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  1. After reading the last few threads I guess I am lucky we have 11 people on the republic fleet in hedarr soong (and like 30 imp) We really need transfers soon. 4 hour pvp que's are not fun. Especially then you get the que and its you and 2 others vs 6 imps Then your 3 pvpers log out for the day.
  2. 12.23.2011 , 09:14 AM Original Post Date, 3 days after launch. I think most people agree that since then credits are much easier to come by and this is no longer an issue. At the time, it could take half as many hours to farm credits for stims and repairs as you were raiding. Now, I personally have over 5 million credits and anyone who plays daily can easily stay in the black.
  3. Haha For those of you wanting to down it pre nerf you have an extra week at least since the patch did not come out as expected! Good luck!
  4. They say they are going to reduce the number of lightning balls as well as the aoe they do so this should make it much easier for you guys to take care of tomorrow! Good luck!
  5. I was the other someone, and we were stuck in the mindtrap when Soa went down. We got stuck in the ground when the mindtrap was blown up, and had the joy of taking a hike back.
  6. Thanks guys! I wonder how many more guilds will get er done pre nerf? Only one raid night left to see if any more 16M can make it?
  7. Grats guys! For clairification, did he have that 1.2 mil health like an 8 man while droppin that gear which is clearly not supposed to be for that boss health? Or are you saying that it was the 3.5 mil and it bugged after fight? Either way, nice gear, and I am /jelly
  8. Boss kills on different modes have different health. Our screenshots on our site have the boss targeted to confirm what mode it was actually beaten in.
  9. Healerman Starsider (Tarquinas) Rockin out Hedarr Soongh
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