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  1. I am posting this after talking to one of your live tech supports about a bug/misunderstanding with how the guild bank ledger registered using credits. What I wanted to happen was every time a guildy used the repair option from guild funds for that to show up on the ledger. As it currently stands a guildy could potentially abuse the lack of oversight on this issue and I would be wondering where all the guild funds go. While I dont anticipate this being a problem with the current members new ones that start out could abuse this. I believe this could be a major (and seemingly simple to implement) feature to help manage guild funds.
  2. So the issue might be with the pylons. we are pretty diligent with those. Who knows, maybe one slipped. Thanks for the info : )
  3. So our raid group was in HM 8 man Soa. We get past the first phase just fine and we ar just about ready to lay down some pain on Soa at the start of phase 2. Enter Soa! This time he is back an angrier than ever! there is a huge flash of light and the entire raid goes down to just above half health. But that isn't enough to fuel Soa's desire for revenge, oh no... 10 seconds later he does it again and everyone now lays dead or dieing. Has anyone else encountered this bug?
  4. One workaround my group found was for the person cloned to land the killing blow on the add. I don't know if its luck that this worked but after 4 bugged times in a row this seemed to work. Could this clone bug actually be a mechanic? the group was an assassin, maruder, and 2 sorcs so the trooper thing didn't apply in this run.
  5. I have found some info on previous threads related to this subject but haven't found a designated thread for this so here it goes. Looking at various thread I keep stumbling upon various bits and pieces of information regarding a possible World Boss named the Queen of Sands. I am assuming that it is not in game yet but want to know if anyone knows if it could be implemented in future patches like upcoming 1.2 or really information in general for this.
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