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10 Good
  1. The game needs an option to make the companion unclickable at all times, since, there is never any reason to click them in the playfield. Ever.
  2. I'm finally seeing this issue on my Marauder. My Juggernaut plays fine though. At first I thought it was a bunch of poop, but now I'm wondering all sorts of things, maybe it's geometry. My Juggernaut is a fatty, body shape 4, my Marauder is 3. My Assassin is 4 as well, and I don't see problems with that character either. It's definitely random though, and not tied to a particular class.
  3. In a game with probably 30 million lines of code, and a million assets. Shocking.
  4. If the healer is getting aggro, the tank is doing a very, very poor job.
  5. That would be handy, but SW:TOR makes it a lot easier to see which way something is facing or attacking than WoW does. Blaster fire is really easy to spot arcing off toward a ranged class.
  6. An update to that Crusty. On most multi-mob pulls, DPS should kill the non elites first, then silver, then gold. Some random droid with a blaster will go down fast, and it removes X% of damage from the tank. Rarely will DPS be attacking only my target because I'm cycling through them building threat and moving around. The biggest problem I am seeing in SW:TOR is people playing like they are questing, Death from Above as an opener for example. I saw this in Warhammer and Rift when I tanked in those games and it took a while for people to get used to their class role. WoW, where I have been tanking for 7 years really doesn't require any tank skills any more due to threat modifications they added to allow anyone to tank to reduce RDF wait times. Tanking in SW:TOR is refreshing and challenging, and takes me back to my 3 stacks of sunder days. SW:TOR doesn't need a threat meter. Threat is easy to maintain when done correctly. If the group is not behaving, a threat meter won't solve that. The time to recover from a wipe is longer than it takes to mark mobs and communicate with your group what needs to be done. It's a social game, be social and things go smooth. It does need a combat log though, always nice to go back and see what causes a wipe.
  7. Every planet I'm on has at best 100 people on it, and occasionally a (2) copy of it, with a handful of people in it (I assume the game is limited to something small like 150 people per planet instance). Double that for both sides, multiply by 17 planets and you get roughly 4250 players per server actively playing, so the math works out, yet still the game can seem very empty at times.
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