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Jedi Are ***** < - spoilers for SWTOR


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LOL. No its not. Mercs can only commit the same war crimes as regular soldiers and those are not warcrimes. taking political prisoners is not a warcrime. For the record SAS commando's often attacked nazi politicians during WW2. are they criminals? Acts of sabotage and subterfuge are not warcrimes. So no the BH is not a war criminal or even a criminal.


That Jun declared a personal vendetta against the BH because hit jedi pride got hurt doesn't make a criminal but it does make him incredibly stupid


I invoke Godwin's Law.

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Regardless of what anyone's opinion is on Jedi, I say that they're SO stupid, the Jedi should be dead!!


Look at the Jedi during the Mandalorian Wars. The Jedi Council did nothing about it, despite how many times the Senate petitioned the Jedi's help. Had Revan and Malak not entered the conflict like real Jedi would, the Republic and Jedi alike would've been burning like the other worlds the Mandalorians burned: Duro, Eres III, Serroco, etc. Revan and Malak were the true Jedi. Real Jedi would go into the conflict and deal with it peacefully, not sit there in their Temple and call not dealing with the conflict "peaceful." That is SO arrogant and petty, no wonder the Jedi are so weak like the Sith. They just sit and deliberate while worlds die.


The Jedi are slaves to their own Code, thus they apply it as if they were rules ((A Code = guidlines than actual rules)). "There is no emotion, there is peace." Yeah, right! More like "there is no settling, there is only apathy." Even Ashara Zavros would think the same thing! And the Jedi just hide their emotions, that just makes look like total ****** bags to me. Why not use positive emotions to assist them in combat, similar to how the Sith use rage to fuel their strength?


And if the Jedi don't wanna become extinct then they should take every opportunity they have to win! Instead, they just take their brightest disciples and use them as slaves and puppets and hold them back! No wonder Anakin Skywalker and Ashara Zavros during their own respective eras were doubtful of the Jedi, because they never looked up to their potential! Anakin would've ended the Clone Wars; Ashara would've been a great weapon of the light side to end the conflict with the Sith. But NO!! Instead the Jedi just limit themselves to the powers they have and restrict their own Padawans and Knights from progressing. That is just SOO arrogant and sick; What- Is it like the Masters are the most powerful Jedi! No!


Seems you REALLY missed the point on all those fronts considering the Jedi were right, every single time.


They didn't want to fight the Mandalorians because they believed something far darker was behind the war, they were right, a massive Empire just itching to attack them was in the unknown regions waiting, Revan and the like bit on that bait hook, line and sinker, to the Emperor's joy.


They were also right not to let the Jedi in training do what they want willy nilly, *Cough* Exar Kun *cough* when Anakin and Zavros were borderline Dark Side and Anakin went on to become the exterminator of the Jedi order, Darth Vader and control a miserable Galactic Empire for over twenty years, which claimed billions if not trillions of lives through the Galactic Civil War.


And what redeemed Vader, killed the Emperor and ended the Galactic Empire? the Jedi teachings that Luke had learnt.

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Technically speaking, under current international laws, being a mercenary is a War Crime in and of itself. As a non-uniformed, foreign combatant that abuses the protection afforded to civilians to attack military targets, greatly endangering said noncombatants.


For the record, mercenaries (AKA: "defense contractors") are scum, and generally spat upon in real life by any soldier of any nationality worth his or her salt. They're only glamorous in fiction.


If what you say is true, then EVERY DEFENSE CONTRACTOR THAT FIELDS OPERATIVES needs to be brought to the Hague and charged with war crimes. Btw, Star Wars is NOT REAL LIFE.

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Seems you REALLY missed the point on all those fronts considering the Jedi were right, every single time.


They didn't want to fight the Mandalorians because they believed something far darker was behind the war, they were right, a massive Empire just itching to attack them was in the unknown regions waiting, Revan and the like bit on that bait hook, line and sinker, to the Emperor's joy.


They were also right not to let the Jedi in training do what they want willy nilly, *Cough* Exar Kun *cough* when Anakin and Zavros were borderline Dark Side and Anakin went on to become the exterminator of the Jedi order, Darth Vader and control a miserable Galactic Empire for over twenty years, which claimed billions if not trillions of lives through the Galactic Civil War.


And what redeemed Vader, killed the Emperor and ended the Galactic Empire? the Jedi teachings that Luke had learnt.


Actually i disagree to a degree, one of the points in KOTOR 2 was that the Jedi weren't right in just sitting around when the Mandalorians were invading. However the game showed that Revan wasn't right either, the Jedi did have a responsibility to the millions upon millions of Republic citizens being slaughtered and they failed them. However to simply wage a war against the mandalorians had consequences as well. The interaction between Meetra and Atris is an excellent scene because it delves into the back and forth debate on what the Jedi are really responsible for. Sure they need to be careful and not just rush into situations, but they cannot lose sight of the people who suffer. When you allow millions upon millions to die and you just say "hey it is necessary," then you have failed as a Jedi.


Yes Revan returned to wage war upon the Republic and caused massive damage, however the Mandalorians were doing just that without him. The Emperor didn't really care who crippled the Republic, the fact that it was Revan actually was the best solution as he managed to delay the invasion until the Republic managed to recover.


The Jedi were flawed at that point, they were arrogant and too sure of themselves, just like the Jedi in the prequel movies, they lost sight of what they should have been doing and became complacent. They needed to be shaken up and replaced with Jedi who could do their jobs better.


Luke wasn't a Jedi in the same vein as the previous order, he taught his students differently and they were better off for that.

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the current Jedi council are a bunch of weak, fearful hypocrites. Satele Shan is more Sham than Shan.


In their own fears they open the way to the dark side. Indicisive, cowardly, supporting "the ends justifies the means" often by actions while denying it by words, it just goes on and on.


And the way the story portrays Tython as being run, it might as well be a school for "how not to train lightside jedi" - they're practically begging people to go dark side. Let's not give any direct in the field supervision, let's not remonstrate with students who make dark side choices. Excuses are accepted at face value, no correcting of bad behavior is even mentioned let alone tempted. Rewards are given out willy-nilly to those who exhibit bad behavior just as much as those who don't.


Jedi masters encourage students to spy upon each other, employing deceit, then tattle-tell back to get them in trouble. Emotions are to be suppressed, personal bonds are discouraged in the extreme - and people are supposed to be social critters - where is the support for people not to feel lonely and cut off?


The council is apparently unable to sense dark side. It even has traitors on the council. Others herein have mentioned the callous warlike manner ascribed to Jedi masters in numerous locations, with relative innocents being killed, severe overreactions, etc. All the petty emotions they claim to eschew are brought up time and again.


And their pious arrogant talk which is not born out by their actions. Plus they have a severe tendancy to first encourage dependency in ordinary folks, followed by resentment of that dependency in the local population, all done by those who put themselves above ordinary people. "Do as I say, not as I do" appears to be the rule of the day.


They constantly hamstring the actions of the rest of the republic, and appear to be politically inept (and at the same time) constantly interferring while publicly "withdrawing" their support of critical actions to save the republic.


Liars. Hypocrits. Weaklings. Throw the bums out.

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  • 3 months later...

The end of Chapter 1? When the Jedi Guardian faces the Emperor for the 1st time..... Is not possible!


How does it read? Was taken control of...for an undetermined amount of time?? or something like that.




No way, no matter how powerful the emperor is..

(A) .. he is Not GOD! no matter how much you evil dark side game developers might dream him up!..

And (B) no way a Light side max level 5 10000 light 0 dark... can be taken control over like that. Give me a break.. for an unknow amount of time??

No way i refuse to believe it....


And what exactly did the Emperor have me do while i was under his seemingly FULL control....? And where are my dark side points for commiting those act's?

(which I am glad i did not get, that would have been "auto-delete swtor, for sure). But even so, it makes sence to a 12 year old only....

Even before We goto the emperors ship.. I was worried how this might all make sence...? And I was right to be concerned.


No way the Jedi Councel allows such a fool hearty thing to happen in the first place... NO way I choose to go along with them...

(Although I admit, that at this point in the story there might be a chance, however unplausable. that the Jedi council would not know the Emperor is lv 2000.

Because that is what he would have to be to take full control over a Jedi like that... Did i mention Light side 5.. the most they allow us to reach??


I am fine with the Emperor being MEGA STRONG... I am not fine that my character was forced along a storyline that makes him lose control to the darkest force in existance.. ( A total evil and dark side thing to do Mr/mrs gamedeveloper)...

What did my character do while 'out of it'...? murder...rape..? I mean one can only imagin what the sicko's are laughing about in the gamedeveloper's room.... shame shame shame....


I am an old dude.. In fact I have watched all the Starwars movies in theater..original release. (albeit, i was very young for New hope)

I know starwars... A this is NOT the 1977's (true) Starwars...No way I am going to let some corperate enity tell me that the darkside is better, or that a truly light side (eg. Obi-wan Kenobi, Luke skywalker would 'EVER' be under the Emperors control like that.)

I was a litte boy when this all came out. I am just 1 of the many that dreamed of galaxies far far away..long long before most, were even born!


"We are Starwars"!


Aniken fell to the dark side and turned into Darth Vader... Because he was weak...and was 'Never' a true light side Jedi...



This makes me sick... And very very very very Sad! :(


I have not played the dark side characters at all... Nor would I... But my guess is.. they are not forced into doing light side stuff.

Well any more then a lying, cheating and decitful darkside would do normally to accomplish thier goals....


Shame shame shame....


It is far more plauseable that a Dark side be forced into Kindhearted deeds.. then a light side go Dark...

The Light side of the force is more powerful....

You know.. Good Always win's in the end..Duh!.


And then I get Scourge as a companion? A SITH companion for a Light Side 5???? make's me want to PUKE!

For sure the storyline developers are all darkside sith players...

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