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10 Good
  1. Ingen fara gubbar, jag har översatt med hjälp av google: "För att jag leta efter en spansk guild, som raidee och denna aktiva och inte en levande döda XD Klass fraktion och jag vet inte, jag har nästan allt!" 10/10.. fattar fortfarande ingenting..
  2. Buy EV, its highly recommended by Snow.
  3. I will have you know this skill has brought me hours of laughter, salt and ocational downie behavior.
  4. Eh, since i got teir 1 on 3 chars i dont rly do pvp anymore :x. There is nothing to do in this game but to farm some crediits and trolling on mumble with salty attitude
  5. "If you're on the server and prefer to ingame mail me. Send your mail to either Revali (repside) or Reviea (impside) and il get back to you with a time"
  6. Bought a SnV NIM run, it was a fast and smooth run, would recomend these lovable coraboyz. However I was disappointed in the fact that they did not kill Horic last, that would have been GLORIOUS
  7. ToFN PvP ToFN yolo in its current state is basicly russian roulette, you roll the dice, hoping you won't get to many scrubs on your team. Ok, lets say you lose because a fotm reroller dosen't know how to use phasewalk or pop sorc bubble or just plain rushes and gets globaled. By this point its a 3v4 situation most Good players would feel frustrated by the teams underpreformance and the loss feels pointless, a loss produced by playing with absolute ***** gives a Good player a headace there is nothing gained. These games are a cancer that slowly takes away the desire to pvp. However, if you lose simply because the enemy outskills you, there will still be enjoyment in that game, the loss can be dealth with because the team did all they could. Lets get the facts straight Sync que is a non ToS violation where you A. Minimize Risk and B. Enhance the chance of acually enjoying ranked. I dont get why ppl complain, its not something that is exclusive, just join the que of the syncers and u will prolly have a better ranked experiece. its not restricted to a select few in any way aditionaly the use of TS is mostly for social purposes and pretty much useless unless you play healer + tank games there is no real need to use it. Besides at the moment assuming the player is good, you can always achive Teir 1 on impside. He/she just needs to either have extreme Luck OR play enough games ranging from 100-500. Repside is a wreckage, during the day/evening = only scrubs, unless you're willing to play at 2am-8am CET (where ppls also que sync) there is a extremely low chance to get it. Only solution is the sync, intentional or not. If you want to stop it, you need to make a thread then tell the developers to create cross-faction ques, or by some miracle make 1/2 the population play repside. For the players that think you're "better" because you grind your way up to the top the proper way. <3 Swtor does not use a proper ranking system to mesure player skill, its soley based on the concept of skill times luck where skill is 1-10 and luck is 1-1000. There is a way to reduce risk and not waste your life on factors like luck and you dont want to hear about it. THESE ARE FACTS. Good player = Uses cc properly (most ppl dosent know u can take a player out of play for 8 seconds by baiting the breaker, pls all scrubs do this in the future), Uses Peals for TEAM MATES!, knows the class, rotates cooldowns, cordinates burst. "Grabs Popcorn" Anticipating the Rage <3
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