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MUST SEE -- Video from Belsavis World PvP [POT5]


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Great event. My group was unable to join the instance with all the fun but we were on a different instance and got to smash a some Pub faces before they left the instance. We could not get into the instance where everyone was so we left but we had plenty of fun!


Kudos to the organizers. Looking forward to the next event!

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I liked the video, I even have some old 50s on that server. I may have to join in since you guys seem to have more fun than the other servers. I've always thought SWTOR needed a world PVP reward system, like they had in Warhammer. Just seeing Renown, Exp, and Medals (even if it was just a little) for kills always gave me the warm fuzzies for some reason.
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I was there for this it was great! I just wish it would of been on ilum and we got valor lol


Agreed, Valor should be given for every kill anywhere if the person you're killing is your skill level or above. Still chasing elite warlord on my two 95's and two 80's and it's still just a title.


I don't wear titles normally but they should give titles for kills too to help promote more world pvp, perhaps seperate from warzone kills.


Problem with Ilum is just the massive amount of time it takes to get to each node to fight, hopefully they address the issue with the ilum revamp.

Edited by Alizaro
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