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Rate the best class stories


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1. Warrior - solid pacing and dialogue, interesting plot and companions, very well done supporting characters (Baras, Vowrawn, etc). It does a good job of presenting the warrior as a no-nonsense character who usually takes the most direct/confrontational approach to achieving their goals. The female voiceover takes the cake as best in the game imo.

2. Agent - cool companions, fun plot twists, dialogue choices that have lasting consequences

3. Inquisitor

4. Consular

5. Knight

6. Smuggler - Act1 was great then the story tapers off. Funniest dialogue by far. Female voiceover is awesome.

7. Trooper

8. BH

This. Swap Knight with BH n it s perfect . (For me ! )


Knight = Typical Star Wars story . ACT 2 Ending , prob best - part - in the story :(


It's funny how ppl claim , JC *worst story* , if you're looking at the story as a *whole* it does fit the JC rlly well. The story may not be that - much action - oriented , but it s a good plot .

Edited by ahzecklawd
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Inquisitor story is just awesome!!! I have played only the Inquisitor and still on level 27, but it's just damn awesome!!!

First you think you're a slave. Then Lord Zash arrives and you prove yourself worthy.OF COURSE YOU'RE WORTHY BECAUSE YOU ARE RELATED TO ONE OF THE GREATEST SITH LORDS OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's just cool. :cool::cool::cool::cool:

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I am also new to this game, and the storylines and voice acting just blew me out of the water. I tried it out F2P at the recommendation of a friend, and within 3 days three of us who play MMOs together were subbed. Just amazing work!


I haven't played through many of the stories, but have seen glimpses of several, and completed one so far. I originally rolled a Consular, and after a little concept tweaking and a reroll, I am very very much enjoying it, and apparently still in the "boring" part of the tale. I know Consular doesn't get much love, and to be honest I am a little frustrated by the often overwhelming "calm and sensible" of the voice acting, but I like the class and I like the story. However, I have long been poked fun at for being the "good guy" and playing more light/heroic types in many games I play, so it was not too surprising I started on Republic side. However, the friend who suggested the game to me is almost notoriously the opposite... he makes very intriguing villains. So I figured I had better pop over to roll on Imperial side so I can occasionally team...


I rolled an Inquisitor.


He became the first character I completed the class arc with.


To me, the story was just amazing. Harkun was a fantastic foil, and from the first snarky word out of my character's mouth, I was hooked (the voice actors for this class are AMAZING!). He started off completely gray, and gradually gravitated toward Lightside as I played, ending Light III... I has more or less intended to stay neutral, but the class story and side interactions sort of took off with my character, and it ended up so good that I let them! It really felt like my character changed according to choices he made. The story and the abilities were very engaging, and I felt that the powers assigned to the class were nicely explained and animated based on what the storyline included... I felt I knew how and why my character was able to do almost everything in combat that he could do. Some of the lightside twists were incredible and it felt like force-sensitives could actually tell I was unusual... which sometimes worked against me. Just when I thought I had made my motivations clear and gained support, something would crush that... and then somebody else I least expected to "get it" would come along and make things work. It was very up-and-down for me, small victories turned to rage, turned to victory again, which suits my own tastes as I have always had a thing for a "redeemable villain". Very satisfying story.


I have also (thanks to the ability to share and spectate stories) gotten a taste of other arcs:


Consular: Again, I'm actually liking this one a lot, despite it not getting much love. Then again, I'm a nerd. The healer/diplomat/scholar really appeals to me from the get-go. Wish there was a little more passion to the voice acting on some options where I end up questioning my mentors, though...


Trooper: Very military, but I like the moral conflicts between duty and honor that it seems to set up. Good so far.


Warrior: I have unusual tastes, but I must side with the majority here... I can't stand Baras. Saw most of the arc though through my friend's character's eyes, and it is quite honestly very much the epic Sith tale... looking forward to my own playthrough. Also very curious about the Jaesa subplot.


Smuggler: For clever retorts and running gags, this one takes the cake so far. "So... where's my SHIP?" *lol* Love it.


Agent: This one I have yet to truly start, but according to what I have seen through other characters it's a very compelling tale. Looking forward to this one also!


Bounty Hunter: Only seen glimpses so far, but from what I have seen the character personality seems to be more compelling than the story... which might make it work for me.


Knight: Just starting, and haven't seen much of it yet. Interesting in that it's the "grayest" character I have so far... making Dark choices while still feeling like a "good guy" is very easy... it seems an intriguing start!


All this aside, I have yet to really play a story, in whole or in part, that I haven't really enjoyed. Once I finish a few more, I may update this, but so far they all sound wonderful. However, Sith Inquisitor will always be a pet favorite, I'm sure!

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I haven't done much storywise. I've only gotten 1 character through, but here's my take on the class stories I've done so far:


Consular: I personally really liked this story. For me the whole diplomatic, calm nature of the character and story really appealed to me. For me too many people think of Luke Skywalker and action, action, and even more action when they think Jedi (ie Jedi Knight), but I wanted something more along the lines of what happened in the prequel trilogy star wars series (as terrible as the movies were) - think about Qu-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi and how they were portrayed. For me, the consular story really made me feel like I was like them... going places to sort stuff out diplomatically, fixing up issues and problems for allies and calmly sorting stuff out, using [Force Persuade] whenever possible (quite a few times, and resorting to violence only if I had to.


Smuggler - I'm really enjoying it so far. Haven't finished chapter 1 yet, but it's definitely what I would expect from a money and treasure hungry smuggler. I'm also really loving the witty & funny lines my smuggler comes up with... and I adore the female voice acting. Playing a good smuggler who's working for the republic for the credits, as she doesn't think there will be much profit around if the Empire takes over.


Agent - still only in the prequel so far, but gives me huge James Bond feeling to everything that is going on. Just what I wanted. Enjoying it so far, makes me feel like I am James Bond... disguising myself as someone else, smart talking myself out of trouble, being flirty and such (sleeping with someone to bypass trouble like on the 2nd storyline mission ... lolz), tinkering with spy gadgets and such.


Sith Warrior - playing Light sided warrior and liking it as well. What impresses me is the way major story elements have acknowledged my alignment as I play (ie talking to various Jedi, one major scene on Tatioone, etc). People commenting on me being light sided and not expecting it from a Sith... have found that great. The main overall story I'm finding to be predictable but acceptable (ie hunt down major threat to Darth Baras, then help Baras increase political power). Have only just started chapter 2 however, still have a far bit to go. Oh, and best part about being Light side? Being snarky to Darth Baras and getting +rep from Vette & J.Williams (and -1 from Quinn... booo! lolz).


Trooper - Only as far as the capital city, the story is good so far. It's what I'd expect from a military story so far... which is how I'm playing it. It's a good break from the more series, involved, etc storylines from the other characters I have. Might get more involved later.. but so far I'm liking it.

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Top - Agent - I have to finish it tough. Choices and stuff, hush hush secrets, conspiracy. Very good stuff.

Consular - very jedi'ish. Sacrifice and diplomacy stuff, nice.


Agree completely with IA, could not possibly disagree more with JC. No other class story has made me want to put my Smith & Wesson into my mouth and pull the trigger like the Consular story has.

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I have seen all stories in this order: Knight, Inquisitor, Trooper, Consular, Agent, Smuggler, Warrior, Hunter. I'm not sure if I'm able to rate them or sort them from best to worst. Every class story is somehow good and somehow bad, it depends on what you expect from the game and how deeply you know Star Wars lore (for example someone who have no idea about Mando'a will don't have any emotional attachmend to the use of this language in BH story).


I will sort them in two tiers.


TOP TIER: Jedi Knight (epic story with epic ending, feeling like KotOR3, The Emperor), Imperial Agent (great plot, amazing ending)


MIDDLE TIER: Smuggler (great dialogues, terrible ending), Bounty Hunter (feeling of being independent, mandalorians), Sith Inquisitor (ancient artifacts, "Sith stuff"), Sith Warrior (releated to the Emperor, nice story), Trooper (feeling of being a trooper, but boring ending and too much focus on superweapons), Jedi Consular (mystic story, nice crossover with Imperial Balmorra, "Jedi stuff")

Edited by Apophis_
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Jedi Knight - Best Chapter 3 of all the stories. Definitely give you that epic feeling through to the end with a great payoff.



Bounty Hunter - Chapter 1 is great, one of my favorite parts of any class story. Sadly everything after is a massive let down (did it twice, double let down).


IA is good, but I always lost interest by Chapter 3 (did it twice). Same with Inquisitor, which in the final stages just becomes tedious. Trooper and Sith Warrior are alright, SW better by a bit. Sage gets dull real quick. I was expecting Chapter 3 to be ten levels of quiet negotiations over spaceport fees by the time I got there. The actually Chapter 3 was only slightly more interesting. Only finished Chapter 1 for a Smuggler and its pretty good so far.

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1 - Knight

2 - Consular (Played it through twice now. It's quite dull at some points, but it feels very much like a Jedi should.)

3 - Smuggler (Rather entertaining, poking authority any time I can.)

4 - Trooper

5 - Inquisitor (BORING story. Only livened up a little by the Snark Knight.)

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  1. IA
  2. Inq
  3. Warrior
  4. Knight


IA was by far the best I played so far, but the ending was meh. The little "twist" at the end was really stupid and needless IMO. It felt like they rushed it so it could be ready for voice overs and launch of the game.


EDIT: Chapter 2 consular story didn't make sense to me. You are getting weaker due to shielding people but yet you are learning new skills? :rak_02:

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I can only give a strong opinion on imperial agent and the bounty hunter.


Imperial agent was the best for me. It was very enjoyable from start to finish.


I would put the bounty hunter at the bottom of the list on the stories I've played so far. It felt very boring and the plot was poorly written. Half your companions make no sense...You don't feel very heroic or ****** after you meet a certain mandalorian on a ship.


Close second best would have to be the warrior.


Knight story is proving to be pretty fun so far. The main antagonist's motivations are just dumb though. Way too over the top and strangely enough ruins the warrior's story. The disappointment in the fact we have a fixed faction system is really accentuated with this story too. Shows off the dev's narrow vision for the game and its story progression quite well. demonstrates a lack of understanding of the main theme of the star wars movies as well.


First half of inquisitor is kinda silly. second half is pretty awesome though.

smuggler was...i dunno. it has its moments.

The parts of the consular story I've gotten to weren't bad.


female romances across the board are crap. :rolleyes:

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My opinion of the overall impression:

highly enjoyed:


1. Warrior

2. Agent

3. Consular

4. / 5. Trooper / Smuggler


didn't enjoy as much as I'd hoped to:


6. Knight

7. Bounty Hunter

8. Inquisitor


I don't really hate the last three classes, but I have bigger issues with the story or the feel to it.

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Well, I support this necro because... my opinion has changed on the matter. And maybe it will continue to change over time.


Agent: Still the best story in the game IMO. Dialogue, the twists and turns, and the WTH just happened moments.


Inq: Moved up the ranks after I played it through again. Zash, and Thanaton did the trick. Love to hate Thanaton.


Knight: Traditional SW story, but I do love the Emps involvement in Chapter 1 and much later of course.


Consular: Yup, after looking at it again it is IMO a good story. Then end was a little flat but worthy.


Trooper: Jaxo and a soldiers dilemma. It had it's ups and downs but a great interweaving of the politics of the day.


Smuggler: Funniest story by far. Love make Risha jealous. Lol. The end was... confusing tbh.


BH: Some great moments and the first half was quite interesting. The second half, not so much.


Warrior: After a great start, it becomes very one dimensional. Only one surprise along the way.

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I have played all 8 classes stories (some of them twice already or working on second runthrough) Here's how I would rate them.


1. Imperial Agent: By far the best story in the game, hats off to Alexander Freed for his work there. The storyline is the best consistant yet dramatic tense and draws you in. Also it's without a doubt the class story with the most choices out of all the class stories. depending how you play the first 2 chapters, chapter 3 has 4 potentially different endings, one in particular stands out the most and has by far the best villian of the story, The Star Cabal.



You can actually get to defect from Empire and join the Republic.



2. Sith Warrior: Like the agent's storyline choice is one best features of the warrior's story. I strongly suggest anybody who played one alignment (light/dark) reroll and go the opposite route. The greatest defined feature of the warrior's story is that your alignment and alignment choices actually effect how the story unfolds. Certain planet class stories change depending on if you choice the light side or the dark side including companions and their romance option.


3. Jedi Consular: I know many people will dissagree with me but I felt this was the best of the Jedi stories. I love the diplomacy aspect of the storyline and I actually felt that the consular was actually making impact on worlds after chapter 1 (Balmorra comes to mind) and having my own personal army at my disposal made the battle of Corellia more enjoyable. It also had one of the saddest moment's in the game.


4. Sith Inquisitor: Great start, I felt it started to wayne starting at chapter 3 but overall I enjoyed the rise to power and Game of Thrones aspect of it. Everytime I play this story i can't help but sing "****in Game of Thrones ****in Game of thrones". :D


5. Jedi Knight: I must say I felt this story was a bit clique, it was the classic star wars tell, the Guardian of hope and justice, I will say the knight has arguably one the best companions with Kira.


6. Bounty Hunter: Solid storyline, alot of funny moments and of course, BLIZZ!!!!


7. Smuggler: Chapter 1 is great love the Indiana Jones aspect of it, but it start drops after that. Chapters 2 and 3 are so dull I can't even remember what happened on the other planets.


8. Trooper: By far the weakest of the class stories, having the entire storyline rebuilding Havoc Squad just never maid the story epic or interesting, and after aquiring 4X none of the other companions are interesting to me. And the final battle in chapter 3 is anticlimatic.

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I've played all the classes except chapters 2 and 3 of the jedi classes (consular & knight), so, I'll try to rate it the best:


First of all, the Imperial Agent story. it was simply amazing. many suprises, exciting story, a LOT of action, very intellegent story, especially chapter 2, I've also really liked the Tatooine and Belsavis story. 10/10 overall.


Second right after: even if i haven't played all of it, i liked the JK story. very classic and exciting. i'd give it 10 too so far.


Third: Sith inquisitor, i liked the concept of looking for more power all the time, learning how to use special, evil techniques, being VERY evil.... i'd give it about 9/10


4th, and i really thought to put this as third: Sith warrior. classic sith story just as knight is classic for the republic. very strong and dominant storyline. 10/10.


5th: Smuggler, very exciting story, this story has been very fun to play. 10/10


6th: Bounty hunter, nice story, enjoyingly brutal at some parts of it, horrible ship tho.... 8/10


7th: Trooper, chapter 1 was pretty good, chapter 2 was a little worse, chapter 3 wasn't very rich too (except Correlia, ofc). 7/10


8th: the consular, i've played chapter one and didn't like it, maybe that'll change. 6/10.

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I've played all the classes except chapters 2 and 3 of the jedi classes (consular & knight), so, I'll try to rate it the best:


8th: the consular, i've played chapter one and didn't like it, maybe that'll change. 6/10.


It does get way better, if you like the role that Consular is supposed to represent, which is one of diplomat and mediator.

Chapter 1 of Consular is probably only good if you are a KOTOR connoisseur, as it references a lot of it. However, from all Chapter 1s, it is probably one of the better IMO, as lot of them are "fetch" quests...

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I played all the stories, and IMHO the best are:

- Agent (by far the best one);

- Knight (for the "jedi hero" epicness, plus explains a lot of what is happening in the game);

- Warrior (you really get that "sith feeling" doing it);


I highly recommend these 3, but of course it's a matter of taste.

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1. Knight/Agent

2. Consular/Bounty Hunter

3. The rest are all about the same, with Smuggler maybe being the worst story but the best dialogue in the game.


For some reason, I found the Warrior story to be really predictable and boring.


The Inquisitor had some pretty funny dialogue choices and the story was more engaging. Maybe I'd put that in the second catagory as well.

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A lot of people say the IA is the best story. Which AC do you guys think would benefit me most during my time with the IA? What ACs have you guys used?


Your AC doesnt influence the story, so my bet would be to go with what you feel like playing. I personally chose sniper since I didnt have a ranged dps yet, and had a Powertech which is a melee/close range dps. I had a sorc for healing so yeah to pick operative and go like that way again made no sense to me.


Sniper is a lot of fun, you can kill alot of stuff before it even touches you, and with a good tanking companion you can take down whole groups easily.


Only advantage operative has imo is that it can skip alot of thrash mobs with stealth, if you either dont feel like it or are in a hurry. And the healing is always good to have beside.


But yea overall what do you want to play? Close/melee range dps with stealth, and heals on the side. Or this long range dps, that can pretty much tear through everything from range.

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Ok. Played them all. Enjoyed them all in varying degrees, but... if I had to rate them I would say:


1. Agent: Excellent through out. Kept me guessing.

2. Knight: Typical SW story. KOTOR III

3. Inquisitor: Really looked forward to the final confrontation.

4. Warrior: Master and apprentice story at its best from a Sith perspective.

5. Trooper: Grunts can take it.

6. Smuggler: A girl at every port and funny as hell.

7. Consular: Cool moments but a slow start and flat ending.

8. Bounty Hunter: Funny one liners but largely forgettable except for Mako.

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