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BUG from Daily conflict, CANT GET OFF MY SHIP

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well i did boarding party, and once i was done with that FlashPoint i went to turn in the daily conflict 3 for boarding party or foundry, well it let me but i couldn't accept the rewards and i just said whatever and went to my ship to do space missions. logged off for an hour, came back and did the space missions as i intended. now it says i have 4 missions pending and i cant get off my ship until i accept the rewards which i cannot do. this is my only character and i am lvl 41 and do not want to ahve to start again. i did create a ticket but i think waiting an unspecified amount of time is absurd, i did not trade in skyrim which was broken and pissed me off to have this game to do the exact same thing. is there a developer or someone close to who will help?? this isnt fair and every time i create a ticket all i get in reply is damn sorry that sucks from the bioware help..... please quit making my time ****** when all i want is to enjoy star wars..... i ahve been with you since kotor and am getting mass effect 3 this march, dont make a loving fan deal with another sorry that sucks maybe it will be fixed... thats not right
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its a shame that it is the problem, i o ahve pending but i cant accept bc of daily conflicts 3 is bugged, the devolpers dont care, they feel a 20% less in power on weapons in PvP is more important than a game breaking bug, affecting lots of people, thanks bioware you guys are awesome for shi tting on people.
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its a shame that it is the problem, i o ahve pending but i cant accept bc of daily conflicts 3 is bugged, the devolpers dont care, they feel a 20% less in power on weapons in PvP is more important than a game breaking bug, affecting lots of people, thanks bioware you guys are awesome for shi tting on people.


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