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Does your chat choice alter how difficult a mission is ?


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so when im going for a mission, does the choice of what i say change how easy or difficult the mission will be ?


because i always respond with a cocky sort of oh this will be easy response, and they seem to add more to the mission, or does it not effect it ?


maybe im being a **** and imagining this but just wondering

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Sometimes you can talk your way out of a fight, so I guess you could consider that making things less difficult not having to battle.


*force persuade* you want to go jump off that cliff


lol somthing along that line


some times your choices will affect a fight so choose wisely

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99% of the time, different dialogue options only provoke different dialogue responses. It doesn't really seem to affect the mission that much.


Only exceptions are where you have LS/DS choices to make, where sometimes your mission is altered somewhat slightly to reflect the choice you've made. To give a cliched generic example - either blow up the whole place and get out (DS choice) or rescue hostages first then blow up the whole place (LS choice) - now the latter choice is obviously going to be a slightly more laborious task, but thats it really.


I haven't seen any differences elicited in being 'cocky', instead of perhaps speeding things up to the confrontation instead of spending more time exchanging nasty words with your enemies.

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Sith Warriors can get out of at least one fight by threatening to eat their ambushers. No joke.


Sith Inquisitors can either provoke a Sith Lord into fighting them or have him send his apprentices to test them. They can also intimidate a group of mercs so they don't have the backbone to attack when their boss gives the order.



These are just a few examples off the top of my head.

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Most of the time the missions are the same, particularly side-quests. However sometimes you can effect things, mostly whether or not a fight occurs, sometimes how many take part in a fight. The choices also seem to change the post-mission mails & rewards you get.


LS/DS options do seem to make much major changes a lot of the time. For example I just had one in which I could (LS) do some busy work to get the quest item or (DS) just attack the owner of the item and have a quicker but harder combat.

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