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FP Finder still strand you at Fleet

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Does the flashpoint finder still strand you at the fleet after a mission or does it take you back to wherever you were when you joined yet? I always hated the fact that you had to take 3-5 jumps in your ship to get back to the planet you were on when you started it. I ask as I have left the game for a long time then come back and I'm curious if they fixed any of the annoying little things in the game. This is one of those annoying little things I was hoping they would fix.
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Well, except for Black Talon. At the end you have the option to head for Dromund Kaas or not and if not you're back on the fleet which is kinda annoying if you were in the middle of questing in some dungeon or something and have to walk all the way back. :jawa_frown:

Probably the same for the pub equivalent? I don't know, actually.

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