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What is the best UI setup for healers?(ops frames)


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So i have had alot of healer alts but now im going to start get a healer to 50 seriously. I have always just clicked on the players on the screen instead of the ops frames. I see serious healers click from ops panel and i want to know the best setup there. This is the one i have atm:




Problem here is that its very hard to see the names... I want to keep the HP % but i dont care about the amount. Is there any way to get the names smaller or remove the HP amount and just have the %?


Thank you.

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I like mine as minimalist as possible, with the ops frame central so I can keep an eye on it AND whats going on outside the whack-a-mole. Note, what you don't see are my two quickbars that contain my abilities that lack cooldowns I need to track. They're hidden unless I need to move abilities in them.


I also have a secondary profile that moves and scales things for 16m as well. Same idea though.

Edited by CaptainApop
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There's only so much you can do since there is no real customization. Can't modify the size of debuffs, can't have an alert when a CD is reset by another skill, no click2cast and so forth. The skill ceiling is therefore very low in this game and as a consequence, the game is very easy.
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i use this one for my healing



and then my 16+man healing .




i keep all my healing abilities on the right side of my quickbars, as well i use almost entirely keybinds (ex. 1-3, the "r" and "t" key, as well as "f" to target nearest foe and "g" to target nearest friends. as well since i have a standard 5 button mouse iuse my mouse button 4 for my kolto bomb, as well as salvation on my sage.


my ui is slightly different now withthe new quickbars but it is very simmilar to this withthe same basic idea. hope this helps.

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