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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Ok, so this is the follow up to the above story, for this reason.


Seriously, it just CAN'T end like that! It's way too depressing.



Prompt: Allies/Confessions/Good-Bad Memories/Legacy(?)

Class: Bounty Hunter (Mako and clan)

Title: Waking the Sleeping Reaper - The End, pt.2

Words: 1250 (After that last story, my fingers are in revolt and would type no more!)

Timeframe: WAAAAAAAAAY after the end stuff... and things... and this

Spoilers: Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The big donut... mmmm, donuts.


Mando'a Translations: (In case you were wondering, I use this beautiful little guide here. It's pure canned awesome)


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la - Not gone, merely marching far away

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum - I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal. Followed by the departed's name.

Mandokarla - Showing guts and spirit. The epitome of Mandolorian virtue.



The hill had a single tree. If you sat under the tree, you would be looking down at a large log cabin style house.


The house had a porch, the porch had a rocking chair and a hammock. Over the years the rocking chair had gotten plenty of use. The hammock, only on warm, rainy summer days.


The owner of the hammock preferred to lay at a certain spot under a tree on a hill, not too far from the porch. He would lay there for hours, hands behind his head, knees up, just watching the clouds and sky... like he didn't have a care in the world.


Now, in that spot, there was a tombstone. On the stone was written something in Mandolorian. If you could read it, it said "Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la."


There were people at the stone. Two stood, one knelt.


The older lady, who knelt, buried something in front of the stone, and then stood up. She took the hand of the short individual, who wore a brown, tattered robe. The lady and the other individual wore black. She stepped forward and spoke.


"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Drokk." She stepped aside and the other individual stepped forward. He repeated it, and added to it.


"Drokk died as he lived. Mandokarla. We will miss you, my brother. Journey well."


He stepped back and there was silence.


It was broken by the smaller individual as he spoke. "Blizz have something for Mako. Boss tell Blizz to give to Mako if something should happen. He never explain what though." From the folds of his robe, he produced a holorecorder.


She looked at it, as if she were about to cry, and then gathered herself and reached out for it. Mako held it for a moment before she turned it on.


An image of Drokk appeared. "Heya Makes. I'm, uh, I'm not really sure if this is the best way, but you just got done griping at me because I wasn't prepared, so this is me trying to be prepared."


She smiled. She remembered how much she both loved and hated Drokk's go with the flow attitude. Which one depended on the moment.


"If you're seeing this, then something happened and I'm not coming home. First... I'm sorry, Makes. I hate to make you cry, but this happens to everyone at some point. Hopefully, I died well, and did you proud."


Mako was trying hard to hold in the tears. She had already cried for four days. She didn't want to cry anymore.


Torian had arrived on the fifth day with the tombstone made from Beryllium. She had made Drokk's armor pieces out of it, and she felt it would be nice if he had some protection where ever he was going. She had decided to be strong, like the Beryllium.


"Ok, so... that's out of the way. So, you may remember after that stuff on Corellia, I would disappear for a few days at a time with Gault on "procurement trips". Well, I have a confession. Now, before I tell you, you should know I love you a lot..."


"You sunuvab*tch..." Mako's brow furrowed. He only said that when he got caught doing something he knew she wouldn't approve of.


"... so... I was doing work for Imperial Intelligence. It's a long story, but it's the reason why everyone's record was wiped clean, and no one questioned us about our past when we bought the house."


She remembered when they bought the house, she was going to hack databases and clean their records, but Drokk had stopped her. All he had said was "Trust me. I got this."


"So, I also got paid, and I saved that money in an account on Coruscant. The money's in both of our names, so you can access the account. The account number and passcode is engraved on my blaster. Y'know, the one you stuffed waaaay in the back of the shelf, in the closet?"


Mako smiled. She had to do that after they first moved here. Drokk didn't exactly go sailing into retirement. It was more like he dropped a bomb on the boat, and then tried to paddle back to shore using the debris.


"I want you to unlock that money and disperse it evenly to everyone... yes, even Skadge." The image pointed at her.


"Oh! Also, the Intelligence agent I did the work for couldn't pay me for one job. So instead of payment, I get to call in one favor (if she's still alive), which can be passed on. If you're watching this, I guess you own it now" the image scratched the back of his head.


She looked at Torian. "This is aggravating. I want to punch him, but I can't!" She smiled, as the tears started to drop. "Even after he's gone, he's still a frustrating bastard sometimes."


"The Agent's name is Fenn'rys. The code you'll identify with is Delta-Alpha-Echo-Tango-Hotel. Now you listen to me," the recorded voice became very serious, "if you have to call this favor in, you bring Gault, not Torian, with you."


She looked at Torian again. He seemed a bit upset that he would be replaced by a person who freely sold his honor so he could swindle a proper amount of credits.


"I love you guys, but you can't deal with Fenn'rys. She'll have you eating out of her hand while she's sinking the blade into your back. Gault's a master con man. When she starts to work her mojo, he'll know it."


Mako sighed. When he was right, he was right. Gault had saved them from bad deals in the past due to their naivety. What was Drokk doing, working with a person like that though?


"Ok, so I've done the prep, you carry it out!" The image grinned, "Just like always, eh, babe?"


She snorted through the tears. "Yeah, just like always... jerk."


"I love you MakOOOOOOO." The image laughed. "You're my rock, Makes. Never forget that." The recording ended.


There was silence again. This time it was Mako who broke it as she started walking towards the house with purpose.


"Torian, locate Gault and Skadge. Have them drop what they're doing, pick them up, and meet us on Tatooine. If Skadge gives you any grief, tell him he'll get to bash as many heads as he wants."


Torian and Blizz ran to catch up with her. "What about Gault?"


"Oh Gault will be there. When you tell him about Drokk's account? It'll be too rich to pass up... plus, he doesn't admit it, but he knows he owes Drokk. He'll want in on this."


She looked at the Jawa. "Blizz, see if you can't find Treek, see if she wants some payback for her 'Chief'."


They reached the porch and Torian bounded up the steps to get in front of Mako.


"Whoa there! Why exactly are we doing this again?"


She fixed Torian with a vicious glare, and his surprise told her it had the desired effect. The look was menacing and focused. It was a look she'd seen Drokk use when he was angered and had a clear cut goal.


"We're getting the family back together and we're going hunting. There's a terrorist group out there and those sunuvab*tches took my husband away from me. It's time they learned what it means to steal from the wife of a Great Hunt Champion."


She moved past Torian as she spoke, and looked back as she opened the door.


"Now get moving. We have work to do."






So, even though this was set waaaaay in the future, it was hard to write. It crept into my head though and wouldn't leave me alone! However, Drokk's not gone. There was a lot of stuff that happened in between now and this story... including some Agent team up stuff. That'll be coming some time in the future.


What won't be written is the adventures of Mako and the crew. I'd like to leave those up to your imagination ;)


Also, this should free me up for some more light hearted fare, now that it's out of my head. WHOO HOO!



Edited by DarthSillyMonkey
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Hey, everyone! I'm back! And as promise, I came with gifts–er, fics. Enjoy! :D


Prompt - Planes, Trains, and Thrantamobiles

Title - Stranded

Class - Smuggler

No spoilers



There was a puffing sound, and Dankin winced with the knowledge that they were in trouble. He looked out the cockpit viewport, watching as hyperspace fizzled and the ship reverted to realspace.


"What just happened?" Corso asked.


Dankin winced. "Uh...hold that thought."


He jumped up out of his seat and moved back to the engine room. Guss and Risha were already inside, Risha working on the hyperdrive.


"We lost a belt," Risha said, deadpan.


"Do we have a backup?"


"Unless Guss can Force-wish one into existence, then...no."


"Really? Why don't we have a backup?"


"Do you know how often a hyperdrive loses a belt?"


"I'm guessing not often?"


"Wing-ding-ding! We have a winner! This hasn't happened to any ship in...well, probably before Gav and Jori Daragon."


"So how'd it happen?"


Guss smiled sheepishly. "I...was...practicing lightsaber techniques?"


Dankin glared. He'd kill Guss later. He turned back to Risha.


"What do we do?"


"Luckily, I have a mechanic buddy in this system. I'll call him."


"Okay. How long do you think it'll take him to get us up and running?"


She shrugged. "Couple hours?"


He nodded. "Make it happen. I'm gonna get Corso, Bowdaar, and Akaavi armed."


"Armed? Why?"


"So we can kill Guss."


The Mon Calamari bolted.



Prompt - Vacation

Title - Left Behind

Class - Imperial Agent

No spoilers



Merok had never taken a vacation before–he didn't like the feeling of not having his blaster on him at all times, and he felt he needed to be doing something. But finally, his crew had talked him into taking the Jewel of the Empire pleasure barge from Nar Shaddaa to Dromund Kaas and back.


He hated to admit it, but he was having fun. There were many time-absorbing activities aboard the star liners like the Jewel, such as vast libraries and merchants, even extending to private gambling rooms–Kaliyo spent most of her time there.


The ship had docked in Coronet City on Corellia, with a stern warning to be back aboard by 2300 hours at the latest, with the ship departing at 2345 hours. Merok, dutifully, returned early–1900 hours–and went for a swim with Raina. It wasn't until 2344 exactly, with both ex-Imperials on the viewing deck, and the ship's ramp closed and the engines warming that Kaliyo came sprinting into the dock, waving her ship access card. Merok resisted the urge to laugh.


He failed.


As the ship took off, he caught sight of Kaliyo fist-fighting with port authorities. He hoped she got a ship back to Nar Shaddaa.


"Bye!" he and Raina yelled, laughing.




Both of these are (modified) versions of events that actually happened on my vacation. My van broke down for an entire day, and on the last day of our cruise we watched people scramble to get back aboard in time. It was quite amusing.


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Wow, wall ‘o comments incoming.


@Yoshi, Welcome back from vacay! Kaliyo would be one to miss the boat :p and something about "Unless Guss can Force-wish one into existence, then...no." just made me giggle.


@DarthSillyMonkey, :eek:There should be a stronger warning for the assault you just unleashed on my feels! Oh man, that was a great pair of very emotional stories.

"I love you MakOOOOOOO."

And this is where I lost it. Now where’s the tissues...



“Oh, come on, sir,” Aric snickered, not a bit fazed by his CO’s remarks, “I’m sure there are bigger turds out there than me.”


“Physical size doesn’t matter,” Mallay retorted.


“Really?!” Aric grinned, “I’ve been told that size is important to women.”

Ha! This exchange is great. Fear of thrantas is totally justified as far as my characters are concerned. Rissia would definitely agree with Mallay. :)



"You better hope my friends don't show up..SMACK. OW! that hurt, I just had my nose realigned from the last person who broke it" said Doc on his knees.

Haha...it’s really a good thing that Doc’s a physician. :D



Blaster bolts flew towards the math teacher turned death machine as the Exchange criminals adapted to this new melee tactic.

I love this description! Glad I got around to catching up on my reading after you posted this second part. The first definitely had me intrigued to see the fallout.


@Lesaberisa, I will never get tired of the way Malicineve gets baffled over people’s horrified reactions to her affectionate gestures. Poor Malicineve, and (I can’t believe I’m going to say this) poor Quinn.


@Sthrift, I love Voslic’s reaction. Perfect in the way it goes from stunned to unbelievably happy.


@Bright, Ah brotherly ribbing. That sounds like the kind of thing a sibling would come up with!


@frauzet, Poor Arkeo and Neela. Saying goodbye like that, and not knowing if you’ll come back, would be terribly heartbreaking.


@Kabeone, You’ve gotta admit, Darth Terror has a nice melodramatic ring to it :p


@Adwynyth, I love pregnant, ****** Mako! She’s so sassy and fun!



NotLP: First Impressions

With Kinka and Kaliyo

Takes place at the start of the agent's Alderaan questline; no spoilers

Note: No Vectors were harmed in the making of today's story. ;)


“Well, that was interesting.”


Kinka and Kaliyo stepped out into the blinding daylight and stopped to get their bearings before heading out to make introductions at House Cortess. The Alderaan contact was holed up in a cave full of insects, and it took a few moments of blinking to adjust to the sunlight again. Watcher Two had warned her that he was a bit ... eccentric ... these days. Something about joining and hives.


In truth, she hadn’t caught all of it. 2V was yapping outside the crew quarters, and Kaliyo had “accidentally” tossed him a flash grenade. After that it was nine straight minutes of mechanical wailing about being deactivated and circuits frying. It was all she could do to nod through the rest of the rundown as chaos raged in the background.


Kinka figured that in all the commotion she must have missed the part where Watcher Two debriefed her on how gorgeous Vector Hyllus was. The agent had a type, and that man fit it to a T. Tall, dark haired, obviously capable of handling himself in a fight. And while most people would be put off by those eyes, she found they only added to his allure. That he was charming and competent was an unexpected bonus. She couldn’t help but smile to herself, but she didn’t dare let Kaliyo know any of that. She was insufferable the last time Kinka had gotten close to one of their contacts.


“Vector seems nice,” she ventured. “No wild mouse droid chases like on Tattooine.”


“Uh huh.”


The Rattataki smirked; she’d been waiting to hear what kind of nerfsh*t line the agent was going to peddle. Predictably, she’d tried to play down what had been obvious to everyone there on two legs. Pure lust, plain and simple. They’d all be a lot happier if she’d quit pretending and just jump him already. “Just ‘nice,’ huh?” Kaliyo pulled out her blaster and sighted a flutterplume a few yards away. “I give it two weeks before you either jump his bones or his hive takes us captive and eats our faces.”


“What are you talking about?”


Kaliyo put the weapon away and rolled her eyes. “Give me a break, agent. I’ve been with you long enough to recognize when you’ve got it bad for somebody. You suddenly get all virtuous — it’s sickening.”


“Oh, I do not,” Kinka protested.


“It’s the same look you got every time we met up with the saintly Sanju on Balmorra. Trust me, I know when my gag reflex is on edge. As soon as Bugboy started talking about rubbing forearms, you giggled. I was terrified because I’d never heard you make that sound before.”


Kinka scoffed on the outside and squirmed internally. Damn, she was good.


“I’m serious. I’ve been with you for months now, and I swear to the emperor, I’ve never heard you giggle. But hey, if bugs are what does it for ya, that’s completely fine with me. He doesn’t look like my type anyway.”


“Too, what was it you said, virtuous?” Kinka checked their coordinates one more time and climbed aboard her speeder. She was still going to play it cool; giving Kaliyo the satisfaction of being right wasn’t something she’d be able to live down.


“Nah, too crazy. That bag of ants is all yours.” She revved the engine and sped just ahead of the agent. “Maybe if you’re really good he’ll make you queen of the hive.”


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@bright_ephemera, thanks for the Cheunh dictionary-translator thingy! That'll come in handy!




Prompt - Culture Shock/Alternate Perspectives

Title - Thirteen Ways

Class - Imperial Agent/Bounty Hunter

Minor prologue spoilers/Agent Act 3 spoilers



Merok walked through Voss-Ka, a frown creasing his face. He had taken a Kingpin bounty from the Bounty Contract Corporation–his newfound career left him spare time to do such things to make more credits to fund their safehouses–for a Twi'lek female named Eryn Talosa. Merok had heard of her even in Imperial Intelligence, and he knew he'd need help.


He'd called the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt–Dha.


Raina moved alongside Merok, thinking hard about something. Merok was distracted for a moment when his comlink beeped.


"Merok here."


"This is Dha," the rough voice responded. "Mako and I are in position. Give me the signal when we're a go."


"Roger," Merok replied.


He moved toward Talosa's safehouse, frowning. No guards outside, no visible security cameras, no autoturrets...nothing. He didn't like this. He moved to the front door and glanced at Raina. He was sure there was a listening device around.


"Tsaco veo tiket," Merok said. It was unlikely that Talosa understood Cheunh. "Can'tuhn."


Ready your gun. Move in.


Raina nodded and whipped out her pistol. Merok raised his rifle and kicked down the door. He swept in, rifle held high, but found no one inside. He frowned and looked at Raina. Something wasn't right here.


"Dha," Merok said, "it's clear. Move in."


He heard a dull thump as Dha blew the back door and moved in. Merok moved forward.


* * *


"How do you figure splitting the credits with Merok?" Mako asked.


Dha didn't answer her immediately. He knew he could easily have taken Talosa by himself–maybe with help from Treek or Torian, but still, it was just his crew. With Merok pushing in, he had to split the credits six new ways–seven, if you counted Dha's new friend Treek. That was a measly fee, hardly worth the work.


"Old friends," Dha finally said. "Call it sentiment."


Mako nodded. "Gotcha."


"Time to call our friend."


Dha pulled out his comlink and punched the Chiss' comm code. It took a moment, but finally Merok answered.


"Merok here."


"This is Dha. Mako and I are in position. Give me the signal when we're a go."




Dha moved to the side of the door and planted a breach charge–or he started to. Mako grabbed his hand and shook her head. She pointed at the bottom corner of the door: anti-breach bomb. The minor explosion of the breach charge would blow Dha right out of his armored pants.


"Now we wait," he said.


"So," Mako muttered, "you and Merok."


"Worked together back on Hutta for a while," Dha explained. "Caught a ride on the Black Talon together. So on."




"And he asked me for help fighting through a Republic base on Corellia when Intelligence was dissolved."


"What's he got on you?"


"Absolutely nothing. I just respect his skills. Please drop it, dearie?"


She nodded. "All right."


They waited a few moments more. Some nonsense words, probably the Chiss language, came from the comlink. Then Merok spoke loudly.


"Dha, it's clear. Move in."


Mako sliced the door with her implant, and they moved in.


* * *


Twenty minutes later, it was over. Talosa was dead, her body preserved in cryo-stasis, and moving to the Imperial Fleet via Merok's stealth fighter. Fortunately, the reward went up some–Talosa was wanted in Republic and Imperial space, and since Merok had access to the Republic Fleet, they got the reward twice.


Dha returned to Mandalore and divvied up the credits, with the majority going to himself and Mako for doing the job.


Merok returned to the safehouse on Nar Shaddaa, splitting the credits. Lokin put it into their regular funding, as did Raina and Merok. Scorpio's credits disappeared. Vector's went to the Killiks. Kaliyo blew hers within an hour of getting it at a cantina and a casino.




Thanks again, Bright! That Cheunh dictionary rocks!


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And while I'm at it, a First Impressions of Kinka from Vector's POV.

Notes: Takes place at the same time as my previous story. Some dialogue taken from in-game; no real spoilers I can think of. About 600 words.


Soft footfalls echoed quietly through the cave. Two sets. Both women. Vector could tell much about them before he’d ever seen their figures approach. Average height, slim builds. One stepped delicately, like a shadow; the other tromped through with reckless gusto.


The guests were expected. Imperial Intelligence had contacted him a week prior seeking his expertise in the minutiae of Alderaanian politics. Specifically, possible disgruntled houses with deep pockets and a penchant for wide-scale destruction. Houses that might be amenable to harboring a terrorist. That didn’t do a lot to narrow things down, but he agreed to offer whatever aid he could to this Cipher Nine and her mission.


The footsteps grew louder, then stopped abruptly.


“Can’t wait to see how this goes,” he heard one of them say. Her voice matched her steps — loud, careless, charged. The other woman shushed her.


“Not now, Kaliyo.”


He turned at the sound of her voice. Smooth as shimmersilk, as light and delicate as a spring breeze. The agent’s aura buzzed with a crisp self-assuredness. A woman with a cool exterior that belied a fiery spirit. Frost tinged with spices. He’d never come across someone so beautiful.


“We are Vector Hyllus, Dawn Herald of the Oroboro nest. Pleased to make your acquaintance, agent.”


“Likewise,” she smiled. “You were expecting us?”


He nodded, unable to look away from her, only now seeing her face. Brown eyes rimmed in shadow, dark lips, a coy smirk. Just as lovely as her aura. Remarkable. “Yes, Intelligence contacted us about your mission. We hope we’ll be able to serve you well.”


Her aura flared at that. A smile suppressed, hidden beneath that mask of professionalism. He continued, “We hope our appearance doesn’t disturb you. Others in the diplomatic service find it... disconcerting, but it was necessary. We share a bond with the hive that has allowed us to forge a relationship between Empire and Killiks. The change was a small price.”


An outward smile this time. “Changed or not, you clean up well.” Her lips ticked upward at some new thought, as if there were more she wanted to say, but thought better of it.


“You’re very kind.” He searched for something appropriate to add. He wanted to tell her she tasted of frost and spices, that he could see the fire that fueled her shimmering electrons. He wanted to touch her skin and watch the sparks from their auras dance together. But she wouldn’t understand any of that. “We’d offer to rub forearms, but we’re afraid it wouldn’t translate.”


She giggled at the suggestion, and he was reminded of the mission by the burbling drone at his side. He told her what he’d come up with, explaining that the nobles with House Cortess would be the best place to start her search. She listened intently to his advice; it had been quite some time since an outsider had done so. “If you show him our findings, he might close in on your foe.”


The agent grinned. “Trust me, if I can manipulate a Hutt, a Baron will be easy.”


“A Hutt?” He was duly impressed, and she seemed delighted at his reaction. “Indeed.”


He hated to send her on her way, but they both had things to attend to. The loud one had already stomped away, but the agent hesitated, giving a small wave before turning to go.


“We’ll be here for the duration of your stay,” he added as she walked away. The agent looked back and smiled at him, and the cave seemed to dim ever so slightly as she left.


Edited by marissalf
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MrTwo: This unlikely odd couple, Rizz and Kouhun. All that destruction, and Rizz is still in trouble.


Icerose: I like the ongoing Brumbie theme. We only get to see Havoc squad as a named unit. I enjoy the wider view.


Alaurin: Oh, more barfing. Too bad thrantas don’t come with airsickness bags. Jorgan did deserve it this time.


DarthSillyMonkey: What a way to go out. And thanks for the follow up.

The way you set up Drokk’s tombstone and its engraving brought to mind Requiem. On another note, those terrorists are in for big trouble. Hell hath no fury and all that.



YoshiRalphElan: No, not Gus! Well, okay, that was deserved. Loved Kaliyo trying in vain to get on the ship. She would be the one to push it to the last second, and miss.


Marissalf: Ack, that was totally Kaliyo’s reaction to Vector. And my agent’s ;) I liked Vector’s perspective as well. Nice trio.

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A quick Play within a Play short, solidly in the crackfic category.


Character: Kirya Bilali (smuggler) and Akaavi, no spoilers



Aivik turned on her heel, long purposeful strides leading her away from the conclave. The council was wrong. There could be no peace with the Windgliders, not now, not ever. They were without honor. Without code. Now their false and greedy ways infected the Firewalkers.


She made her way to the wall surrounding her village. The people parted before her, bowing in respect. But she was no longer one of them. The council had spoken. Aivik summoned fire to her shield one last time--


“What are you writing, Akaavi?” Kirya asked as she passed by the crew quarters, “letter?”


Akaavi slammed the datapad down and looked up from her work , “Nothing!” she insisted. “A list. List of parts I need. For repairs. Yes, repairs.”


Kirya put one hand on her hip, “Which is it then? Nothing, or a list of spare parts?”


“Nothing,” Akaavi repeated, “It’s...incomplete.”


Kirya gave her a knowing look, “You’re an adult, Akaavi. If you found someone special you want to write to, you don’t need my permission.”


“No, I don’t,” Akaavi agreed.


Kirya nodded, “There’s more to life than blasters and techstaves. Go on, Akaavi. I won’t tell anyone,” she said with a wink.


“I...thank you, Captain,” Akaavi said.


“You’re welcome,” Kirya said, continuing on through Fifty Percent’s corridor.


Akaavi waited for Kirya’s footsteps to fade before reopening the datapad.


Aivik summoned fire to her shield one last time. It fell to her, then, defense of the village. None would pass. Even if it meant her death. She would die with her honor intact, surrounded by Windglider corpses...




I created a PVP-centric MMORPG in the Star Wars universe for Akaavi called Sovereign World back in I Love Your Ring, which I blame entirely on sleep deprivation and either not enough or too much caffeine. Akaavi played a Firewalker Warrior, a character not unlike herself. Not that I see Akaavi as uncreative, I see her as the kind of player who makes slightly different versions of herself rather than playing something wildly different. So, if anyone in my universe was to write fanfic, well, it would have to be Akaavi. This story pre-dates “I Love Your Ring.”


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@Yoshi, loved the Stranded. Guss is such a lovable screwup.


@marissalf, loving Vector's point of view. I never thought of him as being off balance in that scene...but then, I bet he hides well. And Kaliyo's reading of Kinka was great.


@Striges, I remember Akaavi's MMORPG story! She would write the fiercest fighting fics.


Now, Vierce, Rites of Passage because I'm not sure there's a more fitting thing. No game spoilers. This is set maybe a year after the game story ends. 1000 words.



I thought about a thousand and one ways to propose to Elara Dorne, and all of them were stupid.


It'd be nice to have a vacation. Go somewhere really jaw-dropping. Or maybe take her back home, to Kegled II? Or maybe that was too prosaic. Not like we had time off for either option. The ship would be fast but unforgivably boring. Coruscant, maybe, the next time we were there, in one of the Senate gardens or, or something. She deserved more. She deserved fountains, mountain views, whole worlds at her feet. But I didn't exactly have any of that.


So once I found her ring, I kept it with me. Risky, maybe, since in any given combat action I might end up bleeding on it. But...just in case the chance came up. Even if I didn't know how it would.


It was Naboo we ended up at one night. The base we were operating out of was pretty striking; it was surrounded on three sides by water, with a few little railing-guarded boardwalks sticking out where you could walk and look out over the sea and the incredible orange sunsets.


Elara, making the regulation fatigues look like royal gear as she always did, leaned on the railing over the orange-streaked sea. "It's beautiful."


"You like it?"


"Very much." She took my hand. "It's nice to have a few moments like this. To see what peace looks like."


"Peace is where you are." Stupid. "Even when we're fighting, I can't explain..."


"I know what you mean," she said, leaning into me.


This. It had to be. I swallowed a world-class lump in my throat and squeezed her hand, fumbling in my pocket with my free hand, pulling away just a tiny bit. "I think it's time I asked. Elara, you've been for me what no one else ever has been and I don't think anyone else ever could be. Every future I look at, I want you in it." I thumped to one knee and offered up the little box, flipping it open to show the gold ring with its green-and-clear stones. "Will you marry me?"


Her eyes went round. "Vierce," she breathed. "You mean it? I–oh, yes!" The smile on her face then I'll never forget. She held out her hand; it was shaking. Either that or mine were as I picked the ring out of its box. The moment it touched her fingertip I fumbled, and then the ring was falling, bouncing, practically jumping...off the boardwalk and into the water.


I saw where it hit the surface. Where Elara's engagement ring hit the water and disappeared. Before I really realized I was moving I had my jacket off. "Hold this," I said, pushing it in Elara's general direction. "Vierce," she said, "what are–"


The water hit me like a sack of duracrete, the cold slamming me on all sides. I opened my eyes just enough to see the rocky, plant-scattered bottom, then came up for a desperate breath. Elara was yelling something. I would listen as soon as I had her ring back. I kicked my clunky boots off and dove under. I scanned the place. All the rocks looked alike here, and it was hard to tell from this side exactly where the ring had hit water. Nothing would've eaten it...right? Did ring-eating things live around here?


I had to come up for another gasping breath, then I dove again, straining my eyes. The light from above didn't make it very far through the water; every rock sat on its own little puddle of blackness. How far could the ring have moved once it went under? I couldn't lose it. Not her ring. This was it. This was the start of our life together, and I'd gone and dropped it. I circled around, trying to look everywhere at once through the murk. Finally I saw a twinkle in a crevice among the rocks. I swam to it and saw the surefire flower shape of the ring. I reached two fingertips in and tried to move it; no dice. I scrabbled at it, terrified of pushing it further in where I couldn't reach. My fingers were getting clumsy from the cold. My lungs were rolling up in a painful ball, but I couldn't leave it now. I pulled out my pocketknife and carefully, carefully eased the blade in to one side, then worried both blade and ring out.


Knife in pocket. Ring in one hand. Boots gathered in other, weighing half a ton each. I floundered up the steep rocky ascent to shore.


She was running toward me from the landward end of the boardwalk. Somebody else was running faster, outpacing her to reach me. Some guy in a brightly colored wetsuit.


"Sir!" he said while Elara caught up. "Are you all right?"


"Yeah," I said through chattering teeth.


With that established, his voice shot to the hard edge of polite. "There's no swimming in this area, sir."


"Yeah. Got that." I dripped some more. The man nodded curtly and turned around to head back to the little house at the start of the boardwalk.


Since I didn't seem to have the option of sinking through the floor and disappearing, I turned to Elara, who stared at me like she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or yell. Still panting, I stuck out a hand to present the ring. "It took me forever to pick this one out," I explained weakly, and took her hand, and slid the ring onto her slender finger. An instant later she was up against me, arms around my neck, and I couldn't not kiss her when she was so close, so perfect, and – it helped a lot just then – so warm. Just the same, I tried to arch my body away a bit. Without actually stopping kissing her. "You'll get wet," I pointed out.


She made a noise deep in her throat that said she didn't take that the way I meant it. "I don't mind," she whispered, and pulled me close, and promised me without a word that everything would be all right.




Based loosely on a true story. :rolleyes:


Elara does actually say "You mean it?" when you propose to her. It's adorable and her voice actress does a killer job with the line. (Disclaimer: I think everything she says is adorable.)


Vierce seems to nearly freeze to death with Elara a lot more than is healthy.



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Comments/Replies.....deep breath and here goes.....



@alaurin: Thanks for more wonderful things to read. I really feel a part of the family. Makes me wish I had sisters.

Thanks!!! I'm so glad you are enjoying the Lauren girls. I plan to have more with Lissa and Ros when I get to their class stories in my fanfic timeline.



@Bright: I love Calline! Her quiet demeanor must be just killing Gault!! Also, that link for the Cheunh vocab is really neat! Thanks for sharing it!


Kirsk grinned. "Addendum: He's still pretty clueless. The end."

*sigh* I love Kirsk!!! :o


Also, Vierce's proposal.....*sigh* more warm fuzzies!!!!




@alaurin, Darn those stealth generators :p Both good stories. The first was a lot of fun, and the second was a great, heartfelt moment between those two. Very fitting for the occasion. And,

Yeah, stealth generators were trouble for Mallay in another shenanigan story.




Ha! This exchange is great. Fear of thrantas is totally justified as far as my characters are concerned. Rissia would definitely agree with Mallay. :)

Jorgan really knows how to push Mallay's buttons. Also, there is no way I would ever ride one of those things!!!!!


“I give it two weeks before you either jump his bones or his hive takes us captive and eats our faces.”

Ok, that made me spray my monitor with coffee!! Also, awww, Vector! :)




@Alaurin: Okay. Been working my way through your "Love of Family" thread, and I think Mallay's my favorite of the bunch. I love the sisterly dynamic between her and Bella, and the fact that she beat down the Huttball champ made me laugh. Having lived in Oklahoma, and been on ranches for a short time, I know what it's like to creep across a field at night, and the image of these gals doing so drunk was killing me.

YAY!! Glad you are enjoying the Lauren family! Mallay is probably the most fun for me to write and I'm hally you like her! I love the rest, but she is the quirky one. I grew up in the country in Michigan and while I didn't live on a farm, I had friends that did and we had some stealth adventures through the pastures.....some of them while intoxicated. I swear, I was always the one who stepped in the cow patties!


Also, the last 2 installments for Drokk.....dammit, you made me cry.....I loved it though!! :) Watch out terrorists.....hell hath no fury like a pissed off Mako!



@alaurin - I've loved your sister stories since I read the first one. These two were great, expecially "Wish Upon a Star". Made me smile.

YAY!! I'm glad the girls' shenanigans are good for smiles and laughs! Bella and Mallay needed some sister time without anyone else being around for a good heartfelt chat about guys and love. Glad you liked it!


“Holy nerf-****.” He muttered. “Is it mine?”

Oh, Voslic, you are so lucky to be alive after that.......




@OneShotTC: and I thought my in-laws were bad...:D At least my Mother in Law can't shock me......she is a loud talker though and that's bad enough!



@frauzet: I like the importance of traditions in your JC story and that the Elders don't want Arkeo to lose them. Also, a good reason for Yuon Par to be his Master.



@alaurin I love that the backstory for possibly a bunch of canon characters all came from the same place. I try not to think too hard about the hygene of the people my bh stole the ship from :)

I loved the shenanigans. While I am also a sucker for romance I think friendship and sister/brotherhood in your stories are awesome.

Thanks! I don't know how much or even when I will start writing on Kat, Tia, Val, and Zyra. I need to go back and familiarize myself a little more on a couple of classes first. However, they will have shenanigans someday. Until then, there will be Lauren girls' shenanigans to enjoy! I'm glad the sisterhood aspect comes through....family is very important to their lives, mine as well. Romance is good too and there will be more of that (and all the warm fuzzies that come with it!) :D


"You think my name is ridiculous?" He asked.


"Well, not anymore, now it's just your name." She said defensively, "But you have to admit, it sounds like something chosen by a young Sith who was trying too hard."

You know, I have to agree with Remi about Scourge's name.....I always wondered how and why he got such an.....err....interesting name. ;)



@Mrtwo: Oo....Kouhun and Rizz.....the suspense is killing me!!!!! I love it! :D



@alaurin: As always, I love the family dynamic in your story - when all else fails, no matter how crazy things get, there's always your family. I'm looking forward to both further shenanigans and more stories on the Lauren clan :rak_03:

Thanks!!!! I'm always glad to hear that people like the Lauren family and not to worry, there will always be shenanigans!!! :D


I sighed and returned to viewing the latest public execution on Dromund Kaas. I wished I had not been so hasty in killing that Treek creature, it would have been far more amusing and diverting to torture it first.

Ok, it might be inappropriate, but this made me giggle! I swear, I love cute and fuzzy critters, but the image in my head was funny! :o Also, loved Amita's first Impression of Scourge.....big old grumpy Sith indeed! I do love his voice though.....



@Icerose: I am loving the Aussie/Brumbie pieces. They add a fun dynamic to Havoc, the Republic military, and the Corellia missions!!


Alaurin: So this is the first timed she barfed on Aric? Damn She can hold her own in a drinking situation if thta's the first time. I think my Aric lost count of the times Rose puked on him. After all, Rose wont let anyone win a bet where she cant outdrink someone. Still good.

It was the first time she actually puked on him.....she's puked in front of him a few times. Mallay's not a big drinker.....she has her moments (usually Bella's involved) but being a control freak, she hates anything that may impair her judgement (in my fanfic, she talks about a bad drunken decision regarding her choice of bedpartners once.)




@Adwynyth: Oh, thou shalt never mess with the pregnant woman!!!!



@Yoshi: welcome back!! Thanks for the gifts....err....stories! Hehe, Guss is gonna get it now! HA! Creative way to ditch Kaliyo



Alaurin: Oh, more barfing. Too bad thrantas don’t come with airsickness bags. Jorgan did deserve it this time.

Yes, he did.....and Mallay isn't done with him yet! ;)


I loved the thought of Akaavi writing a story and I'll have to read that other piece you created.....thanks for the link!



You know, everytime I see/type the word shenanigans, I think of this! :rolleyes:

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Thank you for the kind comments! :)


I'll keep this short, for it's getting late already. I read and liked your stories. :D


Hopefully this leaves you more fulfilled :D

I suspect that's an outright lie :p

I'll patiently wait for the next part :rolleyes:


“Really, sir?” Aric growled, disgustedly, all traces of guilt and pity gone from his face.


“Really, Jorgan,” Mallay retorted, the hint of a smile forming on her pale face, “and you don’t smell so nice now!”

He absolutely earned it! (If that hadn't been an other story line from an other author, I'd say that would be the perfect time to send him fishing with Vik :rak_01: )


The sound she heard was Blizz. He was crying.


She grabbed him to her and hugged him close, as they both sat crying and sobbing, for what seemed like hours, as the world moved on around them.

Can't blame it on any allergies, so it must have been the story.

And Mako taking revenge seems fitting, as she was out for revenge at the beginning of the BH story.




Prompt - Paying the Piper

Class - Bounty Hunter (to be) (Thorns)

Words - About 120

Spoilers - none



“Shoot her!” the Boss had said after he had handed him the blaster.


The woman knelt before him, blue eyes streaming with tears, muffled sobs through a gag.


He didn’t know her, but he knew she was dead.


She just didn’t know it yet, her eyes still pleading.


If he didn’t shoot her, he was dead too. There was no other reason to kill her.


He pulled the trigger, his hands shaking.


The sobs stopped.


“Seems like you’ve just earned another thorn.”


“Keep your thorn.” Nat spat. “You can have it tattooed to your a** as far as I’m concerned. I’ll keep the blaster.” He turned and left.


He knew those eyes were going to haunt him, a high price for a blaster.



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Cry HAVOC! And let loose the comments of stories!



@Alaurin: Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets a bit peaked watching those things! Good on Mallay! Not only because he deserved it, but because Jorgan usually deserves it.


@Yoshi: Welcome back!

He nodded. "Make it happen. I'm gonna get Corso, Bowdaar, and Akaavi armed."


"Armed? Why?"


"So we can kill Guss."

Hahaha!! Laughed hard at this. Also, loved how your Agent was back 3 hours early! And Kaliyo shows up right on time... for her anyways. lol


@Marissalf: Loved your Kaliyo. Even though she's a tornado of chaos, she's always watching, trying to figure out what'll give her the upper hand on folks. The counter piece with Vector really made the first piece better. I had to go back and re-read it.


@Striges: Hahah! Busted! I thought that was a great story. I know a couple of people who write who would be mortified if their friends found out they were writing about a fictional game. Their friends don't know that they play RIFT and WoW together. One time they took the rap for surfing for **** from one of these friends under that exact same circumstance, so they wouldn't have to show the friend. It's a big joke between us now.


@Bright: Apparently you have lost something in a lake before, Haha! Nice piece showing the vulnerable side of the tough HAVOC squad commander.


@Frauzet: Wow. I love Thorns back story stuff. It's heart breaking, but really good!




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@ Bright: Elara seems to bring out the awkward in Vierce. This was such a sweet moment, one they’ll no doubt tell their kids and grandkids. Or Kirsk will.


@ Frauzet: Another masterful moment in few words. Poor Thorns.


@ DarthSillyMonkey: P*rn is less embarrassing than fanfic? That’s pretty funny. But probably true, given that the majority of people don't get RPGs at all. A friend of mine listed our tabletop gaming group as an extracurricular activity on his college application. He called it “small group improvisational theater.”



Prompt: Play within a Play


Characters: Kirya (smuggler), Akaavi, Corso cameo.


Title: Skald


Spoilers for Akaavi Spar quests. No spoilers for smuggler class quests, other than where Akaavi’s story joins the smuggler (so sort of for Smuggler Balmorra). Takes place post class story; the latest thing I have shared for Kirya.



My name is Akaavi Spar, and I am a Mandalorian. I adhere to the Resol'nare. The core of what it means to be Mandalorian. A sacred law giving us direction and purpose. Education and armor, self-defense, our tribe, our language, our leader—all help us survive. We educate our children as Mandalorians, obey the commands of Mandalore, speak Mando'a and defend our clans. I fought for the Sith Empire when my clan named them as worthy allies. I fought against them when they butchered my clan for imagined transgressions. And I claimed vengeance from the Empire and the false clan Rook for wronging my tribe. It was very Mandalorian.


But this is not my story.


It is the story of another. One who is not Mandalorian. Whose language is not Mando’a. Who follows her own path rather than that chosen by a commander. Whose armor is words as often as durasteel. Whose weapon is misdirection as often as a blaster. Who leads a tribe of differing people, all bound together out of respect and a common purpose. It is very Mandalorian.


Kirya handed the datapad over to Corso, who continued reading. “This isn't me, is it?” she asked.


“It is not finished,” Akaavi said, “We will need to talk together about many things.”


“Akaavi, I’m not Mandalorian. I’m not even close to Mandalorian,” Kirya said.


Akaavi leaned across Sirocco’s dejarik table, “You are the captain, are you not? Our leader?”


Corso looked up from the datapad, “Oh yeah,” he added, before going back to reading.


Kirya socked his arm. “Quiet, you,” she said with a smile. Corso continued grinning at the datapad. “I don’t quite understand, Akaavi. You’re writing my biography? Why?”


Akaavi glared, “Others tell lies about you. Your holonet? All lies. The reporters message you, and you do not even bother to defend yourself!”


“Reporters say anything to sell the story,” Kirya said, “the more you fight them the more they sell. It’s not worth the trouble.”


Akaavi’s fist struck the table and the control buttons rattled, “It is always worth the trouble! Kirya,” Akaavi took Kirya’s jade hand in her crimson one, “all that remains of the dead are their names and the stories told after they are gone. So long as the people tell the stories, remember those names, they live on forever. My clan is dead. You welcomed me into yours. You are the closest I have to a chieftain, and every chieftain has a skald. Let me tell your story, Kirya. Tell it right and tell it true.”


Corso set the datapad down, “She did a good job so far, Kirya. You should read this.”


Kirya dragged the datapad over and read the first few paragraphs again. “I don't know about the whole Mandalorian thing, Akaavi. I’m not a warrior, that’s you.”


Mando’a has no word for what you call hero in Basic, Kirya,” Akaavi said, “Every Mandalorian is prepared to die for family and clan and what they hold dear. Every Mandalorian worth the name.” She highlighted the word in the text, “I see this quality in you, even when we do not see the same on other things. I do not always understand everything about you. Yet I am always proud to call you my friend.”


Kirya sat back, “I really doubt anyone will want to read about me, Akaavi,” she said, “I’m not that interesting.”


“The skald’s duty is more than preserving history, it is to create the tales others want to hear,” Akaavi replied. Her emerald eyes fixed Kirya like twin lasers.


She stared at the datapad’s dark screen, “All right. Just don't scare off anyone who might want to hire us.”


“Of course, Captain,” Akaavi said. She stood, “Thank you for allowing me this honor.”


“I still get to vote no,” Kirya said.


“Of course, Captain,” she replied, “but you won’t,” Akaavi said with a smile.




So. Here’s a less cracky version of Akaavi as a writer. I haven’t read as much about Mandalorians as I have other Star Wars cultures, but the one thing I remember reading was that the creator of much of their culture based it on the ancient Celts. As such, they ought to have a rich bardic tradition, probably mostly oral as Mando’a, like ancient Gaelic, was rarely if ever written down. Surely every Mandalorian chieftain worth his salt would have a skald to record and share tales of his battles. Far from being a lowly position, the skald ensures the chieftain is remembered. Akaavi, acknowledging the Republic runs on text, would adapt to a different medium. Though I imagine her publishing a Mando’a translation.


Hope I haven’t butchered Akaavi’s character. I haven’t had a conversation with her in a while.


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I'm way behind on both writing and replying/commenting (yeah, that's three things, but hitting Backspace takes EFFORT! :D) but I promise I'll catch up soon. I've already got something half-written on my Chromebook...just need to finish it and get it here. :rak_03:


And I just re-read all of my Adwynyth stuff. I'm feeling inspired. (I hope it lasts.)

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hmm, damn reading these stories, got my mind think of other stories, and taking time away from the really important stuff, liek gaming. :)


Comments and replies:


@yoshi, well thise stories were so good, I got one in the pipeline now. ARGH. Never will get torse and Fiona to the Dark temple.


@striges: I can actually see that from Akaavi. Of course, the problem with a bard, is that they have to survive the battles to tell the tale, and well sometimes Akaavi has a deathwish.




Story time:


Title: The First Star I see tonight

Prompt: Mix it up, wishes.

No spoilers game wise, just foreshadowing.



the first star i see tonight



15 years before the Battle of Corellia

20 kilometers to the Northeast of the town of West, Pecos, Dalworthigton, Paragon Sector, United System Alliance, Galactic Republic.


As the sun set over the expansive grasslands of Central Pecos, the one can see a large hill standing above it. This hill is a rocky outcrop of the basement rocks of a towering mountain range that existed many years before even the Celestials thought of looking at the stars, and wondering what is out there. At the base of the hill was a house. One might think of it as a farm house, but the lands around for kilometers were not tilled for millenia. All the people of West knew was that an old man lived there with his granddaughter, or so they thought. The old man did go into town regularily for supplies, as anyone who lived out there would. then one day, he took a trip offworld. No one found out why, but when they came back, another young girl was with them. The West Child Protective Services showed up and questioned the man, and the two girls. After checking their stories, they looked no further. Everything checked out legally, he was now the legal guardian of two girls. The town of West soon got to know the two girls. Even that first year, they acted like sisters. You rarely saw them separate anywhere. Even then, one could figure out that wherever one was, the other would surely follow. Shier names are Fiona Xavier and Rose O'Connell, and not even the imagination of 10 year old girls could prepare them for the journey that they forged.


"ROSE, where are you?" asked a 10 year old Fiona walking around with a palm light in the growing twilight up the rocky, brush and tree covered hill. "Damn it, Rose. You know not to be out when it gets dark out here. Never know when the Terror Bird are out." as Fiona Ascended up the hill. She came upon the summit of the hill, the saw Rose's form sitting with her knees up against her chest looking east at the night sky. Fiona turned the light from off white to red setting, so not to disturb her roommate. While Fiona had grown up out here under the vast night sky of the Central Pecos Plains, Rose grew up on the streets of New Toledo on Paragon, the capital of the United Systems Alliance. To her, seeing all the nearby stars, and the milky region of the Galaxy was transfixing to her.


"Whatcha doin, Rose?" said Fiona.


"Nuting, Fiona. Just looking at the stars, and wishing." answered Rose.


Fiona walked next to her and sat down. "Seems then, you are up here for somethin. Wishin is somethin, ain't it?" as Fiona looked out to the stars. She then looked at Rose, and saw some tears running down her cheek. "and those tears mean it more then just a little, hmm."


Rose quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Must be the allergies then, probably not used to all this grass out here."


"RIIIGGHT, Rose." taunted Fiona. "What were you wishin for?"


"You probably think its stupid." answered Rose.


"Maybe, Maybe not. But I cross my heart and hope to die if I tell anyone what you tell me now." said Fiona.


"Let me see both your hands, Fiona." answered Rose.


This caused a sheepish grin from Fiona but she did bring both hands out, and crossed her chest with one of them. "Satisfied?"


"Wished that I had a sister like you." said Rose.


To say Fiona was speechless would be like saying that a Terror Bird was hungry. then Fiona put her head on the shoulder of Rose. "Maybe you will have a sister, and maybe she will be me. Thanks."


"Now what would you wish for, Fiona?" asked Rose.


"For when I become the greatest Jedi of all time, and take down the emperor, that someone like you be at my side." answered Fiona.


Rose shook her head at this. "You Pecosians have big dreams."


"No, just me." said Fiona.


Behind them in the shadow, was a figure of a man. It was the old man that the two girls were charged with. He smiled, and cried at the same time. He then looked up to the stars and said a silent prayer. He then walked back down the hill silently. He would not say a word to the two girls about this night. After all, he wasn't there, now was he.




Fiona has a Texan accent in her voice at this time, being where she is from. She loses most of it as time goes on, but can still be heard in a small way, even on Corellia.


Rose has almost no accent at all, like the 'standard' midwest accent you hear for Americans. On Corellia, she has acquired a slight Texan accent, but it rarely shows up, and usually only with Fiona around.


Pecosian Terror Brids are more like the feathered dromasaurs, then the real Terror birds. Think of dingos, wolves or coyote.


the location title is like this, Town/City/Hamlet of West, Planet of Pecos. Star System of Dalworthington, Paragon Sector, Nation of United Systems Alliance, BIG NATION of the Galactic Republic.


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Icerose: Liked the wishes for both girls, and the foreshadowing. I also like how you use regional, non-British dialects for Republic characters. I noticed a lot of regional language on Empire side and almost none on Republic.


I think Akaavi starts off that way for two reasons. For one, she has lost everything important to her. But beyond that, I think that being Mandalorian, she goes into battle accepting the fact she might die. Not quite a death wish, but a different relationship with death than someone raised outside that culture.

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Prompt: Dunno, I'll look later

Characters: Fethea (sniper), Kaliyo, Dr. Lokin, a friend

Timeline: ????

Spoilers: Agent Ch2 galore, and probably some Ch3



Fethea sighted in on the target. He was still obscured by just a touch of cover. Damned Corellia and their war-banners. She would have to wait for the target to move, but not in any of the three ways in which he was most likely to move. He would have to actually voluntarily put himself in the corner of the courtyard in order to be...what? He was fully open.


She flicked off the safety and squeezed the trigger. A focused blast of energy, too fast to see but bright purple in color, flew toward the target and...was deflected by a lightsaber! She withdrew from her vantage point and begun to tear down her rifle in record time, only to be gripped around the throat by a phantom hand, shutting off her ability to breathe.


She tried to warn Kaliyo that they would likely soon have company, but the Rattataki had already fished something small from...where on that outfit did she keep a remote? “Watch this, agent,” she smirked, then pressed the button. A monstrous explosion sounded and their perch on top of the warehouse shook hard enough to knock Kaliyo to the ground, but the pressure on the Chiss sniper’s neck immediately ceased. She started to struggle back to the egde of the rooof to re-acquire and determine disposition of the target. Obviously whatever Kaliyo had cooked up had worked, and distracted the renegade Sith below long enough to...


She simply gawked, letting the rifle fall to the roof. The entire city block around her target was gone. There was a crater at least a hundred meters deep at ground zero, right where Lord Ghastul had been enjoying his midafternoon tea.


“Kaliyo, didn’t Keeper say this had to be carried out with discretion?”


“Screw discretion. Tell me that wasn’t fun!” She wore a wolfish grin.


Fethea had seen enough. “Keyword: tetrapentacular. Engage Thesh protocol, phase zero.”


Kaliyo’s eyes glazed over immediately, and she answered mechanically. “Thesh protocol engaged. Shutting down.” She knelt and looked at nothing.


Fethea knew she had to be very careful to induce amnesia of the conversation, but leave the commands in force. Kaliyo was a stubborn one, even on a subconscious language-processing level. And she’d have to work fast. After five minutes, the Rattataki’s brain would start to “reboot” despite their best efforts, and she would remember everything. The Chiss had no illusions about her own survival should that happen.


* * *


“...so, in conclusion, the situation is handled, but she grows more and more resistant to the effects all the time. I believe research division needs to work on strengthening both the duration and depth of the effects.”


The holoimage of Shara Jenn, still known as Keeper even though Imperial Intelligence technically no longer existed, nodded her understanding. “Understood. Dr. Lokin, anything to add?”


“Only that I foresaw this problem when we did the initial testing of the serum decades ago. Even with my clearance, I haven’t been able to keep up with the latest research or any improved versions that may or may not work.” Keeper frowned at that, but the older man went on. “However, I have done some of my own research...” Fethea shot him a look. “...not with this crew, you have my word. And I’ve been able to make some improvements to the basic design.”


The handler’s face lit up a little. “That’s good news. Transmit what you have and I’ll get the boys in the lab working on it.” She sighed. “What kind of damage are we looking on the planet?”


Fethea frowned. “The Sith and his entire entourage are dead, as is everyone that was within a city block. That includes three hundred seventy-four Imperial soldiers, fourteen prisoners, eighty-one support staff, two Moffs--”




“Moff Brileu and Moff Colquit. They were on-planet for an inspection of the troops, which seemed mostly to consist of drinking in the officer’s mess--”


“Bloody hell. There will be blowback over those two. They were drunks and incompetents, but they were both awfully well-connected.”


The Chiss paused for a moment, a crafty look on her face. “I understand that one was under considering defection to the Republic, and he asked the other here to try to convince him to come with.”


“Really? I hadn’t heard anything about that.”


“I know. I have to finish inventing the story and planting it. We should hide their deaths until I can get the details down.”


“Oh that’s good, Cipher,” Jenn used the agent’s old title out of habit, a longstanding joke between the two. “You might be cut out for this racket yet.”


“Good to know. It only took destroying a major extra-Imperial power to find out.”


“Doctor, I’m raising your security clearance and making you head of the team. Please collaborate with the lab staff and doctors and please, Eckard, don’t chase any off this time.”


The scientist put his hand on his chest, affecting a look of utter sincerity. “Madam, I shall be on my best behavior.”


“That’s what worries me. Keep me up to date. And despite the carnage, good job, Cipher. Keeper out.”


Fethea looked over at the doctor. “She’s getting worse again, isn’t she?”


“You noticed too, did you?”


“Something around the eyes...she’s under a lot of strain.”


“What can be done this time? I had the sense that they pretty much exhausted their knowledge of her unique brain’s structure and chemistry.”


“That’s essentially correct.” Lokin thought a moment before speaking again. He knew Fethea would want the gist without the jargon. “Without going into boring detail, if a normal brain is a run of the mill speeder, hers is a highly-tuned and heavily modified podracer.”


Red eyes glazed over momentarily in shock. “But podracers--” She put her hand to her mouth, horrified.


The older man finished for her. “...have an alarming and quite inconvenient tendency to explode. And believe me, Agent, hers will do no less collateral damage than a podracer when it goes up. And that includes to those around her.”


The Chiss’ look hardened and became very grim, as it did when she had faced Hunter. “You mean she could go rogue and inflict damage.”


“A lot of damage, Agent. Remember, Watcher or not, Keeper or not, she’s received the full measure of Intelligence training, as you have. You just have more practical experience.”


“So if her mind snapped in the wrong way at the wrong time, she could be worse than Jadus’ Eradicators, and have no idea she was doing it.”


“Essentially correct, if not precise.”


“Eckard, I’m going to have to ask you to do double-duty. Getting Kaliyo more stabilized is vital, but just as vital is making sure Keeper doesn’t go from our greatest resource to our greatest enemy.”


“Understood, Agent. I’ll let the boys at the lab have a freer hand than I’m used to. They know their business.”


“Thank you, Doctor. Now--”


“Now, Agent...you need to explain just what the kark you people have done to me.”


Kaliyo leaned against the doorframe, in her usual pose. But there was a tension about her. “I know something’s up, and I’ve seen it before. Just because I can’t say it out loud doesn’t mean I don’t know what it is.”




“Shut up. You and the good doctor here are going to undo some things. And if you don’t, all of your worst nightmares are gonna come true. I’ve figured out ways around...some things. And the first one of you that tries to say...that thing,” she struggled to get the words out, “is gonna end up getting this in the throat.” She pulled out a ronto prod: nonlethal, no long-term damage, but very painful, and more than capable of rendering someone unable to speak if activated against one’s throat.


“I’m sorry--” and the implement was jammed into her throat with blinding speed and activated. Fethea was nearly thrown off her feet by the shock. She tried to speak, to form words, but her entire lower jaw and voicebox were simultaneously on fire and numb.


Lokin shouted “Keyword: tetrapenta--” and then he was down and silenced as well. Kaliyo took out a vibroknife.


“I knew you’d never forgiven me for selling info. Now you’re gonna find out what happens to people who--”


Fethea finally found the device she was looking for, and pressed the button. Her recorded voice blared from the speakers. “Keyword: tetrapentacular. Stand down!”


Kaliyo froze and holstered her blaster with practiced ease. “Thesh protocol engaged. Standing down.” Then she collapsed in a heap, unconscious.


After a minute and kolto for both of them, courtesy of the Doctor’s ever-present medkit, Fethea rubbed her throat and croaked, “I think this project just took priority.”


Lokin merely nodded, not wishing to test his abused larynx yet. They both lifted Kaliyo and carried her to the medbay.





Sorry...got called to do some last-minute babysitting for a friend, so not in a position to catch up on comments/replies yet. I will though. And then I'll pick a prompt for this and clean up any errors I find, :D


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Prompt - Sacrifice/Defenses, and, technically, Alternate Perspectives

Title - Zeal

Class - Jedi Knight

Act 3 finale spoilers





We're walking down the slidewalk toward the Senate Tower. The Jedi's on my right and just in front of me, and on his left is the Sith. I'm nervous and I'm not sure why, but I've learned to trust my instincts. I can't draw my assault rifle here; there's no room, and besides, it would cause a panic and probably get a lot of people killed. So I go for my sidearm, and keep it carefully hidden beside my hip.


The Jedi raises an eyebrow, as if something's bothering him, too, and now I know we're borked. I squeeze the grip on my blaster and get ready to fire at the first sign of trouble. We've dismounted the slidewalk now; there's a little bit more room to maneuver and not so many people around. We're at the first steps of the Avenue of Core Founders. Usually I take a moment of silence for my fallen comrades here. Not this time.


The trouble comes from exactly where I don't expect it–above. A Sith in white garments drops down, blood-red lightsaber lit and in-hand. I note the unusual color of his garment–Sith usually wear black–before he leaps. My sidearm's up in a flash, and I squeeze the trigger–once, twice, three times.


The Sith blocks the first and second shots. The third gets him in the shoulder. Beside me, I hear two lightsabers snap to life. Good. Now this guy's borked, not us. But he jumps over the Jedi, kicks him in the head, knocking him back into Scourge. I fire again, and the Sith lithely jumps over my shot and slashes his blade at me.


It takes a minute to register that something's wrong. I'm not sure what. Then I realize: I'm laying on the ground, and I can't get up. The Sith's standing over me, raising his saber for the kill. But suddenly a blue blade slashes through his side, and he drops. Dead. I gasp in pain and lean back, my lethorns scratching the ground.


"Scourge, go get Doc!" the Jedi shouts. "Hurry!"


I try to get up again and fail. I gasp in pain and look around. And that's when I realize that my leg's lying two meters away, separated from my body. I lie back and let out a sigh. At least we're all alive...




It wasn't too bad a day. Scourge, Rusk, and I were going to the Senate Tower to meet with Chancellor Saresh about the success of the Belsavis op. We were walking down the slidewalk before the Avenue of the Core Founders when I got a danger sense in the Force. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and moved my hand a little closer to my lightsaber. I saw that Rusk already had his sidearm out, pressed close to his hip.


We got off the slidewalk. Scourge, beside me, already had his lightsaber firmly in his hand, ready to ignite at a moment's notice. I pulled my own off my belt but didn't raise my hands yet. There was no need to cause a general panic.


I sensed the attack just before it came: a Sith in white robes, probably one of the Emperor's Hand–ticked that I killed his Master–leapt from a statue and ignited his lightsaber. Before I could move, Rusk had fired three shots. I ignited my lightsaber and prepared to move. The Hand was already charging and one of Rusk's bolts knocked him off balance. I slashed at him but he was a white blur, and abruptly he was over my head. I tried to reach up and cut him out of the air, but received a boot to the head for my trouble.


I fell into Scourge, knocking him back. I heard Rusk's blaster fire again; how many times, I'm not sure. But then I got up and started moving, and I saw the Sith slash Rusk's right leg off, and move for the killing blow. I didn't have time to react, so I let the Force guide me. In a second, I was right behind the Sith, my lightsaber cutting through him. He dropped. But Rusk was in bad condition.


"Scourge!" I said. "Go get Doc! Hurry!"


As Rusk leaned back and passed out, I grabbed his head.


"Don't worry, Rusk, it'll be all right," I whispered.




The dark side was tingling with anticipation, and I knew something bad was going to happen as soon as we stepped off the slidewalk. I didn't hesitate to draw my lightsaber even though I knew the Jedi wouldn't approve. Something about "scaring civilians." It didn't matter; I knew something bad was going to happen.


We were nearing the over-glorified Avenue of Core Founders when an Emperor's Hand–I recognized them from my time as the Wrath–leapt from a statue and attacked. The sergeant opened fire, a foolish thing to do, but one of his bolts actually did seem to hurt the Sith so it didn't matter. I snapped my lightsaber on and prepared to attack, but the white blur of the Hand had already kicked the Jedi aside...and back into me.


The Jedi got off my quickly and I rose to my feet. The sergeant was down on the ground, out a leg. I knew he didn't have long to live and I was about to drive forward when the Jedi, a faster blur than the Hand had been a moment before, shot forward and slashed him in the side. I kept my lightsaber lit as the Jedi knelt beside the sergeant.


"Scourge!" the Jedi called. "Go get Doc, hurry!"


As I walked away to retrieve Kimble, I heard the Jedi whisper to the sergeant that it'd be all right. But how could it be? If a Sith could infiltrate the Senate Plaza, the so-called bastion of democracy, how could anything be 'all right'?




This one's written a little differently than my other stories, but I think it needs to be this way to convey the full weight of what's going on.


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Keeping up with the comments! There's a first for everything!



@Striges: I read your story and immediately went to play my Smuggler. I'm far away from Balmorra yet, but I'm liking Akaavi, and I haven't even met her yet! I love the idea of the Skald, and a Mando being one, as they hold tradition at a higher premium than most. Based on that, this line:

“Of course, Captain,” she replied, “but you won’t,” Akaavi said with a smile.

Is pure win in my book.


@Icerose: Ha! I always got the feeling that Rose had a midwest accent! I like the use of dialects in your stories. It gives more character to the... well, characters. Touching scene for the two as well. Loved it.


@Adwynyth: What's that thing you always say? Oh yeah! *grabs popcorn*! That was AWESOME! can't wait for more!


@Yoshi: I like the three perspective thing you had going on there. Everyone saw the same thing, yet saw it differntly. In Kenpo, Master Parker taught that there were always three ways to see an attack. From the attacker's pov, from your pov, and from the man on the street's pov. The three takes reminded me a lot of that, with Scourge being the Man on the Street.



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Where there's a prompt, there's a story!


Prompt: Play within a Play

Class: Sith Warrior (Ma'ahes)

Title: One Reader's Trash...

Words: 2100'ish

Spoilers: None... no. really, no spoilers this time!



"... ostentatious and immature. I demand that you cease writing and posting this excessive teenage heartthrob drivel--"


Ma'ahes knocked on the cockpit's doorframe, interrupting the Imperial Officer's dictation.


"I trust I'm not interrupting anything important, Quinn?" He asked while leaning against the hull, arms crossed, a rolled up group of papers in one hand.


Capt. Malavai Quinn jumped to attention. "No, Lord Ma'ahes! Not at all. How may I serve you today?"


The corner of the Pureblood Sith's mouth curled in a smile, as he stood up and waved the papers in the air. "These are some serious accusations, Captain. I trust that you have some sort of proof?"


"Yes, M'Lord. Approximately six weeks ago, after leaving Alderran, I was running my weekly security check of the network. I found that a certain holosite - one normally blocked by our firewall - had been accessed thirty two times in that same week."


Quinn touched the screen of the data pad he was holding, and turned it so Ma'ahes could see it. "As you can see here, M'Lord, the access code to bypass the firewall belongs to Vette."


"I see." Ma'ahes glanced at the data pad and then at Quinn, "However, Captain, while against regulations, I don't see how this constitutes 'giving away classified mission details'. "


"Yes, M'Lord. Investigating this breech, I used her log in information, and proceeded to find this on a holoblog." Quinn tapped the data pad a few more times and gave it to Ma'ahes.


The Sith cocked an eyebrow. "Twi'Light: The story of Ve'lla, the Twi'lek Force Vampire, and Ma'hedward, the Sith who loved her."


Ma'ahes raised his eyes from the data pad. "Exactly what am I looking at here, Quinn?"


"M'Lord, the Twi'lek has been writing a fictional account of our travels. She has cast each of us in a... role."


"Really? And I suppose you're the overbearing father figure in this little tale? The one the plucky hero chooses to ignore, and does what he wants anyway?" Ma'ahes started laughing.


"No, M'lord... that would be Lt. Pierce."


The laughter stopped immediately. "Pierce? A father figure? You are kidding me, aren't you Quinn?"


"M'lord. I've served with you - loyally, I would add- since Balmorra. Have you ever seen me jest when discussing business?"


"... Excellent point, Captain." Ma'ahes looked away in thought for a second. "I'm not sure I've ever seen you jest at all, now that you mention it."


"It's inefficient use of my time, M'Lord." Said Quinn in a matter-of-fact tone.


Ma'ahes turned back to the data pad and flipped through the story, grazing over the text as Quinn stood at parade rest, watching him.


"Quinn... how much of this have you read?"


"All of it, M'Lord. This is how I discovered that certain details of our travels, though covered in adolescent romantic drivel, had been disclosed."


"I see. Please, sit down. This is going to take a few minutes." Ma'ahes started looking through the pages again, this time looking for specific mentions of any confidential locations, mission details, or personnel information.






Ma'ahes looked up. "Does Vette radiate a killer instinct that she finds hard to control?"


Quinn looked puzzled. "Excuse me, M'lord?"


"Well, Vette has written herself as a lonely vampire who feeds on the force, with a killer instinct that she fights hard to control so she can live amongst mortals. She's also quiet and introverted."


Quinn scoffed, "The Twi'lek couldn't stay quiet even if you had her mouth surgically removed, M'lord."


"Yes, I thought that was a bit out of character myself... also, she sparkles."


"With the force?" The puzzled look returned.


"No, apparently when sunlight hits her." Ma'ahes read the data pad out loud.


"It's like gems in the sunlight... you're beautiful."


Ve'lla looked away. "Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer, Ma'hedward... I'm a killer"


"I don't believe that."


Ve'lla turned back to him. "That's because you believe only the lies... the camouflage. I'm the galaxy's most dangerous predator, Ma'hedward. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that... as if you could out run me... as if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill force users."


"Quinn, in your professional opinion, do you believe Vette is 'designed to kill'?"


"M'Lord, I believe that Vette lacks the discipline to hone a 'killer instinct'. Also, she consistently votes against subjugating our enemies in favor of less efficient, more humane means. She is far too compassionate to be 'designed to kill', as you put it."


"... Captain, I wasn't really asking for an honest opinion. It was a joke. You really must learn to read a situation."


Ma'ahes turned his attention back to the story for a bit.


"Quinn... you're mentioned in here as well."


He could hear Quinn grinding his teeth. "Yes, My Lord, I am."


Ma'ahes read a little further. "Quinn... you two are fighting over me."


More grinding. "Yes, My Lord, apparently so."


"Ve'lla clinched her fist and took a step forward, "If you ever touch him against his will again.."


Ma'hedward put his hand on Ve'lla's arm, "Ve'lla! Don't do this!"


Ja'quinn's face showed his rage "He's not sure what he wants!"


Ma'hedward pleaded with the angry force vampire, "Don't do this here!"


"Let me give you a clue; wait for him to say the words!" Ve'lla snarled.


"Fine" Ja'quinn snapped, "and he will!"


Ma'hedward turned to Ja'quin " Ja'quinn, just go, ok? Please?"


Ma'ahes looked up from the data pad. "Captain? Are you touching me against my will?"


Quinn jumped up, a horrified, embarrassed look on his face. "My Lord! Please!"


"Well, Quinn, it says here that your character has been touching me against my will... and then you tell Vette's character that I'll eventually give you permission to touch me. Do you think I'm easy, Captain?"


"Wha..?!" His face turned so red, Ma'ahes was sure Quinn's head would explode."My Lord! I would never do anything so crass as to touch you without your permission! Furthermore, having worked with you extensively, I can say with complete certainty that I would never refer to you as 'easy'!"


Ma'ahes laughed, "Relax, Captain! Relax! I'm having a bit of fun at your expense. Really, you need to learn to lighten up. I believe we need to get you a lady friend, Malavai"


"With all due respect, Lord Ma'ahes, I appreciate you thinking of me, but I'm quite satisfied with my current situation, thank you." Quinn said, agitated.


"Duly noted, Captain." Ma'ahes chuckled and continued reading.


"Ve'lla will be a good wife. I know this because I'm Imperial Spec Ops , I know things. Like how to hunt somebody across the galaxy."


The assembled people in the wedding hall laughed.


"And I know how to use guns, explosive ordinance, and plasma cannons."


"Captain, is Lt. Pierce aware of this?"


"No, M'Lord. I felt that you should be informed first."


"Wise decision. While she's got the gist of his character, I'm not sure how he'd feel about being involved in something with this much kissing and adolescent angst."


"Quite so, M'Lord. He's far too violent and uncontrolled. No telling how he'd react."


"Pierce is really not all that bad of a person, you know." Ma'ahes cocked an eyebrow at Quinn. "A bit rough around the edges, to be sure, but quite capable."


"If you say so, M'Lord."


Ma'ahes scrolled through a few more pages.


"Hmmm, it seems she has an adversarial relationship with Jaesa. Apparently, there's a final battle between D'Baras of the Vol'sith'i, his love child, 'Jae'ne', and ourselves..."


"Love child? Darth Baras?!" The usually stoic Quinn flinched in disgust at the thought.


"Well, it would explain his prodigious midsection..." Ma'ahes shuddered.


He skimmed over the paragraph regarding the final battle. "Apparently, very adversarial. Ve'lla eventually kills Jae'ne... with her dual force lightning eye lasers?" He looked up, dubious.


"Yes, I noticed that as well. I am currently researching what that could signify." Quinn said, rubbing his chin.


Ma'ahes half-grinned. "Quinn, it means she feels threatened. Vette developed some feelings for me, it seems, and Jaesa and I have been spending a lot of time together recently. This means I've been leaving Vette behind more, whereas she used to be by my side all the time."


Quinn processed this. "Hmm, I see, M'Lord."


"You're actually a bigger threat to her than Jaesa is."


Quinn cocked his head bit. "How so, M'Lord?"


Ma'ahes scrolled a few pages up and read from the story again.


"Because you're too important."


Jac'quinn turned at looked at him, "Not good enough." Then walked away.


"Jac'quinn! Wait!... Kiss me!" Ma'hedward shouted.


Jac'quinn turned in disbelief


"I'm asking you... to kiss me."


Jac'quinn came up to him. He gently cupped Ma'hedward's face as they kissed, at first tentative then more deeply; eventually ending it, but they remained very close to each other.


"She had us kiss... oddly, there seems to be a large amount of sexual tension between us in this story. Is there something you're not telling me, Quinn?"


Quinn's skin tone could've matched Ma'ahes' at that moment. "While I highly admire you and respect your power and intelligence, I have not now, nor ever thought about you in that light, MY LORD."


"If I commanded you to, you would have to kiss me, Quinn."


Quinn's face blanched. A stark contrast from the red it resembled just moments ago.


Ma'ahes laughed. "Honestly, Captain, you need to find a way to loosen up a bit. You're going to give yourself an aneurism."


"M'Lord, if you are quite through finding laughs at my expense, I would ask that you render a decision regarding this situation!"


"Well, I see nothing in here that is damning, Captain. Just a list of the planets we've visited while chasing down Jaesa, a couple of people we met, massive violations being taken with our various persona." Ma'ahes stood up. "However, I'll talk with her about this."


"Very good, M'Lord." Quinn's voice didn't quite hide his dejection.


"Quinn..." Ma'ahes was poking at the data pad, "is that number correct?"


The Captain walked around to Ma'ahes side for a better view. "I... I'm afraid it is, M'Lord. Twelve million hits, and climbing."


"That shouldn't be possible. The story isn't that good. In fact, it has more plot holes and bad posturing than a Dark Council meeting." He turned to Quinn, "... and Malavai, if Vette finds out I said that, I will know who told her."


"I don't remember you saying anything worth telling her, M'Lord." Quinn nodded.


"There are comments. Perhaps you can see what people seem to see in this -- oh, what is the term. Ah yes! -- schlock, M'Lord."


Ma'ahes perused the comments under the story.


"Hmmm, MakesWithAnO posted 'Squeee! You keep writing girl! Wish the guy I like was as deep as Ma'hedward!"


"What exactly is a squee, M'Lord?" Quinn asked, puzzled.


"I have no idea, Captain." Ma'ahes said, puzzled as well.


The large Sith smiled at Quinn. "It looks like you have a following, Quinn. DualWieldTogrutaGal writes 'Ma'hedward is a wuss! Cries and whines all the time. He should stand up and fight for what he wants! Go Team Ja'quinn!'"


Quinn rolled his eyes, thinking Ma'ahes wasn't looking.


"Here's one from TheLuvDoc. 'Ve'lla is so HOT! MAN, I wish the little lady I was with would take charge like that! Right now, she's playing cool and collected, all hard to get, but she'll come around. They always do, for the LuuuuuvDoc.'"


"M'Lord, are there any unsatisfied comments?"


"I was looking... ah! Here we are. Kicka*sKaliyotude says 'this is teh best u can come up with? This is CRAP! I've seen Tukata who pee in teh dirt better than u write! U suxxor!! Godieinafirekthxbye!'"


Ma'ahes stared at it for a moment.


"Captain, hack into this holosite as a moderator, erase that comment, and then ban this person. Vette protects herself with a veneer of snide remarks, but this would crush her spirit."


"M'Lord, if she's not going to be allowed to access this site again, why bother?"


Ma'ahes handed the data pad back to Quinn.


"Captain, we're talking about Vette. You could no more keep her away from something she enjoys, than you could stop touching me without my permission while I sleep." Ma'ahes wheeled around, a giant mischievous grin on his Sith face.


"I ... never... I wouldn't... My Lord!" Quinn sputtered in protest as he followed the Sith Lord out of the cockpit.






Those are actual quotes from the Twilight movies, just the name have been changed.


Edited by DarthSillyMonkey
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Commenting before I get behind!

@Striges, Akaavi writing fanfic is awesome. Went back and read the one you linked — it’s great! And it’s nice that she’s so protective of Kirya’s legacy in the second story. Love the idea of a biography.


@Bright, From Vierce’s nerves to the ring mishap, this whole thing was just perfect. <3


@frauzet, Wrenching look at Thorns’ history. Great job doing a whole lot with a short story.


@Yoshi, The alternate format definitely works for this. Really liked the different perspectives on the incident.


@Adwynyth, :eek: Oh! That’s brilliant! An excellent use of that particular thing (you know what I mean ;) ) And then the possibilities with Keeper... I‘m intrigued.


@Icerose, I really like this look at Rose and Fiona’s past. This is a great line: “not even the imagination of 10 year old girls could prepare them for the journey that they forged.” And the end with the old man was a nice cap to the whole thing.


@DarthSillyMonkey, I have giggled at my computer for five straight minutes reading this. The comments on Vette’s story, and the Quinn torturing, it’s all good.

"Well, Quinn, it says here that your character has been touching me against my will... and then you tell Vette's character that I'll eventually give you permission to touch me. Do you think I'm easy, Captain?"

And OMG, this. There’s nothing here that’s not hilarious.

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Prompt: Play Within A Play

A really silly, short thing with Kinka and Kaliyo

Takes place sometime after Act III, no spoilers


Kaliyo leaned against the door to the agent’s quarters, watching as she smoothed the covers over the bed. Corners straight, pillows fluffed, everything just so. How could anyone be that neat? That kind of thing normally would have annoyed the Rattataki, but not today. Not with what she was about to share.


“I’ve got something you’re gonna want to see, agent.” Kaliyo wore a bemused grin, the same kind she got whenever she pulled one over on the Watchers or got to use a new explosive. Kinka was terrified of that grin and all the barely contained chaos it heralded.


“Am I going to like this?”


A bigger grin this time, along with a stifled laugh. Kinka hesitated, but took the datapad and started to read.


Metal Hearts. A Novel by Twovee.” She arched an eyebrow. “Is this?”


“Keep reading.”

“SCORPION’s strong metal chassis glistened with...”


Kinka’s eyes widened. “Oh! How did...? I don’t even...” She glanced back to the text, not wanting to read more but unable to tear herself away. “Is this what I think it is?”


“Yep. Always knew that droid was cracked.” She vaulted herself into the middle of the tidy bed and helped herself to the rest of the agent’s half eaten lunch. “I can’t wait until SCORPIO reads it.”


“Don’t you dare! She’ll dismantle him in a heartbeat.” She and Kaliyo traded looks. “On second thought...”


Kaliyo's grin hadn’t disappeared. “By the way, you’ll be interested to know he’s working on another story.”


Kinka flicked through the files to find the ship droid’s latest creation and nearly choked on her tea. “Bug Love: A Story of Forbidden— Twovee!” She bolted out the door to look for the droid while Kaliyo fell off the bed cackling with laughter.


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Behind again. I hate work sometimes. I'll try and get to replies and comments later.


Prompt: Play within a play.

No spoilers, pretty short.

Havoc still on vacation




Aric Jorgen bounced down the stairs from the upper deck of the house to lower landing. He was dressed in only a pair of dive shorts. He headed for the sliding door and was out on the porch before he realized he needed to check on something. He had intended on an early morning swim to start his day. It struck him as he looked at the river that he didn’t know where Tanno was.


Aric climbed back up the stairs and leaned in the room that Vic and Yuun were sharing. Yuun was still there asleep. Tanno’s bed was empty.


“Gotta make sure he aint ‘relaxing’ before I take my swim.” Jorgen thought as he headed back down stairs. He found Tanno sitting at the table in the kitchen.


“Morning Captain.” Tanno greeted him cheerily as Jorgen entered the kitchen. “Kaf is fresh.”


Jorgen eyed him wearily as he went to a cabinet and grabbed a mug and got himself a cup of the steaming liquid. He leaned against the counter and watched Tanno for a few minutes. Tanno had a holo-processor set up on the table complete with a holo keyboard. He was manually typing a document that Aric couldn’t quite make out at the angle he was at. He was typing in a manner that Aric considered “hunt, find and destroy.”


Finally, curiosity got the better of him and, against his better judgement, he asked; “Tanno, just what are you doing?”


“I’m glad you asked. I’m writing a unit history.”


Aric almost laughed, then a feeling of unease washed over him. “A unit history? You know that Havoc and most, if not all of it’s activities are classified?”


“Yeah, I know all that. Call it an archive for unit.”


Aric thought about that for a minute or two before continuing. “OK, but how are you going to get everything the unit did before the Skipper or I joined Havoc?”


Tanno paused his two finger pecking and looked up at Jorgen, brow furrowed. “Before the Skipper or you?”


Aric took a deep calming breath. “Yes. Before Voslic Halyard and Aric Jorgen there was a Havoc squad.” Aric walked over and looked over Tanno’s shoulder and began reading. “This starts when you joined the unit.”


Tanno smiled proudly. “Precisely, when Havoc was formed.”




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Index is all caught up!





He absolutely earned it! (If that hadn't been an other story line from an other author, I'd say that would be the perfect time to send him fishing with Vik :rak_01: )

Yeah, he totally earned that! Hehe, I think Sthrift is doing a nice job having Vik torture Jorgan! :D


He knew those eyes were going to haunt him, a high price for a blaster.

Stealing Adwynyth's favorite phrase......Owwww, right in the feels! Nicely done!



@Stirges: I love your Akaavi! I haven't really explored her much on my Smuggler and you've made me want to go back and do just that.


@Icerose: awww, so sweet! I loved seeing Rose and Fiona as children!


@Adwynyth: Oh, how deliciously intriguing......can't wait for that to continue!! I titled it as Mystery Prompt in the index.....let me know if you come up with a specific one.


@Yoshi: I loved the different perspectives on that event in time. Wonderfully done!!


@DarthSillyMonkey: That was AWESOME!!!!! I had to read it a few times and laughed every time!!! I can just picture Quinn's face as he realizes how Vette depicted him!


@Marissalf: Oh, that was naughty! :D Coffee on the monitor again!


@Sthrift: Oh, I can't wait to see what happens next.....Vik writing about Havoc is total win!




Ok, this silly little nugget popped into my head in the early hours and I had just enough time to get it finished, edited (hopefully got everything) and posted before having to leave. Hope you all enjoy it......it made me giggle at least! :p



Title: Super Spacer Meets Killer Cat Babe and Slicer Girl

Prompt: Play Within a Play

Character: Katrynka-BH

Setting: D5-Mantis, not long after Desperation is a Stinky Cologne and before the end of Act 1

Spoilers: Minor BH Tatooine Spoiler for Gault



Mako was in her pajamas, sitting in the cockpit listening to her HoloNet feed when a breaking story came over.


…the latest young adult's book, the first of a series of graphic novels about Super Spacer, is the topping all of the bestseller lists. There are already talks about possible movie deals. A toy company signed deal with the author and action figures will be hitting the shelves next week. The merchandise is expected to fly off the shelves ensuring huge profits…..


“Kat,” Mako shouted, jumping up when she heard the title of the book, “Kat, you need to hear this!”


“What is it?!” Kat came running in, clad in a short, thin silk robe, “I was just going to bed….something wrong?”


“Here, watch this,” Mako replied, backing up the HoloNet feed to the beginning of the news story and patching it through to the HoloVid.


“You got me out of bed for this?!” Kat snorted, rolling her eyes.


“Wait, just keep listening,” Mako insisted.


“What the hell?!” Kat cried as soon as she heard the title of the book, “Super Spacer Meets Killer Cat Babe and Slicer Girl……is that what I think it is?”


“I don’t know,” Mako admitted, “I stopped it there and yelled for you.”


The girls kept watching and a moment later, they showed the cover of the book. The characters looked awfully familiar and their suspicions were confirmed when they saw the author’s name at the bottom.


“Oh, no he didn’t…..” Mako yelled, bolting down the stairs, Kat right behind her.


“That one-horned Devaronian is dead this time!” Kat hissed as they ignored the closed door and burst in on Gault in the crew quarters.


“Hey,” a still wet Gault yelled, wrapping a towel around his waist, “I’m naked here….is privacy a dirty word?”


“Hah!” Kat spat, “You’re one to talk!”


“Is it safe to look yet?” Mako asked, hand over her eyes.


“He’s got a towel on now,” Kat replied, “So it’s your call.”


“Ewww, not enough,” Mako shuddered, “I think I’ll keep my eyes covered until he’s dressed.”


“Your loss,” Gault retorted with a smirk, “So what brings you ladies down here. I thought Kat was going to bed and Mako was listening to the HoloNet in the cockpit.”


“I’ll give you a clue…..Super Spacer,” Kat growled, “Know anything about that?”


“Yeah….I planned to tell you…..err…eventually,” Gault admitted sheepishly, “How’d you find out?”


“Apparently your little foray into graphic novels is quite a success,” Mako explained, “It was a breaking news story on the HoloNet. When I heard the title, I was a little suspicious so showed Kat.”


“The cover was a dead giveaway…..especially the author, G. Roing!” Kat snorted, “and really, Killer Cat Babe?!”


“Well, I wanted to go with Cat Woman, but it was trademarked,” Gault explained as he finished drying off, “and using it would have seriously cut into the profits.”


“I’m not sure I like being Slicer Girl,” Mako muttered.


“I thought you looked great though,” Kat told her, “At least you were somewhat reasonably dressed! Did you see what he had me wearing?!! I was barely covered and looked like a pinup girl for BlasTech! There’s no way I could work wearing what Gault had me in!”


“It’s all about appeal,” Gault drawled, grinning as he looked her over, “and you have some nice assets, might as well go with it!”


“I noticed you made yourself look appealing,” Kat smirked, “Wearing a black trench coat, open to reveal a bare chest….a slightly brawnier chest than I recall!”


“Hey now,” Gault retorted, pulling on a pair of shorts, “The ladies like appeal too and I didn’t exaggerate that much!”


“So, why a graphic novel?” Mako finally asked, peeking out to see if Gault was covered.


“It’s always good when you can hook ‘em young,” Gault told them, “that way you get them and the parents! Also, graphic novels tend to have loyal followers, so the hooked kids become hooked teenagers, then hooked adults and the merchandise keeps selling…..it’s a win-win all around!”


“Well, I haven’t heard the win-win part for me and Mako yet,” Kat glared at him, “and I don’t recall being asked if I wanted to be the scantily clad Killer Cat Babe in your novel.”


“Yeah, I never okayed being Slicer Girl,” Mako accused.


“Hey, I told you I might have a few things to bring in some extra credits,” Gault reminded Mako, “and you seemed happy about that.”


“That better mean you plan on cutting us in on the profits,” Kat warned, “or Super Spacer is going to get spaced!”


“As long as you two allow me to keep going with this and provide exciting targets,” Gault offered, “You both can split fifty percent of the profits from the novels and merchandise. Since I’m the creative genius, I at least get fifty percent for myself.”


“I suppose that’s fair,” Kat admitted and Mako nodded.


“Good,” Gault replied, quickly grabbing his datapad before they could change their minds, “just sign here, it states you get the profits that I just mentioned and promise not to sue, injure, or kill me over it in the future.”


He watched eagerly as Kat and Mako signed the document. Thank the stars they didn’t think about the movie deal, he thought with a grin, that money’s all mine!


Edited by alaurin
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