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Midichlorians - what was Lucas thinking?


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From the fans of the OT, when you saw ESB and learned about the Force from Yoda...I bet everyone, EVERYONE, at one point in time, has been sat on the sofa, with the controller just out of reach and tried to use the Force to bring it to you hand! You have all done it!!!


GL in the prequels made you loose all that misticalness and magic, coz if you didn't have the blood count, you could have the Force!!! The end!


OT - You COULD use the Force, maybe, if you tried really hard.


The prequels - No you can't!



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To be fair, I think Star Wars has it's own genre. I definitely wouldn't put it in the Fantasy genre.


How is it not Fantasy? It's nothing more than the archetypical white knight vs black knight story but set in space. It's even got princesses and dark sorcerers. Replace lightsabers with swords, starships with sea ships and you have a medieval fantasy film.

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The question shouldn't be "What was he thinking", rather "What was he smoking?!".






No fan of Star Wars ever asked "how does the force work?". Obi-Wan in the first movie's explication was enough.


My opinion; The Force as it was pre Midichlorians was a Religion, something the practitioners need to have faith in for it to work for them. In modern move making Religion is passe, and Midichlorians was Lucas's way of giving a scientific ground to The Force to divorce it a little bit from faith in something that cannot be seen.


The big thing is this if ones force power is tied to Midichlorians in ones body, wouldn't Vader have gotten weaker as he got more cyborg part? Also wouldn't a Midichlorian injection make one a force user?


Midichlorians were a stupid idea. as was Jar-Jar.

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No fan of Star Wars ever asked "how does the force work?". Obi-Wan in the first movie's explication was enough.


My opinion; The Force as it was pre Midichlorians was a Religion, something the practitioners need to have faith in for it to work for them. In modern move making Religion is passe, and Midichlorians was Lucas's way of giving a scientific ground to The Force to divorce it a little bit from faith in something that cannot be seen.


The big thing is this if ones force power is tied to Midichlorians in ones body, wouldn't Vader have gotten weaker as he got more cyborg part? Also wouldn't a Midichlorian injection make one a force user?


Midichlorians were a stupid idea. as was Jar-Jar.


I don't understand. Did you just decide to not read anything in this thread? :confused: How many times does it need to be said that midichlorians don't have anything to do with "how the force works". They're just an indicator, nothing more.

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He was thinking like an intellectual.


Sorry science isn't your think OP. I guess some realistic aspects in Star Wars killed the franchise to you. :rolleyes:


He could've made it all more scientific and way more interesting at the same time if he put any effort into it. Unfortunately GL is just a hack and that's why we got what we got.

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My viewpoint on the Midichlorians as I watch the entire saga is this.


In the Prequels, the Jedi were arrogant in their position of power and their belief that the Sith were all but destroyed. It is hinted upon by Mace Windu being so quick to dismiss Qui-Gon's assumption that he battled a Sith on Tatooine because the Jedi would of course had known if the Sith had returned. Yoda also talks about this arrogance in Episode II.


I believe the Jedi in this time period were so arrogant that they believed they could scientifically understand the Force and the Midichlorians. What they failed to learn to understand is what Qui-Gon knew of the "living Force". Qui-Gon understood the Force in its more basic element and this understanding is what brought him closer to the Force itself and allowed him to break the chains of death.


It was his teachings in the "living Force" that allowed Obi-Wan and Yoda to also learn this. That is why they teach Luke about the "living Force" instead of the science of the Midichlorians. It is only when the Jedi abandon technology and science do they draw within the fold of the Force.


That is my viewpoint.

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My viewpoint on the Midichlorians as I watch the entire saga is this.


In the Prequels, the Jedi were arrogant in their position of power and their belief that the Sith were all but destroyed. It is hinted upon by Mace Windu being so quick to dismiss Qui-Gon's assumption that he battled a Sith on Tatooine because the Jedi would of course had known if the Sith had returned. Yoda also talks about this arrogance in Episode II.


I believe the Jedi in this time period were so arrogant that they believed they could scientifically understand the Force and the Midichlorians. What they failed to learn to understand is what Qui-Gon knew of the "living Force". Qui-Gon understood the Force in its more basic element and this understanding is what brought him closer to the Force itself and allowed him to break the chains of death.


It was his teachings in the "living Force" that allowed Obi-Wan and Yoda to also learn this. That is why they teach Luke about the "living Force" instead of the science of the Midichlorians. It is only when the Jedi abandon technology and science do they draw within the fold of the Force.


That is my viewpoint.


thats actually quite a good way to look at it :cool:

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No fan of Star Wars ever asked "how does the force work?". Obi-Wan in the first movie's explication was enough.


My opinion; The Force as it was pre Midichlorians was a Religion, something the practitioners need to have faith in for it to work for them. In modern move making Religion is passe, and Midichlorians was Lucas's way of giving a scientific ground to The Force to divorce it a little bit from faith in something that cannot be seen.


The big thing is this if ones force power is tied to Midichlorians in ones body, wouldn't Vader have gotten weaker as he got more cyborg part? Also wouldn't a Midichlorian injection make one a force user?


Midichlorians were a stupid idea. as was Jar-Jar.


Vader did get weaker after mustafar and did lose his potential. He could have become, according to Lucas, 200% more powerful than Sidious. In the end he ended up at 85% of Sidious due to his injuries. Also midichlorian injections don't work. There has been novels that explored the possibility of creating force sensitive individuals. It always ended up in failure. The reason why is because Midichlorians do not make you force sensitive. A high count is a by-product of being force sensitive.

Edited by Rhyltran
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The blood has throughout thousands of years been considered the physical essence of life or soul in many religions and cults. Is that mystic enough for you? There's nothing new in the idea of the importance of blood in determining who we are. So the idea of midichlorians being the source of the difference just gives you a more scientific explanation. All things are both mystic and not, it depends on what angle you choose. Edited by Kadra
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Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


indeed.. if it is the third reich.. why are all imperial officers english.. if there was ever going to be a comparison, it would be the american revolution.


Still, Luke killed many thousands of innocents when destroying the second death star as the empire would of out sourced in creation of it. So think of all the slaves and nn-empire civilians he killed, which would of out numbered the amount of imperials on the death star.


personally i would of arrested luke aand put him on trial for crimes against humanity with a very public exectuion..


just sayin'

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Lucas probably watched a documentary talking about how cells work and in particular Mitochondria, and then got the idea to use it to explain the Force. They are very similar (like little independent organisms living in cells providing a kind of power) and even the names sound similar (Mitochondria vs Midichlorians).
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Midichlorians were just an easy way to explain the nature of the Force to the 4-year-old target audience of The Phantom Menace.


Who cares about a "Living Force that flows through us, surrounds us and binds the Galaxy together" when you can have LITTLE DUDES LIVING IN YOUR BLOODSTREAM LOLZ.


I'm not sure if you've ever actually been four years old, but mystical forces and magical people are actually easier to understand and believe in at a younger age than biology. Just saying.

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<Theory type="conspiracy" subtype="wildBaselessConjecture">

Lucas introduced the notion of Midichlorians so people would stop calling Star Wars "science fantasy" and treat it as science fiction.



In older discussions I took part in, people constantly pointed out that the fact that the Force was based on a "mystical" energy source reduced it to science fantasy (in which magic plays a role), rather than science fiction (in which all things should be rooted and based in science).


I would guess that this didn't sit well with George, since he's always thought of Star Wars as science fiction. Introducing a scientific basis for the Force, however flimsy, may have been his attempt to resolve the issue.

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He could've made it all more scientific and way more interesting at the same time if he put any effort into it. Unfortunately GL is just a hack and that's why we got what we got.


Why are you even a star wars fan if you hate the creator so much? :rolleyes:

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I like to think he did it so there is a reason certain people can you the force. That keeps it out of the anyone can use it if they train themselves type of thing. I also would think Midichlorians are not the force by themselves but are simply the middle man that allows people to connect with the force. Thinking that way makes it a lot less of a slap in the face doesn't?


Oh and of course it was just something in a script for a sci-fi movie! I do love a good mythology in a story though.

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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Midichlorians are like crayfish; they are indicators. They show that a particular individual has high Force sensitivity. Oh they grow in every person, but they need high levels of Force sensitivity to really propagate and reach high numbers. So what; Anakin had a level of over 20,000? An average Jedi would probably have something like 5-10 thousand, while a non-Force sensitive would have more like a few hundred or, at most 1,000.


Anakins Midichlorian count was over NINE THOUSAND!!


Sorry, couldn't resist.


That being said. I like this explanation.

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