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Why Sith Sorcerers r the best !


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Im going to assume this is a sarcastic thread designed to insult the people who write nonsense threads with no analytical skill or proof that the sorcerer is OP. In which case I think its funny - nice one.


I Do my best ;)

All the complaints make me crazy .. mean common take it easy people is still under a week old if you count from org release date 20/12/11 ;)

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Sorcerers are nowhere near OP, they're incredibly weak 1v1, just dangerous if left unmolested.


People just get frustrated because there are so many of them standing up high spamming lightning on them while they're trying to fight other people. That and the fact it appears to be a 3 button class.


I approve of this thread mocking people who think they're OP.

Edited by IllicitSolicit
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Sorcerers are nowhere near OP, they're incredibly weak 1v1, just dangerous if left unmolested.


People just get frustrated because there are so many of them standing up high spamming lightning on them while they're trying to fight other people. That and the fact it appears to be a 3 button class.


I approve of this thread mocking people who think they're OP.


Sorc standing in the open sure is weaksauce, but we're talking about the skilled ones. And from my experience with 5 classes so far, including sage(sorc mirror) While all other classes seem to loose some, win some and so on the well played Sors/sage will not demolish only its mirror and perhaps well played operative/scoundrel. That speaks for something and its not "nowhere near OP" I assure you.


Add to that hybrid build and you have one of most dangerous and survivable class in game, they might not have huge burst of other classes, but its still good, steady DPS that will burn you down quickly if you don't do something against it and you can't really take one down in reasonable time due to all the CC, spammable bubble, heals/hots and sprint on top oh that.


In other words, yes, the class really is incredibly close to being OP and something about it needs toning down. From my observation the shield is biggest problem here as it allows over the top survivability that not even tanks in tank stance can manage.

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Sorcerers are nowhere near OP, they're incredibly weak 1v1, just dangerous if left unmolested.


People just get frustrated because there are so many of them standing up high spamming lightning on them while they're trying to fight other people. That and the fact it appears to be a 3 button class.


I approve of this thread mocking people who think they're OP.



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I admit the sprint thing has made me angry, but for gods sake people need to get over it. sorcerer might be the best class. overpowered, even. who cares... they will fix it at some point. keep playing. people act like sorcerers are invincible. learn how to play your own damn class instead of crying about others.
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Sorcs aren't overpower... Sorcs are overplayed though. Sorc becomes weak if someone use interrupt and lockout ability CORRECT i mean against dps lock down there FL. healers just interrupt the crap out of them when trying to heal and your dps will win. they have alot of nice abilites and cc but so does all the other classes, i play an assasin, operative, jaggernaut and a powertech.. I find that everyone of these classas stands on an equal ground with sorcs. although most of them are slightely more tricky to play. LEARN the sorcs rotations and proccs and heals! they have key waeknesses and will be easy to take down after some knowlage
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Sorcerers are nowhere near OP, they're incredibly weak 1v1, just dangerous if left unmolested.


People just get frustrated because there are so many of them standing up high spamming lightning on them while they're trying to fight other people. That and the fact it appears to be a 3 button class.


I approve of this thread mocking people who think they're OP.


^This! Although I have staple of six buttons I use at all times. :)

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Sorcs aren't overpower... Sorcs are overplayed though. Sorc becomes weak if someone use interrupt and lockout ability CORRECT i mean against dps lock down there FL. healers just interrupt the crap out of them when trying to heal and your dps will win. they have alot of nice abilites and cc but so does all the other classes, i play an assasin, operative, jaggernaut and a powertech.. I find that everyone of these classas stands on an equal ground with sorcs. although most of them are slightely more tricky to play. LEARN the sorcs rotations and proccs and heals! they have key waeknesses and will be easy to take down after some knowlage


Freaking people forget that the omg lazorz pew pew skill called force lightning is CHANNELED and can be interrupted.

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first you have to get to sorc first ... and he will stun you twice, push you back , and when you almost got to him you are dead .. twice




nvm, i rolled sorc and now im topping every bg ... mad skillz !


Must .... resist .... smack talk.


Ok please tell me the name of these TWO stun abilities because I only know of 1 on a 1 minute (50 second talented) stun.

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Sorc have EXTREMELY long cast times on the powerful spells. I went madness spec just because of this reason.


3 second cast....1.5 sec....2 sec....3sec....


did i mention it is 3 buttons! very noobish rotation if you ask me.


bio should look into making sorc more complex

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Sorc have EXTREMELY long cast times on the powerful spells. I went madness spec just because of this reason.


3 second cast....1.5 sec....2 sec....3sec....


did i mention it is 3 buttons! very noobish rotation if you ask me.


bio should look into making sorc more complex


Except for the fact that talents make almost every ability you could conceivably want to cast instant.


It's pretty easy to steam roll people on my Sage. But then I do it on my shadow so it might be people are just bad right now


Although it's kinda a problem that the only ability you can interrupt is Telekinetic throw.

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My quick and dirty suggestion is to split healing, dps, and cc in twain. Make it two separate stances like every other frelling class. Bubble can only be used by healer, and they lose practically all DPS, but keep the CC. DPS gets one soft CC, no heals, but keeps their damage, problem solved.
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