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SWTOR.Parser website launched


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New Release


The analysis engine for combats is now live on the site. We've got Average DPS, HPS, and more coming soon. Checkout the url for all the goodies...




Original Post

Greetings all,


I've created a simple combat log parser which can be posted a log, and will return JSON objects for use on any website. It can be found at :




A simple View Source on the website will show how you can write very simply JavaScript routines to do any sort of analysis you'd like. If you find issues with the parsing (I believe I've found most already) then you can post an issue at github.com where the source is hosted:




For those who care, it's written in C# using ASP.NET MVC but since the web speaks JSON I've focused on delivering the data that way for right now. I'll be expanding the website over the next few days to include actual analysis tools, but just this much should be of use to a lot of people.


Tim Rayburn


Edited by TRayburn
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A couple questions,



Dose the log only do your own combat or does it include your raid/group?


If it is personal only is there a way to aggregate logs with timestamps into the parser and create a raid "big picture"?


Are all members death logs public to the raid?



Thank you in advance.

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If the option is turned on in your preferences, if it is then the files are output to:


My Documents\Star Wars - The Old Republic\CombatLogs


It appears that all local activity is logged, but I've not yet received logs from an end-game raid and so I'm uncertain if all raid activity, regardless of distance, is logged or not. For right now I don't have a log aggregator, because I don't have proof of the need yet. Should it end up that we need to, then the site will be expanded to support that ASAP.

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