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Let's Talk Forum Rules


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I have questions.


1. What are the specific things that can get you to skip over a warning and go straight to ban? (I want specifics).


2. What will keep you from abusing said power over the forums? I've seen a lot of moderators who don't like something and someone is banned or warned and it violated no rule on forums. What would stop you from doing this?


3. Who is your acting supervisor and how would we contact him if you abused your power?


4. Can we vote on if we can keep certain trolls?


Now I know this may sound like i'm attacking you or distrust you (I do, I trust very few people) but i've seen power abused by many people in positions of authority and believe that we must keep a system of checks and balances in place to keep that from happening. I also believe in very specific guidelines in place so people understand what and how they violated rules.


I have answers!


1. Interestingly, it is hard for me to actually provide you a specific example without breaking forum rules. Something that will skip you right over a warning is something that honestly, should be blatantly obvious to anyone is something that is a breach of the rules. As a general statement, something like making a death threat, etc. is something that is of the severity that could do this. However, note that something like that is an extreme example, use your best judgement. If it is something that is a very egregious breach of the rules, it could get you an infraction.


2/3. I have the same answer to both of these. The person that is reviewing disputes is never the same person as the one who gave you an infraction. We do this so that we have our own systems of checks and balances.


4. We will all have our "beloved" trolls and as a part of the new rules we are going to be less strict about this. However, if someone is breaking rules, they will be actioned appropriately.


Hopefully I covered your questions. As theUndead mentioned, I can't exactly spell out all of our policies in depth, but that should hopefully cover your concerns.

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As for being untrusting if your not untrusting to most people you're making a mistake, people will stab you in the back in a heartbeat. Questioning them and leaving specific rules in place are the only ways to keep people in line. If it is left to forum moderators discretion then the power will corrupt him because absolute power corrupts absolutely.


A game forum... absolute power... Lighten up Francis.

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I have answers!


1. Interestingly, it is hard for me to actually provide you a specific example without breaking forum rules. Something that will skip you right over a warning is something that honestly, should be blatantly obvious to anyone is something that is a breach of the rules. As a general statement, something like making a death threat, etc. is something that is of the severity that could do this. However, note that something like that is an extreme example, use your best judgement. If it is something that is a very egregious breach of the rules, it could get you an infraction.


2/3. I have the same answer to both of these. The person that is reviewing disputes is never the same person as the one who gave you an infraction. We do this so that we have our own systems of checks and balances.


4. We will all have our "beloved" trolls and as a part of the new rules we are going to be less strict about this. However, if someone is breaking rules, they will be actioned appropriately.


Hopefully I covered your questions. As theUndead mentioned, I can't exactly spell out all of our policies in depth, but that should hopefully cover your concerns.


Wow you really are a fair moderator, I figured you'd skip my questions entirely. All hail whatever your name is moderator of the forums!

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Hey everyone,


As I am sure many of you have noticed, it has been the Community Team's goal to try a new direction in communication. We are aiming to speak with you more, in a more casual way, and with more information.




Always good to hear the community team is looking to talk to us players more :D

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I have answers!


1. Interestingly, it is hard for me to actually provide you a specific example without breaking forum rules. Something that will skip you right over a warning is something that honestly, should be blatantly obvious to anyone is something that is a breach of the rules. As a general statement, something like making a death threat, etc. is something that is of the severity that could do this. However, note that something like that is an extreme example, use your best judgement. If it is something that is a very egregious breach of the rules, it could get you an infraction.


2/3. I have the same answer to both of these. The person that is reviewing disputes is never the same person as the one who gave you an infraction. We do this so that we have our own systems of checks and balances.


4. We will all have our "beloved" trolls and as a part of the new rules we are going to be less strict about this. However, if someone is breaking rules, they will be actioned appropriately.


Hopefully I covered your questions. As theUndead mentioned, I can't exactly spell out all of our policies in depth, but that should hopefully cover your concerns.


Yay! You mentioned me. Now I have a little fame. Also thank you for your answer to my question earlier Eric. Your doing a great job both yourself and your team.

Edited by theUndead
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But Posting the english version and not posting a german or french version for THREE days is only strengthening the arguments of haters, who claim, that you basically do not give a dime about the european communities.

And please do not post that you do care a great deal, cause by your own rules, it is not allowed to post false information. If you want to convince us, then post the info and not some excuses or promises. Even a fanboys patience wears thin by now.




Your statements about the non-English community are empty promises:rolleyes:

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Hallo allerseits,


Wie sicherlich viele von Euch schon bemerkt haben, ist es das Ziel des Community Teams eine neue Richtung der Kommuniktaion einzuschlagen. Wir planen, mehr mit euch zu sprechen, in einer lockereren Art und mit mehr Informationen.


Manche von Euch haben sich vielleicht gewundert "was bedeutet dieser neue Ansatz für die Forenregeln?" Nunja, vielleicht hat sich das auch keiner gefragt, aber ich beantworte es trotzdem. Warum? Weil diese sich auch ein bischen ändern werden.


Bevor ich in die Details gehe möchte ich betonen, was unsere Ziele für das Forum sind. Die Foren sind als Ort vorgesehen, an den die Leute kommen, ihre Meinungen ausdrücken und konstruktive Diskussionen führen können, ohne Angst vor Angriffen oder Belästigungen. Bitte behaltet das immer im Kopf! Nun reden wir über die Details:


Wo wir nachsichtiger sein werden:


  • Allgemeine "internet"-Stil Gespräche. In der Vergangenheit waren wir ziemlich streng bezüglich mancher Dinge, wie z.B. jemanden als "Troll" zu bezeichnen oder ein einfaches "Kann ich deine Sachen haben?" rauszuwerfen. Wir haben diese Beiträge entfernt und womöglich haben die auch eine Ermanung oder Verwarnung eingebracht. Allgemein werden wir das in Zukunft etwas schleifen lassen, aber ehrlich gesagt solltet Ihr das auch gar nicht erst tun. Seid einfach respektvoll zueinander.
  • Dinge, die normalerweise Foren "no-gos" sind, wie ein Thema "pushen" oder einen alten Beitrag wiederzubeleben ("Necro"). Wir werden nicht mehr so verrückt hinter diesen Dingen her sein. Das bedeutet nicht, das wir sie nicht trotzdem ggf. ohne Hinweis löschen. Auch hier wieder: Macht es einfach nicht, denn wenn ihr störend wirkt, kann es auch weiterhin zu Sanktionen gegen euren Account führen.
  • Beiträge, die wegen Trollen gemeldet werden. Diese Art Beiträge sind nicht immer die konstruktivsten oder beinhalten direktes Feedback, aber solange sie harmlos bleiben und gut gelaunt, werden wir sie einfach gewähren lassen.

Wo wir weiterhin sehr streng sein werden:


  • Jeder Beitrag und jedes Thema das politisch oder religiös motiviert ist und das schliesst auch alle Analogien derselben Art ein. Ich weiss, manche Leute werden nicht verstehen, warum wir eine solche Regel haben. Das Problem ist, das jeder politische oder religiöse Vergleich fast immer zu einer zu einer religiösen oder politischen Diskussion entgleist, was hier ganz einfach keinem Zweck dient. Also bitte bleibt dieser Art von Beiträgen fern, denn sie werden weiterhin entfernt und werden praktisch immer mit einer Ermahnung oder Verwarnung bedacht.
  • Themen und Antworten die vulgär oder sexueller Natur sind.
  • Themen, bei denen es einzig und alein um andere Spiele geht oder die sehr weit vom eigentlichen Thema weg sind. Am Ende des Tages ist dies immer noch ein STAR WARS: The Old Republic Forum und demzufolge sollten sich alle Themen auch um unser Spiel drehen.
  • Anprangerungen jeder Art sind strengstens verboten. Das Beinhaltet das Anprangern einzelner Spieler oder Gilden. Um es deutlicher zu sagen, auch Beiträge, die eine vermeintlich gute Absicht haben ("Liste der bekannten Ninja Looter!") sind immer noch gegen diese Regel und damit nicht erlaubt. Wir wollen jedem das Gefühl geben, das das Forum ein sicherer Platz für sie ist und solche Beiträge dienen einzig der Belästigung anderer Spieler.
  • Absichtlich falsche Informationen zu verbreiten in der Hoffnung damit die Community "aufzurütteln". Wenn es eindeutig ist, das der Beitrag mit der Absicht der Lüge über Fakten geschrieben wurde, in der Absicht, Unruhe zu stiften, dann wird der Beitrag entfernt und gegen den Ersteller werden geeignete Maßnahmen ergriffen. Dieses Verhalten dient alleine dazu, negative Reaktionen von den anderen Forennutzern zu provozieren.
  • Diskussion der Moderaition ist weiterhin nicht erlaubt.

Neue Struktur von Ermahnung/Warnung


Nun, da unsere Vorgehensweise bezüglich des *was* wir bestrafen bekannt ist, machen wir ähnliche Änderungen an unserem Ermahnungs- und Verwarnungs-System. Auch wenn wir Euch mehr Freiheiten gewähren, was ihr sagen dürft, werden wir dennoch Maßnahmen ergreifen, wenn die Linie einmal überschritten ist.


In den meisten Fällen führt die erste Übertretung zu einer Ermahnung. Diese Ermahnung wird Euch daran erinnern, was ihr getan habt und als freundliche Erinnerung dienen, solches Verhalten in Zukunft zu unterlassen. (Für schwere Übertretungen kann es sein, das der Schritt Ermahnung übersprungen wird und direkt eine Verwarnung erteilt wird.)


Nachdem Ihr eine Ermahnung erhalten habt, führt jede weitere Übertretung der Forenregeln zu einer Verwarnung. Alle Verwarnungen sind ab jetzt 5 Punkte wert und darauf basierend werden folgende Strafen erteilt:


5 Punkte - 3 Tage Sperrung

10 Punkte - 7 Tage Sperrung

15 Punkte- Permanente Sperrung


TLDR: Wir wollen Euch allen die Möglichkeit geben, Eure Meinung auszudrücken, auch Meinungsverschiedenheiten, in einer Art, die euch nicht fürchten lässt, gemaßregelt zu werden. Allerdings, auch mit diesem Spielraum werden wir es nicht tolerieren, das Spieler verletztende Aussagen machen, Belästigungen oder direkte Angriffe aufeinander in einer Weise, die nicht konstruktiv ist.


Eine Sache die ich absolut klarstellen muss, ist das diese Änderung der Forenregeln keinen Einfluss hat auf in der Vergangenheit verteilte Ermahnungen oder Verwarnungen. All diese bleiben bestehen und werden auf Basis der neuen Regeln nicht zurückgenommen.


Ich hoffe, das dies alles Sinn macht, da ich versucht habe, es so klar wie möglich auszudrücken.


-eric und das Community Team

Translated by JPryde within 60 minutes.

Feel free to use any or all of this translation for your official announcement. I claim no rights to it and did translate as close as possible while still keeping the original meaning.


It is a pity, that professional translators at Austin seem to be taking a lot longer than a dedicated fan.

Edited by JPryde
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The post was made pretty late on Friday as Eric has explained and they don't work on Saturday and Sunday.


This is not what i mean. Why they post first the english and after days, weeks a german and a french version. Why, Why they can not publish all 3 together. Are english customers *hust* consumers*hust* something better? :rolleyes:


Translated by JPryde within 60 minutes.


At some companies would be the normal overtime at work.

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We unfortunately made that post close to the end of the day on Friday, we are actively working on getting it translated as we speak. Should be up today or tomorrow.

So now we passed the 24h mark.... your post is now a whole day old... so you did not only post important information only in english right before the weekend (which must have come as a total surprise, I know), you also let pass a complete workday without being able to translate and repost the information in german and french.


Sorry to be a pain in the rear, but if you want to ignore the german and french fanbase, then at least be honest and say so. We are used to such stuff. Most information is available in german and french lightyears before there is an official translation anyway. But in case of RULES, I cannot stress the importance of a timely official information strong enough.

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We unfortunately made that post close to the end of the day on Friday, we are actively working on getting it translated as we speak. Should be up today or tomorrow.

And so the days pass.... Please Eric, help me out here... I seem to be unable to find those translated rules, that should have been up yesterday or the day before. Care to send me the link ? Thanks.

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@ Eric & Team


I'm very much enjoying the increased level of communication and engagement you folks are providing the community. The forum environment is feeling a whole lot less hostile and much more enjoyable following the recent changes. Keep up the good work

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@ Eric & Team


I'm very much enjoying the increased level of communication and engagement you folks are providing the community. The forum environment is feeling a whole lot less hostile and much more enjoyable following the recent changes. Keep up the good work

While this seems to be indeed true for the english part of the boards (reading a lot of golden replies here), unfortunately Eric by now did post a german (and probably french also) version of these rules, which are 100% with the same meaning..... but they are not based on the same facts.


Eric himself admitted, that the german/french forums will see LESS communication, not MORE... so the opening sentence of the new rules turned into a freaking joke for these two communities.


Again, I wouldn't even be pissed for being left without any kind of info on the german forums (users translate info a lot faster than bioware anyway), but I (and a couple others) simply do not like to be treated like idiots. And if you follow the german and the english board, that is the only way you can feel still.


Day by day it is turning more and more obvious, that the feedback on the "foreign" forums is totally neglected and ignored... simply cause there is noone left, who can fluently read the stuff we post without a translator. That's nothing to be ashamed of, I know that my native language is damn hard to learn, if you do not natively learn it as a kid.


Something to be ashamed of however, is to say "Hey sorry guys, the german and french board lost their CMs, so unfortunately you will see less communication here in the future" followed by "Hey guys, because of our new increased communication, here are the new rules ...."


Honesty is better than deception.


[...] Aufgrund dieser Veränderung werdet ihr in Zukunft generell weniger Kommunikation im Forum sehen als vorher.


"Due to this change [=the sacking of german and french CMs], you will in the future see in general less communication in the forum as before."

Wir wollen mehr mit euch sprechen und alles etwas lockerer aber trotzdem informativer gestalten.

Official english version (from this thread):

"We are aiming to speak with you more, in a more casual way, and with more information."


Someone explain to me, how anyone reading these two german passages as official announcements can not feel fooled ?

Edited by JPryde
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I got a warning over referencing the "thanks Obama" meme. Strikes me as ridiculous, but I guess that's how restrictive they want it. So much for relaxing it a bit.


Well, they did say they weren't going to be relaxing on political topics. ;)

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Would one of the CMs mind coming over to the German Board and rid us of some of the 14 sticky threads in General Discussion?

They do not work on weekends.:rolleyes:


And during the week they take it more casual.


Maybe they come in the morning to the office, first they take a coffee and then - I think - They take 2 dice with the numbers 1-6 an play with the dice 3 times. If the total is more then 10 they would check the german/ french forums. If the total is less than 10:


And what do we say to the german/french people? - Not today:rolleyes:

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Would one of the CMs mind coming over to the German Board and rid us of some of the 14 sticky threads in General Discussion?

You mean back over at the "deserted lands" ?


Maybe someone will find the trainee, who did learn german in school.... or maybe they got a german shepherd dog doing the translating... which naturally comes with some difficulty, so it can take a couple days (you know... "currently in the works, ready today or tomorror" = three days later).


After all, to get rid of the sticky flood in german board, someone would first need to translate for the CMs, what those stickys are about as there is noone left, who can read it :)


German and french boards are now the Wild West... there is law on paper, but to enforce it, you better get yourself a gun of your own... Texas style.


Hey, but rejoice... they changed the rules for the german boards too... cause they are talking with us more... or less... damm, I am getting confused with all the contradictory messages by a single person, who is the head of community service now.

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@Leonalis & JPryde: Well, I know this. Otherwise I'd post in our forums... (and wouldn't have to talk English even with my fellow German players). But I do not give up hope just yet, maybe there's a chance left they'll come over before we've got the whole first page brimming with stickies :p


And by the way, I just come to realise how difficult writing and not just reading or listening to English has become over the years back at school^^ Maybe some practice would't be amiss.

Edited by Ayanka
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@Leonalis & JPryde: Well, I know this. Otherwise I'd post in our forums... (and wouldn't have to talk English even with my fellow German players). But I do not give up hope just yet, maybe there's a chance left they'll come over before we've got the whole first page brimming with stickies :p


And by the way, I just come to realise how difficult writing and not just reading or listening to English has become over the years back at school^^ Maybe some practice would't be amiss.


Your English is 10 times better than some native speakers who post here. :D Thanks for contributing and I hope you and the French players get some relief soon over in your respective forums.

Edited by BobaScott
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Thanks for contributing and I hope you and the French players get some relief soon over in your respective forums.

Oh we only recently got relieved of the last official, who was speaking our language... I am not sure, if I shall really look forward for any more relief ;)

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