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Whats the best relics for commando dps


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Its very confusing because of the crappy itemization of relics.


I have to take one with lots of endurance to get the good ability to increase crit.


I have to take the one with defense ability to get the end/power stats.


Which relics do you u guys go for. I am just looking at the light relic vendor and whatever is on the GM.

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I would check here http://www.republictrooper.com/matrix-cubes-relic-items/


I can't comment on user crafted relics as there seem to be a lot of variation and I've just been stacking the end one for the level and not really paying attention to the clicky portion for leveling. Just know that two of the same relic share a cool-down, they may both share it, but I've never bothered having to different ones to verify.

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Use the Matrix shard in one slot and a stam relic that you can activate. Either the one with crit & surge (if your crit is low), or the one with power (if your crit/surge is high allready).


Good advice. The reason you want to use the relic for your weakest stat is due to diminishing returns. A power relic is going to "hit harder" for a crit/surge build because the power is on the steepest part of the DR curve.

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