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My feminine side?


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I am male.


I have 8 level 55s, 6 male, 2 female,


My male toons have one set of armour and only one, but with my female toons I finds myself thinking, 'Ooh, that armour set looks lovely, I'll keep that in my cargo hold'.


In my head.


In a girly voice.


My 2 female toons now have somewhat extensive wardrobes in their ships. ***? Why do I start thinking like a girl just because my toon is a girl ??? What do the psychologists call this?

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I wouldn't say you're necessarily 'Thinking like a girl' but more likely to be buying into the preconceived stereotype that society places on women.


For a guy it's usually enough to just turn up clean and washed (okay this is a stretch for a lot of gamers I've known ;) ), t-shirt, jeans and trainers is an acceptable casual wardrobe, a single suit for funerals/weddings/ job interviews completes the wardrobe. Maybe 1 or 2 coats and that's it.


For a woman a whole industry is built on the need for them to dress differently at every opportune moment. And if they don't their own sister hood can turn on them saying things like... 'Doesn't really try hard enough', 'Let herself go', 'She'll never get a man looking like that'.... it's like a feeding frenzy in a shark pool ;)


And then there's always the true element that for the majority males are more stimulated by visual elements (hairstyle, body shape, clothing (or lack of) ) while the majority of females are stimulated by emotional elements (verbal communication, cleanliness, kindness).


For a guy playing a computer game with dress up elements I'm not surprised more effort is spent enhancing the wardrobe of the female eye-candy, while the male toons can just make do with whatever.

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I am male.


I have 8 level 55s, 6 male, 2 female,


My male toons have one set of armour and only one, but with my female toons I finds myself thinking, 'Ooh, that armour set looks lovely, I'll keep that in my cargo hold'.


In my head.


In a girly voice.


My 2 female toons now have somewhat extensive wardrobes in their ships. ***? Why do I start thinking like a girl just because my toon is a girl ??? What do the psychologists call this?


for starters you'll never "think like a girl" if you aren't one. If you mean have thoughts that are commonly accepted as feminine, then yes, you possibly do have a degree of subconscious curiosity. Up to you weather or not you wanna accept it or not. Not a big deal. A lot of guys do but are afraid to "go there"...but RPGs are an acceptable venue to explore such desires IMO..

Edited by jaytdasme
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My male toons have one set of armour and only one, but with my female toons I finds myself thinking, 'Ooh, that armour set looks lovely, I'll keep that in my cargo hold'.


In my head.


In a girly voice.


That voice is the same voice when we walk into an electronics store and makes us buy accessories we will only probaably use once.


That voice is the same voice when we walk into a bar with a hot chick at our arms.... and still manage to ogle other aesthetically pleasing women and says "I'd love to bang her."


That voice is not feminine or masculine, it's commonly known as Id in psychology.

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