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Force Dream -Spoiler


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Hello I was leveling my Sith Warrior dark side and eventually had a force dream / vision about going too far to the dark side and how I could still be redeamed. But nothing ever seemed to come of it or anything happen along the lines though I have since hit 50. I can not remember the quest name or such. Can anyone help with the quest name or know anything about it?


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Thats Tatooine mirage thing. Or you can also call it how-dev-had-fun-recycling-luke-and-dagobah quest.


Still awesome tough.



in a nutshell, if you are aligned more to Light, you see a dark yourself telling you hownyou are missing on supreme power with you soft-hearted tendency, if you are dark, light you will come to you to discuss how much of a douchebag you are and how you should redeem.


In both case you can hold to your belief and fight yourself, or cave in to the temptation or "redemption".


Some people who really want a LS sith warrior or DS with foreknowledge of the quest actually start it as the opposite and turn him there for RP immersion value. There is no lasting consequences from this quest as far as I'm aware off, unless you, as said, decide to do an RP "turn". You can also "cave in" and just go back to whatever you were doing before, only getting the opposite alignement points for the quest if you really don't want to fight yourself I think.


At any rate, after that quest you won't hear from it again.


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