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Potential Rollback on Harbinger


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Hey folks,


I know that some of you experienced a "rollback" after the downtime we experienced early this morning. I wanted to let you know it is possible you may see a small rollback after the downtime we are currently having. In fact, this is the exact reason the Harbinger came down. We worked to bring down the server immediately, which is why there was unfortunately no in-game messaging. If we had left it up we would have created an environment where rollbacks could have been even more severe and that is definitely not something we want you to experience.


Later today you will see a post from Tait announcing that we are going to be having a maintenance tomorrow morning. This maintenance will be in part to address server stability issues such as these. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We are working to address the issue and to bring the Harbinger up as fast as we can. Thank you for your patience.


As a note, if you are on any other server, you will not be affected by this issue.



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Can you all check into Jedi Covenant for these lag spikes please? Why none of you bother to check our reports about the same issue that is happening in Harbinger happening in other servers not as severe as in Harbinger but could become severe if you choose to do nothing about it. :mad:
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I am happy that the odd bit of lag will potentially be fixed, though the only place I have really noticed it is when wandering around my Stronghold. Maybe you could make it a decoration item to straight up remove a door once we have unlocked a room.


I don't want to have to repeat my CZ daily though, because I woke up way to early, ran the daily and went back to bed, I don't want that to have turned out to have been a boring dream.

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Can you be a bit more specific on what a small rollback means? How far back are we rolling, exactly?

If this is a database corruption issue, then depending on the DB architecture, they may rollback to the last non-corrupt checkpoint for the database. That could mean a rollback of an hour, or to the last server restart, or maybe further. It depends on what caused the problem and when. They may not be able to predict how far until they figure it out.

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Great. I just returned to SWTOR yesterday, activated my stronghold, and spent a couple of hours early this morning decorating. (~midnight-3am server time)


Now a rollback. *sigh*


Hopefully things will get fixed soon. Until then at least I have active TERA and Rift subs that I can fall back to.

Edited by LadyVix
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Great. I just returned to SWTOR yesterday, activated my stronghold, and spent a couple of hours early this morning decorating. (~midnight-3am server time)


Now a rollback. *sigh*


Hopefully things will get fixed soon. Until then at least I have active TERA and Rift subs that I can fall back to.


And ArcheAge open beta starts tomorrow as well.

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Great. I just returned to SWTOR yesterday, activated my stronghold, and spent a couple of hours early this morning decorating. (~midnight-3am server time)


Now a rollback. *sigh*


Hopefully things will get fixed soon. Until then at least I have active TERA and Rift subs that I can fall back to.


Welcome back! :csw_r2d2:

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I'm not being funny here... How often do they back stuff up? Every few hours? Every day? Week?


Assuming a relational database on the backend, I expect it isn't a matter of the last backup but rather a matter of the database rolling back to the last place it knows everything was correct. It's a way to prevent database corruption and it uses a journal of changes to do the rollback. It could be a few entries or 10s of thousands or more, depending on how active the database is and what went wrong. Rollbacks are common when a server with a database crashes. The rollback only goes back as far as it has to where restoring a backup could go back hours. Rollbacks are normally the preferred solution.

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What is it with the entitlement mentality? The server went down for less than a couple of hours last time. This time it MAY take longer. IF they don't get it up and running today THEN there should be an ingame award for an apology. (I'll take 5000CCs please. ;) )


Hmm... I like the sound of that... put me down for 5,000 cc's as well. (cc = Cartel Coins and not Crowd Control)


Seriously - this is the worst time to be offline with conquest(s) grinding. A lot of folks are going to be pissed that already did the daily PVP, Heroics, etc. grind. I "Had' crafts in the que so I suspect those I already collected will just get collected again since they would be waiting for me anyways.

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