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Lvl we get new schematics?


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I have searched and cannot find. I know we get new recipies for items from RE but at what levels (player or crew skill level) do we need to see trainers again for our new leveled recipe basics? I hate every level I'm going I run back to the main city only to find nothing new.


I have Diplomacy, Biochem and Bioanalysis. Thanks!!



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You unlock new Schematics about every 20 levels. So, what I did when I leveled that was just run around the planets aimlessly harvesting everything in sight and then sending my minions to craft away. You should rarely, if ever, have to send your Companions on Bioanalysis missions, except to collect Immunity Cell Cultures.
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That works for my class trainer, but the Bio one just says, they have nothing to teach me and doesnt open up anything..I know the Diplomacy one is like that. I will check the bio now just in case..


you are probably talking to the bio-analysis trainer, not the biochem trainer

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