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4/5 columi after 1 ev run.

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Nightmare Soa Kill kthnxbai?


Anyways, being 4/5 Nightmare mode myself in one night I will agree with you the HM's/NM modes are too easy, but we do need to remember this is the first tier of raiding and we can't expect the difficulty of a boss like Heroic 25 man LK in WoW or Heroic Ragnaros if you still keep up with the game. Yes, I got 3 Rakata tokens in one night as well.


Lets wait and see how the extended Karraga's Palace is on Nightmare before we continue to judge the first raid of a two week old game.


Did you ever raid in WoW or everquest? I dont recall tier 1 raids being so easy you could start them in greens without doing any hard modes. and clear the whole thing on the first try.

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If you check the amount of 50s on the servers, and the amount of 50s gear-ready for nightmare mode raiding, you would see that it's still a minority of people. BUT! I do understand that this is a different matter all by itself.


The problem is progression. Since the game just came out, Bioware couldn't possibly evaluate how fast people were gonna clear the content or how fast fast people were gonna get geared. My guild is a lot more casual so I spend most of my time so we're not even raiding yet, but I do agree that once you get to it and learn the boss mechanics all the while getting stronger and geared up, you can farm gear like there's no tomorrow.


The end game could definitely have more oompf, maybe more BoEs, gear pieces other than tokens in raids. I think enhancing the endgame without penalizing the more casual players is totally possible, but I don't think it's a fault to try and design a game that is appealing to a broader audience.

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Did you ever raid in WoW or everquest? I dont recall tier 1 raids being so easy you could start them in greens without doing any hard modes. and clear the whole thing on the first try.
I was using greens and some blues up until BWL at which point I started getting all the epics nobody else needed because they were getting T2.


Both Onyxia and Molten Core were ridiculously easy... we (the guild I was in back then) were just horrible at raiding, which is why it seemed difficult (we also had some 30 odd people who were purely casual gamers in every raid just trying to keep up).


So this is pretty damn good from my perspective. Its not insanely difficult, but its not so easy everyone is full clearing already.

Edited by Skouros
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