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Getting my @rse kicked in the reverse engineering dept.


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Do higher level items have less of a chance at getting purple schematics from blue items?


I must have reverse engineered about 100 blue items and have only gotten 1 purple schematic at higher levels. (level 45-49 items) .


it's really frustrating to waste all that time and effort and not get any closer

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I've had mixed results so far. I got the epic mod on the first blue RE, which was very nice. On the other hand, I've made probably 30-40 blue earpieces and I still don't have the purple. It took maybe 20 tries for my friend's epic earpiece, although the stat combo I got isn't great and I'll have to regrind a different one.


Epic armoring was somewhere in the middle - maybe 15-20 tries before I got it.


This is all level 49 items, by the way. I grinded a few lowbie recipes for an alt and got the blues and purples pretty fast, probably because I was at 400 skill and they required 100-150 skill.

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