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Reverse Engineering Chance


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Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone was having issues with obtaining schems from REing since patch? I have now reverse engineered over 50 blue quality focus's I have made, at supposedly 10% chance, and still no upgraded schem. I have had some take a while before, but this is driving me crazy. Is it an issue others are having or is RNG just being horrible to me?
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I've started keeping track in the past few days, since Saturday I'm at 93 schematics out of 535 tries, and out of those, today's have been 20 out of 129 tries. This is on my armormech at 20% chance, so at least that's fairly consistent with the listed rate.
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I guess you haven't been looking at other threads on the Crew Skill Forum. This has been posted about many times. The RE chance does not seem to have been improved despite what patch 1.2 may say. Many of us can go for 30+ tries without getting a schematic on a 20% RE chance item. RE is still broken, don't let the devs tell you otherwise.
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I guess you haven't been looking at other threads on the Crew Skill Forum. This has been posted about many times. The RE chance does not seem to have been improved despite what patch 1.2 may say. Many of us can go for 30+ tries without getting a schematic on a 20% RE chance item. RE is still broken, don't let the devs tell you otherwise.


Yes, because an 80% chance to fail each time you attempt to RE a seperate item means it's broken. Working as intended.

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I guess you haven't been looking at other threads on the Crew Skill Forum. This has been posted about many times. The RE chance does not seem to have been improved despite what patch 1.2 may say. Many of us can go for 30+ tries without getting a schematic on a 20% RE chance item. RE is still broken, don't let the devs tell you otherwise.


It was increased from 10% to 20% (blues) and from 4% to 10% (purple).


Before the 1.2 many players reported to go 100+ RE's before they got a schematic, the fact that you are now pretty much guaranteed to get it BEFORE 100 is proof that they did indeed increase the RE chance.


Before 30 tries means it's laughably easy now.

Edited by Rhaphael
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I agree. Frustrating.


"1 in bloody 5, you've gotta be kidding me!" has become an oft repeated cry in my household.


Though, of course, I'm aware that statistical probability doesn't work that way at all. Bottom line is, you have more chance of failing per try than succeeding, considerably more. But that knowledge is of no comfort at all as resources and credits rapidly dwindle in pursuit of that elusive schematic.


To be honest, I'd prefer the percentage chance to be scrapped altogether. I'd rather have a mini xp bar per item. Each time I RE an item I gain xp toward that item's next tier schematic. Basically, if I'm going to need to RE something 20-30 times, I'd rather each time go towards something other than a meager return of materials. Obviously, skill ups are available for a short while, but this window is quickly outleveled. I'd also be able to see what I needed in terms of time, materials and credit reserves beforehand.


I guess I prefer a little reliability in my crafting, rather than random chance. Kind of fits better with my conception of a craftsman, gradually learning the secrets of an item in order to make it better, rather than a sudden Eureka! moment. After all, it's not like we're inventing anything, just refining it.



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