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Vote: Which Class Do the Senior Devs PVP With?


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This is a light hearted discussion vote for those of us who have witnessed the various buff, tweaks. nerfs since around 1.6 (don't want to go too far back in time) . :D


Who is the Boss Dev? He's a mythical person who is in charge of balancing out the different abilities in SWTOR PVP. His decision alone decides how a class will perform against other classes. Before major updates, he/she has to do the final testing with the junior Devs. What class does he prefer to play?


1. The Boss Dev currently plays:

2. The Boss Dev used to play:

3. The Boss Dev cannot stand to play against:



example answer

1. Operative/Scoundrel

2. Marauder/Sentinel

3. Sniper/Gunslinger


What is your answer for




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It's obvious they don't pvp and they still harbour deep

Resentment from getting their arse handed to them when they used to play wow

Thinking hey we can do this better.

Hence the result of what we have today half *** pvp catering to players that

Spend most days licking windows

Edited by Ren_simp
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1: Sniper...

2: Always been a sniper...

3: uhm...let me take out my list of all the specs that were periodically gutted (some of which still are ), the Boss Dev had rage fits when playing against some of them at different periods of time and that explains the nerfs.

Edited by Tevzz
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1: Sniper...

2: Always been a sniper...

3: uhm...let me take out my list of all the specs that were periodically gutted (some of which still are ), the Boss Dev had rage fits when playing against some of them at different periods of time and that explains the nerfs.


just because i am really bored at the game i finially rolled a slinger.... it is just ridiculous how easily you can litterally rape any other class (without stealth).


Just gimme more legshot and more knockbacks :p

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I think the problem with their balancing is that they have a very limited number of people playing/testing in the office. So if employee A happens to be the best player there they'll probably nerf, or atleast ignore, whatever he's currently playing. They basically balance around skill disparity, in contrast to class disparity. Edited by MidichIorian
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I can believe the devs don't PvP...but...


1: Sniper...

2: Always been a sniper...

3: uhm...let me take out my list of all the specs that were periodically gutted (some of which still are ), the Boss Dev had rage fits when playing against some of them at different periods of time and that explains the nerfs.





just because i am really bored at the game i finially rolled a slinger.... it is just ridiculous how easily you can litterally rape any other class (without stealth).


Just gimme more legshot and more knockbacks :p


Actually, snipers do have the tools necessary to help them fight against stealth.


They pretty much have an answer to every class...Especially since operatives kept getting ***** slapped with the nerf club.

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I think the problem with their balancing is that they have a very limited number of people playing/testing in the office. So if employee A happens to be the best player there they'll probably nerf, or atleast ignore, whatever he's currently playing. They basically balance around skill disparity, in contrast to class disparity.


I expecxt them to have databases where all of the PvE and PvP matches are recorded. It's an online game with the backend being oin their servers, remember ?


And I tend to believe that according to their massive database entries the top players are literally an "statistical fluke".

If you imagine, for example, 500.000 people playing SWTOR, and the top PvP players are around 500 or so, then they might indeed come to the opinion that this tiny amount of people is indeed some kind of "statistical fluke".


Of you have the Alps, then you don't look at the top of the highest mountain there alone - you rather look at most of the mountain range.


This is what I believe makes them decide over nerfs & buffs. They just don't want to nerf and buff peaks and flukes. They want to nerf & buff most of the player base.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I expecxt them to have databases where all of the PvE and PvP matches are recorded. It's an online game with the backend being oin their servers, remember ?
I used to think that until I saw an employee ask for proof/video/screenshot of something (can't remember what it was atm) that any halfass system should be able to track. I thought it was a joke when I saw that post.
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just because i am really bored at the game i finially rolled a slinger.... it is just ridiculous how easily you can litterally rape any other class (without stealth).


Just gimme more legshot and more knockbacks :p


Yeah...and some people complain they're a hard class...only thing that makes it hard is the potential brain requirement to figure out a decent/good spot to set cover on. The reason snipers are focused in Arenas (and thus considered non-viable by most) is because the dmg they can dish out is insane, just as how Sorcs are focused because the speed at which you can down their HP is...well...also insane. Removing the biggest threat/easiest target will always be the priority in an Arena match, plain and simple.


From there is just Pew Pew with uber numbers and watch people fall in front of you while laughing at every melee as they have trouble getting to you without losing at least 30% of their HP.

Edited by Tevzz
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