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Star wars Between EPIII-IV


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Hello i know this isn´t about SWTOR but i do so damn badly want a movie about LUke gronwing up and all other things between Ep III-IV and maybe between IV-V and V-VI

i know that is alot of SW movies but then again i´m a sucker for SW if i could afford i´d probably own a Darth Vader costume that would be true to the one in EP V-VI :)


so anyone else that would like to see these movies?

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When I heard there was going to be a Star Wars TV show I was so excited, hoping it'd be between III--IV since Revenge of the Sith ended with a lot of potential.


Instead, more Clone Wars....sigh, as if there wasn't enough of that already. The Separatists keep attacking random "strategically viable" planets and Anakin keeps "risking the dark side" while Palpatine and Padme run around doing pointless political crap.


Oh, and let's not forget, MOAR JAR JAR!

Edited by Abanoth
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There is a tv series in the works for that time frame. The thing is it won't focus on any of the main characters from the movies.


What I've read is that currently there are 50 scripts 1 hour long each written.

They're waiting for technology to make filming them more financially feasible.


Last I checked the series now has a working title of Star Wars : Underworld as it's to focus on bounty hunters and smugglers and things like that.

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I wouldn't look for the TV series to ever come. It's on indefinite, if not completely canceled, hold.


far as movies go. I'd like to see a trilogy set after RotJ..all the original actors could come back (though Ford will be expensive.)


And while I've enjoyed most of the books I've read. NONE of the EU books need to be made. They're ridiculous...the weakest force-sensitive in the books could destroy the likes of Yoda at his peak in seconds. And we sure as hell don't need any cloned Palpatine (kinda nullifies the whole "anakin being chosen one and bringing balance by destroying the sith" when Palpatine survives) nor do we need Dark Side Luke (again nullifying him avoiding falling in RotJ.) and frankly Luuke is one of the dumbest ideas EVER put into ANY book series, aside from Darth Maul surviving a bottomless pitfall and being cut in half.


no book stuff. dear god no.

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but i do so damn badly want a movie about LUke gronwing up


Movie about Luke growing up? Sounds boring. What would even happen in it?


Luke and his uncle Owen go to Mos Eisley to buy a new moisture evaporator for their moisture farm. Luke cleans their house because there is sand all over the place. Uncle Owen sells some of whatever he is farming to some Jawas.



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I do not see movies or TV shows made anytime soon. However, there are MANY novels available that cover the time frames you are talking about. Just go to http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_books and take a look. As a matter of fact there is a young adult novel The Life of Luke Skywalker.


If you are specifically interested in the main characters of E4-6 try the Han Solo trilogy - it covers his growing up on Corellia through his life as a smuggler. As a matter of fact the ending is quirky/funny (won't spoil it here).


There is also a duo of novels from Timothy Zahn the takes place in the aftermath of E4 that "brings back" all the characters from his Thrawn Trilogy called Allegiance and Choices of One.


The fact is that not much happens between E5 and E6 other than what we already know - Luke, Leia, and Lando hatch a plan to recover Han from Jabba the Hutt. There is one novel called Shadows of the Empire that basically covers that six month time frame. A video game of the same name allows you to play the mercenary Dash Rendar.

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Yeah, I have been hoping for something that bridges the gap between EIII and EIV. I remember hearing originally when the SW TV show rumors came out that it was going to be about that period and focus on the politics that lead to the rebellion. I thought that story would have been really cool. Supposedly none of the characters from the movies would have been on the show too. That seems to have gone away and now its more clone wars stuff and time travel. But who really knows I guess.


I'd always wanted to see a show either about a Jedi living in exile and/or hiding from the empire. Or a show that focuses on a group of troopers that hunts the remaining Jedi.

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Yeah, I have been hoping for something that bridges the gap between EIII and EIV. I remember hearing originally when the SW TV show rumors came out that it was going to be about that period and focus on the politics that lead to the rebellion. I thought that story would have been really cool. Supposedly none of the characters from the movies would have been on the show too. That seems to have gone away and now its more clone wars stuff and time travel. But who really knows I guess.


I'd always wanted to see a show either about a Jedi living in exile and/or hiding from the empire. Or a show that focuses on a group of troopers that hunts the remaining Jedi.

Pay no attention to the time travel rumor... it's just someone grafting the idea behind the Abrams Star Trek franchise onto Star Wars given George's continued tinkering with the OT and disregard for common sense (the "Greedo was always supposed to fire first" baloney) or fans' love of the films despite actual technical limitations & flaws from back in the day. A rumor meant to rile up fans, nothing more.


It's always kinda funny when people suggest they wanna see Luke growing up between Episode III and Episode IV. Did nobody WATCH Episode IV? Luke's bored outta his mind and can't wait to get off Tatooine because NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM while growing up. He had 'normal' (for Tatooine) childhood adventures, that's about it. Racing skyhoppers with his buddies, bullseyeing womp rats, MAYBE fending off a Tusken raid (which would involve him & his uncle & maybe other farmers, wherever the raid was, hiding out and shooting at the Tuskens until they were driven off, no Siege of Helm's Deep close-quarters action), maybe getting lost when he was little and being rescued by Ben Kenobi and not knowing why Uncle Owen's yelling at Ben for saving him, getting shot down by Camie at the Anchorhead Middle School Spring Fling, then getting a wedgie from Fixer for daring to ask Camie out.


Dull. No real Imperial presence. No real talk of the Rebel Alliance. No space battles. No Jedi action. No run-ins with Han Solo. No Mos Eisley. No fun droids like R2 and 3PO. No other planets besides Tatooine--and haven't we seen ENOUGH of the twin-sun desert world?

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Movie about Luke growing up? Sounds boring. What would even happen in it?


Luke and his uncle Owen go to Mos Eisley to buy a new moisture evaporator for their moisture farm. Luke cleans their house because there is sand all over the place. Uncle Owen sells some of whatever he is farming to some Jawas.




Dont forget shooting womp rats in beggars canyon, they could flesh that out into a dreadful quater of the movie circa Batha's Eve Pod Race.

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The Force Unleashed covered the (canon)founding of the rebellion, etc.

And not in a really great way, though... a smidge of TFU's story involved in the founding would've been more than enough. Not Galen bringing it all together (for whatever reason) and then sacrificing himself to save all the leaders (on the Death Star no less!), with the Rebels using his family crest as their symbol.

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