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Thana Vesh is so damn hot, make her my companion [Petition]


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Thana Vesh is to me one of the most interesting characters in the game and one whose potential is blindingly apparent.


I would like her to be my companion! She's already programmed into the game with all the voice acting complete too!


I don't want to kill her so please, make her a companion! She is far superior to that Jedi the Inquisitors get. And much more attractive too, that waist, those hips, that hair! :rolleyes: Ok I get she's not real, but in this game, I want her as my companion (for the third time!)


Anyone agree/disagree?

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Killed for constantly acting like an idiot. I wouldn't let her in my ship, she'd probably sabotage it cuz stupid and then we'd all die in space including her.


I did like the quest's ending by killing her tough. She's a cool character, but not a character i'd like to see more often.


Add moar chars like her so we don't kill random npcs pls!

Edited by Roketter
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She was annoying and one dimensional. My light side Sith Warrior couldn't even pass up the chance to murder her.


Even Vette was with me on that one.


LMAO same here. I hated her for trying to kill me constantly, I mean, sure we're both Sith but she doesn't have to be such a jerk about it. My light side Inquisitor couldn't resist the urge to stab her.

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  • 4 months later...
Comparing her to ashara(as my main for now is a sorc) thana is inferior, ashara has conflicts and is morally and emotionally confused, she's on the brink of insanity, she has a much more compelling personality. Thana on the other hand is just horrible she's a disgraceful sith who gets caught or beaten up by almost everybody, how she passed her trials on korriban is anybodys guess, she's one dimensional and her death is really satisfactory. How she'd be implemented as a companion would be silly seeing as she hates you with a passion no-matter what you do/who you are and doesn't respond in anyway to your flirts so she couldn't be a Rom for those who would like that and anyway who wants a moany, weird looking terrible sith who cant even stop herself from getting imprisoned by a cat in the first place :confused:
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Comparing her to ashara(as my main for now is a sorc) thana is inferior, ashara has conflicts and is morally and emotionally confused, she's on the brink of insanity, she has a much more compelling personality. Thana on the other hand is just horrible she's a disgraceful sith who gets caught or beaten up by almost everybody, how she passed her trials on korriban is anybodys guess, she's one dimensional and her death is really satisfactory. How she'd be implemented as a companion would be silly seeing as she hates you with a passion no-matter what you do/who you are and doesn't respond in anyway to your flirts so she couldn't be a Rom for those who would like that and anyway who wants a moany, weird looking terrible sith who cant even stop herself from getting imprisoned by a cat in the first place :confused:

Really? I found Ashara to be completely useless and have no reason to join up with your crew in the first place. Her story mirrors Jaesa's almost entirely that she is a rogue Jedi. Her dialogue is boring and pretty predictable. I was really hoping I would get two sith apprentices in my SI story. Xalek and some other interesting sith Character (A Sorc healer instead of Talos maybe as there are none at the moment) I really dislike her character as I do most of the SI characters. The only ones that fit with the story were Xalek and Khem really. The rest were kind of forced.

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Really? I found Ashara to be completely useless and have no reason to join up with your crew in the first place. Her story mirrors Jaesa's almost entirely that she is a rogue Jedi. Her dialogue is boring and pretty predictable. I was really hoping I would get two sith apprentices in my SI story. Xalek and some other interesting sith Character (A Sorc healer instead of Talos maybe as there are none at the moment) I really dislike her character as I do most of the SI characters. The only ones that fit with the story were Xalek and Khem really. The rest were kind of forced.

The SI needed a LS companion. Kem is DS, so is Andronikos and Xalek. Talos is neutral.


Thana died with all my gameplay. LS and DS. I don't support her as a companion.

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  • 4 months later...

well she might have allowed you to be her minion except for the fact that she's kinda caught by...oh i don;'t know...a womp rat... and you need to rescue her before she'll allow you to be her apprentice- oh wait a sec she just locked herself in her own quarters


"Thana it's a sliding door stop trying to push it open"


"You fool i would have succeeded in escaping if you hadn;t distracted me." <tries pulling>


"OK fine you win, stay there."


"Ha trying to leave me here to die? i'll get my revenge for this!!!!"


"Thana it's your room."


"Of course it is. i claimed it for the empire."


"It's already the Empire's"


"Thanks to me. now leave me and stop trying to steal my glory!!!!!!"

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I did always find it a bit unfair how they gave us these interesting storylines with equally interesting characters then didn't give us the option to take them as companions. Some of the companion quests before you get them are shorter and less significant than Thana's.
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