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Light Side Sith Warrior


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If you are a lightside V Sith Warrior, wouldn't it be awesome if you became more Jedi, for example,


Instead of Channel Hatred.

Meditate - Jedi Knight,

This also could go for the reverse for if you are a Jedi Knight with Darkside V


Another Example


Requirements Level 50 Light V

Sith Warrior, would have Jedi Knight Abilities instead of Sith Abilities.



To be honest if the first could happen that'd make me happy. The second... I don't expect it to but all be AWESOME!

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That would mean that the light SWs are in actuality JKs and vice versa. I can't put my finger on exactly what, but something tells me that that would mot work. Although yes, the fact that LS SWs channel their hatred to heal is a bit unrealistic in the sense that they are trying to conceal (or do not have) hatred.
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That would mean that the light SWs are in actuality JKs and vice versa.
Well, they kinda are, aren't they. :p


OP has a good suggestion, though I think it might take too many resources to design a whole new mechanism around this. Lots of more important stuff on the line first. The game isn't exactly big on consequences regarding LS/DS anyways. :I

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Maybe we should have just had 4 starting classes and let you decide your path from the beginning... Or maybe just once your each a certain point you actually change class to Jedi.
Factionless play? Or rather, a neutral faction for beginners and those who can't decide... Would have been cool - like in SWG. I don't appreciate the artificial segregation of the community anyways. It's bad for RP. Taking a Republic prisoner to your ship? Not possible!


I guess it doesn't work like that anymore in contemporary MMOs. Today it's all about shoehorning people into two opposing groups. Plus, I suppose the stories (in addition to requiring even more voice-acting) wouldn't have worked anymore, seeing that they require the player to have been on an advanced path in his faction already. Then again, going from Recruit to Apprentice in 10 levels is no worse than going from Apprentice to Lord in another 10.


Meh, spilt blue milk. At least the PvP is fun. :p

Edited by Taleera
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If you are a lightside V Sith Warrior, wouldn't it be awesome if you became more Jedi, for example,


Instead of Channel Hatred.

Meditate - Jedi Knight,

This also could go for the reverse for if you are a Jedi Knight with Darkside V


Another Example


Requirements Level 50 Light V

Sith Warrior, would have Jedi Knight Abilities instead of Sith Abilities.




To be honest if the first could happen that'd make me happy. The second... I don't expect it to but all be AWESOME!


It would be awesome if they at least put that first part in the game because it actually makes a lot of sense.

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Well, they kinda are, aren't they. :p


OP has a good suggestion, though I think it might take too many resources to design a whole new mechanism around this. Lots of more important stuff on the line first. The game isn't exactly big on consequences regarding LS/DS anyways. :I


No, thank you.


I do always play my Sith lightsided, but I never ever wanted them to become (partially) Jedi.


This stems from the persistent misconception, that the difference between Sith and Jedi is the one between good and evil. Of course the movies do a lot to show that being Sith is evil (murdering children.... great work Anakin!), but I have a lot of trouble seeing Anakin as true Sith (more like a Dark Jedi (and idiot) actually), In truth, the difference is this: Jedi try to reach emotional emptiness/control to find power, Sith embrace their feelings to fuel their powers. That's the entire gist of it.


Now the problem is that many Sith use only negative feelings like hate and anger and unfortunately those have been made the paragon for dark side choices (on the imperial side). Meaning, if you play dark you usually end up slaughtering innocents or torturing a cute Twileak...

But the emotional spectrum is a lot bigger then that. Love, for example is - I am sure few will disagree there - one of the most powerful and most beautiful feelings one can have. It still belongs to the dark side, as all feelings are forbidden for Jedi for fear of getting too attached (There are exceptions, yes. But "there is no emotion, there is serenity" is pretty straight forward, try finding me a section of the sith code denoting to the use of hate or senseless slaughter of innocents. There isn't. It talks about passion and freedom. Can't see anything evil about that.) Its a shame that the choices in the game do not reflect that for a Sith.

For example, as a Jedi you can get dark side points by expressing your love to a certain female (JK players know of this), but for a Sith you get no dark side points for basically doing the same. That does of course make players think you have to be evil to use the dark side (as it seems to be the only way to get dark side points as sith).


But I digress. Sorry. Anyway what I absolutely not want to do is play my Sith as a Jedi. He likes to play things smart (which is usually the light choice, for example with Jaessas parents), but he would never supress his feelings, instead he harnesses (mostly) the positive ones, and draws strength from it. He gets attached a lot and fears to loose his lover, which makes him stronger, espcially when he wants to protects her.

So, whatever the game tells me about him being Light IV, he does use the dark side. Luckily on an RP server I can play it like that, if only I want to.


Game mechanics do not count for RP and I really don't want them to break my immersion by changing my skills like that. At the most I would want a mechanic like the OP requested as optional possibilty, like the dark side corruption.

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This stems from the persistent misconception, that the difference between Sith and Jedi is the one between good and evil.
Can't agree there. From all I've read, the misconception is that you can cherrypick your powers and still be a good guy.


It's certainly true that you don't have to be a Jedi to do good stuff, or that you don't have to be a Sith to be evil - but at the same time there is no such thing as an evil Jedi or a good Sith. The Force does have an effect on your morality, and people are completely forgetting about corruption when they build their character on absolute liberty from these concepts. The truth is that the more you draw upon the Dark Side of the Force, the more it twists your mind, slowly, creeping, like a virus running through your body, making your blood boil. It is the lure of power in its most raw form. The saying "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" holds true, as we see countless times throughout the movies, novels, comics, games. Even the P&P RPG - as canon as this game - had a system for this, giving you DSP when you did stuff like choking people.


What you are referring to, the balance between good and evil, between the Light and the Dark Side, is known to be a "Grey Jedi", like the Voss Mystics or Emperor Roan Fel's Imperial Knights. The Witches of Dathomir might be counted amongst them, too, I suppose, with exception of the Nightsisters of course.


Even more confusing, however, I find the thought of someone actually being able to stay "good" when growing up in the Korriban Academy. Its curriculum consists of indoctrination, backstabbing and torture. How anyone would be able to grow into a good-hearted being there is a puzzle to me.


There isn't. It talks about passion and freedom. Can't see anything evil about that.) Its a shame that the choices in the game do not reflect that for a Sith.
Heh, from my perspective it's a shame that the game does not provide accurate consequences for certain choices, like opposing one's mentor in the Academy or making one's character guess his or her affiliation when he/she constantly goes against what his or her nation is standing for - and ultimately attempting to achieve.


For example, as a Jedi you can get dark side points by expressing your love to a certain female (JK players know of this), but for a Sith you get no dark side points for basically doing the same.
Well, I presume this is because as a Sith the game assumes you are already "attuned" to the Dark Side. The way the game works is that it does not evaluate the effect of an action based on one's LS/DS score but one's faction. Basically, a Sith kicking a pup is evil (sadistic), but the Sith doing so wouldn't feel bad about it, because he already is corrupted.


In a way it's too bad that the game doesn't use more "context" when determining how many LS/DS points you get, but at the same time this would only make sense if people would actually be able/forced to "switch" class and allegiance, depending on how their choices reflect their morality - meaning if their personality is actually in line with the class/faction they are a part of. The game just isn't that complex, though.


Many of the players will, of course, prefer things like they are now, because this allows them to play good Sith as part of an evil regime, or an evil Jedi as part of a good-hearted order. Consequences simply are a matter of personal preference; some like them, some just prefer to have more freedom.

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My Light Side Sith is not a Jedi and greatly disagrees with their philosophy. Strong emotions like anger, hatred, fear are not to be suppressed. They have to be acknowledged. The are part of the human (or otherwise) condition. Feeling anger and making choices based on that anger is not wrong. Doing destructive things in anger is wrong. That's the difference. I don't even play my Light Side Jedi as emotionless creatures, because I don't believe in it.


Honestly, this whole element of the force breaks my suspension of disbelief in Star Wars more than anything else. The Jedi way runs directly contrary to what we know about emotional and psychological help. Anakin needed therapy. He went through some very real trauma in the early part of his life. No person should be expected to just "man up" and get over having his mother die in his arms. Or having visions of his pregnant wife dying. With some competent mental health care, there is likely little to no chance that Anakin would have turned to the dark side.

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Maybe each class' regenerative ability animation (e.g. Seethe for SI, Recharge and Reload for Trooper) could be an unlockable legacy ability that you could use on any legacy toon once unlocked. That would give an option for those who want to roleplay their characters a bit differently...


Although, seeing as the LS SW is effectively trying to hide their affiliation, it would not be appropriate for a SW to start meditating Jedi style in the middle of a group of potentially dark side allies. Really the SW has to stay as they are to remain undetected. At the same time, it would be disastrous for a dark side Jedi to begin seething or channeling hatred in front of his allies... Kind of a career limiting move.


On another note, I would agree with the above posts about the difference between Jedi and Sith. To me it's not about good/evil, but about philosophy or beliefs. The Sith philosophy is basically polar opposite to jedi - emotion versus emotionlessness. Even for my Sith, who is full light side, emotion and passion are still her primary tools. Even if she could switch factions, she would still remain Sith unless she decided to embrace the Jedi philosophy, and that is something different than turning from evil to good.


If you look at the story of Anakin Skywalker, he basically got forced into being a Jedi (and hence denying his emotions) from a traumatic and painful past, and it all came unhinged. Anakin turned from Jedi to Sith not because he chose evil, but because he was unable to shed his emotions, and in the end was consumed by his emotions. His love for Padme, his fear of losing her, and all of his repressed resentment, anger, fear and hatred drove him down a path that led him directly into the hands of Palpatine. It wasn't good versus evil... Anakin genuinely thought he was working towards saving his beloved wife from the fate he had dreamed about.


I think one of the problems with LS / DS choices is that half the time they don't make sense, or they are too arbitrary.



For example, on Taris my Trooper came across an imperial soldier who Dorne identified as a genocidal mass murderer. Now my trooper is the idealistic 'save the galaxy and bring freedom to the people' kind of person, so imagine my surprise when there was no option to capture this person during the conversation. There were only 2 options - to let him go, which had light side points, or to kill him, which had dark side points.

The issue I had with it is that my justice and freedom believing trooper would not ever let this man go free. So the only option she had was to kill him... which cost her dark side points.


The problem is that there is no way for LS/DS choices to account for motivation. My trooper killed him because it was the only way to bring justice and to prevent him from doing it again. Had she the option to capture him and bring him in for trial, then she would have done that over killing him any day.


It was a very poorly scripted event that shows the shortcomings of the LS/DS system in the game.



I too abhor forced segregation - it just stifles roleplay so badly and eliminates the possiblity for some intriguing gameplay options. Infiltration of the opposite faction, perhaps?



I found the SW class quests on Belsavis to be most intriguing - working directly with a Jedi to prevent the release of Baras' sister. I also really loved the letter the Jedi sent later on talking about the chaos and confusion it caused the Jedi Council. It made me feel that my character had shifted the balance in the whole galaxy, just a little bit...



Faction segregation seems to me to be an old PvP tool designed to fabricate hatred and a motivation to kill people. It is not an effective roleplay mechanism, since it limits your choices and gameplay options.


There are so many places where the ability to interact with the other faction, or even defect if you want to, would enrich the game for those who want to roleplay. Possibilities include secret alliances or cross faction relationships, defections, espionage and infiltration, even trading or things like spice smuggling (for a smuggler).


As an example, if cross-faction interactions were possible, my SW would be interested in working alongside more Jedi, but not to join them. She sees the weakness in rejecting emotion, and seeks to show them that embracing emotion and being empowered by emotion does not mean turning to the dark side. At the same time she is fully behind Jaesa seeking out light side Sith and bringing change to the empire through breaking down the focus on hatred, anger and fear. She may not be the prophesied one, but however she can bring balance to the force in her own little way, she would be happy. So... how does that roleplay out in the game as it is?


Just my thoughts.

Edited by Sethmartin
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Personally, having a light side Warrior, allows me to show that some emotions are essential, although fear is one emotion I feel is possibly the worst.


One universal quest line you had a choice to destroy a sith's research about the true power of the force. The Jedi being emoitionless, allows for them to bring out the most of the force.


Although like Reven, He saw, and from what I believe, is that Utilizing both sides of the force will bring the ultimate potential. Although sacrifices must be made.


To use different sides force is coming from two different main components.


Light~ Jedi the force is there

Dark~ Sith Emotions bring the force


Using both the jedi way of using the force and combining the methods of the sith to bring more power into the force.


Another relation is think of the jedi as Sei, and the sith a Dou.


Sei, Silence, hides his intention to fight, then releases it quickly. Sei fighters are martial artists who rely on skill and talent to fight. They use their wit to beat their opponents with superior strategies and plans. A Sei fighter performs no unnecessary movement or wastes energy.


Dou, Motion, uses his anger to exceed his limits. Dou fighters utilize ******* instincts and rare emotion to fight. They remain mainly on the offensive wasting no time to allow their opponents to ready themselves. A Dou fighter is constantly pushing their limits to become stronger.


Combining those two would bring ultimate power.

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Light Side Sith reminds me of Starkiller and Revan. They draw on Sith-like abilities, such as Force Lightning and Force Choke, but they're not evil. Yet.


Also Jedi Academy and your ability to select darkside powers. if you remember KOTOR Jaral (I think) was a grey jedi.

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Sethmartin hit the nail on the head. The Jedi Order and the Sith Order are actually force religions. So its not actually light vs dark its my belief system vs your belief system. LS SW are viable because their quest for power whether they achieve it via the light side or dark side is still the same. DS Jedi however, I feel arent so realistic because they would most likely be expelled from the Jedi Order. Being a dark side Jedi doesnt make you Sith either. Because you would have to learn the Sith teachings first.

To who brought up Revan and Galen Marek. Galen Marek was never considered a Sith because there was already two Sith Lords, Sidious and Vader. Teaching Marek the inner works of the Sith Order would have broke Darth Banes "Rule of Two". Revan declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith after finding the Star Forge after being ordered to find it by Lord Vitiate. He in essence created his own faction and Empire separate from the faction we play as in game. Thats why on the Dromund Kaas questline the Revanites are branded heratics.

So yeah I totally went off on a tangent but I love SW lore.

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Even more confusing, however, I find the thought of someone actually being able to stay "good" when growing up in the Korriban Academy. Its curriculum consists of indoctrination, backstabbing and torture. How anyone would be able to grow into a good-hearted being there is a puzzle to me.


Well also remember the context of the stories the missions tell. From the Inquisitor being a slave, to the temperance you're told to have in dealing with everyone by level 3 on a Warrior, there are plant-ins on what could be the start of your journey away from the darkside. This becomes more compounded during the Revanite questline, and the Dark Temple quest where you speak to a Sith who discovered 'ultimate power' by embracing the lightside.


Not to mention everyone gets a companion you just adore. Mako, Akaavi, Quinn, whoever. Just a companion you love to have out. Their opinions have weight on you, the player. So it's not unreasonable they'd have a lot of weight on the character they regularly travel with. All these things can lead to a lightside bend. And honestly it's good story telling when the light and darkside both seem balanced in terms of sensibility. The Jedi Knight... is bad if your Darkside. Same with the Consular. However the sith classes make light or dark work very VERY well.

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Well also remember the context of the stories the missions tell. From the Inquisitor being a slave, to the temperance you're told to have in dealing with everyone by level 3 on a Warrior, there are plant-ins on what could be the start of your journey away from the darkside. This becomes more compounded during the Revanite questline, and the Dark Temple quest where you speak to a Sith who discovered 'ultimate power' by embracing the lightside.


Not to mention everyone gets a companion you just adore. Mako, Akaavi, Quinn, whoever. Just a companion you love to have out. Their opinions have weight on you, the player. So it's not unreasonable they'd have a lot of weight on the character they regularly travel with. All these things can lead to a lightside bend. And honestly it's good story telling when the light and darkside both seem balanced in terms of sensibility. The Jedi Knight... is bad if your Darkside. Same with the Consular. However the sith classes make light or dark work very VERY well.


agree,kaleth'ur,vette,the revanites,the will to make a difference,all of this people/things made me go light side,a sith warrior embracing the light can be the most powerful being in the galaxy and yet he can save lifes,be good,help people,even if sith.

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In the Jedi Knight storyline, you eventually encounter

Lord Praven

who IMO, provides an excellent example of a light-sided SIth. Despite his many positive traits, no one would mistake him for a Jedi.

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agree,kaleth'ur,vette,the revanites,the will to make a difference,all of this people/things made me go light side,a sith warrior embracing the light can be the most powerful being in the galaxy and yet he can save lifes,be good,help people,even if sith.


Yes, a sith is not a stranger to saving someone from death, or helping a village or person or faction.... as long as it can further his own ambition of power. That you must always remember.

Edited by danniel
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Well also remember the context of the stories the missions tell. From the Inquisitor being a slave, to the temperance you're told to have in dealing with everyone by level 3 on a Warrior, there are plant-ins on what could be the start of your journey away from the darkside.
Oh, certainly - but keeping the Academy's background in mind, how would any student even pick those options? The game just throws them at you because it is overly lenient in granting people the freedom of choice, in the "worst" cases allowing you to break character - and rarely if ever dishing out the appropriate consequences. I'm not sure what people think on how a Sith Academy is run, but I always thought taunting one's Master for the lulz would incur a harsher punishment than a stern warning.


In the Jedi Knight storyline, you eventually encounter

Lord Praven

who IMO, provides an excellent example of a light-sided SIth. Despite his many positive traits, no one would mistake him for a Jedi.

The guy who eventually

joins the Jedi Order as a Light-Side Jedi Knight

? I'm not sure he's such a good example for what you mean. :p


Usage of the Dark Side of the Force has a corrupting influence on people's minds and makes them sadistic. This effect seems to be forgotten or ignored by a lot of people. The Dark Side and the Light Side are not just fancy names for useful powers. And egoism as originating in the search for personal power further enhances this further by luring people to take the easiest and quickest path - which is, again, the Dark Side, as well as the unbridled exploitation of others.

The only way to stay clear of the Dark Side is to NOT be an egoist, which is imho incompatible with the very being of what it means to be a Sith, and to avoid the taint of "evil work", which is incompatible with the orders you receive from your superiors. It's why all those Sith who actually do have an epiphany and start walking on the path of the Light Side end up leaving the Order. It quite simply doesn't stand for their newfound belief, or even worse starts to disgust them. It'd be like an atheist being a supportive member of the Christian church, or a pacifist voluntarily serving in the military.


Those are my two credits, anyways - I don't think the discussion has a chance of cultivating much consensus, as our interpretations seem to operate on different core tenets.

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Oh, certainly - but keeping the Academy's background in mind, how would any student even pick those options? The game just throws them at you because it is overly lenient in granting people the freedom of choice, in the "worst" cases allowing you to break character - and rarely if ever dishing out the appropriate consequences. I'm not sure what people think on how a Sith Academy is run, but I always thought taunting one's Master for the lulz would incur a harsher punishment than a stern warning.


The guy who eventually

joins the Jedi Order as a Light-Side Jedi Knight

? I'm not sure he's such a good example for what you mean. :p


Usage of the Dark Side of the Force has a corrupting influence on people's minds and makes them sadistic. This effect seems to be forgotten or ignored by a lot of people. The Dark Side and the Light Side are not just fancy names for useful powers. And egoism as originating in the search for personal power further enhances this further by luring people to take the easiest and quickest path - which is, again, the Dark Side, as well as the unbridled exploitation of others.

The only way to stay clear of the Dark Side is to NOT be an egoist, which is imho incompatible with the very being of what it means to be a Sith, and to avoid the taint of "evil work", which is incompatible with the orders you receive from your superiors. It's why all those Sith who actually do have an epiphany and start walking on the path of the Light Side end up leaving the Order. It quite simply doesn't stand for their newfound belief, or even worse starts to disgust them. It'd be like an atheist being a supportive member of the Christian church, or a pacifist voluntarily serving in the military.


Those are my two credits, anyways - I don't think the discussion has a chance of cultivating much consensus, as our interpretations seem to operate on different core tenets.


Oh, I think you got it all wrong, you dont need to be an egoistic megalomaniac with a godcomplex to be sith. "The Sith saw passion as the only real way to fully understand the Force. However, the Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them, while the weak were ruled by them" and "Neophyte Sith believed that the breaking of chains represented the ability to do whatever one wished, however more seasoned members of the Order recognized that the true meaning of freedom was the end of all physical restrictions and the ability to attain perfection."


Then ofcourse the above is taken from the wookieepedia. And like I said in a reply a bit above, a sith can and will aide weaker/stronger people in need, if that can further their own goals. So a "lightsided" sith isnt impossible, just improbable :)

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Oh, I think you got it all wrong, you dont need to be an egoistic megalomaniac with a godcomplex to be sith.
You don't - I wasn't claiming as such, and my character isn't either. I'm sorry if I failed to adequately express my thoughts. In the end, however, you cannot deny that a quest for personal power is intrinsically egoistic. And evil deeds as well as usage of the Dark Side of the Force do corrupt the user. How could you simply brush something like being the key element in various of the Empire's objectively tyrannical and sadistical schemes away as if it wouldn't have any effect whatsoever on the character's personality - and continue to serve this Empire in whose methods you do not believe? Now you may argue with your quest for personal power again, tapping the Empire's resources for your own use, but in doing so you sacrifice the lives of the countless intelligent lifeforms that had to suffer for your service, in exchange for your personal advance. And this isn't supposed to be Dark Side? Heh. ;)


a sith can and will aide weaker/stronger people in need, if that can further their own goals. So a "lightsided" sith isnt impossible, just improbable :)
Yet when you're only aiding someone for your own benefit, that isn't Light Side at all. The motivation is what counts. Otherwise you might as well go and say that all Jedi are actually Dark Side because killing is bad.


But no, something like a "Light Side Sith" isn't exactly impossible - we have seen users of the Dark Side redeem themselves before, so obviously there must be a stage where their belief is in question, shortly before they renounce their current existence. Just like there can be Dark Side Jedi shortly before they leave the Order or are dealt with. What I do not believe is the "ease" with which certain story options want to suggest that change, as well as that something like a Light Side Sith or a Dark Side Jedi is a "permanent" state of affairs rather than a comparatively short station in the process of Falling or Redeeming oneself.

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You don't - I wasn't claiming as such, and my character isn't either. I'm sorry if I failed to adequately express my thoughts. In the end, however, you cannot deny that a quest for personal power is intrinsically egoistic. And evil deeds as well as usage of the Dark Side of the Force do corrupt the user. How could you simply brush something like being the key element in various of the Empire's objectively tyrannical and sadistical schemes away as if it wouldn't have any effect whatsoever on the character's personality - and continue to serve this Empire in whose methods you do not believe? Now you may argue with your quest for personal power again, tapping the Empire's resources for your own use, but in doing so you sacrifice the lives of the countless intelligent lifeforms that had to suffer for your service, in exchange for your personal advance. And this isn't supposed to be Dark Side? Heh. ;)


Yet when you're only aiding someone for your own benefit, that isn't Light Side at all. The motivation is what counts. Otherwise you might as well go and say that all Jedi are actually Dark Side because killing is bad.


But no, something like a "Light Side Sith" isn't exactly impossible - we have seen users of the Dark Side redeem themselves before, so obviously there must be a stage where their belief is in question, shortly before they renounce their current existence. Just like there can be Dark Side Jedi shortly before they leave the Order or are dealt with. What I do not believe is the "ease" with which certain story options want to suggest that change, as well as that something like a Light Side Sith or a Dark Side Jedi is a "permanent" state of affairs rather than a comparatively short station in the process of Falling or Redeeming oneself.


Darn, you took up my points I was going to state :) ... Well, what I DO want in the game is that when you go total lightside (as sith) you will embark on a new class quest... the quest of redemption (and thus leaving the empire and joining the republic as a jedi)(this can only be done once). Same for Jedi, if they go total dark, then they embark on a betrayal quest. (Obviously you will have a choice if you really want to do it, but I sooo want a quest like that in the game!). That way, we will not have any of these discussions again :)

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I think it would be great to have some sort of class betrayal questline. As someone who's done it on Everquest 2 a few times, I can give you the "mechanics" on how it works. You initiate a conversation with the betrayal NPC, then you do a series of quests by working against your own faction (spying, spreading propaganda, etc). Once that is complete, you end up in a "neutral town" called Haven, then you have to go earn trust with one of the major cities (i.e. good/evil side) to get back to a normal life. You earn their trust by a long series of quests, good cities may be pickup up trash outside, helping townsfolks. Evil cities get by with torture and mayhem, helping their army, etc (for those EQ2 players, the quest chain to live in Neriak (drow city) is very twisted). Once you complete all the quests, you are given your final reminder that when you switch, you (in most cases) will be switching classes (Shadowknight to Paladin, Warlock to Wizard, etc). You then gain all the abilities/skills of the new class and lose your old ones.


Star Wars has plenty of examples of side-swapping. Non-Jedi classes could easily do something along the lines above, while Jedi could seek a path of redemption or fall. As a light side Sith myself, I think it would really bring a great deal of depth to my own character to have the ability to join the Jedi order, or stay hidden and work behind the scenes as a Sith. It would definatley add to the options available for anyone - and an in-game method to switch would be better lore-wise, than just forking over $$ for a faction change. The only real issue I see is having to be done with your class story. I think it would be a bit of a pickle to switch during the middle of your class quest somehow, unless that was integrated into the quest chain to set you at the start of a particular chapter, then you work through the chain from there. Some of the side-specific titles can stay, others need to be swapped out (class based titles).

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