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Force of Wills: The Ties that Bind


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Drummond Kaas




Mitka vaulted over stone ruin, Aric laying out cover fire. She gripped her rifle in one hand as she used her other as a spring board to jumpe over another log that kept her from her goal.




“Repeat after me Aric” Ainsley said in the quiet of the observation deck, stars and nebula above them.


“I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage you and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you, in good times and in bad, when life seems easy, and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you this day, and all the days of our lives.” Aric spoke the words, hid heart swelled and he felt the fine fur below his eyes moisten. He coughed the lump in his throat away, and held fast to Mitka’s hands.




Mitka ran as hard as her legs would carry her, the Imperial guard noticing her too late as she sprinted towards their leader, a tall thin Sith who commanded lightning.




“Repeat after me Mitka” Ainsley smiled at her daughter, in plain clothes under the stars, beside the man she loved, in front of her parents and brothers, and her newfound sister. Ainsley had a job to do, an important task, the happy tears behind her eyes would have to wait a moment longer.


“I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage you and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you, in good times and in bad, when life seems easy, and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you this day, and all the days of our lives.” Mitka’s voice broke, when Aric wiped away an errant tear.




Mitka crashed into the Sith, who broke his attack on the Changrian trooper, the soldier fell in a heap, Mitka did not have time to see if he lived. She fell with the surprised Sith, and landed against the hard stone ground, her rifle bouncing out of her hands, she felt the rush of blood in her head, her pulse screaming in her ears. The Sith was back on his feet while she rolled towards her weapon, too late, as the Sith destroyed it with the flick of his fingers.




“Mitka, take this ring, as a sign of my faith and my commitment to our love, share this joy with me today.” Aric slipped the delicate and simple band onto her finger, smiling down at her with his impossible green eyes, they glowed in the starlight.


“Aric, take this ring, as a sign of my faith and my commitment to our love, share this joy with me today.” Mitka took the black steel ring and placed it on his finger caressing the fine fur of his hands, smiling now, her cheeks hurt but nothing in that moment could dull what she felt, tears streaked her red face, the happiest tears she had ever tasted.


“Kiss already!” Aaron called from behind them, and the newlyweds didn’t need to be told twice.




Mitka grabbed the knife from her belt, and the other from her boot, the sith shocked her, the electricity intensified by the electronics in her armor shorting out her systems. She screamed in pain, and roared in rage, throwing off her helmet. The Sith stopped, taken aback for an instant. Mitka gave the other Pureblood a fang baring grin and forced her muscles to spring forward, the surprise and momentary pause giving her an opening, she slid one knife into a kidney, and the other just beyond his clavicle into the soft and tender flesh beyond. The Sith blinked up at her, eyes wild and questioning.


“Ab…abom….” He spoke through the blood in his throat


Mitka pulled her knife from his neck with a sickening sucking sound, and gave his red face a new smile, killing him in that instant. She spit on the now bleeding corpse before turning towards the trooper she had rushed to save. Aaron was beside him with a med kit. The mandalorians were dispatching the last remaining Imperial guard. They had a moment to breath before pressing forward.


“Never imagined honeymooning on Drummond Kaas. When this is all over I’m taking you to one of those nice resorts on Ithor.” Aric took her face in his hands, scowling at the burn marks on her cheek ridges. “You alright? Sir?”


The blood was still rushing around in her head and ears, she blinked once and twice and took mental inventory of her injuries, nothing broken, a few burns, nothing some kolto gel couldn’t fix. She nodded at her husband, whom she had married only twenty four hours earlier.


“I’m good.” She gave him a fierce smile, he returned it with a wicked grin that showed off his sharp Cathar fangs.


“What are you two talking about? Nothing more romantic then a shared blood frenzy, it’s how we celebrated our marriage.” Ava sauntered up to them removing her own helmet revealing eerie empty sockets. Torian stood behind her with a half-smile and his own wild look in his eyes, the thrill of the hunt and the kill singing in his Mandalorian blood.


“How is he Aaron?” She called to her older brother who was helping the Changrian to a sitting position.

Aaron turned his still helmeted head towards her and gave her a nod. The Changrian turned towards them giving her and the rest of the assembled team a once over. He struggled to his feet and gave her a shaky salute.


“Sir, didn’t know Havoc had been called in, it’s an honor Major. Sargent Fideltin Rusk.”


“Havoc isn’t here Sargent, you never saw them, am I clear?” Mitka eyed Rusk wearily, she knew him by reputation only, she had known some soldiers to call him Sargent death mark.


“Crystal, sir.”




“Garza won’t like this.” Aric said as he counted his clips, and prepared his assault canon for the operation.


“Garza won’t know.” Mitka said as she prepped her own kit.


“She’ll know if we don’t come back”


Mitka stopped what she was doing and looked at her husband, fur still damp from their shared shower. They should be on their way to somewhere nice, somewhere they could celebrate on a beach drinking fruity drinks with their only obligations being when they would next make love.


“We should be on this op, we should have been ordered in, this is what Havoc was made for, exactly this type of mission. Garza should have called us.” She clenched her fist, angry at the general. “One Jedi Knight, and her team, five people against the Sith Emperor in the heart of Imperial Space, how could we not help?”


“I know, I’m not arguing with you Mit. There isn’t anywhere you lead where I won’t follow, but there’s going to be consequences.” Aric laid his canon on the floor, and went to his wife, fire, fury and passion, but somehow with one of the kindest souls he had ever known. He wrapped his arms around her, her closeness causing him to stir.


“Again?” Her golden eyes danced with mischief, she checked the clock then gave him a sly smile. Aric was already pulling the thin tank top over her head as she worked his belt buckle. Twenty minutes would be more than enough time.




Mitka picked up her sparking and ruined rifle, it could be fixed, but not out in the field. The havoc symbol was still visible on it, she sighed as she planted a small charge on the rifle and took a few steps back. The charge went off, blowing the rifle to slag. No evidence. Aric handed her, her secondary rifle, she loaded it then nodded to the assembled group and pressed forward. Ava commed Blizz to let them know their movements and to keep the engines warm. They followed Rusk up the path towards the steps of the dark temple, and there at the foot of the stairs was a hulking and powerful Sith, destroying another squad of Imperial guard. When the last guard fell he lifted his head towards them, Rusk lifted a hand and the Sith nodded, cocking his head, curious at the sight. He caught Mitka’s eyes, and she saw recognition in his face, not surprise or contempt. Mitka’s skin crawled, she stood her ground despite the feeling of unease, she had not had this feeling with the Sith she had killed, she could feel this one’s power, even to her it was palpable. He came to stand in front of her, ignoring Rusk’s report, an appraising look on his face, a small amused grin on his lips.


“You have the look of your mother child.” His voice was deep and still.


“So I’ve been told.” She met his blood red eyes with a bright golden glare, his grin widened.




Authors note:



Yes those are my vows.. :o


Edited by Earthmama
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Drummond Kaas




Sith intelligence was buzzing with activity, but like a hive without it’s queen, the absence of Lord Kaervrek had left the remaining, minders, fixers, watchers and ciphers directionless. The Sith that had been recruited to the cause were more concerned with the power vacuum and their own ambitions to pay any mind to the disturbing reports that were coming in from across the city. Communications were down , and now the bodies of an Imperial officer and a fixer had been found near a secondary communications relay.


“Keeper, your Sith commander is missing, some presume dead, and you hand me this.” Rateah threw the investigation report at Keepers feet, who, to her credit, was standing stiff backed and eyes straight ahead, despite the angry welts that bloomed on her neck. “This is a farce, and an insult, do your job, or I’ll find someone who can.”


Heels snapped together with a smart click, and a low deferential bow, “yes my Lord.”


Once Keeper had left Lord Kaervreks spacious office, Rateah turned her alabaster glare on Marek. She stalked him in slow circles, still so young and reckless. She pointed her long and smooth fingers to towards the door Keeper had just exited from.


“Think. Force choking the force blind head of Intelligence will get you nowhere. That woman is infinitely valuable, and her allegiance is better earned through cooperation and respect, then brute force. Your grandfather knew this, and if you hope to rule from this seat as he once did, you must learn restraint. Fear is a flawed tool, temper it with respect from your subordinates and you will go far.” Teah observed the younger Siths jaw clench and unclench, his copper skin darkening to a wine red, his eyes boring golden holes in the window beyond her shoulder.


“The report…” He forced out.


“Was insufficient, I agree, and we will discover the truth surrounding your grandfather, I promise you. Flying into rages will solve nothing if all you’re left with are the corpses of your best operatives.” Rateah briefly contemplated taking Sith Intelligence for herself, Kaervrek had groomed her from childhood, she understood the language of subterfuge and deceit. The subtle game of words and manipulations was her home, and yet, even as a fully recognized Sith, she would not hold it for long. Her history as a slave and being an alien, would always deny her any overt position of power. Marek had the blood, and the legitimate claim to his grandfather’s holdings, inexperienced as he was. He loved her, that much she knew, albeit obsessive in nature, he desired her and respected her, she could lead from the shadows.


“My Lords.” They were interrupted by a tall and slim youth with nearly unblinking eyes and a serious sullen look to him, watcher eighteen. “There has been a security breech in the city.”


Rateah followed Marek to the operations room, where a giant screen blinked a constant stream of information. A map of the city filled the center of the screen where three blinking lights in separate sectors warned of inactive services. In the time it took to absorb the information a forth light began to blink.


“Report” Marek said, his black hair tinted blue in the light of the holo map, his piercings and face ornaments shimmering in the light. Teah had convinced him of simple utilitarian black armor instead of his preferred cape and spikes he thought instilled fear.


“My Lord, we now have confirmation that two of our teams have been neutralized by an unknown assailant. We have done as you asked and suspended all air and space traffic, though with the communications array down it has been difficult to enforce. We have been able to confirm the final report before we lost communications that there are indeed Republic cruisers in orbit, fleet outnumbered them three to one.” Keeper took the data pad from watcher eighteen.


“We also have confirmed reports that two unidentified light cruisers entered the atmosphere prior to communications loss, worst case scenario is a Republic strike force. Two squads were sent to the projected landing sights, neither has reported back.”


“It’s too small to be an invasion force, they would have sent more ships down if that were the case.” Marek brought a hand to his chin and narrowed his eyes at the map of the city, he turned briefly to Rateah who was standing a pace behind him, her full lips smiled slightly, she was pleased, and Marek held himself straighter. She was always telling him to think, to look below the surface, to marry instinct with information. If it was too good to be true, it probably was.


“They’re after something.” Rateah offered, Marek had a look she had seen many times over, though never on him. His mind was working, she dared not lecture or undermine him in public, for once she didn’t need to. When she saw him smile she knew he came to the next logical question.


“Show me the projected landing sites.” He demanded quickly, puzzle pieces snapping into place. Two bright green lights appeared on the map. They were well away from the city, in the jungle. “Widen the map.” The map fell back revealing more jungle, and uneven topography until a familiar imposing structure appeared on the screen.


Rateah took a step to stand beside him, and ran her eyes over the familiar jungle paths, “Keeper, has there been any notable movements among the Sith as of late, council members, any particularly difficult power struggles?” Rateah asked the question, though she knew it had been two weeks since Lord Kaervrek had disappeared without a trace.


“The Emperor.” Keeper spoke though her usual calm veneer was cracking.


“What of him?” Marek clenched his fists.


“He is currently in residence at the Dark Temple, his flagship and Imperial guard arrived two weeks ago. How could I have not seen it, remembered it?” There was fear in Keepers voice, something in her mind opened, that had been closed. The work of the Emperor himself, memories of clearing the entourage flooded Keepers mind, the cold sweat as the fear she had felt returned to her.


“They would dare? The Emperor cannot be defeated.” Even as Marek said it, doubt pulled at his chest. His mother’s disappearance, the huge empty estate that was her usual haunt had been left unattended, a large layer of dust had formed on the visible surfaces of the home. The slaves either fled or claimed by rival Sith with no one to oppose them. If the Wrath was missing, the Emperor was vulnerable, why else return to his ancestral strong hold.


“I want two full platoons ready to march on the Temple grounds within the hour, call in the reserves if need be, Cipher twelve and Cipher fifteen are in the city on leave, let them know it’s been cut short. Lord Marek and I will lead the offensive ourselves.” Teah placed a cool hand on Marek’s forearm, his open face twisted in anger and uncertainty. The touch brought him back to the present and he smiled a feral grin at Teah. She returned it, he looked so like his grandfather in that moment she could almost kiss him.




“The city’s getting hot, I’m counting two full platoons boss, and two light bats leading the charge. I like parties as much as the next guy, but I have nothing to wear, and these guys don’t look like the dancing type.” Gault spoke into his comm from his rooftop vantage point, rain mingling with sweat. He was being followed, somewhere behind him he heard a stealth generator, hard to hide from something he couldn’t see.


“Thanks Gault, get the kids and get out of there, I’ll have Blizz meet you at the enclave.” Ava’s disembodied voice sounding in his ear.


“You heard her, get going, I’ll see you in a few.” Gault felt the knife slide quietly into his side, puncturing lung. A hand plucked his head piece off of his head as he fell, drowning in his own blood.


“Enclave, got it, see you there.” A female voice replied through the ear piece. Cipher twelve dropped the headpiece on the gasping Devaronian. He knelt over the alien, blood pooling at his sides, fingers grasping for his side arm.


“I don’t think so mate.” He un-holstered the pistol and tossed it across the roof, pale shaking red fingers reaching, followed by wet coughing and gasping.


“I was warm, had the loveliest little twilek dancer all to myself, paid extra for a private dance.” He spoke companionably as his mark died, winking at him like a friend.


“You’re not nearly so pretty, and now I’m wet, and cold. Although, your little partner, does she look as nice as she sounds?” Gault managed to spit at the question in response. Cipher twelve laughed as he stood up, the deep red Devaronian shivered violently.


“Guess I’ll find out soon enough won’t I?” He shot his mark between the eyes, having lost his taste for blood and gasping. He headed down the lift to the main floor where a squad and his speeder were waiting.


“Comms won’t be a problem anymore, get to work getting them back online. I have a date at the Mandalorian Enclave.”



Authors rantings


This chapter has been one of the most stubborn chapters to date. I think I attempted to write this a good five times until I finally found a version I am pleased with. That being said, I love how it turned out, and I hope my dear readers, you enjoy it to. Thanks Kabe for the quick Beta read and subjecting yourself to the poodoo I had written earlier.


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Drummond Kaas





T7’s metallic screaming echoed in the crumbling room, force waves rocking the foundations of the temple. The dark side was oppressive, not the smoky tendrils she had grown accustom to with Scourge, but a black cold void, it pulled at her very soul, it pulled at her fear, threatening to undo her. T7 shot at one of the many illusions the Emperor had summoned but whirred and blinked out before any true damage could be done. She could not allow her heart to ach for her loyal droid, he could be fixed, but before she could save her friend, save anyone, she had to beat him. She ripped off her long robe, standing in her heavy armor, it was her second skin, lightsaber shining a crystal sky blue, her red eyes blazed. The doppelgangers pressed their attack, icy tendrils of fear ran down her back, she focused her energy, pushing down the dark side that bubbled just under the surface. The Emperor smiled his cruel visage, Kianna answered it with her own malicious sneer, allowing a thread of rage to mix with her torrential force energy, fear gone, the copies dissipated and the force propelled her into the air towards the monster.


Scourge inhaled, he could feel her, at the very extremes of his senses he sensed her power. His heart quickened when he felt her controlled release of her dark energy, how it added a deadly ferociousness to her hurricane of light. He smiled, gripping his saber in both hands, his constant companion. He watched the Pureblood trooper, more Sith then she would ever know, the dark side bent to her naturally even if she did not feel it, anyone who would name her abomination and waste her talent was a fool. He drew on the deathknells of the falling Imperial soldiers, forced into bottle necks. The Cathar was somewhere to his left, feral and wild in his bloodlust, fangs bared, his roar as loud as the massive auto canon he carried in his hands. The Miraluka bounty hunter, espoused to the dark side, from her and her Mandalorian he sensed unadulterated joy, love even, as if killing was a dance whose steps were known only to her and her lover. Kira’s familiar energy was somewhere behind him, still, focused, peaceful, belying her acrobatic and quick fighting style. The third trooper who had joined them, Riggs, his emotion ran deep, like a thermal detonator, anger and fear drove him, focused him, he had a strong survival instinct, and it served him well. Battle was the only time Doc earned Scourges acceptance, some might argue even his respect, though Scourge would deny it, he juggled the lives of those around him with an expert calm, never faltering, infinitely confident in his abilities.


Scourge leapt and landed in the mouth of the cave the soldiers were pouring out of, He extended the force through his body until it shook the groud throwing Imperials into the walls of the cave, onto the blaster fire of their comrades, impaling them on their officers vibroswords. He slashed through them, creating a pile of corpses at his feet. Finally fear gave way to panic, and Scourge devoured everything, pulling the primal human emotions into himself and pushing it outwards again, their fear turning and killing them, he was the conduit.




“Keep up Rusk!” Ava called with a brilliant smile, Torian took an imperial out at the knees leaving the second open for her to take the shot, which she did, when he came up again the cudgeled end of his staff shattered the Imperials face. He pressed forward and Ava’s booster rocket sent her into the air, carpet bombing the next unlucky wave. Torian quickly jumped into the smoke she left, spinning his techstaff, graceful and deadly, Avacynne found herself licking her lips, enjoying the battle, yet yearning for it to end, if only so she could mount her stallion.


“Ugh.” Was Rusk’s only answer, she glanced behind her to see a bright purple energy beam through his chest. Sith.


“Medic!” Ava called out as she started running towards the new threat, Torian hot on her heels. How did a Sith get behind them?


Doc was running hard, Kolto in hand, only to stop cold when a second red saber was leveled at his throat. The Jedi Kira jumped in front of the doctor force pushing the young armored Sith Pureblood away from the man she loved.


“Go Doc!” She called as she engaged the Sith in earnest.


Ava was shooting, her blasters overheating, she could feel their heat through the palm of her durasteel gloves. The small hooded Sith deflected the blaster bolts, her purple double saber dizzying, until finally the blasters jammed, they were dropped smoking, metal glowing red on the bloodied ground. Ava boosted herself into the air, readying a rocket barrage, she let loose her aerial attack, the Sith spun and flipped out of the way, a wall of force surrounding herself. Her hood fell away, stopping Ava’s heart cold. She knew that face, she knew every detail of those tattoos, she knew the half smile, and those calculating grey eyes. She knew her like she knew her own hands. Rateah.




“Gault!” Mako yelled into her comm.


Blizz was keeping the ship hovering at their location, heavy turrets shooting everything, but even in the heavily armored and equipped Mantis, they couldn’t stay.


“Imps have comms back online Mako, we stay here any longer and they’ll get a fix on us, we have to go!” Cohen called from his seat, desperately jamming any signal within a one hundred meter radius, it was the best he could do. “I have a lock on his comm, we’ll pick him up. Blizz get us out of here!”


The normally sunny Jawa only nodded his head, small glowing golden eyes bore a worried look as he maneuvered the ship through Kaas City airspace. A chime in the cockpit indicated anti air missiles were online in the city and trying to get a lock on them. Mako ran in, wiping a tear from her face, and started helping with their jamming signal, keeping the missile lock at bay as they flew towards Gaults comm signal.




Kianna stood over the Emperor, he knelt, clutching his chest and the giant cauterized slash there, and still he laughed, smiling, exposing bloodied teeth.


“You think you’ve won Jedi? Have you fulfilled my poor deluded slaves vision? How do you know I did not plant the image in his mind?” He croaked out, laughing all the while, mocking her, testing her resolve, introducing doubt.


“Lies, not even you could have known my face three hundred years ago, your bluff won’t work with me.” She circled him, keeping her saber trained on him. “Yield, repent, and you may yet live.” Everything in her body screamed at her to end him, but the Jedi in her had to ask, had to give even this ancient darkness a choice.


“I will live regardless, Jedi, and I will devour you, but not before I obliterate Scourge, I will savor your shared anguish.” He opened his arms out, palms open, no saber, no sorcery, no defenses.


Kianna plunged her lightsaber deep into his chest, piercing lung and heart, his eyes never left hers, always laughing, and she felt like she had done exactly what he had wanted her to. His heart beat slowed, and stopped, but still his eyes stared at her mockingly. She tore her eyes away from him, looked up to see a giant stalactite and reached up with the force, slowly she tore it away from the ceiling and brought it crashing down on the Emperor’s body. She breathed heavy, staring at the mess of rock, a single gnarled white hand protruding and she half expected him to get up again. She was tempted to hurl his throne at the mess as well when she heard T7 whirr as his systems came back online.


“Jedi /= win?” He blipped at her.


“Yeah, T7, we won.” It took all of her will to pull her eyes away from the ruble drowned corpse, she sensed nothing from it, but somehow, something sat uneasily in her gut.


The room shook, and a giant piece of the ceiling came crashing down. T7 bumped her, breaking her doubt and unease. She looked down at him, his domed head turning from side to side, urging her forward, ever her stalwart companion and friend. She gave him a quick nod and a small smile that did not touch her eyes and started to run to escape the collapsing temple.



“Teah!” Ava called out desperate, not knowing what else to do, she pulled off her helmet, blonde hair slick with sweat, metal visor locked in place. “It’s Ava!”


The maelstrom of death continued unabated around them, Doc reached Rusk, he worked furiously to keep the Changrian alive, but it was shock that was keeping him breathing, his spinal cord was severed.

“We need to get him in a tank NOW!” Doc called out, Aaron managed to leave his position to assist with their fallen comrade.


With Kira distracted by the second Sith, and Aaron and Rusk off their posts, the Imperials began to take a foothold beyond the cave. Ava took a handful of tentative steps towards Teah, she had not attacked yet, so she assumed Teah recognized her. Her head was swimming with questions, she wanted, more then anything to touch, embrace her lost sister, so that she could confirm she was real. Teah broke eye contact first and gripped her chest, eyebrows furrowed. Sith and Jedi alike looked towards the Temple, even Ava saw it, a giant wave of black erupted from the Temple, like a thermal detonator of Dark force energy. Teah looked back at Ava with a look of restrained terror, she shook her head wordlessly.


“Teah?” Ava asked again, finally close enough she could touch her smooth ivory face.


“I knew you were strong Ava, I always knew. Run.” Teah breathed, her white hand softly gripping Ava’s forearm, and even through her armor, Ava could feel Teah’s warmth, their connection to each other strong as it ever was.


“Ava! Did you hear me? I said Gault is dead, we need to leave, now!” Mako’s voice shrilled in her head. It took her a moment to register what had just been said.


“Pull back! Job’s done, fall back!” Aric was hollering now, even Torian was backing away from the fight.

I always knew you were strong. Teah’s hand was replaced by two strong arms that nearly carried her away from where she was standing. Torian was half dragging and half carrying Ava away who was finally shaken out of her shock.


“I got your last Mako, fall back to pick up, we’re heading out.” Ava faced forward, back in the present, grabbing her pistols as she ran, a quick adjustment had them back in working order, and she along with Lord Scourge covered the retreat, The rest covered Doc and Aaron who had Rusk in a gurney. An astromech droid and a Chiss in heavy Jedi armor joined them as they reached the ships.




Teah and Marek arrived in time to see the two ships disappear beyond the clouds, Marek was barking orders to shoot them out of the sky, an edge of panic in his voice. The Emperor was dead, it was impossible for any Force user not to feel it. She stared into the clouds, Ava had been the last person she had expected to see. Working with the enemy no less. She stopped herself, the enemy, once upon a time she had fought the Sith as well, only to be stolen, enslaved and branded. The enemy who had elevated her, brought out her power, trained her, gave her a reason to be. She stared up until the low lying Drummond Kaas clouds broke open, unleashing a frenzied lightning storm, cool rain drops fell hard as knives, as the planet raged and wept for her lost Emperor.


Edited by Earthmama
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*Reaches end of thread* That was amazing, incredible, wonderful, enchanting, marvellous ... I need a thesaurus :) I really enjoyed that, thank you, fantastic writing, puts my puny efforts to shame :D Edited by Syart
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“You will not die, my Wrath.” The voice filled her broken body, will alone sustaining her. Her body rebelled furiously, unsure how to live on with so much broken and missing. “You will not die, my Wrath.”


Through the haze and impossibility of her continued life her eyes flickered open, they met familiar grey, but they were dead eyes, blank. Her brow furrowed for a moment, her empty heart constricting at the sight of him. She had loved him once, madly, deeply, furiously, she had loved those eyes, so full of confidence and passion. A breath shuddered through her, through her single lung. She felt nothing, though she could not pull her eyes away from her dead husbands.


When Ardyth woke next it was on a pallet in a dark stone room. Her eyes met a red patterned face with golden honeycombed eyes, the face was wracked with pain. The longer she stared the more pain the strange red woman experienced.


“Please, I have no more to give.” The mystic gasped at her patient.


Ardyth pulled the strange healing energy to her. She breathed with two full lungs, her fingers twitched.


“Stop.” The mystic whispered fearfully.


“I will not die.” Ardyth rasped with a voice that did not belong to her, “you shall give all you have, for I am the Emperor’s Wrath, and I will not die!” Her body groaned as her arm lifted from its prone position at her side, fingers and palm wrapped around cool pulsating throat. Ardyth ripped every last ounce of healing life out of the young Voss leaving nothing but a husk in her wake.


She stood, her body naked save the bandages. Ardyth tore them away and inspected the angry scar that cut from navel to shoulder. She pulled the soft white robes from the dead mystic, and clothed herself in healers garb, her golden eyes flared red as she pulled her twin sabers to her waiting hands. As she left the small dark healing room she pulled the hood over her head, and ignited her sabers, they hungered.




Drummond Kaas



Marek sat in his mother’s study in the Eldrazzi’s sprawling estate. The large desk sprawled in front of him, the bookshelves reached the roof behind him, on the opposite wall hung the lightsabers and blaster of his mother’s enemies, those foes worthy of recognition and respect. Mementos she had placed in her line of sight to always remind her to remain vigilant, Darth Baras’s saber held a prominent position in the collection, her former master. In that moment Darth Vowrawn entered, an old allie and a member of the Dark Council, Sith did not typically die of old age, however up until recently, Darth Vowrawn and his own grandfather, Lord Kaervrek had been notable exceptions.


“My dear boy, I’m afraid Intelligence may only be handed over to a Lord of the Sith.” Vowrawn said with obvious faux regret. Marek raised an eyebrow ridge from his reclined position, hands folded in front of his lips, he was in no mood to play the old man’s games. “Thus I am here to bestow on you title of Lord of the Sith. Now come greet me like the friend I am, Lord Marek Eldrazzi!” The older Sith allowed a long Cheshire grin when the Wraths son jumped from his seat with a look of obvious triumph.


“Finally, Intelligence requires stability if we are to uncover those who murdered the Emperor.”


“Take a lesson from your mother Lord Marek, remain vigilent, the vote was close, only four to three, I can assure you there will be assassination attempts until you prove yourself more than a green boy. Find the perpetrators quickly, crush these enemies, make them an example that will not be forgotten, only then will those who opposed your new position give you a moment of peace.” Vowrawn poured himself a snifter of good Dubrillion Brandy and sipped thoughtfully.


“And who are those who would deny me my birth right?” Marek growled, youthful pride insulted at the idea that his position was never a foregone conclusion.


“Darth Oculus, Darth Nox, and Darth Mortis. Mortis will be easy, over half of his informants also work for me, I can easily remove those not loyal, Nox is predictable, she will send apprentice after apprentice, she now has a reputation on Korriban, they refuse to give her anymore students with promise as they are wasted on her idiotic power plays, thus those she sends after you will be weak and fearful, easily dispatched.” Vowrawn chuckled at his fellow councilor’s folly, she had been close friends with Jaesa Willsaam and ever since her friend’s death her paranoia had increased almost tenfold, she would not keep her seat for long at this rate.


“And Oculus?” Marek asked.


“Far more difficult to read, a disciple of Jadus, she is our newest member, powerful, almost impossibly so, I would not put it past her to confront you herself. That is, if she believes you are worth the effort, she has much grander sights in mind.” Marek bristled visibly at being thought so little of, the older purblood laughed then swallowed the rest of his drink. “Trust me boy, when it comes to Oculus it is far better to be ignored then to be seen as a threat, win her to your side and you will have no greater ally, anger her and no greater enemy. Let her be, do your duty, build your powerbase in this time of upheaval, fail us and even I shall turn on you, no matter how much I admired your mother.” He still wore his mocking grin but his eyes were red like fired iron, his reputation rode on this gamble as much as Mareks.


“I will not fail.”


“You are my son, the child of Wrath of the ancient Eldrazzi, if you fail I shall kill you myself.” Ardyth lowered the hood of her stolen Voss robe, addressing her son at her full height. “Darth Vowrawn I would speak to my son in private.” She gave him a cursory nod, Vowrawn did well in hiding his surprise, even he had begun to believe she had been killed, he should never have doubted her.


“Mother, where have you been?” Marek felt himself shiver when he could only sense a void from her.


“A pilgrimage.” She touched her shoulder, pilgrims, it was what the Voss called those who sought the Shrine of healing. “The Emperor spoke to me, he has need of me, and a task for you my child.” She placed her hands on her sons shoulder, the action affectionate though immortality had robbed her of any motherly bond she had shared with her son, her one success.


“Mother…the Emperor is dead, killed by a Jedi, I saw his body with my own eyes.” The statement had him in the air flailing and gasping in his mother’s force choke.


“Do not blaspheme child, and do not be a fool. The Emperor lives, just as I do, what you saw was his vessel, his voice only, the true emperor, his true form cannot die. Fulfill his will and neither will you.” She released him, to his credit he landed on his feet and did not fall, if she could have she would have been proud of him.


“What is the Emperor’s will, my Lord Wrath?” Marek replied raw voiced.


“The Jedi, the one who struck down the voice, you shall bring her before him, alive, to face his judgment.” She turned to leave, but stopped at the door, “Rateah will betray you, I have seen her treachery in a vision, she alone can destroy what is to come. End her.”




The Emperor’s Fortress



Ardyth followed the familiar paths until she stood before the dais, she fell to her knees and waited for his release, the ice tracked down her back stripping away the void until her banished and unused emotions stood trembling before him. Her screams filled the space, fear, anguish, and ecstasy of feeling anything at all again, even if it was abject terror. She writhed and accepted her Emperor’s generous gift until her soul had been flayed bare, and the comfort of the void pulled back over her like a blanket.


“Rise my Wrath.” His voice was deeper, richer, but it still held an eternity, it still carried the death and voices of an entire planet. It was still the Emperor, it always would be the Emperor.


When she stood she met his eyes, golden pools of emptiness on a crimson face, the face of her father, Lord Kaervrek, the Emperor’s new voice.



dun dun dunnnnn. >.>

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Nox is predictable, she will send apprentice after apprentice, she now has a reputation on Korriban, they refuse to give her anymore students with promise as they are wasted on her idiotic power plays, thus those she sends after you will be weak and fearful, easily dispatched.”




I'm a bit confused. Is this a new Nox? Is Rateah now Nox?

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I'm a bit confused. Is this a new Nox? Is Rateah now Nox?


Rateah is not Nox, she is an Inquisitor class but she is not the ingame Nox.


As it stand right now there is no canon in game Nox in the FoW universe because I have yet to complete the SI story line, I like the name Nox however, and this leaves me open to explore that character if/when I do complete the story line. Right now she is a nameless and faceless rival for Marek.


Rateah is the SI I personally play in game (a little lvl 20 right now), but I began writing her character before I began playing her, she does have similarities to the Canon SI, aka the Alien, former slave stuff, but that's where the similarities end.

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