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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Oh, what was I thinking this weekend? (Apart from the obvious "heigh-ho, a-shoveling I go"?) Have some prompts for...


Week of 2/8/2013

Climate – Our characters visit a dazzling array of planets, moons, and extremely large ships with a wide variety of climates and weather conditions. Write about a time when your character had reason to notice.


Night of the Living Prompt: Keep on using any prompt you like! Check out the list at http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=5223753&postcount=1675.

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"You're not. You'lll be stone dead in a few minutes."


(Unfortunately, I must be away from computer for a while now so I leave you with this link to complete the conversation, since the commentary included with the transcript amuses me.)

Edited by Striges
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@irishfino Haha, Ald's reactions are much funnier than the ones my brain comes up with when Quinn repeats the obvious.


Now, skipping well into Vierce's future, still within the class line, for Weather. No spoilers. 1100 words.




Belsavis was not a friendly place for speeders. Inside the prison compounds, the roving gangs of recently escaped prisoners tended to swarm anything valuable. Outside the compounds the jungle beasts went nuts for any sign of sentient activity. Or any activity, probably; a loud fellow animal was probably just as badly off.


So we were all walking – all of us but Tanno Vik, who had nobly offered to help Warden Graal with security back at the air-conditioned base – down an old beaten path between banks of colorful and possibly fatal plants. After my first twenty-four hours on Belsavis I really didn't trust the place.


Something loud tapped in the trees. I looked up, but didn't see anything moving, so we pressed on.


Another tap. Then a third, then a bunch at once. And then hard little particles started breaking through to the ground.


"Is that what I think it is?" said Elara.


I knelt to check the nearest fallen pebble. It was ice, rapidly melting. "Hail," I said. "This is hail."


"Hail? We're in a jungle, sir," grumbled Jorgan. "That's just not right."


"It's a jungle pocket on an ice planet," I said. The fact had been bothering me ever since we got here. "I'm not sure how many memos on how weather works really make it all the way around here."


Something clattered off Jorgan's helmet. "Not enough, obviously."


Yuun chittered, his voice and its translation sounding clear over comms. "There is a ledge off the road two hundred meters back."


I turned right around to start walking. "Let's go, then. I don't know how much worse this is going to get." As if the sky were listening, an ice-cold beaded curtain came slamming down all at once.


We reached the ledge, a very small overhang of grey rock; it only counted as shelter because of the prevailing wind. Forex folded in impressively neatly. Yuun stood at the edge of the hail fall and looked around as calmly as if the slightest change in wind wouldn't take out his exposed Gand eyes.


I took a look around, hoping for something a little less open. Nothing in immediate sight. I worked my way around a bend and found something that might suit.


"There's a crevice back here," I reported to the squad. "Don't know if it leads anywhere good, but I'll see if it gets us anything better sheltered. The rest of you, stay out here. I don't want to miss any comms from Warden Graal and I certainly don't want to be surprised if anything else comes by." It occurred to me that I didn't have much in the way of safety features here. "Dorne, you're with me. If you've got anything that warns about gas levels out of whack, now's the time to break it out."


"Yes, sir." I pulled out a flashlight and started into the passageway, and she followed.


The passage was big enough for me to get through without much trouble, which at least meant that everyone else apart from maybe Forex could make it in. It was a couple of dozen meters before it opened into a space that felt pretty wide. I waved my flashlight beam around a bit, but got only scattered glimpses of rocks.


"Dorne, you got anything better for light?" The sound of my voice confirmed that the cave was pretty big.


"I do, sir." In spite of the moments we had started stealing here and there, we did stay formal where anyone might hear. "One moment." I heard her opening her pack and fiddling with something, and then a hand lamp blew to bright white light. We both took a look around.


"Wow," I said.


The cave was uneven on all sides, including the floor. Some patches were the same grey stone was we had seen outside; the rest were…crystals. All shapes, all colors, shining like they weren't sure why nobody had put them in jewelry or some kind of art yet. A couple of them had patterns of dark symmetrical splotches on them. A few black puddles dotted what I could see of the floor.


Elara had already hurried to the nearest crystal formation, where she bent to not quite poke at the dark circles on it. She popped her helmet off and looked even closer. "I can't begin to guess what sort of lichen this is," she called. "If it even is lichen. I'll have to come back later. I want to take samples of everything!"


"You can do that right now," I said, slightly confused.


"Hm." She straightened and gave me a sly look. "There's a higher-priority task at the moment, Major."


"There is?"


"Very much so." She set the lamp on the nearest rock, then walked up and, at the last second, stepped up a little ledge so she could see me almost eye to eye. I was getting used to the immediate leadup to her bypassing my hesitations, at least, so I knew enough to pull my helmet off before she did it for me.


There was less hesitation every time and yet I was never quite ready for the moment her lips touched mine. Starting out breathless was a bit of a problem, but it was clearly something I was going to have to get used to.


So I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her, and somewhere in that soft sweet give and take she nipped my lip again, a quick sharp shock. She smiled almost smugly when she felt my involuntary shiver. No woman that reserved and formal had any business doing that to a man in public. Or, maybe not 'public' because it was technically out of the way, but it wasn't…the point was, she had to know what she did to me and I never wanted her to stop.


Still. I pulled away and tried to steady myself despite the fact that my heart was pounding fit to knock me over. I still knew this wasn't a great idea. I didn't want to get her in trouble. I wanted her, so much I could hardly think straight, but there were about a hundred ways we could go wrong before it could even go anywhere and just declining to think about it every time we got a moment alone wasn't the way to handle it. "Elara, what are we doing?"


She regarded me solemnly from about three inches away. "Well, Vierce, at the moment we are exploring unfamiliar territory–" she looked around the cavern – "because there may be something here that would benefit both of us. In spite of–" she tilted her head toward the entrance and smiled a little bit – "a tumultuous start."


So much for any desire I might have had to argue. "You're brilliant," I told her.


"I do my best."


I kissed her again, as much as I thought we could get away with before the others came looking. I figured that as per my trusted lieutenant's recommendation we'd better thoroughly verify this territory was safe before we went back out.






Take that, sad AU! Also, happy Valentine's Day!



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I love everything about Vierce and Elara. Especially their kisses. Hawt.


^.^ Implications of the AU notwithstanding. I really like having those two alive.


It has occurred to me in the past that makeouts are going to get really, really difficult to keep at all varied if I insist on letting all bajillion of my characters have love lives. I've thought of a few possible solutions for the problem of dealing with what will inevitably become monotonous kissing due to the limits of my originality:



  1. Outlaw love everywhere and for all time.
  2. Okay, outlaw carnal love. Courtly is okay. I'm not wholly unreasonable.
  3. Fade to black immediately after significant looks. This can occur as early in the relationship as necessary to avoid having to come up with new ways of expressing attraction.
  4. Start stockpiling romance novels and just ripping scenes off wholesale. It's...an homage. Yes.
  5. Kill off all but two of my characters. Then make those two celibate, just to be safe. (Congratulations, Rho, the virtuous really will inherit the galaxy!)

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It's not just about the kiss. It's mostly about who is participating in the kiss and their personalities. I love when Vierce inner-monolouges about Elara's uprightness but she bites him and it drives him wild. Because I can totally see Elara being that kind of kisser. I see Vector as a patient thorough kisser and would describe it that way if I was comfortable sharing more detailed scenes like that. Ipha and Aric haven't kissed yet but when they do it will be different than Brei/Vector because of the personalities involved.


So no need for celebacy! It's all about who is kissing who.


Sorry if there's any terrible or confusing typos. I'm posting on my Kindle next to a four year who insists on climbing all over me. Love my family.

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Morgani...the attempt to step into the headspace of kissing as a character who once spent two hours savoring every imaginable aspect of a ration bar is just whoa. Articulating every last detail in six senses like it's the first time, and yet, thanks to the memories of the nest, like you've always known...um, where was I? Apart from being suddenly interested in overcoming my aversion to the canon femAgent [Flirt]s? (Brei'yu "Don't call me Agent" Kodrevas had a much better leadup.) Right, the personalities matter, and the urgency of and leadup to the situation, and also, very much, the attention and sensory priorities of the characters involved. What Solomon Crae would be watching and feeling and internally commenting on would be way, way different than what, say, Doc would. ( <3 Crae, by the way, Hoyden; he was the first character who came to mind as having a distinctive and unexpected thought process.) In conclusion, pairings are awesome. Which is probably why everything I do turns into a love story, whether I planned it that way or not.


Striges, I personally feel that any situation in which there are multiple tons of rocks directly over my head is an irredeemably bad situation, but I appreciate the beauty of cave photography. As enjoyed safely indoors in my building-inspector-approved house. When I look around the landscape on Belsavis, I can only imagine that the cave systems that aren't nine hundred degrees Fahrenheit must have some exquisite formations. I bet the 900-degree ones do, too, but there are probably cooler caves where crystals have had the chance to form.

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Prompt: Climate


Character: Jurial (JC)


Drabble Time! Not even 140 words for a change. No spoilers.



I entered the hangar, and it was raining.


Perhaps I should back up. The Esseles transport shuttle headed for its slip in the broad shuttle hangar. The local Coruscant traffic control dropped the bay’s magnetic field to allow the shuttle to pass without damaging its electronics. In that moment, Coruscant’s late-summer humid atmosphere clashed with the hangar’s climate-controlled interior.


Clouds formed among the high catwalks and tall loading cranes. The shuttle touched down, the magnetic seal snapped back on, the circulators went on full with a blast of frost. The clouds condensed in the sudden chill. And it began to rain.


A brief rain, to be sure. The cloud precipitated out in less than a minute. Yet I am left with a bizarre returning impression of this world.


It is a place where it can rain indoors.


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Striges, I personally feel that any situation in which there are multiple tons of rocks directly over my head is an irredeemably bad situation, but I appreciate the beauty of cave photography. As enjoyed safely indoors in my building-inspector-approved house. When I look around the landscape on Belsavis, I can only imagine that the cave systems that aren't nine hundred degrees Fahrenheit must have some exquisite formations. I bet the 900-degree ones do, too, but there are probably cooler caves where crystals have had the chance to form.


Like these?


I've been on a couple "show-cave" tours, and I can honestly say the thought of being crushed to death never entered my mind. The environment is so alien--it felt like the closest I would get to going to the moon or visiting another planet while still being on Earth.


But then, I had a nice concrete path to follow with lights and handrails. And a tour guide. No getting lost, having the lights go out, or wandering into poisonous atmosphere. Or any of the other horrible things that can happen to you when you're actually exploring a cave.

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Bright, I completely agree that Fem!Agent's flirts are the most obnoxious, two-by-four over the head, in your face Flirts and it's a complete shame because Vector is so nuanced and poignant. For an Imperial Agent who switches identities, accents, and even sexual preferences (at least in my head canon *cough* Adris you rake *cough*) at the drop of the hat, you would think she would appreciate subtlety a little more. And sure, Vector might need a little blatent encouragement in the beginning, but it just never seems to get better. Which is why I went and rewrote it to my liking! "Don't Call Me Agent" is one of my favorite fics because Vector is literally right there on Jorgan's butt as my favorite romance. And it has nothing to do with how the Fem!Agent handles it.


Now you have me thinking about a first kiss with Vector and I'm wishing I could go back to his and Brei'yu's first, and share all the finer details. Because... Vector.

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Prompt: Climate


Character: Jurial (JC)


Drabble Time! Not even 140 words for a change. No spoilers.


Oh, how fantastic :D Technology is such a wonderful thing and we forget it so easily. A stark reminder of how artificial life is on Coruscant.









Rochester buttoned his great coat, starting from the chin and finishing just past his waist. The tails of the coat covered down past his knees and the collar reached his ears. With his Navy-issued coat, he paired his Navy-issued hat and secured his gloves. On his way out of the building, he picked up an umbrella to further protect from the rain and stepped outside.


No rain pattered against the material. Cautiously, Rochester stuck his gloved hand out from under the protection. A little bit of grey light played across the black leather, but nothing more. He put his umbrella down and looked at the sky. It was, amazingly, mostly clear. Streaks of blue poked through the grey expanse of cloud. How many months had it been since he had last seen the sky like this?


He dropped the umbrella and began to close it, when a gust of wind nearly knocked him from his feet. The umbrella was ripped inside out and away from his hands, to tumble down the road.


Ah, summer on Dromund Kaas.




Because if Imperials are English, the weather must be as well.

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Ahaha, Tatile, I can totally see unfortunate residents of Dromund Kaas chasing their umbrellas when the wind is feeling ornery.


And Striges, I was hoping somebody better-informed than I would play with indoor weather conditions. I was always fascinated by the claim that the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center (the one that accommodates the space shuttle plus boosters all in standing-upright configuration) has indoor weather effects if they don't carefully manage the place. (Also, the Nat Geo photos of that cave were stunning when they were first released and they're stunning now. Wow.)


In the spirit of drabbles...well, this is more landscape than Climate but I'll blame it on a desert theme. Smuggler Nic's diary, no spoilers. 170 words.




Day 65: Hyperspace. Next job's on Tatooine. Never thought I'd end up there.


Day 66: Tatooine. Today I learned that I hate sand. It stings. And grits, and scrapes, and generally annoys.


Day 71: Tatooine. Sand. Hate. Sand. I have goggles, a mask, gloves, everything, but it gets everywhere. I've taken to carrying spare blasters inside my jacket for when my main ones malfunction mid-fight. Corso does it, too; we cover for each other in between idiotically overblown sandstorms. Hate. Sand.


Day 75: Hyperspace. Got what I came for on Tatooine, now I'm cutting short the Republic jobs - sorry, boys, the reward:sand ratio can never be high enough.


Day 79: Alderaan. I'm officially acknowledging Tatooine as the worst planet ever. I am still shaking sand out of my clothes.


Day 81: Alderaan. Risha, if you ever suggest going back to that planet again I will choke you. With sand. Which we don't even have to go back to that planet to get because it's still infesting my ship. AND GEONOSIS IS NOT A FUNNY ALTERNATE SUGGESTION.



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@Striges I love all the beautiful details that add to the atmosphere of your stories. The clash between what Coruscant is really like and the perfectly climate controlled interiors was great


@bright I love Nic, she and Nosc would get along I think. They could duel and dirty kick each other's Corsos for all the times they were overbearing idiots.


@Tatile you know I love Rochester, and I admit that I might be mentally adding Broan into every scene with him (that is possible) because I'm an unapologetic sap/fangirl. :)

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@ Tatile: I was so sure that was an early spring/late fall scene! Nicely done--I love the image of the umbrella rolling down the street, no doubt to join its fellows in some inaccessible location.


@ Bright: Sand. Everywhere. No wonder everyone on Tatooine is armed to the teeth--half their blasters don't work. No, Risha, Geonosis is not a good alternative.


And Striges, I was hoping somebody better-informed than I would play with indoor weather conditions.

There have been rumors of weather in large airship hangars since the twenties at least, but to my knowledge actual, pouring down, persistent rain or weather systems is just that, a rumor. Something people tell the newbies before sending them to get a bucket of propwash or the squeegee sharpener. Temporary "clouds" and brief condensation (rain or snow) due to temperature and humidity differences do happen. Like breath on a cold day. But bigger. Lots bigger.

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Striges -

He's in "Rancor Squad", a republic Infantry unit and quit it! You are not supposed to be a character, I didn't even take a screenshot of you for my summary! Stop writing stories! Argh!

Sneaky sneaky troopers. Love them all :D (Keep talking, sweetheart ;))


Jurial's short piece is so evocative.


Morgani - Vector hotness. Seriously, if he wasn't such a sweetheart, he'd be creepy. But he's a sweetheart, so instead he's just hot, lol.


Fino - Very funny. I may have to steal this idea cause I talk to my comps all the time.


Kira: "I'm about to break your record boss."

Esma: "That's really unlikely, Kira, you've been sitting on the ship."


bright -

"Hail? We're in a jungle, sir," grumbled Jorgan. "That's just not right."
I don't know why this was so funny, but I sat and laughed for a good minute straight.

Vierce and Elara kisses!!!

What Solomon Crae would be watching and feeling and internally commenting on would be way, way different than what, say, Doc would. ( <3 Crae, by the way, Hoyden; he was the first character who came to mind as having a distinctive and unexpected thought process.)
:D Yep, getting into his head is always...uh...it takes prep, lol - usually a few rounds of Deftones (Change
and Tempest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIgNBxNvAJg. But that's the fun part of getting into characters' heads that think really differently. (Completely adore all these pairings and kisses and so forth ;))
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I found the Deftones link for the last post and then sat and listened to them enough that I could actually finish a story, lol. So, for the first time in a long time....



Woman With a Gun

Skari and Crae

no spoilers (timeline is post-main story in My Name is Solomon Crae, but pre-epilogue by quite a bit)



Woman With a Gun LF SANE Man

Race: Chiss

Age: old enough

Sex: female

Looking for a man who has a romantic bone in his body. One that does NOT give gifts that used to be alive. A lack of homicidal tendencies would be nice too...




"What are you doing?" Crae asked as he walked onto the bridge where Skari was pounding away at the keyboard with angry keystrokes.


"Finding someone NOT crazy," she snarled at him.


He raised an eyebrow and leaned over her shoulder. "A dating site?" He spun her chair around so that she faced him, except she glared at him, climbed onto her knees, and continued typing over the back of the chair.


He took a step back, crossed his arms, and frowned at his wife. "Is this about the fish?"


She glared at him again over her shoulder. "A brace of trout. Whole f**king trout."


"You like fish."


She turned around so she could glare at him better. "Chocolates, flowers, f**king pointless jewels...just once! Once, I'd like to get that crap! But noooo, I get a pile of dead fish dumped at my feet!"


"Clearly I missed the purpose of this holiday," he said with a raised eyebrow, "I thought it was to show the person you loved that you loved them."


She raised her eyebrows. "And fish say I love you?"


Crae reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. "I'll never let you go hungry."


"You're so weird," she said with a resigned sigh, shaking her head.


"I suppose chocolates would keep you fed, though," he said with a tilt to his head, a slight grin on his face.


She started laughing helplessly, not resisting when he pulled her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "So. Weird."


"I love you too, mama," he said with a grin, leaning down to kiss her.


Author's Note:

Inspired by the massive number of dating profiles featuring men holding fish. Cause apparently fish are code for "I'm hot." Boys are weird.


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