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Who would YOU like to see as added companions? [Potential Spoilers]


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I think it would be fun to have temporary companions. Like the stalker, vapid chick from nar shadaa for smuggler. I sleep with her once and she stalks me, so I should be able to let her on my ship until my companions vote-poll her off at the next planet where I ditch her, or make a special trip to leave her on Hoth.


But it would be fun to have people on your ship that are not companions. I know Risha eventually becomes one, but its fun to talk with her as she just kind of chills on my ship for most of an act before she joins me.


I could see the jedi adding a few refugees onto his ship and then dropping them off once he eventually travels to alderaan. Or the Sith picking up a few spies to torture in between voyages, etc. it would break up things on your ship and give you more things to do. And it wouldn't require the same amount of work as say a real companion for Bioware to add this feature of temporary storyline companions.

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I think it would be fun to have temporary companions. Like the stalker, vapid chick from nar shadaa for smuggler. I sleep with her once and she stalks me, so I should be able to let her on my ship until my companions vote-poll her off at the next planet where I ditch her, or make a special trip to leave her on Hoth.


But it would be fun to have people on your ship that are not companions. I know Risha eventually becomes one, but its fun to talk with her as she just kind of chills on my ship for most of an act before she joins me.


I could see the jedi adding a few refugees onto his ship and then dropping them off once he eventually travels to alderaan. Or the Sith picking up a few spies to torture in between voyages, etc. it would break up things on your ship and give you more things to do. And it wouldn't require the same amount of work as say a real companion for Bioware to add this feature of temporary storyline companions.


that's actually a very good idea actually, very interesting and expands the story even further actually.

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I'd love to pick up Beryl later as a companion instead of Akaavi or Risha, we could use a "nice" female companion.



I think a "dashing rogue" type of fellow would be awesome -- a Han Solo type, if you will. Basically, a cooler, less creepy version of Tharan, maybe could even toss him off the ship if you choose to invite him to join your crew. :p


And another lady companion! Maybe give Zenith a long-lost sister/cousin/etc and let the player choose her to replace him if they want? It could be for his first Companion quest or something.

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The Flesh Eater Force-user from Tython for Jedi classes if you let it live, of course. :cool:


Seriously though, I would welcome the ability to choose between the companions depending on the story arc. Path A unlocks one companion, Path B - another and they are mutually exclusive. To nullify imbalance, let them have similar abilities. Perhaps, even make them of the opposite gender.


I would also like to see some companions (besides ship droids) shared between classes.


As for personality, I'd welcome a romanceable version of Bioware's special "warlike male homicidal alien that you save" at last.

Edited by Serendistupidity
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As a Sith Warrior I have a slave/pirate, droid, apprentice, 2x imperial and a snow dog (talz). I feel like I should have had a bounty hunter in there, and while Pierce is sort of like one, he's not really, he's imperial, even if he's not as incompetent as Quinn. Vette could have been one but she's a slave instead and hence just piraty.


That aside looking at their roles I have ranged dps, 2x ranged heal, melee dps, ranged tank and melee tank.


Any archetype we get will be a repeat of another, so I'm open as long as they have a decent story with them.


Edit: I would like an apprentice that could heal me.

Edited by MoistMuffin
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As a Sith Warrior I have a slave/pirate, droid, apprentice, 2x imperial and a snow dog (talz). I feel like I should have had a bounty hunter in there, and while Pierce is sort of like one, he's not really, he's imperial, even if he's not as incompetent as Quinn. Vette could have been one but she's a slave instead and hence just piraty.


That aside looking at their roles I have ranged dps, 2x ranged heal, melee dps, ranged tank and melee tank.


Any archetype we get will be a repeat of another, so I'm open as long as they have a decent story with them.


Edit: I would like an apprentice that could heal me.


Yes having more than one healer does seem a good practical choice. Is there any jedi or sith healer companions in this game as of yet?

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I would like a badäss companion for the Imperial agent, like a manly warrior with a deep voice like "Sev" from Star Wars Republic commando :D who would be a romance option for female players!


Or an handsome Chiss guy. And a Chagrian! and a Twi'lek like Zenith.


Yes, having some aliens for romances would be so cool.

Edited by Evolvana
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I swear if we get Thana as a companion, I'll have a mental breakdown. I've never wanted to kill someone in this game so much nor felt that I delivered such acute justice as when I killed Thana. I was continuously bothered by her senseless, sadistic cruelty but the thing that really did it for me was when she casually force pushed that poor, innocent trooper who is on the same damn side to take out her temper tantrum. When she did that, I knew I was going to have the chance to rid the galaxy of her some day - and I did :)


The only companion I'd like on my SW is a Gen'Dai, after seeing The Flame. He was so cool.

Edited by Mondaris
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Mark me down for Jonas Balkar, he and the female trooper have some priceless dialogue. Not to mention he's pretty involved in the class quests already and even helps out Jorgan, even though they're not on great terms. Total champ. :p


Other than that I'm agreeing with Aristocra Saganu, dude's smooth.

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Mark me down for Jonas Balkar, he and the female trooper have some priceless dialogue. Not to mention he's pretty involved in the class quests already and even helps out Jorgan, even though they're not on great terms. Total champ. :p


Other than that I'm agreeing with Aristocra Saganu, dude's smooth.


Shall do, updating the list soon, in the process of repairing my PC but I'm working on it ;)

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Jedi Knight-wise, I have to agree with one of the earliest post, Agent Galen..He'd have made such an awesome, and lovable companion. So far I found most of the male companions I'd seen rather..dull. Exception being Blizz, of course! Either way, he's the only male character I'd actually find an interesting romance option so far too, if it had been an option. Not Blizz, but Galen, that is.


Thana Vesh would be an awesome companion for a number of classes. She's interesting, and while I initially wanted to put my blaster pistols to her head and blast her brains out with my BH when I met her, I kinda got this soft spot for her as she and my Chiss merc girl competed in a way against eachother. Plus in the end, she did seem to have some sort of affection for my Chiss, despite the fact that they constantly argued against eachother and whatnot. (My Chiss being a lightsider, and her being a darksider.)


Actually, she'd be an awesome romance option in general too, especially if being a lightside character worked with her dark choices non-stop too. Sort of going against the logical way and the constant conflict between the two kind of bringing them closer. I can just see it right now. Opposites attract and all that stuff.


Aside from that, I bet I've met some more that I can't think of right now...Or..I can!


For Jedi Knights, Lord Praven, the Sith Pureblood you meet on Tatooine. Something about him made me really appreciate him in a way. Even though JK's already get Lord Scourge, not to mention their 'sort of used to be Sith' companion(Won't tell names for the sake of spoilers, as it was a fun surprise for me.)


Bounty Hunter-wise...Hm, I'd kind of say the Mirialan apprentice you can spare when you kill her master. Can't recall the name, but she might've made an interesting type, too.


Though with Bounty Hunters, you sort of wonder if, when you choose the lightside option for the final mission, there maybe ought to be an option to kind of work on both sides or something? I mean, supposedly you get a completely clean slate with the Republic or something..Would perhaps open the way for some new companion there too. Perhaps some GenoHaradan(Or whatever their name was) type, or the likes? A female one too. The BH crew is all male, with the exception of Mako. (And the player if you go female, heh.)

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As a FemSmugg and avid Corso Hater.


I'd like to see Numen Brock, from Balmorra, as a Smuggler companion. I'm honestly surprised he isn't on the main post.


He's charming, witty, brave, generous and way more fun than the majority of current Smuggler Companions. He's a wasted Twi'lek. WASTED!

Edited by Avianpixie
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personally I think class story specific new companions would be a bad Idea, since if you make the wrong decision during the you r playthru, you would be screwed out of it if you make the wrong decion during the story, especially if you got to 50 before it was availible....


A better option would be a planetary bonus companions who's queslines are unlocked after finishing the planet's bonus series....


Maybe have a promanent NPC from the planetary questline, and an alternate companion availible if the first got killed in the story already. Like say the Force using Jawa from Tattooine, and if you killed it during the story you would be able to get a baby (as in close to khem Val's size) Rancor compamion.


Other than that, maybe several more generic Droid companion's, simiar to your ship droid. Maybe an astromech DPS, and a WarDroid (something like a Droideka) Tank. and like your ship Droid, they would only have 1 mode (a DPS, or Tank mode/Buff, not two like most Class companion's). For the droids, they would be realitvly easy too get/build, possible even be able to buy them from a droid vendor, or maybe short and easy questline to build them.


Beyond that, HK-51 absolutly! From what I've read on him, he's seriously awesome (I hope he has lines like HK-47 had in KoToR 1 & 2)! I can't wait for BW to finish putting him in the game! I just hope we get him soon!


And also, a Hutt companion would be awesome! ANd yes, there are Hutt's with some serious combat abilities! Example's: A Hutt Dark Jedi http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Beldorion

Shell Hutt's, they like in powered armor with built-in weaponry http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shell_Hutts


The only Issue with Hutt companions would be BW would need to create animation's for Hutts doing things other than siting in place looking like there sleeping.......

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