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Sith and Jedi


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All throughout the history of Star Wars, whenever someone encounters a Jedi or Sith, they always seem surprised with what they are able to do.


Sith and Jedi have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. You would think the idea ''they can perform miracles'' would have come across by now.

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Well, there have been stories of humans perfoming miracles for thousands of years. But I bet I would still be surprised if I encountered a miracle performing person in person.


(For many people in the Star Wars galaxy, Jedi and Sith are stuff from legends. They often don't really know if that stuff is true or exaggereted. Because there are exaggerations about Jedi, like Anakin's "No-one can kill a Jedi." in Episode I.)

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For all that SW has much focus on force users there's not really that many of them for ordinary people to observe. And when someone does see them work the story will start seeming like propaganda or exaggeration a few listeners down the line.


People don't always believe it when an ordinary human does something extraordinary, like making an "impossible" shot or surviving something that should mean certain death. Or if they believe it they'll put it under the heading One In a Billion Odds.

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