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The Force- the Writings of Lord Coriolis of the Tal'mahe'Ra


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Treatise on the nature of the Force


by Coriolis



That nature of the Force is a thing that has long been studied by scholars on both extremes—both the Jedi and Sith have sought to increase their understanding of its nature and existence. Going back millennia upon millennia, the Force was divided into two halves: the Light Side and the Dark Side as we term them now. The Light Side was seen to be benevolent and peaceful, as the Dark Side was seen to be malevolent and violent. However, is this classification accurate? Can something as prevalent as the Force be so easily divided by lines of sentient senses of morality and ethics?


Such a topic was once a heated area of debate. Additionally, it is something I wish to address in this writing. Sentient beings still struggle with morality on a daily basis, how is it to be that Jedi and Sith are any different? Ah, but the Jedi would call it easy—that those who fall prey to their emotions are tainted by the Dark Side and must be redeemed or neutralized. Would that things were so simple.


In this writing I will examine the divide between the Light Side and the Dark Side and the role that individual will plays in such things. Additionally, since it has been linked to ‘corruption’ by the Dark Side, we will discuss the physical manifestations apparent in those close to and powerful in the Dark Side.


It has been said that the Dark Side twists the minds and, eventually, the bodies of those who call upon it too frequently. This physical corruption, it is said, can be seen as the changing of eye color, loss of skin pigmentation, darkening of veins. While these signs are evident among those powerful in the Force and the ‘Dark Side,’ I believe that these things have a much simpler explanation than both Jedi and most Sith are willing to admit.


Let us start with the nature of corruption and individual choice, shall we?


For millennia, the Jedi have warned padawans of the corrupting nature and lure of the so-called Dark Side. They have stated that this well of darkness and destruction would creep into the hearts of Force-sensitive beings, influencing their actions and slowly bringing them into a downward spiral of depravity and violence.


Is this true?


Is the ‘Dark Side’ truly a seductive force of nature that pulses through the energies of negative emotions, corrupting all it touches? Or is it merely a reflection of the inner nature of the individual? This is a subject that has long been at the edge of the minds of scholars of the Force throughout the ages. Despite the relatively rigid lines erected between behavior and conduct considered to be of the Light and that considered to be of the Dark, does the individual will play a part, or is it subsumed by the will of either side of the Force?


The thought of the Unifying Force pushes us to realize that the Force merely exists. It permeates and binds everything from the largest gas giant to the smallest molecule. This we know. It is by adjusting these flows of energy and relationships between the Force and objects it touches that allows us, for example, to life a rock or a starfighter without touching it physically.


Having gone through Jedi teachings before dedicating myself to the Sith and the Emperor, I was instructed from a young age to seek serenity in the Force, to strengthen myself against my emotions; it is to allow the Force to flow through oneself without being tainted by strong emotion. Fear. Anger. Jealously. Rage. These things are considered to be the pathways to darkness by the Jedi Order. Yet, even ‘positive’ emotions, such as love and attachment are to be avoided, lest they prompt one to call upon the powers of the Dark Side. Compassion is encouraged, but a Jedi is held to be detached from emotion to bring justice and peace.


This is a naïve point of view, as the Sith know. These emotions are all a natural part of living. Even in those who do not feel a connection to the Force experience these things. They are like breathing. The power of emotions is plain to even mundane men and women. All sentient beings experience strong emotion in one sense or another. These emotions have allowed them to survive when they would perish. They allow them to hold on to what is important to them and rise to great heights and fall to devastating lows.


Differences in these cases seem to be a simple matter of controlling one’s emotions rather than allowing them to control the individual. To that point, we can attribute the Jedi admonition against emotion to be due to the issue of control. In this, the Sith and Jedi are alike, as heretical as it may sound. We both seek control. A Sith who is controlled by his emotions is a Sith soon to die. However, unlike the Jedi, we embrace our reality as emotional beings. We recognize the strength inherent in such things and use it to make ourselves more powerful. We do not shy away from rage or pain… we embrace it, we use it to make ourselves stronger.


Passion and emotion have long been sources of control for many civilizations. The use of Psychological Warfare proves this. By controlling emotion, a government can control the populace. The most obvious use of this tactic is seen even in Imperial movements—we control rebellious populace through fear; where we cannot, we give a show of force to destroy opposition and create fear and by this, we gain compliance.


Does this mean that non-Force users are of the Dark Side? It does not. Not even a Jedi would make that claim. However, should a Force-user use such emotions to gain power, the Jedi would label him a Dark Sider and deal with him accordingly (be it ‘redemption’ or death).


The view of the Living Force requires Jedi to make this distinction. It requires them to believe that negative emotions take control of an individual through the ‘Dark Side’ and twists them, corrupting them by their own choices.


I will take a moment to allow the contradiction of that statement to settle in. Corruption by their own choices. Taken over by the Dark Side… through their own choices. This is evidence that there is no malevolent will at work—the individual has chosen, and can chose to attempt ‘redemption.’ This latter belief is one that the Jedi use whenever they try to bring someone back to the ‘light.’ It all revolves around personal choice.


Given this… how can the supposed Dark Side maintain hold on someone if it is that individual’s own decisions that damn or redeem them in the eyes of the Jedi? This hypocrisy is apparent to even the lowliest of apprentices among the Sith. True, the ‘lure of the Dark Side’ can hold sway. But, that this be attributed to an actual pull or influence on the part of the Force, or is it merely addiction to the power that comes from using emotion? The exhilaration of using an irresistible force to work your will? The natural rush of adrenaline that comes when you know you are about to indulge in your most base of urges? There are non-force-sensitive soldiers that do battle on both sides in the war that love the thrill of battle and bringing ruin to their enemies. Are these individuals in the thrall of the Dark Side, or do they merely enjoy what they do and take pleasure from it?


Perhaps the Force simply is.


The Force has no preference on light or dark. The Force has no dictates on how it is to be used. The Force has no hold over the individual—no more than a blaster pistol has a hold on the hand that wields it.


What we ultimately find is that individual choice takes hold.


A Force-user can choose to be chained by the confines of the Jedi Order… or he can choose to follow the true path to freedom among the Sith. The Dark Side no more instills a desire for devastation in an individual any more than the Light Side instills a sense of compassion in one. This drive rests within the individual.


Were we to give a blaster pistol to a pacifist, the pistol would not automatically make him a murderer. On the same token, should we place a tome in the hands of a mass murderer, it would not automatically make him a scholar. This is a function of individual choice. Should we provoke the pacifist, whether he gives in and uses the pistol or not is a function of his own desires. The pistol is merely a tool, an avenue with which to express the desires and urges within him. It is the same with the Force.


Grant a pacifist the ability to wield the Force or a mass murderer the ability to feel and alter its flow, we would see the above hold true. The pacifist would use the tool granted to him to further expand his natural tendencies… the murderer would now have a new weapon with which to ply his trade. The Force does not treat one differently than the other.


The Jedi would have one believe that Balance is the natural state of the Force; that it strives toward the Light, while the Dark is as a cancer upon the Galaxy. Ignoring the blatant hypocrisy in such a statement about ‘Balance,’ one would have to ask: if the Force were so inclined to favor one side over the other, then how is it that Sith Lords rival Jedi Masters in power and understanding of the Force? How is it that the Jedi have never ultimately won their war against the Sith or Dark Siders? To be certain, there have been victories for the Jedi and the Republic, but do we not always return?


The embarrassing truth to the Jedi is: the Force does not favor one side over the other, just as the blaster pistol does not favor the hand of the pacifist over the hand of the murderer. A tool remains a tool regardless of who uses it and for what ends.


Many Sith adhere to a belief similar to that of the Living Force. They use the Dark Side, and call upon the powers of their emotions. Yet, this is only a surface similarity to the Jedi philosophy. Ah, but what of the physical effects of using the Dark Side, as mentioned earlier? This is a simple thing to explain.


As Sith, we draw heavily upon the Force, using the strength of our passions to amplify our power. As living bodies, we are conduits for the Force, grasping it as it flows around us, bending it to our will, and funneling that tremendous power through our being. Inquisitors, Warriors… it makes no difference, we are channels to the Force. Our strength, our passions, our raw power within the Force fills our beings. This is not without consequence. The fact that the Force can have an effect on the physical body is well documented, from effects of Sith Alchemy, to applications of the Force to enhance our own bodies. When a conduit has too much energy streaming through it, it can become damaged. This is akin to what happens to Sith as we draw upon our powers to achieve our goals.


This channeling of raw power affects us, from our eyes to our pigmentation. We are harnessing pure power from the Force, amplifying it by our passions, and channeling it through our bodies. It is only natural that our bodies become altered in some ways by this irresistible energy.


But, why, you may say, do the Jedi not suffer such side effects? The answer to this is simple as well. The Sith take the Force, we mold it to our will, we shape our destinies from it with the potent powers of our passions. We make the Force serve us as any other tool. The Jedi allow the Force to flow through them, subtly directing it toward their will. They are the boat floating down the current of the river… we are the boat that travels under its own power. It is not so ironic, then, that when the Jedi attempt to grasp the Force and bend it to their will that they are cautioned against the Dark Side.


It is all a matter of control. The Jedi Council fears its padawans taking their own initiatives and making their own agendas. They fear to one day awaken and find their carefully crafted rules lying in tatters around their burning temples. They fear padawans realizing that they can control their own destinies if they but reach out and take the initiative. There are reasons why Jedi are spoon fed their lessons in the Force. They are chained. They are blinded to the truth whereas the Sith are forced to make their own way, to learn and grow under their own power. Our passions and will free us while the Jedi are slaves to their dogma and the fear of their masters.


It all falls to individual choice.

Edited by Qualthis
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I wrote my ‘Treatise’ after spending a great deal of time studying the writings of several of the former Grandmasters of my brotherhood, primarily those of Grandmasters Semulun and Qianna. Among the Tal’mahe’Ra, several of our Grandmasters were proponents of the Unifying Force, and at least two were killed by the Sith Order for their work and pushing of the subject.


I, too, have to wonder, looking back, how such a philosophy blossomed in the hearts of those who would leave themselves to lead a brotherhood of Sith aimed at holding the tenants and truths of the Sith beliefs close to their hearts. We live in an Order where the Dark Side is used and in some cases, nearly worshipped. On all worlds and in many societies where one religious or philosophical viewpoint holds sway, any dissention or variation can be grounds for calls of heresy and exile or death. Our society is no different.


This belief in the ‘Unifying Force’ is an interesting one, to be certain. One of our brotherhood, Feron, sought to merge a view of this theory with that of the Sith. Feron was one of the Grandmasters of the Tal’mahe’Ra, in fact, he was the Grandmaster of the brotherhood before I. Feron met his end nearly twenty years ago on Dromund Kaas while seeking out lost lore of the former Sith Lord Revan. It was on that very planet that I first uncovered the Tal’mahe’Ra. It seemed to be a natural draw to our brotherhood, a draw that stemmed from more than its mere existence as the capital of the Empire.


I first uncovered the writings of Qianna on Dromund Kaas, in a hidden temple, scattered among the ruins of the ancient stones. She was not entombed there, but seemed to have spent a great deal of time among its walls. Her writings, along with my own duties to my Master at the time, led to me encountering a Cult worshipping the life of Revan. Among these ‘Revanites’ I found more clues to the existence of the Tal’mahe’Ra. In fact, one of Feron’s former disciples hid among them.


By the time I had left the Revanites, I had been initiated into the Tal’mahe’Ra. But, it was a brotherhood without leadership; one without direction.


During my time on Dromund Kaas, I grew to know the network of the brotherhood, and began my rise to power within it. Through the help of Scelecious and Visacious, I managed to wrest control of the goup out of the chaos it had lain in since the death of Feron. By the time my travels would take me offworld, I had established control over the Tal’mahe’Ra, making contact with some of its non-force using allies. In this time of war—as ‘peaceful’ as this ceasefire after the treaty has been, I cannot do any less.


As my travels would take me around the Galaxy, I found myself with a great deal of time to contemplate the words of Qianna and Feron. I delved into Imperial Databases for files on the other leaders of the brotherhood, spanning from Feron, to Qianna, to Juvia, and even back to Deviac, the founder of the Tal’mahe’Ra during the days of the Jedi Civil War. Through this research, I discovered that the Revanites and the Tal’mahe’Ra have always held a close bond, as Deviac was one of the many followers who fought and killed under both Revan and Malak. He was no exceptional individual, no hero of the war. However, what he did was memorable nonetheless. Deviac brought together the first of the brotherhood.


After the ‘redemption’ of Revan, however, there were many among the Tal’mahe’Ra who were lost. How could the most powerful of us in memory return to the light? Thus began the fall of the brotherhood into attempts to reconcile the Dark Side with what Revan had ultimately done.


Thus, the Tal’mahe’Ra falls into a similar pattern as the Revanites. There have been internal battles and purges regarding the purity of the Sith way and the views on the Unifying Force. Some Lords of the brotherhood were outright murdered during council meetings in order to purge the Unifying Force theory from the Tal’mahe’Ra. Still, it would never last. Our relationship with the Revanites grew slightly closer and we pulled away, in my belief, from our true purpose.


Indeed, even I have felt the pull of Grandmaster Qianna’s words on the Unifying Force. However, during my journey to gaining the title of Sith Lord, I have to question such things. It has been through the Dark Side that I have found the path to power. It has been through the Dark Side that I have corrupted servants of the Light and cast them into the depths of their own weakness. Padawan, Jedi Knights, even a Master have been forced to fall from the Light by my words and actions. In fact, my own apprentice was brought to serve the Sith through a fall to the Dark orchestrated by my hand.


Still… the question of free will remains.


Ask any Lord of the Sith if he is in control of himself, or if the Dark Side forces his hand… if you survive the experience, you will undoubtedly be informed that the former is the case. How, then, can we say that the Dark Side is a separate part of the Force? How can we say that the theory of the Unifying Force is not the truth? Sith doctrine points to the Dark Side as the path to freedom and that it can lure even the most stalwart of Jedi Masters. It is spoken of as a corrupting Force, that places of power in the Dark Side, by their mere existence, can pull a Jedi from the Light.


It is my belief that the Dark Side has a seductive call. It thrives off of emotion and passion and is just as potent, if not more so, as the Light. Still, it is but a tool. Our blaster pistol to our opponent’s plow shear, if you will. I still believe that the Force amplifies what is at the core of an individual, that this is the ultimate compass by which one sails. However, the addictions of following one’s passions, of seeing death take over an enemy’s eyes, or the fear brought on by displays of pure power, is a great lure and pull indeed. Combined with the power the Dark Side places at one’s fingertips, I can see why the Jedi fear ‘corruption’ from its secrets.


Still, even among the Sith, we have cause to be concerned with those that fall too far into their passions to maintain control. Such was my concern with my apprentice at first, but she seems to be gaining discipline in regards to using her emotions. She must still learn to savor them, to feed off of them as opposed to simply sating each whim as it takes hold. It is from individuals who fail to maintain control of themselves that I believe the Sith Order has the most to fear.


It is why the Tal’mahe’Ra must safeguard our traditions and lore. It is why we stand a brotherhood within the Sith, to kill or depose of those who would cause our works and beliefs to fall into ruin.


There is nothing to beware in the Dark Side, save what you bring with yourself.

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My apprentice came to me one day as we traveled through hyperspace on our way to Nar Shaddaa. She seemed disturbed, and as I ceased my meditation on the Dark Side, I informed her that I could sense her unease—she wore it on her sleeve, plain to see.


She asked me about love.


The Jedi strongly frown upon emotional attachment, especially romantic feelings. Still finding her way through the maze of her own emotions, she asked me: do the Sith love?


As Sith, our journey is one of self-realization. To seek perfection, and freedom through that perfection, is a path that is often very personal, yet for Sith, has many external manifestations. We challenge ourselves, we overcome, or… we die.


Do the Sith love?


To be certain, there are many who have fallen from the Light for this emotion… and due to its loss. I have witnessed ‘upstanding’ Jedi Knights fall after witnessing a loved one murdered or tortured. We utilize this emotion against our enemies, but do we feel its pull ourselves?


There are times that Sith will grow attached to another being. There are even times when such closeness can develop into what one might call love. However, these things are best kept hidden. I have personally seen Lords kill those close to rivals to unbalance them before striking.


So, while the Sith can feel love, it is almost universally regarded as a weakness that can be used against them. As such, it is to be avoided. However, there have been Sith who have seen to the murder or slaying of those closest to them in order to feed upon the pain and anger that it stirs within them. In this way, they turn their weakness into a considerable strength.


After informing my apprentice of this, I turned to her and asked: do you love? She answered that she did. I then instructed her to go forth and slay that which she loved… or I would do it for her.


Imagine my surprise when, upon our arrival at Nar Shaddaa, she slew an Imperial informant that she had been frequenting on our visits.


When she returned to me, I asked her again if she felt love. She told me she felt only pain and anger.


The lesson was thus learned.

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Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


These words are a mantra to apprentices on Korriban; those that prove worthy of their lessons, of course. Originally a call and answer technique used by instructors to drill the words into the heads of their pupils, I have seen such drastic misinterpretations of a code that seems so simple to understand.


I have mentioned in my previous writings that control is paramount to a Sith. A true Sith is in control of his emotions, using them as a surgeon uses a scalpel. Apprentices and the uninitiated use their emotions like a cudgel, beating down his enemy without finesse, without the understanding of what it is he is summoning. These ‘students’ fall prey to their own emotions. They are unable to master them and are, in turn, mastered by them.


To dissect the Sith code, one has to understand its opposite, the Jedi Code. The Code of the Jedi was put into place to simplify the core tenants of the Jedi Order. The Jedi use the Force for Knowledge and Defense, never for personal gain, power, or revenge. Their code reflects this—

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

In comparing the first lines of the codes, it becomes quite apparent where one of the largest differences between the two factions lies: emotion. It is the very opening statement of both codes that shows how important the concept of emotion is to each faction. The Jedi seek to maintain inner peace despite emotion. It is not to say that they do not feel emotion—all organic, sentient beings feel emotion to one extent or another. However, the Jedi maintain that it is best to set aside, or work through such emotion in order to neutralize it and not allow it to taint the calm, or peace, of one’s mind. This is paramount to the Jedi Order.


The Sith, however, know that this is pointless. Passions give strength. Passions give resolve. Passions embody all it is to be alive. This is not to say that there is no place for a calm mind, or rational thinking; or to say that one must be in the thrall of passion at all times. No, this, too, would be a mistake. The Sith understand that at the core of every emotional being is passion. It empowers us and drives us to perfection. The Jedi code vastly differs from the Sith after the first line, still, let us look deeper into this writing.


There is no ignorance, only knowledge—an interesting statement, and one that even Sith could understand. We seek knowledge, as do the Jedi… however, we do not shy away from it, nor do we lock it away out of fear as the Jedi do. There is certain knowledge that the Jedi Council sees as ‘dangerous’ and off limits to padawan, and even Jedi Knights. Most of this revolves around the Sith and Dark Jedi lore. In this, the Council keeps its subordinates ignorant of the teachings of alternative theories on the Force.


There is no passion, there is serenity—Passion is what gives us power. As long as the Jedi deny this, they will always be at a disadvantage to us. The Jedi deny their passions and their emotions because they fear that attachment or emotional instinct would lead one to follow a path to the Dark Side. In seeking serenity and harmony (as the next line states), the Jedi Council seeks to cater to the lowest common denominator. They do discourage using ambition and will to rise above one’s station and seek power. This would create what they call Chaos. It would shatter their precious balance of power. No, the Jedi seek serenity not out of an altruistic bent, but to maintain control, to create a status quo.


There is no chaos, there is harmony—and we find the wishful thinking of the Jedi… They wish for all beings to live in harmony and peace. This is a delusion. As long as there remains the possibility for power over another being there will always be someone who covets said power—and there will always be someone who gains it. By trying to change this, the Jedi, and republic, not only create a bureaucratic nightmare of a government, but one that is ultimately ineffectual.


There is no death, there is the Force—we know of Force Spirits and the Jedi belief of becoming one with the Force. Still, that this is a tenant of the code only shows their ultimate fear of death, and their attempt to alleviate this fear in their padawans. ‘Do not fear death, there is only the Force’ reeks of suicidal brainwashing. Whereas a Jedi may accept death, a Sith will rage with all his strength to remain alive.


Now that we have delved over the Jedi Code… what of the Sith? What of our emotions? As the Sith Code makes it plain, we thrive on our emotions and our passions. We allow them to flow through us freely. We enjoy them. We utilize them. But… we do not fall prey to them.


There are those apprentices that believe that the Sith Code encourages one to let his passions rule him, that the strength given to one using them to command the force makes them undefeatable and frees them from any concerns. A Sith who reads such into the Code is a Sith that is not long for this existence. Sith do not lose control. A true Sith is always in control of his emotions, riding them as a beast, using them to take him to heights of his power, yet releasing them before they drag him down into oblivion.


I feel anger, yet I focus it and use it to command the Force with an indomitable will. I feel fear, yet I channel it into action against that which threatens me. I feel rage, yet when it threatens to take me under its thrall, I unleash it against my enemies. I feel ambition, yet I use a thinking mind in deciding how to direct my ambition. I am not a slave to my emotions. My emotions serve me.


Peace is a Lie. We hold this truth as self-evident. Predator and Prey have no peace treaties in the wild. It is by nature that beings seek dominion over their surroundings, and it is by that same nature that they have conflict with those who would intrude upon their domain or their lives. There is no peace in nature. The universe devours civilizations whole. Does a star consider a peace treaty when it engulfs the planets in its orbit? Yet, it is a cause of irony to me that the Jedi sit in contemplation of peace while in natural surroundings, as if there are no predators devouring prey or culling the weak from their pack.


There is only Passion. As I have already stated, within Passion lies the strength of the Sith. It is taught to the lowliest of apprentices and hopefuls.


Through passion, I gain strength. The power of emotion is something that cannot be underestimated. I have watched a Jedi’s padawan attempt time and time again to lift a stone blocking his path through serenity and a calm heart. He failed. Repeatedly. However, with some gentle prodding, he allowed his frustrations to grow and focused them as anger took his heart. Unleashing his will, amplified by the heat of his anger allowed him to summon the strength to bend the Force to his will, hurling the stone several yards away. The anger, this rage, allowed him the will and strength to push him beyond his limits and achieve what was needed. The Jedi would deny this strength. We would embrace it.


Through strength, I gain power. Strength and power. Apprentices around the Korriban Academy always speak of gaining power or growing stronger. They have raw ambition toward these goals… but to what end? To have strength and power without a goal is akin to being king over a field of only grass and rock—it matters for nothing. A Sith has the power to change and shape the Galaxy… but so many apprentices cannot see beyond their fists. It is a shame, to be plain. This strength, this power that the Sith so rightly claim, ends in the hands of so many inept thugs with no sight beyond the glorification of their own names. These are not Sith… these are Dark Jedi who labor in ignorance of what power truly means.


Through power, I gain victory. Victory without a goal and reason is as hollow as power without the same. It is meaningless. However, with the power of the Dark Side as his most devastating weapon, and with his passions mastered and focused, a Sith will never meet an enemy he is incapable of defeating. However… much to dismay of many murdering Apprentices… it is not how many people you achieve victory over or kill… it is who you kill. If a victory does not prove the superiority of a Sith, and does not further his aims… it is a pointless victory and matters for nothing. I may slay one hundred enemies, but if I do not slay the one that matters the most, nothing I have done is worthwhile. Prattling lips and rumors of strength are as nothing when compared to actual victory. Killing a rival’s henchmen does not matter if you fail to kill the rival himself- unless the acts prove superiority to your foe, placing him off balance.


Through victory, my chains are broken. So many mistake this single line into meaning that the Sith will break all boundaries at a whim, that no constraints or rules can hold us. While this may be true, it is not the meaning of this entry. A true Sith seeks perfection—both through the Force and through his actions. He seeks to become a perfect being… Sith’ari, free of all restrictions. This does not mean the freedom to go about slaughtering and enslaving. A goal of the like is pointless and beneath notice. No, this means we are free of the limitations and restrictions of lesser beings. That we become more than mere vessels to the Force. It is the end of all limitation and the achievement of perfection.


The Force shall free me. The Force. Our vehicle to perfection. Our weapon. Our most trusted ally. Through the Force the Sith will attain strength, power, victory, and freedom from limitation. Through our passions, we will overcome all set before us.


To be true Sith is to strive for perfection. It is to shatter the limitations placed upon you by outdated morality and sense of chivalry. To be Sith is to attain the unattainable and push beyond what lesser beings cannot fathom. We seek our answers in the darkest corners of the Galaxy and of ourselves—places others fear to tread are where we grow strong and thrive. We do not fear the darkness—we understand it and bend it to our will.


The Jedi crafted their Code to set limitation and understanding. They use it as an excuse to deny themselves both true life and true power. The Sith created their code to free themselves of such trifles and to remind themselves that, armed with their passions, nothing is beyond their grasp.

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I only read the first paragraph (sorry!) but i have to disagree.


The Force is neither Dark or Light. The Force IS!


People who funnel the Power for good deeds, align themselfs as lightsiders and the other part who use the Force for evil purposes i.e. taking advantage over others of its supernatural properties, are the darksiders.



Remember there is no bad Force of good Force. The Force is just THE creational Power! A mind of its own. The mastermind!

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(OOC: You need to read a LOT more than the first paragraph, friend. And, ironically, if you read that through, you would have realized that the first set of notes was his rationalizing the Unifying Force theory-- which is what you are clearly a proponent of. The next note section is a revision after he's gained more clarity on the subject, moving more in line with the Light and Darkside aspects.


While this could be a canon debate, both theories gained some traction within the expanded universe-- the Unifying Force was one reason for Darth Caedus, after all. However... in the end, they are theories and the physical and psychological effects of the darkside in canon material cannot be denied. *shrug*)

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((I enjoyed your piece. It felt like it was philosphical essay; question not the motives of the force but rather the motives of the human mind.))


((Thank you. It was pretty much precisely what I was going for in writing this. It's been interesting to explore Coriolis's view on the Force as he develops as a character.))

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This is excellently thought out and argued.


Personally I feel that there is no distinction between "Light" and "Dark" which you also state in your piece.

The only distinction is in the user's minds.


Have you thought on how the individuals environment, more specifically there up bringing can affect their personality?

In the SI story you were a Slave who rises up to become a Dark Lord of the Sith. In one of the early quests on Korriban, a Jedi is held captive who has being manipulated by the "Dark Side" of the Force.

He mentions that if you had being born in the Republic, you would be a Jedi not Sith.

Is this distinction fostered within your respective culture?


What if you were not within the Republic/Sith?


Would your perception on the Force change?


More food for thought: What of those Sith who decided to be redeemed? (Main example Revan) what is their idealogy now. Do they become Jedi or those who live between the Light and Dark?

Remember Revan was Jedi > Sith > Jedi > Something more. In Revan, Revan is allowed to continue his relationship with Bastilla as long as he refrains from discussing his The Force. No Light, No Dark just the Force.


Also the so called Grey Jedi like Qui-Gon Jin and Jolee Bindo. They realise that there is just the Unifying and Living Forces and yet they are condemned for their views. Gui-Gon is a maverick and Jolee went into exile. How do they play into your theories?



Currently i am also working on a fan fic on my Sorcerer as a more compassionate but still power/knowledge who decides to see on the other side of the fence.


Passion rules thought. Serenity is the path to understanding.

Ignorance rules power. Knowledge is the path to strength.

Weakness rules the masses. Control is the path to victory.

Through my will the Force is done. Through my will the Force prospers.


An interesting take on the codes :)

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