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Communication is not simply speaking, it's understanding/comprehension of all parties involved.


I do not see any proof that BW considered much of the feedback people have given over the years and that's the biggest failure of communication here.


I think the players have been communicating too much. The amount of feedback sent to Eric and co. must have been enormus. Its not about the communication but about Biowares capability. They do not have the manpower and as it seems, also the needed knowledge on how people trick the system.


We often made fun of Erics gameplay that as a Bioware person he wasnt even able to play the game. This could be similar with the Devs doing the analysis. We had these issues since way back when Bioware was not able to meassure dps in operations etc. I imagine that the development in this area is very slow as it was never actually demanded by Bioware as they had less manpower and other priorities. They are trying to implement automated systems for this, but those can be tricked and they also do not solve many of the other issues.


The only thing that would really help here is live moderation, which is simply not possible.

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What is and isn't meaningless is ultimately subjective. Everything which exists is meaningless to the purest of nihilists. Yet you believe that thinking that a top 3 flair doesn't give you any advantage in real life is what separates your from us as an adult. You are plain wrong. It is a sign of maturity to care for the efforts you put into what you care about, as it is to push towards morality where amorality seems to reign.


Your ideology complies with the belief that somehow gaming is lesser of a worthy discipline than any other activity which requires hundreds of hours of training. It's 2019, we are way beyond such narrow beliefs. There is as much value in a Solo Ranked match well played, as much art, as there is in a Bach fugue. But as I've said, where there is no effort, there is no value.


Its nice to have an objective. I have the same with achievements in this game, I simply want to get them all. Its a principle. You also follow the same, a principle of being top 3. The point is not to get too carried away. I am fine with achievements not being attainable, bugged or broken, I have time. You have to have the same patience with Ranked.

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Return 30% damage reduction when stunned to Juggernauts, Assassins and Powertechs.


With the increase in damage output, these classes simply get close to dying in a single 4 second stun, if not plain globalled


I’ve mainly stayed out of this conversation because I had not been playing ranked for many seasons.

I’ve now gotten back into it and I decided to test my Jugg out yesterday.

I think you either need to be a 1% Jugg player or in a grank team for a dps Jugg to be viable at all.

DCDs are good on a Jugg, but the stun to death is terrible. I thought it was bad in regs (sometimes), but ranked :eek:

I won’t be taking my Jugg back into ranked even though it’s one of my favourite classes and I’m better on it than my Mara (in regs), which I have less trouble with in ranked.

Really, my 3 fav classes aren’t solo ranked viable for me. Rage Jugg, Lightning Sorc and Deception Sin are hard for me to play in solo ranked. My Sorc hits like a wet rag, you can only kite so much till you eventually die. Same goes with my Sin.

It’s sad that I have to use my number 4 favourite class in ranked pvp.

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It’s sad that I have to use my number 4 favourite class in ranked pvp.


I always hated that too. I like merc/mando heals best tbh, but trying that in ranked was a nightmare.


I just ended up going to sorc because I never enjoyed ops heals and sorc healer was a lot less frustrating than my merc or mando healer was. Far easier to keep the group up on the sorc.

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Was reading most of this thread, and tbh it is pretty saddening what reality really is like.


Botting and forcing pops is ridiculously easy. I know this from experince, cause there was one person back in wildstar who was forcing pvp warzone pops regularly (and they r like 10 or 16 folks per side).


Forcing a pop in 4v4 is pretty easy. The one hassle is u need sub on all ur bots, need to buy lvl boosters by some means then q n go. Im not even sure how much such top 3 accounts sell for. Im surprised ppl buy **** to rock things they never earned.


The rating systm is utter bull in this game. U r very likely gonna be getting even wins and losses. I have only done 18 games on my merc healer, but i am 9/9 each. I expect that to stay the same ratio, which it should assuming even matches across the board. Nobody but absolute gods will rise well above a 50% win rate.


A great player maintaining high rating over a large number of games should be far more deserving of a top 3 reward than one that did the same thing over the 10 qualifying games. Winning every qualifying game should not put u into the top tier!!!!


In starcraft2 last i qualified in 1v1 i won all of my qualification matches, and take a guess what rank i was put into, never being ranked b4... silver. That is one singular tier above absolute potato. What these guys r doing winning all 10 of their first ranked games is the equivalent of qualifying into grandmaster (the top tier in starcraft 2). It is absolutely retarded, there is simply no better word for this.


I have no wish whatsoever to be competitive in ranked, especially after what ive been reading here and the shear incompetence/lack of meaningful actions taken to counter it. I left it just due to the shear amount of toxicity very recently after my return to the game and having tried it out the first time (also ran into a win trader or two and it absolutely pissed me off).


I tried it again recently and i prolly got better + better gear too, so had all round more pleasant experience. There was virtually no toxicity either somehow. That said i will likely not be bothering with ranked again once i get the last monumental crystal i need on my merc (there seem to be far less VM runs nowadays).


I just wish trinity 4v4 were the base line. 4v4 dps is utter aids, and if u have a healer with no tank u have to run for ur life. Horrible gameplay and experience, mainly y im sticking to regs 99% of the time.

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Im not even sure how much such top 3 accounts sell for. Im surprised ppl buy **** to rock things they never earned.


This is one interesting phenomenon. The thing is that there are rich and poor players. When it comes to EU then its mostly western europe countries, which have more wealth so they are able to buy what others have to earn. There are many people who are willing to jump into the game with already having it all. Its easy to pick the game since there really isnt much to go through.


Forcing a pop in 4v4 is pretty easy. The one hassle is u need sub on all ur bots, need to buy lvl boosters by some means then q n go. Im not even sure how much such top 3 accounts sell for. Im surprised ppl buy **** to rock things they never earned.


Again, if a person is making money out of it, paying the sub is no issue. Such a player already has the credits from exploits to buy all the character tokens he needs. Overall, if you would have seen some of the posts here, which are no longer to be seen, it was clear that people do that cause thats what is fun for them. That is what they understand under fun and playing the game. To say it simply, they done it cause they could.


The rating systm is utter bull in this game. U r very likely gonna be getting even wins and losses. I have only done 18 games on my merc healer, but i am 9/9 each. I expect that to stay the same ratio, which it should assuming even matches across the board. Nobody but absolute gods will rise well above a 50% win rate.


A great player maintaining high rating over a large number of games should be far more deserving of a top 3 reward than one that did the same thing over the 10 qualifying games. Winning every qualifying game should not put u into the top tier!!!!


Yes, that is one of the main issues. If you look at the ratings atm its very easy to get to top 3 spots in your first 10 matches. This again leaves room for cheaters, who can rig the que and give a "customer" a top spot after the first 10 matches (in theory you can end up with a rating of up to 1700). The problem is also the maintaining of the rating cause the system puts high rated players with low rated players. That means you bein 1700 will make u end up with 1000 and 1100 rated players, causing you to lose if you dont carry the group. However, since many, even the good players, have a very low rating you have groups that have 1700, 1200, 1200, 1100 where the only good player is the 1700. This group is matched against the same 1700, 1200, 1200, 1100 where the 1200 and 1100 could be a very good player who is simply struggling for rating and they win. So being at one level with 50/50 wins/loses is normal cause of this.



I just wish trinity 4v4 were the base line. 4v4 dps is utter aids, and if u have a healer with no tank u have to run for ur life. Horrible gameplay and experience, mainly y im sticking to regs 99% of the time.


I am not exactly a fan of the trinity for ranked. The matchmaking favours it, but if there are no necessary specs it will not be matched. However, its common to go for a dps and cc the healer instead of focusing the healer. Same is in dps/tank games.

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