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Whats the best class would you say is the easiest to play and all-around fun ?


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Any answers are going to be simply guesswork, because everyone finds different things fun. For instance, Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior is a very popular class, but I just can't get into the playstyle.


Having said all that...you might want to go with a Bounty Hunter / Trooper; go Mercenary / Commando for the Advanced Class, and spec in the Arsenal / Gunnery tree. It's a relatively simple yet enjoyable playstyle.

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My advice. Totally biased and without much basis in truth.


1) Start with being IMP SCUM! For first-timers it's probably much funnier to try to be a baddie than the "do-gooding" Republic filth.


2) Sith Warrior has a uniqe playstyle. Not the easiest to learn. But worth it.


3) Bounty Hunter (Mercenary) should be pretty easy. But then again, so could Sith Sorcerer be considered to be.


4) Imperial Agent has should have a great class story. Sniper should be fun.


My recommendation is: Mercenary (Bounty Hunter), Sniper (Imperial Agent) or Sith Sorcerer (Sith Inquisitor)

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