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10 Good
  1. In our partnership with TORWars, we've just released our video guide for defeating Gharj. Check it out here: http://torwars.com/2012/02/06/condemned-video-guide-defeating-gharj/
  2. True story. He just kept mind-trapping me over and over and over but it didn't do him much good; I guess 20,000 years is just too long for a guy to wait.
  3. Grats to getting him down before the nerf! Are you guys as happy as we were to get a break from listening to his "Korriban was my cradle, 20,000 years, blahblahblah" spiel for a little while?
  4. 8 man and 16 mans share a lockout for normal and for hard/nightmare.
  5. You can do each boss either in hardmode OR nightmare mode as you choose. So you can pick to do ADXRR-3 in hardmode, then do Gharj in nightmare, then switch the operation back to hardmode for Ancient Pylons, for example. But you can only do one or the other - if you've done 8-man Soa on hard you'll have to wait until next week to try him on nightmare. Also, 8 and 16 mans share a lockout, so you can only do one or the other. These reported kills were all 16 man, and we're locked out for 8-man operations until lockouts reset.
  6. Was such a fun fight, still can't believe we just went in there, game faces on, and one-shot it this week. Great job all, it is such a pleasure raiding with Condemned.
  7. ANNIHILATOR DROID XRR-3 – ETERNITY VAULT (NORMAL MODE) Brought to you by TORWARS and Condemned VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9LFfRbhISw Transcript:
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