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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Prompt: Bad Timing

Character: Irrissa - Imperial Agent


Agent Story Spoilers Act 2

Big spoiler for the Agent story so if you want to keep the mystique,skip this and come back later.

I do have to say I just LOVE the 2nd act of the Agent story. Still working on Act 3 though.


Background: Act 2 Agent Story


For those that choose to read this and don't mind the spoiler, here is a quick recap:

Cipher Nine is on a deep undercover assignment to the Republic SIS. Its discovered her brain has been tampered with and she has a code word that causes complete compliance even against her will. She is on Taris with the SIS team composed of Arden Kothe, Hunter, Saber, Wheel and Chance. Many misadventures ensue. The following is in result of the LS choice



Lost Chance



He still dreams of her. He still looks for her.



Sitting up slowly in his bed in the Med unit, Chance requested a datapad from the droid attendant. Cipher Nine, Legate has been in his thoughts all during his recovery. Her face haunting his thoughts. He had to write her, hope it would get through.


“Legate: I'm writing you from a medcenter on Coruscant. They've got me on a lot of painkillers so I am sorry if I don't make a lot of sense. I can't imagine how you feel,working with the SIS. It took a lot of courage for you to come over and now it must seem like we abused your trust. Ardun's not a bad man, but he thought he needed to play it safe and keep you under control. Well maybe he's right and maybe he isn't. Not really my place to argue while I'm on duty, but I'm sure not on duty anymore. You saved my life and it dawns on me you didn't have to. You've got a good heart. The Republic is where you were meant to be. Thanks for everything. Buy you a drink when I am out of rehab?”


Several months passed, and he often wondered what happened to Cipher Nine after the whole mess went down. He had heard she broke the conditioning and that though she could have she didn't kill the rest of the team. Lots of rumors circulated but nothing was confirmed.


He entered his little flat, and suddenly realized there was someone on the sofa in his living area.


“Hello Chance” came her voice” I came to take you up on that offer of a drink” The emerald eyes he remembered so well were trained on him. He was lost for words. He tried to stammer an apology, a sentence, anything, but the words were stuck in his throat.


She laughed softly. “Its okay. Come and sit.” She already had a bottle of wine and two glasses ready.


“I have to ask” he said” Are you playing for their team or ours?”


“Neither' was her soft reply” Tonight I am playing for myself” As he started to ask another question she interrupted him by wrapping her arms around him and placed her soft lips against his. Against all logic and commonsense he pulled her close and lost himself in her kiss.


He woke the next morning as the sunlight lanced through the room. Smiling in remembrance of the passion filled night he rolled over to greet her good morning.


She was gone, but a note laid on the pillow.


“In another galaxy, another universe, another time. Things could have been different. This time is not our time.”


He realized he didn't even know her name. Maybe in their next lifetime.


Edited by Irrissa
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Just a little silliness :)


Bad Timing


Remi & JK Crew, no spoilers that I can think of unless the names of the Crew is a spoiler. Takes place just after the events of the last two affection stories.




“You know what I hate about Nar Shaddaa?” Kira asked perching on a large crate of rations. They were checking through the supply deliveries before taking off. More accurately, Remi was checking and Kira was talking.


“I wouldn’t let you cheat everyone in that Cantina out of their credits?” Remi asked smiling to herself. It appeared her former Padawan was not above hustling those who would take advantage of a young innocent woman, Jedi or not.


“No,” Kira made a face as Remi shooed her off the crate so she could check it. “It’s the dirt hidden behind the colorful lights, the stale air and the smell of dead things they cover up with filters and incense, Voss was so fresh and alive. This place makes me feel like I waded through a sewer.” Remi nodded with understanding. She popped open the crate and sifted through cartons inside making sure they were the kind she ordered all the way through and not just on top.


When she lifted the first one, a small hairy multi-legged thing jumped onto Kira who shrieked with uncharacteristic terror. She spun around batting at herself as the creature raced around her.


“Fur-Spider, Fur-Spider!” She cried wiggling around, “Get it off me!” she was wailing in a high pitched voice. Her complete lack of composure took Remi by surprise.


“Is it dangerous?” Remi asked trying to locate the spider and failing due to Kira’s flailing and spinning.


“Venomous!” Kira shrieked again but stopped spinning, she held her hands out now afraid to move, “I feel it! I feel it! It’s in my dress, oh force I’m going to die.”


“Just be calm and move slowly, it’ll be fine.” Remi spoke in a low even voice catching Kira’s eye. She nodded and took a shallow breath.




Doc was glad for the first time to have Rusk as a member of the crew. The man was insane most of the time, he only spoke of combat efficiency and weapons but today Remi sent them to pick up the last of the supplies they needed. After the previous day’s events, Doc did not want to be left alone with Lord Scourge. The three entered the ship and let C2 and T7 scan their burdens before delivering them to the cargo bay.


“Slowly,” they heard Remi’s soothing voice, “it’ll be fine.”


Kira's voice pleaded breathlessly, “I can’t get it off, help me!”


Alarmed, he looked at Scourge and Rusk. As one, they drew their weapons and ran to the cargo bay where they were able to witness Jedi Master Remi ripping Kira’s dress off with her bare hands. Kira leaned back against a crate breathing heavily, her face flushed. She looked up at the three men who had run into the room. Remi ignored them and ran her hands over Kira’s back and sides.


“I don’t know Kira,” she said doubtfully, “Are you still feeling it?”


“No,” Kira said swallowing, “Not feeling it anymore.” She found it odd that while she was the naked one, the men were staring at her former master, she supposed she should be grateful.


Remi shrugged and stepped away. Leaving her dress on the floor, her face so red it was painful, Kira hurried out of the room keeping Scourge and Rusk between her and Doc.


Remi frowned at the dress and nudged it with her boot a few times but nothing furry or spidery emerged. Finally, she turned her attention to the newcomers.


“Oh, hey.” She said with a smile, “Good timing I just finished checking the supply shipment.” When the stares and silence had stretched for too long, she raised an eyebrow. “What?”





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Kabe, the index is wonderful, and makes me realize I write/post WAAAYY too much!


No. such. thing.


(Though I had this dream last night that somebody went through the entire thread posting responses to my stories brutally critiquing how static and uninteresting every single character was...and I was reading through going "Actually I agree with all this and need to fix it or gt*o"...and then I woke up and thought "That was not correct, and why can't I dream about rainbow kangaroos and getting lost at Hogwarts like normal people?" :p )


Just a little silliness :)


Bad Timing


Remi & JK Crew, no spoilers that I can think of unless the names of the Crew is a spoiler. Takes place just after the events of the last two affection stories.



Hawt. ;)


Prompt: Bad Timing

Character: Irrissa - Imperial Agent


Agent Story Spoilers Act 2

Big spoiler for the Agent story so if you want to keep the mystique,skip this and come back later.


Noooo! Nonononono!

Things were going to be nice for poor sweet Chance for once and then Cipher Nine went away again! :'( I got progressively more psyched through this whole thing, only to have my hopes dashed. In a well-written way, not a badly-written way. :(


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Prompt: Bad Timing

Character: Irrissa - Imperial Agent


To be honest, I was terrified when I saw an Agent story dealing with Act 2. (I have reasons, I can tell you in IRC or PM if you want, but suffice to say the last few days were not very kind to me.) Despite my misgivings I clicked, and I'm so glad I did. Chance was adorable, and I think you captured him perfectly. Only downside is now I feel bad for making my Agent my DS toon.

Edited by imnotawitch
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And here I thought this week wouldn't trigger the usual deluge. 200-word Bad Timing: Work Prep for Vierce while I try to sort out what's going through his head. Set somewhere shortly after M1-4X's recruitment. No spoilers.



Stand still. Shoulders back. Deep breath. Hands still. Straight-up Imperial raid. Look over the site map. Three buildings. Civilian buildings. Fourth is Imp-occupied, fair game. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. Your targets are in uniforms. Fire at the uniforms, not the accents. Three friendlies with you. Remember her voice. Friendly. Republic uniform. Don't shoot.


Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now.


One more time. Here's the site. Civilians present. Fire at the Imp uniforms. You have three friend–


"Sir!" roared M1-4X. "All systems are at optimal power! I am fully prepared to bring freedom–"


"Dammit, Forex, do not interrupt me when I'm…" I swallowed hard. When I'm standing still doing nothing? "When I'm prepping for the job," I said harshly.


Jorgan stepped in. "Give him two minutes before any time we go into combat, all right, Forex? It makes him more effective."


"Of course, sir! Any technique you find effective is one more tool we have against the Empire!"


I nodded gratefully at Jorgan and turned back to face the map. Deep breath. Hands still. Here's the site. Civilians present. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. You know the Imp uniforms.


Protect everything else.




I don't know how effective cognitive techniques like this actually are under pressures like, well, being under fire. I just know that for all that Vierce keeps it together 95% of the time in everyday life, combat can expose the damage in him pretty quick. And he'll do anything in his power to avoid letting that impact bystanders. So…repetitive pre-work ritual? It could help.


…I find myself hoping this guy is amazingly useful at his job, because I'm finding he's difficult to work with. Live with. Put up with. I have a very great desire to arbitrarily plot-fix him, but I can't! :(


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I don't know how effective cognitive techniques like this actually are under pressures like, well, being under fire. I just know that for all that Vierce keeps it together 95% of the time in everyday life, combat can expose the damage in him pretty quick. And he'll do anything in his power to avoid letting that impact bystanders. So…repetitive pre-work ritual? It could help.


…I find myself hoping this guy is amazingly useful at his job, because I'm finding he's difficult to work with. Live with. Put up with. I have a very great desire to arbitrarily plot-fix him, but I can't! :(




Fix him? Naught's broken. I imagine Dorne might rub off on him enough so that he doesn't twitch in her direction under a fire fight, but I doubt being in the Pub army is going to endear him much to the rest of the Imperial populace. What I think he has (form of PTSD? *shrugs*) would likely take a lot of hours of soothing, talking therapy to correct and Vierce doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to relax and think friendly thoughts of Imps.



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And here I thought this week wouldn't trigger the usual deluge. 200-word Bad Timing: Work Prep for Vierce while I try to sort out what's going through his head. Set somewhere shortly after M1-4X's recruitment. No spoilers.

Stand still. Shoulders back. Deep breath. Hands still. Straight-up Imperial raid. Look over the site map. Three buildings. Civilian buildings. Fourth is Imp-occupied, fair game. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. Your targets are in uniforms. Fire at the uniforms, not the accents. Three friendlies with you. Remember her voice. Friendly. Republic uniform. Don't shoot.


Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now.


One more time. Here's the site. Civilians present. Fire at the Imp uniforms. You have three friend–


"Sir!" roared M1-4X. "All systems are at optimal power! I am fully prepared to bring freedom–"


"Dammit, Forex, do not interrupt me when I'm…" I swallowed hard. When I'm standing still doing nothing? "When I'm prepping for the job," I said harshly.


Jorgan stepped in. "Give him two minutes before any time we go into combat, all right, Forex? It makes him more effective."


"Of course, sir! Any technique you find effective is one more tool we have against the Empire!"


I nodded gratefully at Jorgan and turned back to face the map. Deep breath. Hands still. Here's the site. Civilians present. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. You know the Imp uniforms.


Protect everything else.


I don't know how effective cognitive techniques like this actually are under pressures like, well, being under fire. I just know that for all that Vierce keeps it together 95% of the time in everyday life, combat can expose the damage in him pretty quick. And he'll do anything in his power to avoid letting that impact bystanders. So…repetitive pre-work ritual? It could help.


…I find myself hoping this guy is amazingly useful at his job, because I'm finding he's difficult to work with. Live with. Put up with. I have a very great desire to arbitrarily plot-fix him, but I can't! :(

Love the insight into his head! Yes, damaged and difficult and raw at times, but he's good at the core and he works at keeping the ugly down, with varying success.

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Rochester and Broan




"It's not a question of 'if', is it? It's a question of 'when'."


Rochester looked up from his work and over to Broan.


"I'm sorry?"


"When are you going to betray me?"


"What... what makes you think I'd do that?"


Broan sighed and looked around the room, his gaze falling on everything but his lover.


"Everything I knew of Imperials when I lived in the Republic, and what you said when we first met. We had a book, a couple of years ago, a tragic romance. A woman fell in love with a lone Imperial soldier who had wandered into her town, wounded and dying. They lived together for years, got married, talked about having a family," Broan fiddled with his hands, rubbing one palm and then the other. "And then one day, she had a knife slipped into her back and the soldier was gone: the Empire had come back, to take the planet. Everyone loved it, of course."


"We had the same book," Broan looked at him then, a look of surprise and sadness on his face. "It said everything people needed to know. The author was an Imperial, you know."


"I... what did the public say?"


"In public? Nothing. But on the holonet you could see everything, plain as day. Some were gladdened by it, others felt it epitomised everything that was wrong with Imperial society."


"And what did you think?"


"I never read the book," Rochester stood up, walking over to take Broan's hands in his own. He knelt between Broan's legs and sighed. "It is not something I can see myself doing, however."


"You won't betray me then?"


"I don't want to."


"This is what it's like to live in Imperial society, isn't it? I don't know if I can do it," Rochester reached out and cupped Broan's face, pulling him down into a kiss. "I don't know if I can live with the thought that you might..."






Not quite on target, but it's in there, somewhere.

Edited by Tatile
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Prompt: Bad Timing

Character: Irrissa - Imperial Agent


Lost Chance



He still dreams of her. He still looks for her.



Sitting up slowly in his bed in the Med unit, Chance requested a datapad from the droid attendant. Cipher Nine, Legate has been in his thoughts all during his recovery. Her face haunting his thoughts. He had to write her, hope it would get through.


“Legate: I'm writing you from a medcenter on Coruscant. They've got me on a lot of painkillers so I am sorry if I don't make a lot of sense. I can't imagine how you feel,working with the SIS. It took a lot of courage for you to come over and now it must seem like we abused your trust. Ardun's not a bad man, but he thought he needed to play it safe and keep you under control. Well maybe he's right and maybe he isn't. Not really my place to argue while I'm on duty, but I'm sure not on duty anymore. You saved my life and it dawns on me you didn't have to. You've got a good hear. The Republic is where you were meant to be. Thanks for everything. Buy you a drink when I am out of rehab?”


Several months passed, and he often wondered what happened to Cipher Nine after the whole mess went down. He had heard she broke the conditioning and that though she could have she didn't kill the rest of the team. Lots of rumors circulated but nothing was confirmed.


He entered his little flat, and suddenly realized there was someone on the sofa in his living area.


“Hello Chance” came her voice” I came to take you up on that offer of a drink” The emerald eyes he remembered so well were trained on him. He was lost for words. He tried to stammer an apology, a sentence, anything, but the words were stuck in his throat.


She laughed softly. “Its okay. Come and sit.” She already had a bottle of wine and two glasses ready.


“I have to ask” he said” Are you playing for their team or ours?”


“Neither' was her soft reply” Tonight I am playing for myself” As he started to ask another question she interrupted him by wrapping her arms around him and placed her soft lips against his. Against all logic and commonsense he pulled her close and lost himself in her kiss.

He woke the next morning as the sunlight lanced through the room. Smiling in remembrance of the passion filled night he rolled over to greet her good morning.


She was gone, but a note laid on the pillow.


“In another galaxy, another universe, another time. Things could have been different. This time is not our time.”


He realized he didn't even know her name. Maybe in their next lifetime.


There is not enough Chance/Agent fics on the interwebs. I <3 this so much. :D

Edited by Ellyria
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Rochester and Broan




"I... what did the public say?"


"In public? Nothing. But on the holonet you could see everything, plain as day. Some were gladdened by it, others felt it epitomised everything that was wrong with Imperial society."



That does sound like a story that could get famous. It certainly epitomises something about Imperial society. Whether it's what's wrong or what's right depends on who you ask. I think I prefer Rochester's view of it.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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That does sound like a story that could get famous. It certainly epitomises something about Imperial society. Whether it's what's wrong or what's right depends on who you ask. I think I prefer Rochester's view of it.


I imagine Imperial society to be full of things that are done because "that's the way of things", even if they are things that the people doing them don't necessarily agree with - it's a toss up between your principles and your life. I think Keeper had something to say on the matter.

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Iamthehoyden, I lol'd at Aric, so typical of him, too! Great piece!


Kabe, the index is wonderful, and makes me realize I write/post WAAAYY too much!


So Silly and soooooo not true. :)

Just a little silliness :)


Bad Timing


Remi & JK Crew, no spoilers that I can think of unless the names of the Crew is a spoiler. Takes place just after the events of the last two affection stories.




And here I thought this week wouldn't trigger the usual deluge. 200-word Bad Timing: Work Prep for Vierce while I try to sort out what's going through his head. Set somewhere shortly after M1-4X's recruitment. No spoilers.



Stand still. Shoulders back. Deep breath. Hands still. Straight-up Imperial raid. Look over the site map. Three buildings. Civilian buildings. Fourth is Imp-occupied, fair game. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. Your targets are in uniforms. Fire at the uniforms, not the accents. Three friendlies with you. Remember her voice. Friendly. Republic uniform. Don't shoot.


Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now.


One more time. Here's the site. Civilians present. Fire at the Imp uniforms. You have three friend–


"Sir!" roared M1-4X. "All systems are at optimal power! I am fully prepared to bring freedom–"


"Dammit, Forex, do not interrupt me when I'm…" I swallowed hard. When I'm standing still doing nothing? "When I'm prepping for the job," I said harshly.


Jorgan stepped in. "Give him two minutes before any time we go into combat, all right, Forex? It makes him more effective."


"Of course, sir! Any technique you find effective is one more tool we have against the Empire!"


I nodded gratefully at Jorgan and turned back to face the map. Deep breath. Hands still. Here's the site. Civilians present. Remember where you are. Tatooine, here, now. You know the Imp uniforms.


Protect everything else.




I don't know how effective cognitive techniques like this actually are under pressures like, well, being under fire. I just know that for all that Vierce keeps it together 95% of the time in everyday life, combat can expose the damage in him pretty quick. And he'll do anything in his power to avoid letting that impact bystanders. So…repetitive pre-work ritual? It could help.


…I find myself hoping this guy is amazingly useful at his job, because I'm finding he's difficult to work with. Live with. Put up with. I have a very great desire to arbitrarily plot-fix him, but I can't! :(

Interestingly I have just recently finished training to do work with Vets/Active Military dealing with PTSD/TBI and its a great tool for some of them. Having others around (like Jorgan) is actully the bigger help. Someone who "gets it" Came out just awesome.




Noooo! Nonononono!

Things were going to be nice for poor sweet Chance for once and then Cipher Nine went away again! :'( I got progressively more psyched through this whole thing, only to have my hopes dashed. In a well-written way, not a badly-written way. :(


To be honest, I was terrified when I saw an Agent story dealing with Act 2. (I have reasons, I can tell you in IRC or PM if you want, but suffice to say the last few days were not very kind to me.) Despite my misgivings I clicked, and I'm so glad I did. Chance was adorable, and I think you captured him perfectly. Only downside is now I feel bad for making my Agent my DS toon.


There is not enough Chance/Agent fics on the interwebs. I <3 this so much. :D

Thanks so much. On my way into work this morning I was thinking about it and saying to myself.. oh man, I should have set it up a bit better. I really was mentally beating myself up thinking this is a side character and folks will be scratching their heads.


And remember Bright.. its Bad Timing. :p


And for those that went DS thet letter he wrote? Its actually one you get if you go LS and not kill him. :)

Edited by Irrissa
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Another one.


Prompt: Bad Timing


Featuring Lilith and Chance with a tiny bit of Kaliyo. MAJOR spoiler for the IA storyline, Chapter 2 on Taris so, if you have not completed that part of the story, do not read. You have been warned :p


Also, please read the note :)





This story was born after I read Irrissa's post about Chance (BTW, @Irrissa, if you're reading this, great story and thank you for creating the spark for this one :) ).

It is based on what happens if you choose the DS option when dealing with Chance on Taris and I wanted to write something that gave some description of my agent's personality, which, at times, seems to be of a dual nature. However, she is LS, even thought she did some DS stuff, at times.


As Pink Floyd sing in Brain Damage, "there is someone in my head, but it's not me" and that is a sentence that I related to my agent more than once. She is not a lunatic, but there is definitely more to her than meets the eye.


I decided to go with "Bad Timing" simply because I thought that the use of a certain word came at a bad time. Also, I'm not sure if I managed to capture exactly what I had in mind but, there you have it :)






Her holo communicator came to life. She wondered when Ardun Kothe would check in on the progress made so far although she found it unusual to be contacted in the middle of a mission. She picked up the device and accepted the comm.




She recognised the hunched figure as Chance, one of the members of the SIS team


“Chance? What's going on?”


“Legate...I was ambushed....got caught by imperial scouts...”


“Chance, are you alright?”


There was a pause, “I'm not sure...I'll make it...I need your help, please”


“Where are you? Give me your coordinates and I'll be there as quickly as I can”


It was a shame. Chance was one of the nicer members of the SIS team, unlike Hunter, and it looked like he was the one to trust her more than the rest. She will have to save him, she thought.


“Chance? Speak to me” she repeated


“I...I have sent you the coordinates...Legate. Please...hurry”


Indeed he had and she checked her map: it was a run down warehouse. Another of those ruins that littered the surface of Taris.


“You wanna do this?” asked Kaliyo


“We have to. Besides, it might help me to gain their trust” Lilith replied. Somehow, however, she felt bitter at hearing her words. She was now going to use a man's life for her own purposes instead of saving him just for his own sake.




They both entered the warehouse and it was clear Chance had been there, a trail of red drops showing the way. It did not take them long to find him: sitting on the floor, with his back leaning against metal containers, Chance was holding his abdomen, trying to stop the flow of blood from the wound. His breathing was shallow and the pallor of his skin was a clear indication that he was slipping from consciousness.


Lilith quickly reached for her medpack and crouched next to him “Chance? Look at me” she said while trying to keep him awake


He turned his head, slowly, “Legate...”


“Shh, don't talk.” she opened her medkit and reached for the field tools “Let me patch you up”


She gently lifted his hand to check the wound and blood started to flow faster. “Damn it” she let out while pressing a thick bandage over it, realising that the shot must have punctured an artery. He was going to need a lot more than bandages.


“Blasted Imps...” he said “...they...got me good...Legate...”


“Don't talk, Chance. Save your energy” she replied. She knew that she had to work fast as he had already lost a lot of blood.


“Legate...” for a moment, she looked up at him and met his pleading eyes “...I....don't....want...to die...please”


“You're not going to, Chance. I'm going to get you out of here” she replied, wishing she would be able to save him but feeling she was already too late. But, for a moment, she thought that he would actually make it out of there, in bad shape, but alive. Until he spoke again


“Code word: ono...” he paused “...ono...”


Lilith froze as her caring nature was suddenly swept away by something darker, something lacking empathy, something cold and uncaring, the same thing that took over every time she was in a battle, every time she stared down the scope of her rifle, every time she took someone's life. Her eyes narrowed as she removed her hand from the blood-soaked bandage on his wound, allowing blood to flow freely once again.


“You can't say it, can you?” there was a poisonous tinge in her voice. She slowly rose to her feet .


“You just had to trust me, Chance.” she shook her head “You only needed to ask for help. You only needed to trust me for one single moment but instead, you decided otherwise.” She looked one last time at him as he raised a hand towards her, his lips moving as he tried to speak but his voice failing to come out.


“Let's go, Kaliyo. We're done” she said in a steely voice as she turned around and started to walk away. Kaliyo stood there, looking at her in disbelief, unsure at what she had just witnessed.


“Come on, we're moving out.” Lilith's replied.


The Rattataki looked one last time at the dying man before following the agent.




That night she sat alone on her bed, holding her head, thinking about what had happened earlier. She felt empty, drained, exhausted. What had happened? She had let a man die when she could have tried to save him. Was there really another Lilith? Someone who did not care about who lived or died, someone who lived within her but was not her. Was there really a monster lurking in the darkest recesses of her own self? She could not search for answers. Or, maybe, she did not want to, afraid of what she may find.


And in the silence of her cabin, silent tears started to flow.



Edited by Selentar
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Rochester and Broan




"You won't betray me then?"


"I don't want to."



(emphasis mine)


This to me is the essence of the Imperial story, regardless of class. Some foreshadowing, perhaps?


@ Bright: Vierce reads very realistic. His internal Identify Friend or Foe is no longer reliable, and he's having to deal with that both in and out of combat. He doesn't need fixing by fiat. For the story you're telling right now, that conflict is an important part of his character.


@ Kabeone and Iamthehoyden since I think you both win the recent silliness award: Thank you for a laugh. Or two. Or more. And some really silly mental pictures. (PS thanks for fixing the link!)


@ Irrissa: Chance is a memorable character, even if he isn't on screen very long. Do very much like the follow-up. (Agent spoilers)

Especially since he never shows up again. Shame, that. My agent is mostly LS and let him live, but I was hoping for a better payoff than the letter. Because my agent is calculating that way, even if she is LS.


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Another one.


Prompt: Bad Timing


Featuring Lilith and Chance with a tiny bit of Kaliyo. MAJOR spoiler for the IA storyline, Chapter 2 on Taris so, if you have not completed that part of the story, do not read. You have been warned :p


Also, please read the note :)





This story was born after I read Irrissa's post about Chance (BTW, @Irrissa, if you're reading this, great story and thank you for creating the spark for this one :) ).

It is based on what happens if you choose the DS option when dealing with Chance on Taris and I wanted to write something that gave some description of my agent's personality, which, at times, seems to be of a dual nature. However, she is LS, even thought she did some DS stuff, at times.


As Pink Floyd sing in Brain Damage, "there is someone in my head, but it's not me" and that is a sentence that I related to my agent more than once. She is not a lunatic, but there is definitely more to her than meets the eye.


I decided to go with "Bad Timing" simply because I thought that the use of a certain word came at a bad time. Also, I'm not sure if I managed to capture exactly what I had in mind but, there you have it :)


Awww.. I am tickled to death I inspired you. What an honor. Great story, nice detail


@ Irrissa: Chance is a memorable character, even if he isn't on screen very long. Do very much like the follow-up. (Agent spoilers)

Especially since he never shows up again. Shame, that. My agent is mostly LS and let him live, but I was hoping for a better payoff than the letter. Because my agent is calculating that way, even if she is LS.


He did make an impact for me. I actually have a more detailed idea if someday I ever do Irrissa's whole story. But thats on the back burner right now. Doing these weekly challege has me in the rythem for writing and I am afraid my BH Cielle is clamoring for attention first :)

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So...the forum guidelines simply state "Also remember that content must be appropriate for the Forums – please do not include sexual content, excessive gore, or any other objectionable material." Is there any elaboration elsewhere on the, um, limits? Is non-graphic dialogue clearly set during sex okay? Actually upon review the thing I have in mind could just as easily be makeouts with the occasional unexpected exclamation. But I don't want to be evil :eek:
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I imagine Imperial society to be full of things that are done because "that's the way of things", even if they are things that the people doing them don't necessarily agree with - it's a toss up between your principles and your life. I think Keeper had something to say on the matter.


I wonder whether it's an unwilling "that's how it goes," or whether the culture makes more of an effort to positively justify it. What I'm really curious about is how society views the people who do stab their families, their lovers, their superiors in the back for the good of a higher-up or the Empire in general. While many individuals say that's an ugly necessity, is there a broader cultural narrative that says this is a great honor, that assigns some kind of respect to people who give up so much for the Empire?


Or does everyone just agree that you do what you have to do, it sucks, and there's nothing of heroism in it, just self-preservation?


Who claims the Empire is a meritocracy and service to the strong is the proper, even the honorable place for the weak, and who admits that the Empire breaks down into the masters swinging their slaves at their rivals and the slaves just trying to survive? I find it hard to believe that a society such as the Empire would rise without developing the myth of the former or something like it, but I don't see direct evidence of such a myth. I'm not sure we get a clear picture of society's response to those who violate every principle but that of compliance. We see some responses when it's up close and personal, but no real picture of how Imperials react when it's happening to someone else far away.

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So...the forum guidelines simply state "Also remember that content must be appropriate for the Forums – please do not include sexual content, excessive gore, or any other objectionable material." Is there any elaboration elsewhere on the, um, limits? Is non-graphic dialogue clearly set during sex okay? Actually upon review the thing I have in mind could just as easily be makeouts with the occasional unexpected exclamation. But I don't want to be evil :eek:


In an effort not to derail this thread too hard, I sent you my thoughts on this in a private message.

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Ho-hum, it isn't overboard anyway. Bad Timing because I'm a bad person. Ruth and Wynston on Nar Shaddaa, set during the class line. 300 words. Spoilers for the name of the Agent's contact on Nar Shaddaa.



"No. No no. Your hand, here."


"Like so?"


"No, like I'm guiding you." Ruth smiled playfully against Wynston's lips. "I thought Intelligence types were supposed to be quick on the uptake."


"Maybe I'm just building anticipation."


"You're fumbling."






"I could stop if that's better for you."


"Cannot. You can't just stop being good to me, I will inflict terrible–" she paused to kiss him some more – "terrible Sith punishments upon you."


"You don't just punish innocents." He paused to concentrate a moment on locating exactly the touch she was after. "From a Sith especially," he added, "that is a bigger turnon than I can possibly express."


"A man who disappoints me in bed isn't an innocent," she purred. "He's very non-innocent."


"You're not disappointed."


"No," she admitted, "not even slight–yes that."


"Hmm." He kept going. "Does that mean I get to live another day?"


"Live as long as you– as– yes."


Wynston's holo beeped. The priority pattern, the only one that came through when the holo was set to silent.


Bloody buggering son-of-a– why do I even bother with this business I hate these people and I'm quitting. "Blast," he said. Business before pleasure, now as always. But he did get in one last taste. "You understand."


Ruth frowned prettily but nodded. "Yes. Go on."


Wynston swept up the holo and a towel and, wrapping the towel around himself, rushed to the other room to answer. Exactly the person he had expected and feared came up.


"Watcher X," said Wynston. "What can I do for you?"


The holo image looked him over. "And to think, Cipher, you were silently criticizing me for not wearing shoes."


"If we're going to work," grumbled Wynston, attempting professional composure and failing, "let's just work."





Notes, inconsequential spoiler for Imperial Balmorra:


Chatty playful is a thing. It's totally a thing.


Anyway this is pretty much how that entire week on Nar Shaddaa went, before Ruth tied up her actual questing and Wynston tied up his and they went their separate ways. When Quinn complains about Wynston's lack of professionalism? This is why.


Meanwhile, Wynston has a roughly three-second crisis of faith every time the above sort of interruption happens. It's a difficult, morally ambiguous life, being an Imperial Agent.


Also it occurs to me, as far as Wynston is concerned, non-maniac Sith would be a nice change of pace from the previous week's Darth Lachris adventure.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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Ho-hum, it isn't overboard anyway. Bad Timing because I'm a bad person. Ruth and Wynston on Nar Shaddaa, set during the class line. 300 words. Spoilers for the name of the Agent's contact on Nar Shaddaa.


Glad to see I'm not alone when it comes to leaping into the gutter, though mine did have less character development :p A nice little bit of insight into the mind of Wynston.

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