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Question regarding Darkness Assasins and pvp


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The darkness tree seems to revolve around self heals, shields, defense, and it gives you a 20% increase to your armor. The problem is that the self heals have been reduced since 1.3, shield and defense are useless in pvp, and the armor boost really is not that much considering you are wearing light armor.


I ask because before 1.3, I felt like I was just as tough as the other tanks, and now I feel like paper compared to them. What made me really notice this, was when I started playing my Juggernaut tank, which takes more than one person to take me down. My assumption is that I am not playing a darkness tank correctly, and therefore suck at it.


How are you suppose to tank in pvp as a darkness assassin?

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The damage u take when guarding doesn't take into account your armor / defenses.. so the dps we take from guarding is the same as the other tanks. I agree though, they shouldve nerfed the tanking trees dps and left our survivability alone, off cooldowns we're the easiest tank to kill - but having said that our (very) effective cooldowns make it really hard to kill us in ranked when we get switched to. We've even got a vanish to use for a last resort.. you just need to do alot of kiting / peeling and stay near the heals :)
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The damage u take when guarding doesn't take into account your armor / defenses.. so the dps we take from guarding is the same as the other tanks. I agree though, they shouldve nerfed the tanking trees dps and left our survivability alone, off cooldowns we're the easiest tank to kill - but having said that our (very) effective cooldowns make it really hard to kill us in ranked when we get switched to. We've even got a vanish to use for a last resort.. you just need to do alot of kiting / peeling and stay near the heals :)


Uaing your mitigation skills while guarding seems to work to reduce damage taken. Self heals trigger on your attacks every 4.5 seconds. I am assuming your using the defensive skills. Are you using overcharge saber and harnessed darkness or death field properly?


In addition, the 23/1/17 build has a lot more CC than other tanks.


A 31/0/10 is a build to keep range? Are you kiting? Those are my suggestions to help.

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