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  1. Well if something as "concrete" as a gear set, for example, costs around 5-10 bucks, why the hell should a recolored version of one of the ugliest rides in the game cost 18 bucks?
  2. Rhetoric questions fail if the answer is an objective one, and in plain sight to everyone.
  3. An MMO player posting on a forum made for the specific purpose of discussing said MMO that he "has a life" and that he "doesn't lurk". Now I've seen everything.
  4. I find it amazing how people who only play as one spec are against the idea of implementing dual speccing because "they don't need it". This game is already dying hard, may as well let the rest of ride be a pleasant one, instead of forcing players to mindlessly click their talents and fixing their hotbars again and again.
  5. Yet Vanguards have higher and more long-term burst damage than Smashers and will almost always win a 1v1 against them.
  6. cs_Kimmo

    lolsmash ?

    Shouldn't that always be the premise when discussing class balance? "Class A should be nerfed because it's able to dominate class B, whose player doesn't know what he is doing." Sounds fair?
  7. Fair play and MMOs don't really go hand in hand.
  8. Are you seriously retarded enough to suggest that instead of changing the mechanics and damage numbers of Sweep etc they should just leave the bug as it is and call it "class balance"?
  9. What *is* hard in this game? Not leveling or playing any class for that matter. Hoever, it takes a minimum of 96 hours to level up a new alt, which to be honest, I cannot spare. Are you seriously implying people didn't do this before they were free? You don't win RWZs by queuing with 4 smashers, 2 randoms and 2 healers. But what would a scrub like you know about that. On a sidenote, there are only two viable specs for a Guardian, Smash or Defence/Vigilance hybrid. No one plays full Vigilance or full Defense. If they do, there's a chance they don't have all their screws in place. I don't play Sweep because it's op, I play it collect sweet tears from people like you. Class balance should not emerge from bugs but from changes to the class mechanics. I seriously hope you do not breed.
  10. Comments like this make me want to go on a rampage in shopping mall. How the hell were him and I supposed to know how as*hurt you people would get over a single ability we had no prior knowledge of before leveling the class to 50? I would love to roll any other class and still wipe the floor with scrubs like you, but I don't have the time nor the patience to do so.
  11. "Ex-wower" Weren't these forums, and the game for that matter PG13?
  12. There should be a rule forbidding Marauders from uploading PvP videos. There's literally nothing to see in any of them. No situational awareness, no mind-blowing 3v1s, just basically mashing Ravage on a foe who can't fight back or run away. Also the music didn't help.
  13. Although I agree with you on almost every subject you've posted on forums so far, EVE's exploration is beyond horrible. Every solar system is a 3D-ball with a static background with an n amount of celestials scattered randomly here and there. In hostile nullsec there's nothing to see except from force fields with POSs and space vibrators inside them. Granted, there are some NPC sites, but 99% of the time they consist of red boxes orbiting a ruin of some sort. Same goes for losec, minus the titans.
  14. Protip: If you want to be a successful grammar nazi, the first step is being more subtle.
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