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Pragmatic side of the force?


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Does it exsist? I mean i know Star Wars is a realm of extremes but I can't possibly believe that there was not some out there like Qui-Gon Jin, he was a very pragmatic Jedi that did what he felt was right.



Are there force users that neither follow the Jedi or the Sith?

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It's also worth mentioning that the Jedi and the Sith are the two biggest and best-organized factions of Force-users in the galaxy, but not even close to the only ones. The mystics of Voss are one such faction that you encounter in SWTOR, you also interact with at least one Gand Findsman. Others like the Witches/Nightsisters of Dathomir, the Jensaarai, and the Matukai are in the EU material.
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Does it exsist? I mean i know Star Wars is a realm of extremes but I can't possibly believe that there was not some out there like Qui-Gon Jin, he was a very pragmatic Jedi that did what he felt was right.



Are there force users that neither follow the Jedi or the Sith?


Qui-gon and Revan excepted, but pragmatic people seldom make for great epic story lines in religion themes.


You want a epic story with a character who does what they feel is right and damn the consequences go for the rogue(like) character. If not the hero, they saved the hero's butt at several critical moments.

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I think that the PT era Jedi are actually the most pragmatic of Force-users in a way. Smart? Not so much. But pragmatic. The entire purpose of Jedi training in the PT era (and for that matter, in the TOR era) is to ensure that the person doesn't fall to the Dark Side. It's not about doing the right thing or saving the galaxy. It's about making sure that the person learning how to use the Force never opens him or herself up to potentially corrupting influences.


Why is that pragmatic? Because if they can do that to everyone who is Force sensitive, they never have to deal with the whole "dark side" thing. A single powerful Dark Side user can cause great suffering for millions or billions or more. It's pragmatic to take steps to avoid that.

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