable crystals


But yea, the whole Rakata gear should be 140 rating, the weapons currently aren't

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