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    Washington State
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    Electroics Tech
  1. That player would be at a total disadvantage. They would not have their ship, all their companions and would be stuck wearing the PvP gear which from what I have seen is level 20, or level 50. That's a large gap where the person would be forced to grind. My personal goal is to use PvP and the space missions to stay one to two levels ahead of my questing area, making it faster. I get the story, ships, companions, credits and get to move through it faster because I am not under leveled for the content. Removing experience will also make less people queue for the warzones while leveling as there is less to gain. Credits are nice, but they really aren't hard to come by. From reading the replys in this thread, it is safe to say that you love PvP and you don't want to punish yourself by outleveling the story content, so instead of doing all things in moderation, you would rather purpose that experience gains is removed for everyone. I am sorry, but I respectfully disagree.
  2. Apparently, no one remembers the Warhammer Online launch (hint hint, also parented by EA). They had a MASSIVE amount of servers when the game launched, and after a few months, for whatever reasons the game's population decreased a lot. This left the remaining population scattered across a lot of servers with most servers having population issues. It eventually assisted in the game's demise. I hope that they learn from their mistakes, and I will suffer through a month or two of queues if I can end up with a happy, healthy server. What is needed is not more servers, but queue management techniques such as grace periods for disconnects. That will ease the suffering that a lot of people are expressing. If nothing else, find some happiness in the fact that the MMO community in general has a game that we are all so excited about and willing to wait hours to just get in game.
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