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I bought Treek today, and I regret it.


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I only need 1 midget tank. Blizz is superior to Treek.


Duran'del here:


On my PT, I only need one tank- ME! :p


I stopped using Mako because the I didn't loose enough health per fight. Tanking is too easy that way. Now i use tEl Diable(Gault) or SquishyMando(Torian). May have to try Blizz as my off-spec because AP-tank-stance is dead. he's not very well geared, though, and I don't want to put my offspec gear on him.


On my Lethality Op, I use Temple, just because i can heal myself and get a TA off it, and RDPS+MDPS=Melted face :p

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I prefer Treek's varied sounds to a constant repeat of either "Did I mention I'm a pacifist?" or "I'm about to beat your record boss!" or some of the other countless repeated lines some of the basic speaking companions spout (apart from HK-51 whom it is always fun to hear his comments). Tharan's sticks out the most in my mind as far as annoying goes though. Specially considering the number of times he has said it after killing countless enemies. Which is a shame as he is fun to use purely because of the 'Holiday' stun move :D


That and I just love the way Treek says "TREEEKY ZEEKY YEAAAAAAAH!!" :p

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Geared HK-51 (mostly 66 armourings/69 mods) + damager Merc >>>>>> everyone else put together.


Well, except for my darling Mako, and the adorable little beast-tank known as Blizz. (He needs to be geared well, though)


That is all.

Edited by midianlord
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Do I think she's a bad companion mechanically? No. She's awesome, I don't even have to work at staying alive with her around.


Do I think she looks bad? No, I think she's pretty darn cute.


Do I think the price was wrong? No, not really.


So then, why do i regret buying her?


Because, all I hear with her around is


One thing sort of dampens her voice: helmets with voice modulation. Depending on the helmet, it can make her voice a lot less noticeable.


Stumbled on this by luck...

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I love her. She's adorable and funny. The noises don't really bother me but having three younger sisters made me really good at tuning out high pitched, irritating sounds so it could just be that.


Besides, how funny is it for my Assassin to have a teddy bear following her around? :D

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Yeah, she's getting on my nerves as well. Even though basic speaking companions can be annoying at times as well ("try to be more careful" - I was just changing my clothes! - "hold still" - "let me help you" those are all annoying to me) I dislike non-basic speaking companions. I want to understand what they're saying in battle or whenever I'm talking to them, without having to read it.


I prefer Treek over Qyzen/T7/Khem (though Khem isn't as bad in my opinion), because she can fulfill both roles, but I hope they'll introduce more humanoid companions in the future (I want to customize their entire appearance, that's what adaptive gear is for after all)

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For me none basic speaking companions are like nails on a chalkboard.. however Treek is that plus walking on some hot coals....It may sound weird but I also think its because she's female, so the higher pitched voice really gets into bleeding your ears where as Blizz is the least annoying none basic speaking comp I've come across so far but he has a low male tone to his voice.

I was gonna have Treek as a tank comp.. but I opted for kitting out HK, an Treek as a healer for those 'desperate times' when extra dps don't cut it

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Threads like this are why we can't have Wookie characters, even though many of us would like to.


How many Wookies do you think there are with high-pitched nails-on-chalkboard voices?




Give me a Wookie with a low gutteral growl and no problem. At least then my companion would sound like a warrior and not a a six year old throwing a tantrum while on a helium high. :p


This thread has done nothing to harm your chances at getting playable Wookies.

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Ah, Crzay Frog, how we've missed you.


I must confess I put her back in the box after playing with her for about ten minutes. Hers is the only warbling gibberish that gets under my skin. I'm fine with Blizz, Khem and Qyzen, but the little teddy bear drives me to distraction. I just can't stand it for some reason. Seems to be near constant, and the phrases are long. I think that may be the difference.


At least I didn't fork out any real money, so I don't feel so bad.

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Do I think she's a bad companion mechanically? No. She's awesome, I don't even have to work at staying alive with her around.


Do I think she looks bad? No, I think she's pretty darn cute.


Do I think the price was wrong? No, not really.


So then, why do i regret buying her?


Because, all I hear with her around is


HAHAHAH the good old crazy frog, was too funny at its time

anyway i bought Treek for the achievements and to have on him my alterAC armor set

ALSO is better run missions with him than the ship droid

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I purchased Treek for my 55 shadow to use as a healer for dailies instead of Theran because of all I read about how awesome she was. But I can't say that I see any difference between her and Theran. I've read Treek is awesome for leveling up, but I can't recommend buying her for 55 end game stuff.
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I wish I could make all my companions shut up in combat. Especially healers as they talk and talk and talk constantly. The best part about Treek is that she is overpowered on low levels. I could solo The Black Talon and all heroic 2+ quests on Dromund Kaas with no problems on my BH.


Really, you can solo everything up to the first boss in Manda Raiders with treek. I did. I didn't come close to beating that encounter, either.


That there is my regret about her, she is so awesome that using any other companion feels lackluster as far as completing content. I'm about to get (well, she was introduced) Nadia on my consular, and I want to try her, since she's cute as balls, but I don't want to struggle.

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The best companion as far as comments from them, is Jaesa, when you go full darkside. She

gets very evil sounding.


here are some of her comments:


"I'll taste your blood!"

"I've heard that blood freezes instantly when it hits the ground here(hoth). I look forward to seeing that myself"

"More Nerfs to the Slaughter!"

"Your death is NOW!"

"Their Pain is exquisite"

"Who do i kill?"

and my personal favorite "I will make you SUFFER!"


This chic is just twisted, but in a fun deviant way.


Blizz rocks, too bad he is on on bh class.

Quinn is a hateful medic to foist upon us as a medic. WHY would a sith warrior not kill him?


Why are most of the medics wimpy guys? Ever see Saving private ryan? that medic fought

and even told his squadmates how to help him, when he was wounded.


Offer us a a tough dude as a medic. Human or non, but tough as nails. Lokin is pretty cool, but is

weird and has the the dr jekyll/mr hyde thing going, with him. How about a Bothan medic, who can cloak.

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I purchased Treek for my 55 shadow to use as a healer for dailies instead of Theran because of all I read about how awesome she was. But I can't say that I see any difference between her and Theran. I've read Treek is awesome for leveling up, but I can't recommend buying her for 55 end game stuff.


Player playstyle is an important factor when choosing the most optimal companion.


If all you need is a healer, Theran is the better choice IMO. However, Treek is better IMO as an overall utility companion in a fight. Let her take the agro and you will find her better then Theran. But if you insist on holding the agro.. Theran is better because you need a primary direct healer. Treek is more about HoTs, which are fine in many cases, but not all cases.


That said, yeah.... for leveling... Treek is par excellence as she has very high utility.

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I purchased Treek for my 55 shadow to use as a healer for dailies instead of Theran because of all I read about how awesome she was. But I can't say that I see any difference between her and Theran. I've read Treek is awesome for leveling up, but I can't recommend buying her for 55 end game stuff.


Theran's actually the better healer imo because of Holiday (those spammed interrupts are just too nice) and frankly, as a healer, I've found Treek to be decent but nothing really spectacular. I've tried her on most of my alts ('cause, well, how can you not love a fireball throwing ewok :p) and to be honest places where she doesn't shine the greatest is in healing and DPS- other companions do better.


That being said, she is wonderful for leveling as others have said and also just rocks as a melee tank so, if your play style's more towards "Hide Behind the Tank You Sent In To Take Aggro" then, she really is one of your best bets because the others: Kailyo, Khem, Qyzen, etc, etc, etc, just seem to be more paper then anything else in comparison by the time you get to the higher levels no matter how well geared you keep them.


Granted, this is just my experience but, I have just been loving her with my Snipers and Gunslingers- the difference since I switched to her is very noticeable to me even at level 55 with the same level gear as my other companions on those alts.



Like all the companions, Treek is good at what she does and worth getting if her strengths fit your play style and you work with them or just get a kick out of her craziness. Otherwise? I'd recommend HK if you want something different. :cool:

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Player playstyle is an important factor when choosing the most optimal companion.


If all you need is a healer, Theran is the better choice IMO. However, Treek is better IMO as an overall utility companion in a fight. Let her take the agro and you will find her better then Theran. But if you insist on holding the agro.. Theran is better because you need a primary direct healer. Treek is more about HoTs, which are fine in many cases, but not all cases.


That said, yeah.... for leveling... Treek is par excellence as she has very high utility.


I now just love her for the bees.

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