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Chapter 21 - You loved him too (The Sith)


Royal Palace


Even now, a Sith through and through, I had never been in as dark a place as I was the months after I left Coruscant. First I rid all trace of the Jedi, of who I had been. I went to Nar Shaddaa, used my connections and transformed myself from Miraluka to Cyborg. I killed the Twilek that had performed my surgery to ensure no one would know I was there. Aside from Kazrin, it had been my first real murder.


I remember tears on my face as I set the lab on fire. I have not cried since. After that I didn’t stop until I’d bribed, fought, and lied my way to Korriban.


It hadn’t been hard to rise up in the ranks. I hated them. I hated them all. And I could show it to a point. I only needed to pretend I was loyal to the Emperor, everyone else I could treat as I wished. Darth Angral took a particular interest in me, and soon I was his apprentice. Being so close to him had proved useful in more ways than one. I had also taken great pleasure killing him in front of the Dark Council.


That though, was the past and we had much to do now. I pulled away from my thoughts glancing over Elliah. “You should return to Ilum before you’re missed, husband.”


He nodded and walked up to me, pressing his lips against my forehead. “Stay safe, wife.”


“I’ll keep her outta trouble,” Reide said pulling a flask from the inside of her jacket. “Or get her into it. It’s a tossup.”


Elliah winked over at her then walked out. I turned to my sister, studying her thoughtfully in silence for a moment. Finally, I asked quietly, “You loved him too. Why didn’t you ever fault me for his death?”


“Because I saw you after,” Reide said so simply. “And to be honest Laresa, he’s as much to blame for what happened.”


I frowned lightly at her words. “How can you say that? I would have died that day.”


“You did die a little that day,” Reide said gently. “And even so, you don’t know that you wouldn’t have survived the attack. You might even have saved some lives. Either way it was your lesson to learn. He should have let you learn it.”


I was silent a moment, mulling over her words. Finally I said, “You would have made a good Jedi.”


Reide smirked. “Naw. I like breaking the rules way too much.”


I couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yes, yes we do. Come, I want to go to the factory and put some fear into the workers there. That will speed things up.”


“Right behind you sis.”

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***Warning Minor Spoilers for the JK Storyline***


Chapter 22 – The Problem with Perspective


Republic Base


The ice cold wind whipped around Jedi Master Xerrin Jinobie’s robe. She could smell the incoming snow on the frosty air and welcomed it. She liked his planet. It reminded her of the time when she crafted her first lightsaber, when everything had been so simple.


Xerrin sighed quietly, shaking her head at herself. It was important to stay in present, to not dwell on the past but that was extremely difficult when she could feel the darkness coming and knew the cause of it.


Her own sister.


No, Xerrin corrected herself silently, not her sister. Laresa Jinobie had died the day Kazrin did. An evil Sith Lord now stood in her place, one that been an apprentice to Darth Angral, became the Emperors Wraith and now plotted to destroy everything she held dear.


Now, Darth Jinobie posed a threat large enough Xerrin could no longer keep her dirty little secret from the Council. Years ago, she had told them Laresa had taken her own life. Even when she’d fought her on the Emperors secret space station Xerrin had not revealed that it had been her sister. Circumstances had become so severe though that Xerrin no longer had any choice but tell them truth. Tython was at stake.


Xerrin was pulled slowly from her thoughts when she felt Elliah’s approach. She did not turn to look at him as he stood beside her, her cowl hiding her face. “Where is she Elliah?”


Elliah’s hands were folded comfortably in front of him. He stared out over the grey landscape with her and asked quietly. “Who?”


“Don’t play games with me. Please. You know who.”


Elliah paused then said quietly, “Does it hurt you still to say her name?”




“I don’t know where she is, Xerrin.”


Xerrin slowly turned, looking at Elliah. The force outlined him for her, gave him vague features and colors but it was the kind of “sight” a Miraluka was use too. He was of the light side, he’d always proven that even though he did not follow the Jedi Code with the rigidity she expected from Jedi’s. And, he’d saved her life once. Regardless of that he was hiding something. After her battle with Darth Jinobie three years ago, Xerrin no longer completely trusted her instincts. Something was throwing them off.


Why else would see have sensed something of the light still left in the Darth. “You’ve seen her,” Xerrin said quietly.


“That much is true, though it was several months ago. She sought me out concerning an issue with one of her.... apprentices.”




Elliah looked faintly amused. “He’s in love.”


Xerrin lifted a hand, rubbing her temple. “Elliah, I won’t pretend to understand why you hold a Sith in such regard. But you’ve felt the impending danger.”


“Of course. Why do you think it comes from Laresa though?”


“Who else could it be?”


Elliah said nothing at first, then quieter. “She loves you, Xerrin.”


Xerrin was silently thankfully she’d kept her arms crossed and tucked under the sleeves of her robe so Elliah could not see the clench of her hands. “She does not. If she did she would surrender and let justice be done. Instead she plots against both the Empire and the Republic but we both know it is the Jedi who are her targets.”


“Why do you think that?”


“Stop this. You stand for the light. You’ve cured all doubters of suspicion that a Chiss could serve the Republic and done a great service to your people. You have saved the lives of Jedi Masters, and fought unspeakable darkness yourself. Why won’t you help me stop her?”


“Because your pain has blinded you. She is not your enemy Xerrin.”


Xerrin’s face tightened. “How can you say that? After all the atrocities she committed as a Sith, as the Emperors own Wraith?”


Elliah’s face twisted with sympathy. “Will you not listen to your heart?”


“I will listen to the force and my conscience. They do not steer me wrong. Both tell me Darth Jinobie must be stopped.”


Elliah studied her a moment longer, then sighed. “She conquered Dubrillion for Risha Drayen. If you’re looking for her, she may be there.”


Xerrin frowned deeply. “Convenient. Neither Republic nor Empire is permitted on that planet.”


Elliah looked faintly amused. “Well, I’m sure if you asked nicely…”


Xerrin did not share his humor. She turned away looking back over the icy landscape. “I will find her, Elliah. And I will stop her.”


“I do not doubt you, Xerrin,” Elliah said softly. “I only wish you understood the matter as thoroughly as you think you do.”


Xerrin just shook her head. “I understand she is a Sith who has chosen the darkside. I need know nothing else.”


“She seeks redemption for her crimes.”


Xerrin snorted. “I have yet to see any evidence of that.”


“The inside information that always seems to come to your allies on the missions you are directly involved in, where do you believe it comes from?”


“The blood, sweat and sacrifice of those who oppose the Emperor who else?”


“Are you so certain?”


Xerrin pulled her gaze back to him. “If you know something Elliah, say it.”


“When Uphrades was miraculously saved whom do you believe caused that?”


Xerrin frowned at him. “What do you know of her machinations?”


“I am merely trying to give you a different perspective, Xerrin.”


Xerrin rubbed her temples and sighed. “Prove what you say, or stop saying it,” she said simply. “Until then I will not believe that Darth Jinobie the Merciless has ever assisted me.”


Elliah canted his head at her. “Would you truly believe it, even if I could prove it?”


Xerrin squared her shoulders and met his gaze evenly. “Of course I would. I would much rather believe that she is not so far gone she cannot face redemption. I simply don’t share you optimism.”


“I didn’t save your life on Angral’s ship. She did.”


Out of all the things Elliah could have said Xerrin had not expected that. Five years ago, near the start of the Cold War Xerrin had been forced to kill Darth Angral’s son. He’d never been a fan of the peace treaty anyway and had openly waged war on the Republic.


Darth Angral had killed Master Orgus Din for the whole Republic to see. The day his attack on Uphrades had failed, Xerrin had boarded his ship and confronted the dark lord. Despite her best efforts he had over powered her. The last thing she remembered was his lightsaber coming for her, her death all but certain.


She’d passed out before the death blow could be delivered. When she’d woken, Elliah had been kneeling over her, tending to her wounds and Angral was gone.


Xerrin set her jaw. “What game are you playing?”


“No game. She did it, not me. She fought him, subdued him, called me to get you, and dragged him before the Dark Council to face punishment for his violation of the treaty, then killed him right in front of them.”


Xerrin drew herself rigid. She could not, simply could not believe that Darth Jinobie had had her best interest at heart. The Sith Lord no longer had one. “If she did that it wasn’t for me. It was to gain his power. And it worked; she then went on to become the Emperors Wraith if you recall.”


Elliah sighed quietly and shook his head. “If you say so, Master Jedi. Is there anything else?”


Xerrin studied him a moment longer. Finally she turned away, her gaze staying toward a platoon of republic forces that were returning from a mission. It reminded her she needed to speak with Mekethia. “No, Elliah. That’s all. But if I find out you’re helping her, I will report you to the Council.”


“I know you will. May the force be with you, Xerrin.”


“And you.”

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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Chapter 23 – Setting a Trap

Ilum Spaceport

BT-7 Thunderclap: The Vigilance


Mekethia, and her husband Aric were enclosed in their private quarters. It was not for romantic reasons. Aric stood at attention, and Mekethia listened intently to the report coming from the two Cyborgs in front of her.


Aximili and Jix Jonos were formerly SIS and now worked freelance for whomever could afford their fee. Mekethia had met them on Nar Shaddaa during an important mission and had been using them to track Darth Laresa Jinobie ever since.


“By the time we got into Loramarr whatever was in that case was long gone,” Aximili said.


“They took the datacore out of the dead droid too,” Jix added.


“The item was given to the Reide. We tracked her to Dubrillion. She and Darth Jinobie are there now,” Aximili finished.


Mekethia pursed her lips together thoughtfully. “And her daughter?”


“Operative Veltana is deep undercover. It will be difficult to find her, but we’ve confirmed that Elliah is her father,” Jix said.


“What about Darth Jinobie’s other son, the Sith?” Aric asked.


“Darth Baras is trying to kill him, typical Sith stuff,” Aximili said with a smirk. He had so many implants he was downright ugly when he showed any facial expression.


“Good. Don’t interfere yet let’s see how that plays out,” Mekethia said.


“Understood. We do have something you might be able to use. We intercepted a transmission from the Mandalorians to the Bounty Hunter. They’re throwing him a party at the Star Cluster Casino on Nar Shaddaa in three days.”


That perked Mekethia’s interest considerably. “Excellent. Thank you boys.”


“Hey, it’s your credits. We’ll see if we can’t find a way to get on Dubrillion and see what’s in that factory,” Jix said.


“Good. Be careful.”


Aric came forward and walked both Agents off the ship. Mekethia was pacing in a small line when he returned.


“What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” He asked.


“An opportunity. I’m going to alert Seros to the Bounty Hunter’s location.”


Aric snorted. “He’ll start a witch hunt like no other. After that business on Quesh I’m surprised Seros thinks about anything else.”


Mekethia released a hard smile. “Exactly. Darth Jionbie’s passion will get the better of her if her son is killed or captured. Then it’ll only be a matter of time.”


Aric walked up to his wife, stopping her pace when he touched her face gently. “We’ll get her Mekethia.”


Mekethia lifted her hand to cover her husbands’. “I know we will. We were just so close on Hoth.” She looked over at the only picture of Kazrin she had. It had been family a picture and she’d cut Laresa and Reide out of it.


Aric followed her gaze. “You still don’t talk about him much. I won’t pry, but I’d like to know more about the man you’ve sworn to avenge.”


Mekethia paused. Finally she said quietly, “Two days before the war started, I ran away from the Sith, and transport hopped my way to Coruscant. When I got there, obviously there was shock, and so much mistrust. Well earned of course but Kazrin never ever looked at me like I was just a Sith.”


Aric was silent, listening to his wife intently. She smiled quietly for a brief moment at the memory. “I told the Jedi Council everything I knew. And during the war I helped in any way they would let me. Kazrin volunteered to watch over me, but he did more than that. He made part of his family. I still don’t know why. For the first five years I was glued to his side. He taught me everything I needed to know and it was because of him I was allowed to test my mettle as a soldier. I owe everything to him, and I never got a chance to say thank you.” Her gaze slowly hardened. “He didn’t deserve to die like that.”


“You’re right, he didn’t.” Aric kissed the tip of her nose, something that never failed to bring a quick smile to her mouth. “Don’t you think it’s time we told your sister what we know?”


Mekethia shook her head. “No. Not yet. She’ll be honor bound to alert the council to Elliah’s deception and I don’t want to give him away. If we can’t use Darth Jinobie’s children against her, he may be our only other option.”


“Smart play.”


“I am the brains of this operation,” she teased.


Aric gave her a look, but she could see the amusement behind it. “Permission to get you back for that later sir.”


“Sooner than later, Lieutenant. I’ll make the call to catch the Bounty Hunter. You get the rest of the crew off my ship.”


“Yes, sir.”

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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***Warning Spoilers for BH Storyline***


Chapter 24 – Crossing the Line (The Bounty Hunter)

Nar Shadda

Star Cluster Casino


Happy. That’s the only way I could describe the last few months of my life. I had Mako, I had a black list, I had some Mandalorian buddies, and the families plan was right on schedule. Everything was good.


Of course in the back of my mind I knew it was just a matter of time before something went wrong, but I wasn’t thinking about that. It wasn’t hard not to, I was too focused on trying to make sure Mako was as attached to me as I was to her.


Then, the bad **** happened.


There was only a small select group of Bounty Hunters in the galaxy that were good enough to be able to see the Black List. I was one of them, and part of that group. After I’d proven I was more than just the Great Hunt Champion, they’d called to say they were throwing me a party.


I was all about it. Mako and I, the whole crew really had been busting our butts so it was definitely time for a little R&R.


I’d forgone my armor for attire fitting for a party, even with my blasters still at my hips (I didn’t go anywhere without them). I was waiting for Mako by the ships hatch when she emerged, and she looked so damn pretty I was considering skipping the party and taking her right to bed.


My facial expression must have given me away because she blushed, laughed and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Later big guy. Show me a good time first.”


“Oh I’ll show you a good time,” I waggled my brows at her, and she giggled. That’s right, giggled.


I did steal a kiss before I slipped her arm through mine and led her off the ship. The boys would lock everything down and meet us there. Blizz was super excited about the Casino and had declared he was going to reverse engineer one of the slot machines. I sure wasn’t going to stop him.


Mako and I were making out a little in the elevator when it finally arrived at the Penthouse floor of the Casino. The moment the doors opened, I knew something was wrong. The smell of blaster smoke hit my nose a second later and I frowned.


“Coro?” Mako canted her head at me.


I put my finger to my lips to shush her, made sure she stayed behind me, and pulled one of my guns. We stepped off the elevator, rounded a corner and there were the bodies.


The hallway spoke of the fight and my anger grew with each dead face I passed that I recognized. I stopped by one, kicking the body over with my booted toe and saw that she’d been killed by a lightsaber. Then I heard voices.


I narrowed my eyes, and crept towards the open archway, close enough that I could hear the conversation.


“They refused to cooperate. No sign of the Fugitive.” The voice came from some little Jedi.


“No matter. Advance the timeline and call in support.”


The second voice I did recognize. Months ago back on Quesh, some idiot republic whatever had tried to have me arrested for killing Kellian Jarro. Coming after me was one thing, but this? He’d gone too frakking far.


I barged into the room, one of my blasters pointed at the stupid little Jedi, the other in the direction of the three republic guards that had survived the fight. “Looking for me?”


The Jedi was talking to the idiot who just wouldn’t let it go on the holocom. His image looked at me. “This is your last chance to surrender peacefully. Don’t be as foolish as your friends.”


“Peacefully? You call this peacefully?” I growled, and then without hesitation I turned both my barrels onto the guards and with three quick shots I blew open their heads. “How’s that for peacefully?”


“Terrorist!” The Jedi screamed and charged me.


“Mako get back!” I barked and rolled out of the way of the Jedi's lightsaber. She came at me again, deflected some of my blaster fire and tired to get in close, which was just stupid. The minute she thought she was close enough to run me through, I flicked a switch on my blaster and a stream of fire came out, right into her face.


She screamed, dropping her lightsaber and falling backwards. I shoved my blasters back onto my hips and picked up her lightsaber. Walking over to her, I stared at the holocom as I held her own blade.


“How high do I have to stack the corpses before you get the message?” Without waiting for his response I shoved the Jedi’s own lightsaber into her chest.


“You will not continue to murder Jedi with impunity,” the man with the stupid mustache said.


“Oh yeah? Wanna be next? All you gotta do is come get me,” I growled and shut off the connection. I tossed the lightsaber aside and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Wasn't working though.


“Is this our fault? Did we just get them killed?” Mako asked in a shaky voice.


“No,” I said my voice gruff from anger. “They weren’t strong enough to stay alive.”


“What? How can you be so callous? Are you gonna say that about me when you get me killed?”


My fury peaked that she would say that to me. I whirled on her. My first instinct was to tell her nothing would happen to her on my watch but I knew better. Carrying around that kind of ego did get people killed. It was a heck of lot smarter to make sure the crew you traveled with was on top of their game at all times. So, I kept my mouth shut, turned my back on her and walked out. She could follow or not, she wasn’t my favorite person right then.


Mako was no dummy, she knew she’d struck a nerve. I didn’t mind her getting emotional, but I was real tired of her inability to deal with death, and right now I suspected we had a big frakking problem.


When we got back to the ship, a bad day was getting worse.

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***Warning Spoilers for BH Storyline***


Chapter 25 – Handling it the Sith Way (The Bounty Hunter)

D-15 Mantis

Outter Rim


The moment Mako and I set foot back on the ship, Torian was waiting. “You need to see this,” he said and immediately turned on the Holocom.


The crew gathered round and we listened to Supreme Chancellor Janarus call me out for a list of crimes I had not committed. Granted, there were a few but the majority of them were so trumped up it was ridiculous.


“They want to make me a monster, fine. They’re going to get one,” I said lowly.


“There’s a ten million credit bounty out now for your capture,” Mako added quietly.


“Every Hunter in the Galaxy will be after us,” Torian said.


“It gets worse. Imperials are making a big show of breaking ties with us. We can’t stay on Nar Shaddaa and it looks like we won’t be safe in Imperial Space either,” Mako said.


I really wanted to punch something. Actually I wanted to punch someone. I settled for clenching my fists. “Every single coward that turned their back on us is going to die,” I growled.


“I’d recommend we get out of here first. Carnage latter.” Gault said in his infinite wisdom.


“Wait…” Mako paused listening. “We’re getting an Imperial Summons. We’re to rendezvous with a fleet in the outer rim.”


“What’s the call boss?” Torian looked over at me.


“Let’s go see what he has to say,” I said and headed towards the cockpit.



The Tyrant, Darth Tormen's Ship


The crew was silent as we headed to the rendezvous point. I brought everyone with me when we boarded because I didn’t know what to expect. Some stupid little Imp was waiting for us and he tried to get us to surrender our weapons. First I told him no. When he wouldn't listen and got mouthy I blew his head open.


“Torian with me,” I said. “Let’s go find this Darth.”


“No.” Mako surprised me when she put a staying hand on Torian’s chest and came to my side. “I’ll come. If you’re going to tear through this ship like I think you are, you’ll need a medic.”


I didn’t argue with her. And tear through the ship I did. Every Imp that got in my way got my blaster in their face. Finally I found Darth Tormen in his executive quarters. He was your typical Sith, but I could feel the power coming off him and knew instantly I wouldn't be able to take him if it came that. Not just yet.


"I see you've gotten rid of your escort," Darth Tormen said.


"I don't give up my gun for everybody. Not even for Sith hospitality," I said simply.


"You will start appreciating what I offer, or I will treat your things as you treat mine," Darth Tormen lifted his hand and Mako started choking.


I cannot tell you the fear that went through me, especially when he didn't stop. "ENOUGH!" I barked. Darth Tormen smirked and let her go, but by then she'd passed out. I caught her form, and the ugly Darth kept speaking like he hadn't just done that.


I was only half listening to him because I wanted to kill him. And I was going too, I vowed as I carried Mako back to the crew. But I’d accepted his offer. War had broken out on Corellia and he wanted Supreme Chancellor Janarus’s head on a platter. I wanted the stupid mustache Jedi who I now knew was Battlemaster Jun Seros. We needed to draw out Seros to get to the Chancellor so it was a win win. Except I was going to make sure Tormen got the short end of the stick.


Back on the ship, I didn’t give the crew a destination right away because I needed a moment to think. We hovered out in deep space and the boys made themselves busy.


Mako had woken, a little shaky but non the worse for wear. She went to shower and I stayed at my desk, frowning darkly at the wall.


Darth Tormen made me realized Mako could not come with me on this next little phase of my journey. He could pit her against me in an emotional way and I wouldn’t let him use how I felt about her to manipulate me.


And truth be told, it was probably better we took some time. I didn’t have the urge to do the honorable thing where either the Republic or the Empire was concerned. Right now, I just wanted to destroy things until I got my name cleared and set the record straight.


Mind made up, I rose to my feet and went my holocom. A few seconds later my brothers face appeared.


“Lancoro. I’m hearing some interesting things about you,” Vanceto sounded amused.


“What’s your situation looking like big bro?” I asked.


“My master tried to have me killed, the fool,” Vanceto chuckled.


“Typical day then.” I half smiled.


“What’s troubling you? How can I help?”


“Do you have room for a slicer on your ship? Not just to babysit, she’s a work horse.” I knew Mako wouldn’t appreciate me shipping her off but at least if I gave her a job to do-


“I have much need of a good slicer in fact. Your Mako?”


I nodded. “Yeah.”


“Something wrong?”


“I’ve got some business to handle and I’d prefer she wasn’t around for it.”


“Bring her to Dubrillion, I will meet you there and you can give me the full story.”


“Will do. Thanks Van.”


“I will protect her with my life, and keep her so busy she won’t have time to be angry at you.”


I chuckled. “See you in a few days.” I shut off the holocom and realized I wasn’t alone. I turned to see Mako standing behind me, and boy did she look furious.


“You can’t just pass me around your family,” Mako hissed.


I crossed my arms over my chest and met her angry gaze evenly. “If you don’t want me to get you killed, this is your ticket.”


She looked so hurt when I said that, I felt about three inches tall. Her brows pinched together. “Coro I didn’t-”


“I’m going to kill them all Mako.” I interrupted her before she could apologize. It wouldn’t lead to anything productive. “Whomever gets in my way on this is going to die.”


I could tell by the expression on her face that she didn’t like it, but it was the truth. The kid gloves were off. I was going to handle this the Sith way because the Republic sure the frak had. But really more than that until I got a little stronger, Darth Tormen was the bigger reason. My gaze strayed to her throat, and I remembered how terrified I’d been when he’d started force choking her. My face tightened. “Look if you don’t want to go to Vanceto’s ship, don’t. I’ll drop you off wherever. He needs the help though.”


She said nothing for a few heartbeats just studied my face. Finally she said very quietly. “I’ll get my things.”


I nodded. “Stay in my quarters until we get there. I'll sleep in the lower bunks.”


Before she could argue with me I walked past her, into the cockpit and shut the door.



Dubrillion Spaceport


The journey to Dubrillion was the longest three days of my life. I’d never been so frakkin glad to see a cities spaceport, because any more time my resolve might have broken. Mako kept her distance and I hated it. To add to that, every time I passed her on the ship, she kept throwing melty looks my way and it was ripping me up inside.


I had to do this though, there wasn’t another choice. When we landed, Vanceto and Vette met us in the spaceport.

I hugged my brother tightly and kissed Vette on the cheek. Vette wisely went up to Mako and took her aside. I really loved that Twilek. And from the expression on my brothers face as he briefly watched her depart, so did he.


Vanceto looked at me seriously once the girls were gone. “You’re in trouble Lancoro. Both the Empire and the Republic-”


“I know. “


“How can I help you?”


“You already are. Plus you’ve got enough on your hands dealing with Darth Baras. I’ll clean this mess up.”


Vanceto nodded. “If you need back up though-”


“I’ll call. I promise. Thank you.”


“You are my brother, there is no thanks needed. Good hunting Lancoro.”


“Good hunting, Vanceto.”


I slid my gaze over to where Mako stood with Vette. Vette was talking to her but she didn’t appear to be listening, instead she was staring right at me. She was giving me that fraking melty look again and I really, really wanted to run over and kiss her good-bye.


I didn’t. Instead I backed up, turned around, and walked away.


I had hunting to do.

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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  • 2 weeks later...

***Warning Minor SW Companion Spoilers****


Chapter 26 - Family Lessons

Fury Class Imperial Interceptor

The Savage Sigil


Mako laid on her back in the quarters she’d been given on Vanceto’s ship, staring up at the ceiling. Sleep wasn’t forthcoming. She was worried about Coro. And angry. Not just at him, herself too. She’d overreacted, he’d gone all darkside, she didn’t know if she’d ever get him back, and situations rarely had a happy ending in her world. Mako made a frustrated noise, turned on her stomach and punched her pillow.


He was such infuriating man! She’d never met anyone who could do the job with such cold, professional precision but then turn around and smile at her like she was the only woman in the galaxy. He cuddled. Loved hugging her. Was a complete pillow hog. He was fun, and funny, and a really terrible dancer (she would never tell him that), and a complete jerk.


Sighing, Mako sat up. If she couldn’t sleep she might as well drink. She got dressed and walked out of her quarters, looking around at all the cold steel and faint red lights. It was… weird being on a Sith’s ship. She felt a little out of place but she didn’t feel unwelcomed, not in the least. Vette was awesome, Quinn was super polite, and she really liked Vanceto.


Mako gravitated towards the kitchen and stumbled in to see Vette and Vanceto sitting there, sharing a bottle of Chandrian wine without glasses and laughing. Okay, those two, Mako thought, completely cute together.


They both looked over at her and Vanceto smiled warmly. “Mako. I hope we didn’t wake you.”


Mako shook her head. “No, I couldn’t sleep.”


“Join us then, please.” Vanceto motioned.


“Want some wine?” Vette asked.


“Got anything stronger?” Mako sat down across from them.


“I knew I was going to like you.” Vette untangled herself from Vanceto’s side and got up to get the bottle of hutt tequila and three shot glasses.


“Can’t sleep?” Vanceto asked.


Mako shook her head slowly. “It’s not my room or anything. The quarters are awesome. It’s just…”


“Lancoro?” Amusement crossed Vanceto’s face. Vette sat back down and filled up the shot glasses.


“No… Yes… I just wish… he’s so, complicated. And now he’s shutting me out and going all darkside and I’m worried-” Mako blinked, realized what she’d just said and looked sheepish. “Not that there’s anything wrong with the darkside.”


Vanceto just laughed. “Mako, my mother and I, we are Sith. We enjoy it. We just do. Sometimes it is simply delicious to bask in the darkness. My brother is different.”


“How different?” Mako asked.


“When Lancoro makes a choice you would perceive to come from the darkside, he does it so he never forgets how it feels. Not because he’s drawn into it, but because our mother taught us you cannot control what you ignore. My brother takes those moments so he always stays in control of them. That is not his nature though. He is very much a Mandolorian in his honor, his respect for battle, and a worthy opponent.”


Mako downed her shot and sighed. “I should have stayed with him.”


“No. You were right agree to come here,” Vanceto said. “He needs time to go through this phase without worrying he’s disappointing you.”


“He’s never done that. I haven’t always agreed with him, but I’ve never thought he was anything but…” Mako trailed off then sighed. “Wonderful.”


“Never tell him that. We won’t hear the end of it,” Vanceto said with a faint grin, that made him look wolfish.


Quinn listened amusedly a second longer, then stepped into the room. “Lord Vanceto, Darth Jinobie on the holoterminal.”


“Speaking of family. Excuse me,” Vanceto rose and stepped out of the room with Quinn in tow.


At the mention of the Darth in the family, Mako looked over at Vette. “Can I ask you something?”




“Lancoro told me you spent a lot of time with her. What’s she like?”


“Laresa?” Vette refilled Mako’s shot glass. “Unexpectedly kind in one moment, and completely Sith the next. She’s not a senseless killer, but she is a cruel one sometimes. But there’s a sadness around her you know? She’s got this thing she carries that she’s trying to atone for.”


Mako studied Vette in silence for a moment. “You like her.”


Vette clinked shot glasses with Mako and put hers back before she answered. “A few years back I started looking for my family. First I found my sister, in a sleazy strip joint on Nar Shaddaa. Laresa bought her freedom without batting an eye. My mom though…” Vette paused, sadness briefly taking over her features. “My mom died before I could find her again and reconnect. The Hutt she was slave laboring for worked her to death. My sister wanted revenge. She wanted to storm his palace and kill him. We could have done it, but Laresa wouldn’t let me.”


Mako looked surprised. “Really? I would have thought-”


“She’d be coaching me to the darkside right? No. She did not. Laresa told me I wasn’t built that way, and to leave being the dark lord to her. She killed the Hutt for me. Never said a word about it, but when I heard he was dead, his entire complex slaughtered, I knew. She avenged my family like it was her own. I’d always kinda known we were friends, but that’s when I realized how much I meant to her. It was pretty awe inspiring.”


“I think it would have been for me too,” Mako said quietly.


Vanceto walked back into the room, a serious expression on his face. “Mako, would you be opposed to returning to Dubrillion?”


Her first thought was Lancoro. Mako stood up. “Is he-”


“I’m sure Lancoro is fine. We’re returning because my mother requests your assistance.”


Mako’s eyes got huge. “Your mom? You want me to meet your mom?”


“Your call of course,” Vanceto said.


“Word of advice, I wouldn’t turn Laresa down,” Vette said.


Mako hesitated for just a second before she nodded. “I’ll go. Help. Whatever she needs.”


Vanceto smiled slowly. “Be careful with your words in this family Mako. Whatever my mother needs can sometimes be a dangerous thing.”

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Chapter 27 - The Things We Let Them See (The Sith)


Royal Palace


Two cyborgs were on their knees before me, bound and mildly beat up. General Pierce stood behind them, glaring at them. I rose from my chair as Vanceto brought Mako into the room. I ignored her for the moment and kept my focus on the Watchers as they liked to call themselves. “Do you report to Xerrin or Mekethia?” I asked the one on the right.


Silence. I gave them another moment to change their minds, or reveal in their bravery. Either way it would not change what I did next.


I backhanded one viciously. I grabbed the other by the throat with one hand, and ripped the implant in his jaw out with my other. He screamed in agony and for once blood poured. Blasters and Lightsabers cauterized wounds fast enough there was rarely any blood. No mess. This would be agony for them. The throbbing pain, their blood leaking. Both men were screaming now, shouting things.


I smirked, dropping the brother whose face I’d just made a mess of and grabbed the other. I shoved my hand around his jaw pulling him to me. “Say something useful or there will be more pain.”


“I’m not tellin you a frakkin thing. Sith,” he all but snarled at me.


“That wasn’t useful.” I shot my hand out to his brother, and used the force to rip out the implant over his cheek. More blood, and screaming, and sparks this time. “I was hoping that one was attached to his brain.”


“Mekethia!” The one I was torturing shouted, hunched over, clutching at his badly bleeding face. “We work for Mekethia!”


I suspected as much. Xerrin would not have let Elliah go unchecked if she’d know just how close he and I were. Which meant Mekethia planned to use him against me.


“When is your next check in with Commander Jinobie?” I asked him.


“Shut up Jix!”


“Frak you! She’s not ripping your face apart!”


“Don’t make me ask it again.” I dropped the “brave” brother and glanced over at Mako. She looked utterly horrified. Good. I wanted this woman who had power over my son to fear me. I wanted her to know what I was capable of in my darkest moments before she saw anything else of me.


“Two days. We’re spose to check in, in two days,” Jix said. “I need a med droid! I’ll frakking bleed to death!”


“Excellent. General Pierce, take him to medical. Then take both down to the detention center and send C9 in to clean this mess up.”


“Yes my lord.”


I turned away from the mess and stepped over to Vanceto and Mako. I embraced my son, but kept my gaze on the slicer.


“You should send them back to her in pieces,” Vanceto said watching the two distastefully.


I smiled faintly. “I have other uses for them.” Two former SIS Agents were the perfect scapegoats for the murder of Lord Madine. “Go with the General, Vanceto, just in case.”


“Yes ma’am.” Vanceto followed Pierce out.


“Walk with me,” I said to Mako, and without waiting for her to fall in step, I walked out of the room, heading in the opposite direction.


Mako didn’t hesitate regardless of what she’d just seen and kept pace beside me.


“I apologize you had to witness that, but my time is short,” I said to her.


“Since I don’t think this is that social call you mentioned, how can I help?”


“I need a holorecording sent to a Jedi Master. It must be untraceable. And I need information on two former SIS Agents altered.”


“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Mako said. “What else?”


“For now that will do.” I stopped my walk and turned to face her fully. “Do you love my son?” I asked her point blank.


Mako looked at the floor. I could feel it then, the strength of her affection. “I can’t admit to you something I haven’t said to him yet,” she answered quietly.


Smart girl. Giving me an answer without giving me an answer. “And what of his abandoning you to the whims of his family? How does that make you feel?”


“A little angry,” Mako admitted meeting my gaze once again. “But I understand.”


“Do you?”


Mako nodded. “He didn’t want me to have to be there while he… handles it.”


“Partially,” I said. Turning I continued walking.


“Partially?” Mako looked at my side profile curiously.


“You’re a weakness Mako. One Darth Tormen could use against him.”


I glanced over at her and watched Mako’s hand move to her throat. So Darth Tormen already had. Good. I was glad Lancoro had been put in that situation, gladder still of the choice he’d made.


“So many things just make sense now,” Mako said.


“I’m sure a great many things will become clearer to you should you remain with my son,” I said stopping in front of a closed door. Once more I met the young slicers gaze directly. “The mission he is on now will possibly culminate in something of extreme value to me, and this family. Support him or don’t, but don’t distract him.”


Mako’s mouth twisted wryly. “I don’t think he’s going to call me, Lord Jinobie.”


“He may. He will also return to you Mako, that I am positive. What happens after that, will be up to you.” Leaving her with that, I pushed open the door to the room.


Risha and Jaesa stood in front of a computer terminal. Jaesa smiled briefly at me, then looked with predatory intent at Mako. It amused me greatly, leaving this little slicer near Jaesa.


“Your highness.” I paused and bowed to Risha as was her due.


Risha waved her hand at me. “I wish you’d stop doing that. Not everyone else, I like it from my subjects. But not you.”


Amusement briefly crossed my gaze. “This is Mako, the slicer I spoke of. Are we ready to proceed?”


“Everything is in place, Master,” Jaesa said.


I nodded. “Mako, work your magic.”


Leaving them I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. My holocom beeped. When I answered it, Elliah’s face appeared.


“She thinks it’s you,” he said.


“Not surprising. Though I’m flattered she believes the dark side of the force surrounds me that strongly.” I began walking again, while holding the holocom in front of me.


“She doesn’t know you’re no longer the Emperors Wrath does she?”


“Why would she? That is the last thing she saw me as.”


Elliah rubbed his fingers across his forehead. “Laresa-”


“Nothing will change her mind right now, we both know that. It’s better she thinks this way. She’ll be prepared.”


“Not for what’s really coming.”


“I am. It will be enough.”


“Very well, wife. I need Vanceto sent to me.”


“Of course. What is your need for our son?”


“I found someone who may know his identity.”


My steps paused. My amusement sharpened. “Torture isn’t so bad.”


“You’re cute when you’re trying to turn me to the dark side.” Elliah chuckled. “Be proud I’m calling upon him to test his Sith strength.”


“This does not surprise me, Elliah. I married you because you get it.”


“Is that the only reason?” A playful smile came to his mouth.


“Careful. Your Nadia’s jealousy may overwhelm her.” I picked up my pace again, stepping to one of the all glass elevators. “By the way, our other son has begun his journey,” I said.


“Has he?” Elliah smiled quietly. “I wonder what he will choose.”


“As do I, though I suspect I know. His slicer is here.”


“Mako?” Elliah chuckled. “Be kind to her, Laresa.”


“Absolutely not.” A feral grin slide over my face.


Elliah laughed. “May the force be with you”


“Good hunting, Elliah.” I ended the connection. Placing the holocom back on my belt I stepped off the elevator. My destination was the research compound, where the neural chipset my children had recovered from Hoth was being duplicated.


My thoughts however had turned towards my sister. I frowned lightly, recalling what had led to her discovery that I’d gone completely to the darkside, and liked it so much there I did not plan to return…

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***Warning Major Spoilers for JK Storyline****


Chapter – 28 Catalyst (The Jedi)

Ilum, Republic Base


I was in my quarters, meditating when my holocom started beeping. It was the force that warned me something about this incoming message would be… different.


I stood and walked over to the small device on my desk. It beeped again. I shook my head at my hesitation and pressed the button to receive it.


Were I not a Miraluka, I’m sure my eyes would have narrowed when Darth Jinobie’s form appeared and the recorded message began playing.


We will start with this. Why I am sending you this message is unimportant. You will receive orders from your Jedi Council to go to Voss because of Darth Fulminiss. He is dead by my hand and no longer your concern. What is, is your Master Braga. He leads the Emperor’s army on Coreilla. We both know why. If you wish your Master and the Emperors plan foiled, I suggest you start there. Good Hunting.


Dammit, I thought. So many things suddenly moved through my mind. My focus should be on the threat, on verifying whether or not what Darth Jinobie said was true or not. Instead the sight of her holographic image took me back to the moment I’d realized my beloved little sister was truly lost to me.


Remembering: The Betrayal (The Jedi)


Republic Compound


“The only reason I stayed is because one of the Imperials recognized me. He he told me Emperors Wrath is coming.” Sejer was the apprentice of Jedi Master Braga. I had been sent to Quesh to find out why he had gone off the grid. Missions rarely went as expected. This had been no different.


“Who is the Emperors Wrath, Sejer?” I’d asked him.


“I do not know. Few do. Those who see him do not survive.”


“You’re going too,” I said. Imperials were coming, too many of them for the compounds soldiers to hold off. I ordered Sejer to get the ray shields surrounding the bunker online. I lead the small squad of troopers to the front line as I often did, to hold back the Imperials.


We succeed. I was conferring with the Compound Sergeant when a Trooper came up to us. “Master Jedi, we’ve got movement outside the shield,”


I will never forget how I felt, standing on the other side of the barrier watching the black and red robbed figure walking up. Never forget how my heart had stopped when that hooded figure had raised its head to reveal my own sister.


At first, I hadn’t recognized Laresa. All I’d seen was a cybernetic eye and the faint trace of the darkside of the force in the tinge to the Darth’s skin. The scar against her jaw looked familiar though.


Then, the Darth had spoken and I felt like I’d been punched in the gut.


“Hello, Xerrin,” Laresa said.


At first I had no voice. Finally I whispered; “Laresa?”


“I am the Emperors Wrath now. And you have something he wants.”


My own sister. My little sister. That careless, happy, loyal child I’d so loved. More than Kazrin. More than any of them. Even after she told me what she’d done, I hoped, meditated, tried to use the force to reach out to her every day. I’d convinced myself that she simply needed time. That any day she’d come back and let the Jedi help her.

It had been a fools dream I realized in that moment. Laresa had gone to the darkside. Not just a Sith, the Emperors Wrath.


Anger. Hurt. It all flooded me so hotly. I forced myself to remember my teachings and vehemently squashed my raging emotions. “You won’t get in here,” I said calmly. “And tell your Emperor whatever his plan, he will not succeed.”


Laresa had smiled, a cold and calculating expression that made me physically ill. “I will pass the message. Until we meet again.” Laresa turned around, and walked away.

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***Warning Spoilers for JK Storyline***


Remembering: Cementing a Lie (The Sith)

Orbit around Dromund kaas

Emperors Fortress


“The Jedi plan an assault on the fortress.”


I was standing on the bridge, staring out into the blackness of space when Lord Scourge, the Emperors first, and oldest Wrath came to stand next to me.


Like myself we had no love for our master. Scourge's news was both a problem and a solution however. “They are fools. He’s too powerful still. Elliah needs more time.”


“Your sister leads the charge.”


This news did not surprise me. What came next would not be pleasant however. “When the time is right, I will ensure her escape.”


Scourge merely nodded. “It is as I have foreseen.”


When the Jedi attacked they were not strong enough. Not even close. Scourge and I stood by, merely watching as Xerrin and three other Jedi Masters fought their way into the Emperors throne room and challenged him.


It wasn’t even a fight, that’s how quickly he struck them down. In those moments, the darkside had been a welcome ally because my rage watching the Emperor electrocute my sister into submission was so powerful it took every ounce of control I had not to jump into a senseless battle that would have only gotten me killed.


How ironic, my thought process in those moments.


At any rate, the Emperor could not sense the cause of my rage, only that I had it. He assumed it was directed towards the Jedi. I had no interest in correcting him, not yet.


“Darth Jinobie,” the Emperor said to me.


“Yes Master,” I came forward obediently.


“See to the Guardian’s submission personally.”


“With pleasure.”




When Xerrin came to I had her strapped to a table. Across from her was a member of her crew, a doctor. When I had boarded her ship and rounded up her crew, he had expressed the most emotion at her whereabouts. It made me suspect there was something between them which amused me faintly. Had my sister broken her obedience to Jedi Code for love?


If she had, I would be able to use it.


I stood next to the Doctor, stroking his hair menacingly. Xerrin focused on me the moment her eyes opened. I could feel the pain of betrayal radiating off her. Her anger too. Heightened now, more so than what I’d felt the day we’d met on Quesh. She did feel something for this Doctor.




“Release me, and surrender,” Xerrin demanded.


“No. I don’t believe I will.” I took a step away from Doc, giving myself enough room to allow the back of my fist to crack viciously across his cheek. I regretted having to hurt him. More so that I had to let Xerrin believe I would purposefully hurt her as I was doing now.


“Your quarrel is with me. Let him go, Darth Jinobie,” Xerrin said in a tightly controlled voice.


“You care about this man. Tsk, tsk, Master Jedi,” I walked next to my sister, but kept my gaze on the doctor.


Holding out my hand I used the force, wrapping it around his neck and began choking him. “I should cure you of your attachment.”


“Stop this!”


“I have orders to kill every member of your crew, dear sister. But this is the only one I’ll make you watch.”


She was near her breaking point. Good, I thought silently urging her on. I projected my own emotions, heightening hers. The binds on her chair were not that tight. She need only fight a little more.


I heard the snap before she realized she was free and readied myself. When Xerrin got her hand free she shot her own hand out and forced pushed me right into the wall. I growled as if in fury and surged to my feet. I only withdrew one of my light sabers. She called hers that I had left on the table in the room.


I knew I’d pissed her off because she didn’t even bother asking me to surrender. She just attacked. She did love that man. Interesting. I had no time to be happy for her though, I had to lose without looking like it. I did not put all my strength into the battle, and moments later I made a critical mistake, let her disarm me and knock me to the ground.


Scourge could not have timed it better, because at that moment alarms started going off.


I looked up at her and smirked. “If you mean to save your friends, I suggest you go. Now.”


Xerrin looked torn and I wondered briefly if she’d give into the anger I felt radiating off her and kill me.


“Xerrin, we’ve got to go,” the Doctor spoke up in an urgent tone.


His voice snapped my sister out if, I could feel it. “We will meet again, Sith,” she warned me.


"I hope so, sister," I said very quietly.


Her brow creased as if she sensed the double meaning in my words. Regardless, she struck me in the temple, knocking me out. I knew she'd escape. And that I should enjoy the bliss of unconsciousness. There would be pain when I woke up.

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry for the delay, mid move and busy and stuff. The good news its finished, completely. But you know, li'll bit at a time :D )


Chapter – 29 Remembering: The Aftermath (The Jedi)

Orbit around Tython

The Titan's Flare


The ship was quiet. I had recovered my crew, escaped back to Tython and alerted the Jedi Council. I did not stay planet side though. I needed complete privacy, the kind found only in the sanctity of my vessel.


I felt him walk in but I did not move from my meditation kneel. Doc sat down behind me, put his gentle hands on arms, and pressed his mouth against the back of my shoulder. “You scared me to death, gorgeous,” he said quietly.


I still didn’t know why Doctor Archiban Kimble, had gotten under my skin. Though, I suppose it hadn’t been that

out of left field. Attachments were something I couldn’t seem to get away from.


But it was different now. I was forced to look at our relationship in a new light; one that no longer brought serenity but a weight on my heart. I wasn’t meditating because of just Laresa. I was meditating because my fear for Doc’s life, for his protection, had pushed me to an edge I never wanted to cross. I had been seconds away from killing an unarmed opponent, no matter a Darth.


The moment her saber had hit the floor, every fiber in my core wanted to run her thru. I had come so close that I’m not certain I wouldn’t have if Doc hadn’t pulled me from the depth of my anger. Perhaps it wasn’t just for Doc, maybe it was for Kazrin too. But even if my emotions hadn’t taken me far too close to the darkside, Laresa now knew my weakness. She could use him against me, in the worst possible way. I couldn’t let that happen.


I turned so I could face him. I lifted my hand, touching his face. At first, I said nothing. His lips moved as if he would and I silenced him, tipping my head down and pressing my mouth against his own.


It had never stopped with just a kiss with Doc. I always wanted a little more. So did he. Usually before we knew it, we’d gone too far to stop.


That’s why I drew away before he could cup his hand around the back of my neck and pull me closer. He looked surprised and tilted his head, studying my face. “What’s wrong?”


I swallowed past the tightness in my throat. “We’re done.”




Things better left unsaid – (The Jedi)

Ilum, Republic Base

Medical Bay


I walked into the med bay and leaned against the wall. I could see Doc’s outline, but it was the sound of his voice giving instructions to one of the nurses that breathed life into my faint smile.


I knew I had no right to seek his council especially since I held no regrets over my decision. Attachments led to nothing good. I knew that first hand. It was some kind of bitter irony I supposed, that it had been Laresa who reminded me of that.


“You look like you’re wearing the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders, Jedi.” Doc walked over to me, smiling lightly.


I could see him in a way others couldn’t. In a way, he wore his emotions. I disliked hurting him with my presence, but he offered perspective, and I needed it. I felt like mine was tainted when it came to Darth Jinobie. I still wanted to see the good in her based on foolish hopes instead of reality.


“Just the weight of the past,” I said quietly. “Do you have a moment?”


“Sure,” he glanced at his watch. “I can spare it.”


I nodded, and motioned with my head. He followed me and we stepped into the hallway, away from the ears of his nurses.


“Your sister?” Doc asked me when we were alone.


I nodded.


“Never did like her. Pretty sure she’s the reason we broke up.”


I couldn’t argue with that. “She claims Master Braga is leading the Emperors army on Corellia.”


“Easy enough to find out. You’re worried about why she’s telling you though.”


“I don’t have a choice but to spring the trap but I sensed…”


Doc canted his head at me. “What?”


“Regret. I sense regret from her. And something else. It… confuses me. I think it’s me wishing she’d come back.”


Doc sighed. “I know what that feels like.”


My face pinched. I lifted a hand to touch him, but he stepped back out of my reach.


“Listen, you can’t expect to be unbiased when it comes to your sister. Even with all your Jedi training. Bottom line, you have to go to Corellia. And maybe she is regretful, but that doesn’t change who she is.”


I withdrew my hand, tucking it back into the sleeve of my robes. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t-”


“I like seeing you Xerrin. It just hurts. I know I should be the bigger man and respect your Jedi code and your reasons but…” he shrugged. “Loving you kind of makes that nearly impossible.”


I would have liked to soothe him. There were things I would have liked to say too, but they would have been empty in the absence of my action. “Thank you. For your perspective. It helps,” I finally said quietly.


“Hey, what are Doctors for.” He gave me a tight, almost fake smile and walked past me back towards the Medical Bay.


I said nothing but I did turn, watching his back as he moved away from me. Four steps in he paused and turned halfway to look at me. “Hey Xerrin?”




“If you need back up on Corellia, call me. I could use a little action. Kinda boring around here.”


I smiled. “I leave in the morning.”


Doc smiled back at me. It was the first time I’d seen one of his devil-may-care expressions thrown my way in quite awhile. “See you in the morning, Jedi.”

Edited by NatashaTerenzio
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Chapter 30 – The Right Assumptions (The Sith)


Royal Palace


I briefly touched the scar around my throat. The price for my “failure” had been a great deal of pain. There was rarely a moment it didn’t hurt but I regretted nothing. Becoming the Emperors Wrath even for that short time had given me power I would need.


I was deeply in those thoughts of the past when I came around a corner and felt my son. I looked up to see he and Quinn walking towards me. I snapped back to the present.


“The prisoners are secure, mother,” Vanceto said.


“Excellent. Elliah has need of you. You are to rendezvous with him.”


“Of course. It will be good to see, father.”


“Do you require my presence, my lord?” Quinn asked him.


I opened my mouth to say “yes” but my son spoke too quickly. “No Captain. I will call you when I return.”


“As you wish.” Quinn gave him a respectful stance. Vanceto squeezed my hand affectionately as he passed.


I did not wish to trump my son’s authority over the people I had placed in his command. Especially not for my own weakness. So, I said nothing and stepped past Quinn.


“You’re thinking of her again,” he said quietly and fell into step beside me.


“What of it.”


“You did what was necessary. And you saved her life. He would have killed her, or worse.”


“You state the obvious Captain. Why are you following me?”


“I thought you might want company. Or a punching bag.”


My steps halted. I turned to glare at him. “Your assumptions Captain, can be hazardous to your-”


He cut me off when he stepped into me. He was not close enough that our bodies touched, just enough that I’d be that much more aware of him. He came a little closer still when he silently rested his forehead against mine.

My jaw clenched. I closed my eyes and so did he. I stood rigid and silent for I’m not sure how long. I broke it when I said very, very quietly. “She thinks the coming darkness is me.”


“What a compliment.”


I laughed even though I could hear my own sadness in it.


“I know you don’t need assurances, but it is my professional opinion as an expert in strategy, that you could have played this no other way. She’ll see what you’ve done for your family, Laresa. And eventually she will see you, too.”


“What if it was her lesson to learn?”


“She’ll learn it another way. There’s no escaping it.”


Simple. And true I supposed.


I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was his mouth. Damn this man. I quickly stepped back. In the next breath my control had returned. He complied with my change in demeanor without batting an eye. He even moved into his officers’ stance and folded his arms behind his back.


“I apologize if I was too-”


“Thank you,” I held his gaze long enough to catch the faint beginnings of his smile. Before it brought out my own I turned away and started walking. “You may follow Captain. I would like your assessment of the factory.”


“I’d be honored, my lord.”

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Chapter 31 – The Things We Learn (The Jedi)

Ilum, Republic Base

Havoc Squad Command Post


“That’s a very narrow window Aric. No mistakes.”


“Acknowledged. See you soon, sir.”


I walked into the post just as Lieutenant Aric Jorgan kissed my sister, turned to M1-4X and marched towards the door. He smiled and saluted when he saw me. I nodded respectfully at my sister’s husband and smiled at Mekethia.


“You’re as hard to track down as I am,” I said and embraced her.


Mekethia returned my hug. “Blame the Empire for that.”


“Mekethia…” I paused before I continued. This news would not sit well with her, but before I bared all to the Jedi Council I needed to tell her. “Laresa contacted me.”


Mekethia’s face instantly transformed. Her calm, relaxed expression became a mask of barely suppressed anger. “Explain.”


I pulled the Holocom from my belt and hit the play the button so she could watch the message for herself.


Mekethia frowned deeply when it was over. “It could be a trap.”


“It might be.”


Mekethia set her hands behind her back and paced in a thin, short line. “I’ll back you up.”


I studied her thoughtfully. She was holding something back. “What is it, Mekethia?”


Mekethia paused and I could literally see her inner conflict. I stepped closer to her. “You’re keeping something from me,” I said quietly.


Mekethia sighed. She walked over to the computer and began typing. A second later a detailed profile on Darth Jinobie came up on the huge screen. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before; still my face tightened at the sight of Laresa so fully immersed in the darkside.


Mekethia hit another button and suddenly Laresa was in the center as three new profiles branched out around her. I didn’t bother hiding my surprise. I stepped closer to the screen, and stared at Laresa’s family.


“How did you find this information?” I snapped my gaze back to Mekethia. “How long have you known?”


“For a while,” Mekethia admitted quietly. “How I’d rather not say. It doesn’t matter though.”


I pressed my fingers to my temple. Laresa had a family. I had a niece. Two nephews. All of them lost to me because of me Laresa’s choices. A deep, overwhelming sadness over took me in that instant. I sunk down into the nearest chair.


It took a moment before I found my voice. “Her son killed Jarro?”


“And a dozen others. I’ve tightened the noose around him; it’s only a matter of time before we catch him. We’ve also got a small window of opportunity to intercept her daughter. I just sent Aric on that assignment.”


I stared my sister. “You’ve been working off the grid on this.”


Mekethia nodded. “No one else but my team, and now you, know how far Laresa’s influence actually stretches. Her children are only at the pinnacle of their potential power. We need to cut her hands off before it becomes more difficult.”


“Mekethia… why didn’t you tell me?”


Mekethia sighed. “I knew you’d take this to the Council and I wanted to collect as much information as possible without the Republic’s and Jedi’s rules and regulations to restrict my movements.”


Suddenly I frowned. I stood up, studying my sister closely. “Mekethia what did you do to get this information?”


Mekethia met my gaze evenly. “Reide provided a lot of it indirectly. She’s not nearly as careful as Laresa.”

Reide. I hadn’t seen her since the day Laresa left. That too had ended angrily, painfully, with unchecked emotion and harsh words.


“Mekethia…” I paused. She’d taken Kazrin’s death so hard. We both had, but Mekethia seemed to be unable to let go of her grief. I knew it was a force that drove her, but I’d always thought she had control of it. Now, I wasn’t so sure. “What else did you do to get this information?”


“I crossed the lines that were necessary to get the job accomplished,” she said simply.




“Laresa deserves to die for what she’s done, Xerrin. Whatever I did to get this information pales in comparison to what she’s done. You know it, despite what your Jedi Code wants you to believe. I understand if you want to give her a chance to surrender and do this by the book. But if I get a shot at her, I’m going to take it.”


“No one deserves death, Mekethia,” I said quietly. But I’d be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t understand her feelings. Sighing, I walked up to Mekethia, embracing her tightly. “Thank you. For bringing this to me.”


Briefly I thought of Elliah. I knew he still shared a friendship with Laresa. Apparently, Mekethia didn’t know and I decided not to tell her. “I need to take this information to the Council.”


Mekethia released me and stepped over to the terminal. She removed a small square data cube and handed it to me. “This is everything. Let me know when we’re leaving for Corellia.”


I nodded and headed for the door. In the archway I paused, watching the rigid line of Mekethia’s back as she stared at Darth Jinobie’s picture on the screen. I finally turned, walking out, my thoughts weighing heavily on me.

Something was coming. Something dark and powerful, and Darth Jinobie was the Emperors Wrath. It had to be her otherwise I knew I wouldn’t feel the impending danger so strongly. Now I’d learned she wasn’t only sitting at the Emperors side; her children were uniquely posed to become powerful allies in whatever she was planning. Too powerful. She had to be stopped. Which meant the next time I got a shot at Darth Jinobie, Mekethia was right; I was going to have to take it.




Standing against the wall just outside of the Havoc Squad command room, Guss Tuno smirked underneath the old brown robe that made him look like a Jedi. He even had a lightsaber on his hip. Stolen from his old master, but whatever. It was super handy when he needed to be all sneaky like.


He looked down at the device in his hand and made sure to save the recording. He pushed off the wall, adjusted his utility belt and strolled away, whistling. Wait till Reide heard this.

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Chapter 32 – A Game of Chess Part 1 (The Smuggler)

Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter: The Obsidian


“Woo, that took the edge off,” I laughed breathily and patted Coro’s cheek. Untangling my legs from around him, I pushed him away so I could adjust my clothing.


“Happy to oblige Cap’n,” he grinned at me. He was cute, and fun in bed, but that was about it for Corso Riggs and me. He tried really hard to get me to return his little crush but he was just too nice a guy for my tastes.


I opened the door to his quarters, stepping into the corridor when Guss bumped right into me.


“Your niece is in trouble,” Guss said way too loud.


Frak. For the last few years Corso had been on my ship, I had kept lots of things from him. It hadn’t been hard, we were plenty busy and sending him on cargo runs that unwittingly delivered supplies to the factory kept him gone for weeks at a time and largely unaware of my chosen alliances. He had too narrow a view to have approved.


Today it would seem, the Cat was out of the bag. I gave Guss a look and just shook my head at his big mouth. Guss glanced over my shoulder, saw Corso and at least had the sense to look sheepish. “Er. What I meant to say was-”


“Oh stop blabbering and give me the details already would yah?”


I could feel Corso’s eyes boring into my back as I belted my gun belt around my waist. Guss pulled the data recorder out of his pocket and hit the play button. I frowned.


“Tell Akavi and Bowdaar to get prepped and ready to go,” I stepped past Guss and began jogging towards my cockpit. I knew Corso was behind me.


“Captain… what aren’t you telling me?”


“Oh, lots of stuff,” I said distractedly. I got in my chair and brought up the nav screen.


I had just put the ship into hyper drive when he actually grabbed my arm, and stared at me intensely. “Captain… are you allied with the Empire?”


I laughed at him. “Frak no. My sister is a Sith though.” I said. “Well, one of them. The other two are stupid republic lovers.”


Corso’s brow creased. I caught his expression and restrained the urge to roll my eyes. I probably should have been a little more sympathetic I’d just crushed his butterfly and all, but I’d tried to tell him from day one I wasn’t the woman he thought he saw. He’d continued to believe otherwise and now he was all butt hurt the pedestal he put me on wasn’t so shiny. Men.


Before he could say anything to that, Akavi poked her head through the doorway. “Do we go to battle, Captain?”


“Bet your Mandalorian ***. Mekethia sent her lackeys to go after Veltana. We’re to the rescue.”


Akavi nodded. “My honor dictates I cannot allow Lieutenant Jorgan to survive if we battle again.”


“I know. No holding back this time. We need to slow Kethia up a step. Killing her husband should do the trick.”


Akavi looked positively thrilled and immediately backed out of the doorway. I chuckled at her enthusiasm and glanced back at Corso. He had one of the most intense, troubled expressions I’d ever seen on his face.

“I- I can’t let you do that Captain.”


I quirked a brow at him, almost amused. “You can’t let me do what?”


“Kill Aric Jorgan. I know him. The Lieutenant saved my life once. You can’t raise a hand against one of the Republic’s best troopers. It just wouldn’t be right.”


I got out of my chair and stepped towards him. “Oh I can’t?”


“No Captain. We’ll have to find another way to-”


I pressed my finger against his lips. “Shhh. It’s all right Corso I understand.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “You’re sweet. And I’m really sorry for this.”


“For what Cap-”


He didn’t finish because I’d drawn my blaster, shoved the barrel into his chest and pulled the trigger. There was a shocked look of pain on his face a second before he dropped. I shrugged, shoved my blaster back into its holster. I dropped down into my chair, muttering “What a waste.”




Nar Shaddaa



I had the freedom to move between Republic and Empire space with impunity. That made it easy for me to be one more set of eyes and ears for my sister (sometimes executioner). I’d also taken it upon myself to make sure I knew where her children were at all times.


Veltana’s last location was on Nar Shaddaa. I called one of my contacts in the space port once we dropped out of hyper space and confirmed two things; one, Tana’s starship was still there. Two that Aric Jorgan had been seen.


Nar Shaddaa was too big for me to go searching and I knew we were short on time. While Guss shoved Corso in his quarters until I got back and could give him a proper burial (he deserved at least that) I holocomed my sister.


“What’s wrong?” Laresa asked me pointedly.


“Update later. Where’s Mako?”


“Sitting next to me.”


“Tell her I need her to hack into the Empire Intelligence Agency and find the orders for your daughter on Nar Shaddaa. Most recent ones.”


“A moment.”


I heard Laresa relay my message, then she was back. Before she could ask me I started speaking. “Kethia sent Jorgan after her.”


“She is persistent.”


“That’s one word for it.”


“Veltana is not strong enough to handle Jorgan alone.”


“I know. I’m on the way,” I stepped off my ship, “Call me back when you get the location. I’m going to make sure Aric can’t leave anytime soon.”


“I will. Good Hunting.”


“Always is,” I closed my holocom and walked straight to the customs office. The man behind the desk was short, pudgy, loved cheating on his wife and groping me. Ten minutes was a small price to pay for having him in my pocket.


“Hey handsome,” I smiled cutely at him.


He grinned when he saw me and straightened his uniform jacket. “Hi Reide. How can I help you today ma’am?”


“Need to make sure if a certain person tries to get out of here before I get back you hold them up. Until I get here.”


“Easy enough. Who?”


“Aric Jorgan.”


He whistled low. “I spoke too fast. That won’t be easy.”


“Aww, but you’re the man. You can do anything. I know.” I winked at him and his neck got red. So easy.


“Well I can sure try. Will you have time to stop by before you leave?”


“You might get lucky. Later handsome.” I leaned over the counter and kissed his shiny forehead. He drew himself up all important like and I held back my smirk as I returned to Akavi and Bodwaar. I nodded and both fell into step behind me. My telecom beeped again. I answered it and Mako appeared.


“I know where she is,” Mako said. “This file also got accessed by someone else a few hours ago. Someone not in the Imp network. Left a pretty messy trail.”


“Sounds like my sister. Gimmie the coordinates Mako, we’re on the way.”

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Chapter 32 – A Game of Chess Part 2 (The Smuggler)

Nar Shaddaa

Justicar Sector


“She was reporting alone. She won’t tell us where her crew is… Understood. We’re moving her to the safe house.”


My cybernetic eye zoomed in on Aric Jorgan. The less visible implant in my ear picked up his conversation easily, even from the distance. He had Veltana handcuffed next to him. That big stupid droid M1-4X was standing guard.

Anything could happen on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. Jacking my niece in the middle of it wouldn’t be a problem.


I whistled low to signal Bodwaar and let go of the tower. Free falling was entirely too much fun, especially when you had a Wookie to catch you. I climbed off Bodwaar and looked at Akavi.


“You’re friend is here. Deal with him. Bodwaar take care of the droid. I’ll get my niece. And Bodwaar don’t kill the droid, but frak it up a little bit. Akavi, do what you gotta do with Jorgan.”


Akavi looked all to battle ready. Both she and Bodwaar disappeared, taking up position at the corner Jorgan would have to come around unless he wanted to fight through a bunch of Justicars.


Just as I suspected, Jorgan walked right past my hiding spot. I heard the stun grenade go off and knew Bodwaar had engaged the droid. A grunt and a Cathar like growl sounded out a second later which meant Akavi was kicking the **** out of Jorgan.


Veltana immediately rolled for cover, right where I was waiting. She startled, then sighed in relief. I got her cuffs unlocked and gave her one of my blasters. “Ready to go?”


“Perfect timing Aunt-”


Veltana didn’t finish her sentence because I shoved her to the ground and pointed my blaster over her shoulder, yanking on the trigger. I wasn’t surprised when Xerrin batted my blaster fire away with her lightsaber, but I was surprised to see her. That changed the plan a little bit.


“Akavi!” I shouted, and then shot my hand out and forced knocked Xerrin back five feet. “Change of plans! Move your Mandalorian ***!”


If Xerrin wanted to go one on one with me, we could make a time of it. But my objective was to get Veltana out of here. With Xerrin in play, who know else she’d brought. And if Mekethia showed up, things would get a lot more hairy.


“You follow the path Akavi clears. Don’t even take a shot at Xerrin you’ll lose. Go,” I said to Veltana and gave her shove. I came out of my hiding spot and saw Bodwaar was giving the droid a merry chase. Jorgan was sprawled on the street, out of the count. I didn’t trust that would be long. Jedi problem first though.


“Nice to see you, sis.” I called out pointing my blaster in Xerrin’s direction.


“You as well, Reide.”


Always so polite, the goody-two shoes Jedi. She force leaped, and I wasn’t surprised when not one of my blaster fires caught her. She swung a sharp kick at me and I caught her leg, anchoring it to my side. I brought my blaster hand down, ready to give her knee and good crack, but the fraking ***** vaulted herself, bringing her opposite foot into my chin. The sharp snap knocked my head back, forced me to let go, and I hit the ground and lot less gracefully than she did.


I’d just come up to my knee when she chucked her lightsaber at me and she was sliding forward under it, all to get at me. I arched back crab like and was briefly reminded I should have stretched, since my stupid Jedi sister as going to make me work for it today. My hands touched the ground just as the lightsaber flew over me. I flipped myself over, whipped my blaster up and I’ll be damned if Xerrin wasn’t right there to kick it out of my hand, then jam her fists into my chest. It was a solid strike, with way too much power behind it, because it hurt worse than a rakghoul bite and sent me crashing thru an old transit waiting booth.


I saw her walking towards me through my cruising, broken glass, and more pain then I’d felt in a while. She called her lightsaber into her hand, and kept coming with that calm warrior like determination.


I rolled up to my feet just as Akavi slammed into Xerrin. That was something fun to watch; Akavi’s graceful, deadly motions with her vibrostaff crashing into Xerrin’s lightsaber. Come to think of it, it was usually a treat to watch a Mandalorian fight a Jedi. I realized too, as I watched them, slowly taking aim at Xerrin, that my sister had gotten stronger. A lot stronger. Akavi was barely breaking her defenses… in fact, Xerrin had just backed Akavi up a step. Two. Huh.


I took easy aim at my sister. Shame I couldn’t kill her. But I could make her work for it, so I pulled the trigger rapid fire. I’ll admit even I was impressed when she timed the next strike so perfectly that she jammed through Akavi’s block, grabbed Akavi’s arm and flung the Mandalorian right in my direction giving herself the perfect shield. Xerrin even put her hand up, adding force to the fling.


My blaster fire struck Akavi in the back as her rather large form hurled toward me. It would bruise like a ***** but it wouldn’t kill her. Her landing would hurt too, but I needed to take my shots when I could. So, I ducked Akavi, letting her crash to the ground a few feet behind me and kept squeezing the trigger at Xerrin, nice and fast, backing up as I did so.


Xerrin reflected my blaster fire off her lightsaber and I grabbed a grenade from my belt with my free hand, yanked the pin, and tossed it at her. She looked up and the fraking bomb stopped mid-air. E chu ta!. I focused on it too and now we were both force pushing against a damn bomb.


Time to put some distance between us. I lifted my gun and fired at it. The resulting explosion knocked us both backwards, which was just what I wanted. I didn’t bother to cushion my landing instead I focused on the section archway, weakened by the blast. I fired at the support beam and it toppled, closing off the corridor and putting a nice barrier between me and Xerrin.


I propped myself up on one scrapped up elbow, wincing at all the aches and pains I was now feeling. I grabbed my com and hit up Bodwaar.


The Wookie howled back at me, all good news. He’d led M1-4X into a fight with the Justicar’s and escaped in the ensuing chaos. Veltana was on her ship and headed to Drummond Kaas. Everything had gone as planned, sort of. Perfect. I turned off the connection, and rolled onto my stomach, pushing myself up to my feet with a groan.


I stumbled over to Akavi who was finally coming around and offered my hand. “C’mon.”


“They both live,” she said gruffly.


“Yeah, well, can’t always have everything.”




Xerrin slowly climbed to her feet, staring at the pile of steel and stone in front of her. She sheathed her lightsaber, placing it back on her utility belt and removed her com. “T7 report.”


T7s easy robotic tones came back. Xerrin smiled faintly and nodded. “I know you are. Stay with her. I have a meeting with the Jedi Council.”

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Chapter 33 – The Lines We Cross

Ilum, Republic Base

Havoc Squad Command Post


Mekethia stared at the holoterminal. Aric and Xerrin stood there, and Mekethia was starring at her husband’s form in relief.


“I’m not happy about it, but Master Jedi Xerrin saved my life,” Jorgan said, grudgingly. He meant no disrespect towards Xerrin, he was more annoyed at his own performance.


“I’m glad you backed him up, Xerrin, but I don’t understand why,” Mekethia said.


“Reide isn’t as sloppy as you think she is,” Xerrin said quietly. “I had an instinct and the force guided me. I got there just in time.”


Mekethia said nothing and Xerrin continued. “I’ve told the Jedi Council everything. They were less than thrilled I kept my relation to Laresa a secret but I’ve earned their trust. I’ve been ordered to Corellia first. In the meantime, we’re doing reconnaissance on Reide.”


“How?” Mekethia asked.


“I’d prefer not to say.”


Mekethia’s back went rigid. “Are you purposefully keeping me out of the loop on this?”


Xerrin folded her hands in front of her, and Mekethia bristled at her posture. She knew what that meant and Xerrin proved it when she said; “Your emotions are clouding your judgment, Mekethia. It’s better if you let me take point in regards to Darth Jinobie.”


Mekethia narrowed her eyes. “How dare you. Your Council has no authority over-“


“General Garza does. I’m sure she’ll contact you shortly.”


Mekethia slammed her hands on the terminal. “Dammit Xerrin, don’t do this.”


Xerrin sighed. “Darth Jinobie deserves punishment, Mekethia. She’ll get it, but fairly, regardless of what she’s done. We are not the Sith. See you on Corellia, Commander.”


Xerrin closed the connection. Mekethia stood still as a statue for several heartbeats, trying to reign in her temper so her cooler thought process could prevail.


Having Xerrin’s resources looking for Laresa too was a good thing. The net had been cast wider. All Mekethia needed now was to make sure she had access to it as well, orders be damned.


She set her hands behind her back, pacing. How could she get that information, how, how how… Mekethia’s steps halted and a slow smile came over her face. She turned back to her holoterminal hitting buttons.

When the image of Jedi Knight Kira Carsen appeared, Mekethia’s smile turned warmer. “Hello, Kira.”




Connections Reforged (The Bounty Hunter)


Royal Palace


When the planet came into view, there was one thing on my mind. Not my victory over Tormen, or the fact that the former Supreme Chancellor of the republic was on my ship, willingly.


I wanted to see Mako.


The last two months had been hellish. It had been one of the hardest hunts I’d ever been on. I knew I was better for it though, stronger. I’d even picked up a new crew member. In the end I had caused enough trouble for the republic on Corellia to lure Battlemaster Jeros planet side.


Coming face to face with an enemy was a powerful moment for a warrior. Driving that punks own lightsaber through his heart had been a triumph too. Mako would have approved, it had been just me and him in a hard earned fight.


In fact I’d realized when I went to report to Darth Tormen for the last time that Mako would have approved of a lot of the moves I’d made in my quest. Sure, my temper had run pretty hot. And I had probably put a few more people in the ground than expressly deserved it, but over the last two months, staring darkness in the face, I kept seeing someone else's.


It was weird having a conscience that wasn’t even there.


Killing Darth Tormen had been one of the hardest fights I’d ever been in. I’d needed a few kolto packs and it’d taken me the two day trip to Dubrillion to recover, but I’d won. And nothing had been sweeter than calling up the rage I’d felt the day he’d attacked Mako to active my minimal force abilities just enough that I’d forced choked the last bit of life right out of his arrogant ***.


Supreme Chancellor Janarus was a decent guy. I had a lot of respect for men that carried that much power who could admit to a mistake. He cleared my name completely, all charges dropped. The whole mess, and Jeros abuse of power had cost Janarus his career but I knew he wasn’t going to stay out of work for long.


When my ship touched down in the space sport, Vanceto, Quinn, Queen Drayen and her little entourage and my mother were waiting. I wanted to punch Quinn at the sight of him, but I’d have to wait to get him back for what he’d done to my mother. Now wasn’t the time.


I limped off the ship (knee was still a little sore) and Janarus followed behind me. “Queen Drayen, Lord Jinobie may I present the former Supreme Chancellor Janarus.”


A lot of formal greeting type crap ensued. During it, my mother stole one glance in my direction and I both felt and saw how proud she was. It might have been stupid, how much it still meant to me to know she was proud but what the hell. I smiled back at her, and got out of the way as she, Risha, and Quinn took the Chancellor away.


Once they were gone, I embraced my brother.


“You look to be sore. Getting slow, brother?”


I grinned at Vanceto. “You wouldn’t have lasted five seconds.”


“Did you?” He eyed my stiff posture and I took a swing at him. He blocked my blow with a grin.


“Is Mako still here?” I asked him.


Vanceto grinned at me. “Yes, brother she is.”


I wanted to find out where and go to her immediately but I probably smelled like a bantha’s *** and I had the urge to look as good as possible. I had a few things to apologize for and I knew I needed to pull out all the stops here.


“Do you want me to get her-”


“No.” I interrupted him. “I want to clean up first. I’ll find her and you after.”


“Of course. By the way, well done brother, well done.”


“Best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy. Your brother. Yeah you’re gonna hear that a lot. All the way to you showing me where the frak my quarters are.”


I clasped my brother on the shoulder and let him lead. We had some catching up to do anyway.




There was something to be said for having a guest room in a royal palace. Gault would have been drooling all over himself. I had a med droid come up and give me another shot of kolto, picked up a swaggerific outfit to track my woman down in, and got into the shower.


I’d just gotten out when I heard the door to my room open and close. I knotted the towel around my waist, pulled the blaster off the sink and turned around.


Mako was standing there.


My brows pinched together. My first instinct? Grab her. Grab her and chain her to me and promise to never act like that again. I set my blaster back on the sink. In the face of that intense, unreadable expression she was giving me the planned out speech I had going through my head in the shower was nowhere to be found. “Mako-”


“Shut up. Just shut up about it already.” Her voice was firm and shaky at the same time. “Don’t ever leave me again,” she whispered.


“I won’t. I swear it,” I whispered back vehemently.


“I don’t care if whatever you’re doing gives me nightmares, or I’m a weakness or whatever. One, I’m a big girl, I can take it. Two, if someone is watching your back, it’s going to be me.” I’d never seen such a determined expression on face.


I felt like a chick. I did. My chest was tight and all I wanted to do was hug her and kiss her and tell her… my mouth opened and this is what tumbled out. “I love you.”


She looked, well, shocked. “You mean it?”


Frak yeah I meant it. And I knew just how to prove it. I took several steps closing the distance between us. Crowding her like I hadn’t done in way too long. “Marry me.”


I couldn’t read the expression on her face again. That scared the rakghouls out of me. I was terrified she was going to turn me down so I plunged ahead. “I know it’s fast. I know we’ve got work to do. I don’t care. Just do it. Marry me because there’s not another bounty hunter in the galaxy that loves you like I do.”


She left me in well deserved agony, waiting for her answer, searching her face, looking for some signs of a yes. Finally after five never ending frakking seconds she cracked a smile. Her eyes softened. “When you say it like that, how can I girl refuse?”


I couldn’t stop my grin. “Really?”


“Yes really. And dammit Coro if you don’t touch me I’m going to say n-”


Before she could finish I had her mouth under mine.


Best. Day. Ever.

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Chapter 34 - Direct Action (The Jedi)

Corellia Spaceport

The Titan’s Flare


I stood in front of the holoterminal on my starship listening to T7s report. For the last three months my favorite little droid had managed to be a spy on Dubrillion, unnoticed by Darth Jinobie’s forces.


His intel had been valuable but the Darth had not made any noticeable moves. The only thing of note was that she was transporting something from a research facility with some regularity, and she frequently left the planet for short intervals. T7 had been unable to determine where she was going but I suspected that her true base of Operations was somewhere close to Dubrillion.


The last time I’d felt the approaching darkness in my meditations a vision had accompanied it. In it, my sister had attacked Tython. With army or weapon it had not showed me. I’d immediately told the Jedi Council. Once I was finished on Corellia I was to make finding her and stopping her my highest priority.


T7 beeped again and I blinked in surprise.


“Her son is getting married?”


T7 confirmed. I frowned. It would be an excellent opportunity to snatch my sister, her children, and Reide. But I felt… wrong, taking my families day of happiness and turning it into-


No, I silently corrected myself sternly. Not my family. Not even close anymore. Still, even if I wanted too, I couldn’t send a force to Dubrillion, a planet that may or may not be under the protection of whatever kind of weapon my sister was preparing.


“Get as close as you can, T7. I need to know who my sister favors.”


T7 confirmed and I terminated the connection.


“Admit it. Some small part of you wants to go,” Doc said quietly behind me.


I turned to face him, and nodded. “A small part.”


“Anytime you want to see what a wedding looks like beautiful, you just let me know. Offer still stands.”


I smiled faintly. During the last few months together, Doc had returned to his old form. I wasn’t sure what was responsible, perhaps he’d made peace that we couldn’t be together. Regardless, I’d missed this side of him and I was happy to have it back. “Ready to get dirty?”


Doc sighed. “Knowing you that means we’re going into a sewer or a battle field or something not even remotely fun.”


There was amusement in my tone. “You know me well.”




Kira Carsen was not as by the book as her former master. When Xerrin and Doc left the ship, Kira used the holoterminal and called Mekethia as she’d done after every report from T7.


It was simple. Darth Jinobie was the Emperor’s Wrath, and Xerrin’s methods were much too passive where threat like that was concerned. Commander Mekethia Jorgan had a more direct course of action and that was something Kira respected.


“Transmitting recorded conversation to you now,” Kira said.


There was brief silence on the other side of the connection as Mekethia listened to it. She nodded tightly. “Xerrin was right, we can’t crash the wedding. But some of her people will be vulnerable afterwards. We can remove her eyes.”


Kira nodded. “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

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YAY!! I was wondering where you went! Glad the move went well and you're getting settled again. Awesome work as usual. As always, looking forward to more, I love your characters, I love to hate others, and I'm still stunned with the way you dealt with Corso! You have some crazy good talent!
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I echo that sentiment. My jaw dropped. Heck, I'm still picking it up off the floor. Of course I secretly hope he's not really dead, and maybe for once that will break him of his out-dated chivalric notions about women. However, death does that too.


How about a family tree? I get confused about who is related to who, though after all this time I'm finally figuring it out.

Edited by Perihelion
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(Family tree incoming)


Chapter 35 – Happiness before the Pain (The Sith)


Royal Gardens


The majority of my life had been spent on a battlefield. There were not many moments of genuine peace and simplicity. My son’s wedding was one of them.


The timing had been perfect. It was one day we could all come together to reconnect as a family and few knew how much that meant to me. It reminded me briefly of my childhood and though those memories felt very faint, the feelings were still there. They hadn’t all been tainted by my horrible mistake, my weakness.


My daughter sat next to me during the ceremony, Reide next to her, Elliah at my other side, his Nadia next to him.

Mako and Vette had grown so close she’d asked Vette to stand with her. I approved of this friendship, for many reasons, not many of them admirable. Vanceto stood with his brother and I can say with certainty that I have not seen my Lancoro as happy as he was, watching Mako walk down the aisle towards him. Blizz, a Jawa, and member of my son’s crew whom I deeply approved of, served as the flower girl.


The ceremony itself was beautiful. Afterwards, Lancoro and Mako didn’t stay at the reception and I hadn’t expected it. I couldn’t afford my son a long honeymoon. In fact, I needed him to go to Ilum immediately for a pickup that could not wait.


The entire family stood at the archway, where a colorfully decorated speeder awaited the newlywed couple. I hugged Lancoro tightly, proudly then stepped away. Elliah put his hand on my shoulder and I leaned against him, watching my now married son and his new wife. Mako climbed onto the speeder behind Lancoro and wrapped her arms tightly around him. They sped off together amidst waves, and cheers, and playful catcalls by Vanceto and Tana.


“Did you ever believe he’d go first?” Elliah asked.


“I don’t know that I approve completely. But she’ll do for the moment.”


Elliah chuckled. “You’re happy today.”


“Why wouldn’t I be?”


“Happy enough to dance with your husband?”


“Can you?” I grinned over at him.


“I’ll even lead,” he took my hand and I walked with him onto the small dance floor. “You are happy,” he commented in between a spin. “You didn’t make a snide comment about Nadia.”


A shadow of a smile touched my mouth. “Don’t have to. Her eyes are boring a hole into my back. It’s a delicious feeling.”


Elliah laughed, shaking his head at me. I came in closer and set my chin affectionately on his shoulder. Mostly because I wanted too, less because it would antagonize Nadia. He was right though, I was happy.


Moments later, I heard someone clear his throat. When I looked over my shoulder, Quinn stood there, entirely too handsome in the all black and blue uniform’s that my army wore. “May I cut in?” he asked.


“You may not,” I said.


But damn Elliah, he spun me around, forcing me to face Quinn. My idiot husband kissed my hand, had the gall to wink at me, and let Quinn step in. I probably should have walked away. Instead I allowed Quinn to take me into his arms.


“You’re beautiful,” he said.


“You’re pushing it. Again,” I warned him.


“I only wanted to dance.”


I didn’t believe him for a second. He’d been behaving himself but I knew it was only a matter of time before he pushed the line again.


I didn’t know he’d gotten so close until I realized his cheek was pressed against mine. A second later I felt my fingers toying with the hair on the back of his neck, and let my eye drift closed.


“Marry me?” he asked softly.


For a brief moment I was… speechless. And then I laughed. I had too. Only he would have the sheer nerve, the courage to ask me that. I just couldn’t find it in myself (not yet at least) to be furious he would even suggest it.


“I’m already married Captain.”


“He doesn’t have your heart.”


“How would you know?”


“You’ve never looked at him the way you look at me,” Quinn said quietly, in his own matter of fact tone.


I couldn’t argue with that, because it was true. So I settled for this; “The answer to your question is no.”


He said nothing else, just held me close until the music stopped. Then, he simply stepped back, saluted me respectfully and walked away.


I watched his departing figure, pointedly ignoring the look Elliah was giving me. I turned to see Reide walking towards me. I could tell by the expression on her face something was amiss.


“We need to talk,” she said in a low tone. “But not here.”


I nodded and followed her lead.

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Chapter 36 – The Motives that Drive us (The Sith)

Dubrillion, Royal Palace



Reide pulled the cigarra from behind her ear, lighting it before she spoke. “Xerrin’s droid is planet side.”


“I know.”


Reide frowned darkly at me. “Why haven’t I taken it out yet? You’re risking Elliah’s cover, you realize that?”


“Mekethia knows about Elliah. But, now that he’s killed the Emperors first son if he is removed from the Jedi

Order it’s of little consequence, he doesn’t need to be there anymore.”


“Okay how about not letting the enemy spy on us?”




Frustration clouded Reide’s face, heightening the anger I could feel building inside her. “Do you think Xerrin is going to magically see you’re some kind of good person and forgive you if you let that droid stay here?”


“The T7 relays the information I want it too. It knows nothing of importance.”


“You don’t know that. They could sneak into the space port, they could plan an ambush-”


“She won’t. My presence means she’s must assume Dubrillion is under the Empires rule. She can’t risk a blatant altercation of the treaty because she’s got a grudge against me.”


“And if they think they’re striking against the Emperor?”


“They know he’s not here. They won’t Reide.”


Reide took a deep inhalation from her cigarra. She blew smoke up into the air, her non-cybernetic eye narrowed at me. “You need to stop this,” she said finally.


I arched my brow at her. “You know what this is about.”


“I did. At first it was about building something that made sure we could do things our way. Then it was about the fraking Emperor and your need to atone for **** that just happened.”


My back stiffened. “I’ve always needed to atone for it-”


“Kazrin challenged you, he died. You’re a Sith. It’s not a unique story.”


She’d sparked my anger now. It was a tender subject between us, it just was. In a way, Reide was more Sith than I was when it came to Kazrin. My jaw set. “Do not tell me what I am-”


“She is never going to forgive you!” Reide exploded. “You look like a Sith. You dress like a Sith. The darkside is IN your frakking face, Laresa! Xerrin is never going to accept that. You fit into her bubble, or you’re out. It’s black and frakking white with her. When are you going to let it go?”


I narrowed my eye, stepping closer to her. “Never going to forgive me, or never going to forgive you?”


Reide shoved her finger into my face. “If Mekethia gets an open shot at you she’s going to take it. And she doesn’t just want to kill you Laresa, she’s going to kill your whole family. Xerrin will be nicer, she’ll just throw you in a cell until you meditate long enough and can recite the Jedi Code with feeling.”


There was the possibility Reide was right. I’d always known that. The Sith in me rebelled vehemently against my decisions. But if I started killing my sisters allies unnecessarily, it would be that much harder to convince her that I might be Sith, but I was not the monster she thought I was.


A fool’s errand perhaps, but the Jedi that still sat inside me had to try. “Leave the droid alone.”


“You’re putting us all at risk.”


Reide would not understand and I didn’t expect her too. It was my burden to bare. I need only keep my family safe through it all. Reigning in my own temper I turned on my heel, walking away and calling back to her, “Then we’re either strong enough to handle it, or we aren’t. That Sith enough for you.”




Dubrillion Spaceport

Fury Class Imperial Interceptor

The Crystal Vanguard


The ship was silent. Everyone was planet side. It was why I’d chosen to come aboard my vessel. I sat in the main hold, meditating over the feelings of the day. I was so close to all of them their emotions ran rampant around me. I did not mind the feeling, but after the events of the day, and my argument with Reide I just wanted to sit in my own.


My eyes were closed, a quiet dramatic piece of music playing in the background. Hours later, I knew the moment he stepped aboard.


“You can’t have it both ways Captain,” I said without opening my gaze. My cybernetic eye was off. I did not turn it on. “You said you couldn’t do it anymore. I released you.”


“Perhaps tonight I wish to be reminded of that pain,” Quinn said softly.


“And if I don’t?”


“Then be reminded of the times before it.”


I realized after the hang of silence he was waiting. I opened my eye and looked at him. Quinn wore the uniform far too well, but he was even more attractive in it when he loosed the collar and looked at me the way he was right then; with raw intense emotion on his face.


I got up slowly, and came towards him. For several heartbeats nothing happened. We just stood there, close enough that I could feel his chest move every time he took a deep breath. I lifted my hands, toying with his open collar. I didn’t want to fight, not just then. Not him.


He pressed his lips against my forehead tentatively, and I could feel the control he was exerting over himself. “Laresa…” he said it tightly. Warning me. Asking me.


I tipped my face up just enough that when I spoke my lips teased against his own. “If you’re going to do it, do it.”


One thing I always appreciated about Quinn; I never had to repeat myself.



I laid in bed, hugging his pillow to me, watching him dress. He’d stayed the night and we hadn’t slept much. It hadn’t been nonstop full of the other either. For once, the silence a comfort.


“Do you know why you never sensed my betrayal?” He asked quietly.


My eye narrowed. I didn’t want to think about it. I wanted to bask in this moment and be nothing but a well satisfied woman. But now he’d brought it up and my thoughts were there, my emotions suddenly spinning, and I had the urge to force choke him.


“It’s because it wasn’t a betrayal to you. I owed a debt to him. I was honor bound to pay it,” he continued.


Quinn was right, in a way. Even so I said lowly, “You should never have started anything with me if you owed him.”


“I know that. I knew that one day he might call in my debt in some cruel way, but I wanted you anyway. I am a selfish man. I had to have you,” He looked over at me, a wry smile on his mouth. “My weakness is you, Laresa.”


My face pinched with emotion. “Malavai…” I hadn’t said his first name in quite some time. I don’t know why I said it then.


“No, it’s fine. You admire strength above all else. I understand.” He bent to kiss me. I touched his jaw, lingering it.


His forehead remained against mine even when the touch of his mouth left. I kept my eyes closed, my fingers against his skin. “This can’t happen again,” I said very quietly.


“I know,” I could hear the faint smile in his words, “I’m glad it happened though.”


I did allow him this. “As I am.”


He drew back and left my chambers without another word. I sighed quietly, hugging the pillow that smelled like him closer to me, and fell asleep.

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Chapter 37 – The Republic Strikes Back (The Smuggler)

Dubrillion Spaceport

Corellian XS Light Freighter Hanger


Blood flew out of my mouth. I stumbled, catching myself. Frak. Being as drunk as I was fighting Mekethia’s sneak attack was proving to be a little difficult.


For one, I had no idea where my blaster had gone. For two, I was fraking drunk. I had not been this drunk in quite some time. I’d been working. Hard. Doing… things I couldn’t rightly remember at the moment.


“You *****,” I growled and whirled. My cybernetic eye focused in on her a lot faster than my real one did. “Wait till I’m sober. I don’t give a frak what Laresa says, I’m gonna blow your stupid republic brains-”


She tried to cut off my tirade with another fist but I caught it, and kicked her right in the stomach. Yes I stumbled back but I caught myself. Kethia looked pissed and that made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn’t keep up enough to block her next series of attacks and the next time her fist cracked against my face, it put me on the ground.


“Who ever let you in this space sport is going to get it,” I mumbled. I would have gotten up, but the concrete floor was cold, and it felt really good against my cheek.


“You’re sloppy and undisciplined.” Mekethia said. She stepped back and let her lackey run up to me, shoving his knee into my back and cuffing my hands.


“You’re a hating *****, who lost the last time we met,” I snapped.


“And yet, here I am.”


I muttered another slurred expletive at her as Jorgan hauled me to my feet.


“Permission to silence the prisoner,” Jorgan said.


“Permission to silence the prisoner.” I mocked in a high pitched tone. However, through my annoyance I realized this was not the best of situations. At all. Never mind my capture, how the hell had Mekethia gotten the pass codes to get into the spaceport?


I knew she was having me watched but Lancoro’s wedding wasn’t something I talked about in open air. That meant she needed someone planet side. ****. The droid. T7. Dammit Laresa. I needed to warn her.


No, I had to sleep off way too much liquor first. And getting captured could possibly work out in my favor. Yes, sleep first. We’re they talking? Why were they talking? Idiot republic. “Oh just frakking hit me already you ugly-”


Thankfully, they finally obliged.

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Chapter 37 – The Republic Strikes Back - Con't

(The Consular)

Tython Spaceport

The Burning Light


I was procrastinating. The Jedi Council had summoned me to Tython. I suspected I knew what for, and I was prolonging the inevitable. I’d also had a chance to have some quiet, uninterrupted time with Nadia and I’d decided to take it.


“Will we ever be together?”


Nadia’s head rested comfortably against my shoulder, my arm nestled around her. Her fingers traced idle patterns on my bare chest, a sensation I very much enjoyed. At her question I pressed my lips against her forehead. “We are together.”


“You know what I mean.”


I did. I shifted her and myself so I could palm her beautiful face between my hands and kiss her. Nadia fell into my touch, making it linger hotly before she pulled away.


“It’s not that I don’t-”


“I know.”


“I just-”


“I know.”


“Do you love her?” she asked me in a very quiet voice.


I smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose. “Not as I love you.”


I sensed them before there was time to do much about it. The door to my quarters was kicked open to reveal Aric and Kira.


Calmly, I covered Nadia and sat up. “I take it the Jedi Council didn’t wish to wait any longer.”


“We need you to come with us, Elliah,” Kira said.


My brow quirked when she did not address me as a Jedi Master. I knew exactly what this was about. “Our lightsabers are in that dresser.” I nodded in its direction. “If you’ll remove them, and then yourselves to give us a moment to dress I’d be happy to join you.”


(The Jedi)

Ilum, Empire Base



T7 had learned that Lancoro Jinobie had been ordered to Ilum, directly after his wedding. Why, T7 had not been able to determine. That was all right, if I knew when to expect him I could track his movements on the surface.


I had succeeded on Corellia, not without the help of other Jedi, and returned Master Braga to the Jedi Council where he could recover from what the Emperor had done to him. Now, I was on Ilum, and had partnered with SIS Special Agent Izak to help me with my current assignment.


It was Izak who kept eyes on Lancoro and Mako when they landed. Opportunity presented itself when Lancoro left Mako to attend a private meeting. Izak cornered Mako in the Cantina, left an agent to keep watch for Lancoro and brought Mako to me.


I waited for them at an old republic outpost that wasn’t being used anymore, well hidden between two towering frozen rocks of ice. When Mako walked in, I could sense she was scared but she wasn’t about to let me see that. I found her courage admirable. I said nothing for long moments, taking that time to read her in a way only a Miraluka could. After a moment I nodded to myself. She could be reasoned with.


“Mako, my name is Xerrin.” She said nothing to my introduction which did not surprise me. “A good friend of yours, Qyzen Fess said that we might be able to reach out to you. We need your help.”


“My help?” She sounded confused. “You are aware of what my chosen profession is right?”


“I am. I also know that your parents were SIS and died in service to the Republic, not the Empire.”


“I don’t serve the Empire.” She snapped but I could sense the sudden curiosity that struck her. She wanted to know more about her parents, and though I felt guilty using that information to sway her decision I had little choice.


“Perhaps not directly, but your husband’s actions have always benefited them,” I said.


“What do you know about my parents?”


“Personally not much. But I have access to that information.”


“What do you want in exchange?”


“I will gladly share what I know about your family,” I paused. “Qyzen tells me you owe him the debt of your life.”

Mako hesitated then confirmed it. “Yes.”


“He is calling in that debt.”


There was silence for a heartbeat before she asked; “How?”


“Mako,” I leaned forward, holding her attention. “My last name is Jinobie. You are married to my nephew.”

Mako’s eyes grew wide. Then she grew suspicious. “Prove it.”


I hesitated, but only because even though I could not see the photo I knew everyone that was in it; could still feel the emotion of that day. I passed it to her.


Mako took the picture and I could sense her shock. “Who are… who are the others?”


“The Sith was adopted into our family. An experiment if you will to determine whether or not genetics affected loyalty.”


“No, I met her. I know who she is.”


This surprised me. Mekethia had not mentioned this to me. “When did you meet her?”


“On Hoth. She attacked Coro and I.”


Setting aside the words I would have with my sister later, I continued. “The young man you see there was our brother. When Mekethia was adopted in our family, Kazrin took care of her. They were close. We all were for a short time.”


“What happened to him?”


“Laresa killed him.”


Mako was silent for a very long time and I did not interrupt her. “What do you want from me?” she asked.

“Laresa and our other sister, Reide choose a different path, a darker one. The Jedi council and I fear that my sister plans to bring the Sith to Tython.”


I could tell by the surprise on Mako’s face she had no knowledge of this. She frowned deeply. “If that’s true, there’s nothing I can do.”


“But there is,” I reached forward and touched her shoulder. She jerked but did not withdraw from my touch. “We know Laresa has a secret location where she is housing some kind of army or weapon, or both. All I need from you is to know where that location is.”


Mako’s eyes widened. She shrugged off my touch. “You can’t ask me to do that. What happens to Lancoro?”


“That depends on him,” I answered honestly. “I know you have no allegiance to either the Empire or the Republic, but thousands of lives are at stake. You’ve seen the violence of my Darth Jinobie, I know you have. You’ve seen the way she infects her children. I cannot allow her to bring her to attack Tython.”


Mako folded her arms around herself and started pacing. I did not interrupt her tense, thoughtful silence. Finally she turned to me. “If that was really her goal why now?”


“A good question, but one I don’t have the answer too,” I said honestly. “I had a vision Mako, I saw Darth Jinobie in it. We know she’s coming. We need your help.”


Mako began pacing and I could sense the conflict in her. I sympathized. Some things were simply necessary though.


“You can’t ask me to do this. I can’t betray him.”


“You owe a debt Mako. A very steep one. I’m not asking you, a friend who once saved your life is.”


It was a long time before Mako spoke. “If I do this,” she said carefully. “You have to promise me that nothing will happen to Lancoro. You let him go, no matter what.”


I hesitated, but I could sense this would be a deal breaker for her and we needed this information. It was a small price to pay for the larger picture. “Done.”


Mako sighed deeply. “I think… I think he’s going to take me there. Soon.”


“Good,” I said. I removed the tracking device from my robe and put it into her hand. “Place this in your implant. We’ll be able to track your location.”


Mako took it. “Let me go.”


“Of course,” I stepped out of the small building, and nodded at Izak. “Good luck Mako, and thank you,” I said sincerely.


“Tell Qyzen we’re even now.” I could hear the tremor in her voice as she rushed away.

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Chapter 38 – The Consequence of Conviction (The Bounty Hunter)

Ilum, Empire Base



Unfortunately, Mako and I were going to have to wait on an extended honeymoon. It had taken us three days to get to Ilum though, and since nobody was on the ship but us, we made good use of the time.


I had just finished the meeting with my family. I had a delivery to make straight to the factory and I wanted to bring Mako with me. She deserved to know what we were doing, and I wanted to be completely honest with my wife. After a lengthy discussion with my family (except Aunt Reide and Dad, we couldn’t reach them) they had agreed.


I walked into the Cantina where I’d left Mako and smiled softly at the sight of her. I was still marveling that she was my wife, that I was that lucky. I came up behind her, sliding my arms around her and nuzzled my lips against her neck.


“Hey big guy,” she said softly. She turned in my arms and kissed me. It was one hell of a kiss, and we’d been having a lot of those. Except I sensed something… wrong in this one. When Mako pulled away she buried her face in the crook of my neck and clung tightly to me. I frowned lightly but hugged my arms protectively around her.


“What’s wrong babe?”


“Nothing,” she said after a moment. “I was just… thinking about my family again. My parents.”


That made sense, so I squeezed her a little tighter. “We’ll find out about them, soon. I promised you we would.”


“I know.” She pulled back and looked up at me. “I love you, you know. I really do.”


I was going to have to find some chest beating time. “You better. I’m about to show you some top secret stuff here.” I smiled and offered her my arm. “Ready?”


She hesitated and I wondered again if she was being straight with me. Was something else bothering her? I studied her face but she nodded and took my hand. “Let’s go.”




Planet Mascoru

Jinobie Factory


No one came this way, not with everything else going on in the already explored regions of space. I’m still not sure how Aunt Reide found it, but it doesn’t matter much. Apparently it was at the tail end of some secret hyper lane. The planet was small, mostly dry desert and rocky. The factory my family built on the surface was massive. We landed in the spot on the roof designed for my starship, and I noticed my mother’s was here too as she frequently was.


It was guarded by an assortment of former gang members that had previous military training, Mercenaries, and Mandalorians. Once here, they were not allowed to leave until the location no longer mattered.


A few of the grunts came over to my ship to unload the cargo I brought, saluting me respectfully. I nodded at them, and looked over at my wife.


I couldn’t read the expression on Mako’s face but I could still sense something bothering her. I suspected that she might be worried about the bomb I was about to drop. I reached out and took her hand in mine, kissing her knuckles. “This is my last secret I promise.”


She didn’t look relieved but she squeezed my hand nonetheless. I led her off the ship, nodded at the posted guards, and walked inside.


“What is this place, Coro?” She asked in a tiny voice.


“This will be easier to explain all at once,” I said. I walked up to the final security door and typed in my code. The big metal doors slid open. Inside stood a replication of the HK-24 Assassin Series Droid, formerly made by the Czerka Corporation.


The majority of them had standard blaster rifles, but a small elite group had been given the advanced neural chipset we’d recovered on Hoth, and their own lightsabers.


Those droids were still connected to the large computer terminals. Behind them, five scientists that used to work for the Czerka Corporation completed the last of their programming.


I stared at the army proudly and looked at Mako. The expression dropped off my face when I saw hers. She looked pale, her eyes were huge.


“It’s true,” she whispered.


Now I was confused. I canted my head at her. “What’s true?” She ripped her hand from mine and backed up a step. I frowned. “Mako? What’s wrong?”


“You’re going to do it. You’re going to murder a whole planet-”


We were going to do what? My brows furrowed. “What are you talking about? I haven’t even explained-”


“There’s nothing to explain! Your mom is evil Coro!”


Okay, now I was getting angry. My mother was a lot of things but she was in no way evil. I felt like I was missing a serious piece of the puzzle here. “Mako what the chaos is wrong with you?”


She didn’t say anything, but there were tears in her eyes. She turned around and literally ran away from me. I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. A second later the alarms started going off, and a cold sense of dread shot through me.


We were being attacked. But how? How had anyone found this loc-




I suddenly felt cold. I ran forward shouting after her. My voice was gruff and was probably only scaring her further but I couldn’t at that moment fathom what the hell had happened in the seconds between our arrival and the moment she’d seen the droid army.


When I got outside, it was a warzone. Mekethia had brought her squad and another to attack us, and she wasn’t alone. Aunt Xerrin’s old Padawan, Kira was with her. Mako was running towards a shuttle, and I recognized Qyzen an old friend of hers standing in the doorway, frantically waving her on. I stood there, flabbergasted beyond reason as she ran up to him. She didn’t even look back at me as their shuttle took off.


I felt my mother’s presence behind me.


“Mom I didn’t, I don’t-” I was still confused. But as I watched my aunts troops descend I was furious. Mako had betrayed me. Mako had led them here and I had no idea why.


“Later. Whatever you are feeling you must channel it now Lancoro. You and I will hold the front line.”


I nodded tightly and drew my blasters. It was an honor to fight beside my mother and she was right. I was mad as frak right then and I was going to use the chaos out of it.


Quinn walked up to us. “We’re scrambling their transmissions but it’s likely they’ve already given up our location,” he said.


My mother nodded. She canted her head slightly and I knew when she next spoke she was giving orders through her cybernetic ear implant. “Miji, prepare this facility for immediate evacuation. Shadishan keep a lane open for our transport ship. The last batch of crystals has only just arrived, have our engineers work double time to install it.”


I didn’t have my helmet on so I didn’t hear their response but my mother and Quinn looked satisfied. “Captain, assist Darth Minamoto. General Pierce, you and Jaesa cover their escape. Lancoro I need Aric Jorgan alive.”


I would have liked to kill him instead. I glanced at my mother. “Why?”


“I suspect he has some information to tell us.”


“He won’t talk.”


“Yes,” my mother said in a dangerously cold voice. “He will.”

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