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Is the Freighter Fly-By supposed to be insanely slow?


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Here's a tip, cast freighter fly-by by a capture point and wait for an imp to run by it. The damage radius of the spell is larger than the graphic on the ground, but imps will still run along the borders of the graphics (they think they're safe if they are outside the graphic). When they do this, root in the blast radius, backblast, dirty kick, and then use various other damage dealing abilities depending on your spec.


Melee imps that are not rooted will hesitate to help because they are unwilling to take the damage.

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YES... get rid of the graphics.. might as well paint a bullseye and scream "INCOMING" with that stupid laser and spot on the floor.


get rid of it. Sorry they shouldnt get a forewarning on that. and yeah if it says cast time is 3 seconds.. thats when i should hear the plane coming in those 3 seconds...NOT after the 3 seconds.

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This has nothing to do with what he's talking about. The application of Vital Shot and the damage of Quick Draw (in some situations, anyways) is not always done right away after being cast. Instant abilities should be instant and not tied to animations.


This is the major problem with the Smuggler class, way to many animation that the Imperials do not have to deal with


Is it really fair to bog down Republic with animations in PVP while the Imperials are not?

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I disagree. Run to an objective and toss a grenade if they are already capping then flyby. The reason to use flyby as a cap stopper is the 12s dot it applys, you can stop a whole group by doing this. I find its most effective when cast on a voidstar door after we've planted the bomb. For 12s theres no way they can remove the bomb since the 3s DoT ticks will interupt them everytime they try.


I see your point, my only concern is you get other anti-cap tools and a once a minute hard hitting AoE is too powerful to waste on anywhere there are no enemies.


It's better as a tool to break up a melee brawl. In voidstar I'd much rather use it to actually kill stuff so we get an easier time of actually planting that bomb. Defuse attempts are easy to stop.


Flyby is also really good in mass open world pvp, btw.

Edited by StealthNerf
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As others have said, the area denial aspect can sometimes be more important than it actually hitting anything.


This makes it more of a "strategic" than "tactical" skill. You can also "herd" enemies into your other AOEs if set up correctly.


Lol that's what I do! I like to corral lisks on Ilum near my pet and I then unleash the freighter spell.

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I see your point, my only concern is you get other anti-cap tools and a once a minute hard hitting AoE is too powerful to waste on anywhere there are no enemies.


It's better as a tool to break up a melee brawl. In voidstar I'd much rather use it to actually kill stuff so we get an easier time of actually planting that bomb. Defuse attempts are easy to stop.


Flyby is also really good in mass open world pvp, btw.


Actually, in PVP the capture points and various junctions are the only place you can generally be sure that there are going to be targets. Anywhere else (1) you shouldn't be fighting anyway and (2) people will just move at no real penalty.


It was especially fun in my last Civil War match where there were two of us both dropping Flyby AOEs around the turrets at the same, critical times - it did a really good job of letting us claim them and the match. Also, all that smoke makes it much easier to sneak-cap in a big brawl too. :)

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