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Best PvP move


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I saw this on a video and it works when you're the attacker more than the defender in Voidstar bc of the respawn delay. If an enemy is running on the bridge after someone who got past him and if it looks like hes the only defender on that side and you are a shadow, sacrifice yourself and force pull him into the void as you jump off it.


You respawn instantly and he gets stuck in the cage while your team mate possibly gets the 2nd door plant!


It would work the other way only if the player you're pulling w/ you is their MVP and every second they are not on the floor makes all the difference. Anyone remember Jasai from Vendetta on Ajunta Pall? I would do it if i was almost dead and near the ledge to take him down w/ me as he was a wrecking crew Guardian that just did monster dps.

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No vid of this, but my proudest moment was during a HB game. I think it was against a sniper - the ability where you see the little target rectangle show up on you and then shortly after that you hear 'thwap" "thwap"... and watch your health drop way too fast. Well one of those was on one side of a fire grate, and I was on the other. I was low on health. I see the little target show up, and I'm thinking "crap". The fire grate is about to flame-on though, so I force-sprint across and manage to turn and push him into the fire just as it comes up. He hopped a few times and died. Usually my steering goes way out of control if I try something complicated while force-sprint is on, so I was very happy. I only got to celebrate for a few seconds though before I was finished off by someone else. :)
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